National Integralism - Politics | PoFo

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Any other minor ideologies.
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By danny12345
National Integralism is a British originated political ideology based on the ideas of several political theorists such as Emille Durkheim, Georg Hegel, Charles Maurras and Giovanni Gentile. National Integralism is a perspective according to which nation and society is regarded as an organic entity.

National Integralism defends social differentiation and hierarchy with co-operation between social classes, while emphasising the importance of community in the functioning of political life. National Integralism also transcends conflict between social and economic groups because the state is responsible for negotiating compromise when conflicts arise between businesses and worker via the corporatist political system.

National Integralism in some areas can be associated with the French Action Française movement, One of the most important principles in National Integralism is the "Internal Revolution", or "Revolution of the Self", through which individuals are encouraged to stop struggling only for self interest, and instead work for the greater social collective to achieve a millenarian national rebirth.

The foundations of the National Integralist ideals, are known as the points", the key points include: Integral nationalism, Social justice, Economic corporatism, Social meritocracy and Political Sovereignty. National Integralism can be described as a third way ideology, as it rejects the extremes of both Capitalism and Communism; however it is mostly characterised as proletarian in nature.

National Integralism is generally a difficult ideology to define, and is an ideology which develops in conjunction with a particular national culture therefore it would vary in principles from nation to nation.

Supporters of National Integralism often describe the ideology as populist, albeit in the sense that they believe it embodies the interests of the masses, and in particular the most vulnerable social strata. National Integralism is the political ideology of the Workers People's Party (UK) founded in 2011 and at present is the only organisation who claims to follow this doctrine.
By NewDawn
The ideology known as National Integralism or Thirdism is a uniquely British concept and is not inspired by Catholic Integralism or from Plínio Salgados Brazilian Integralism; the ideology does not hold the extreme separatist racial views found within some forms of ethno-Integralism or other ethno-nationalist groups. Thirdism is however extremely nationalist, meritocratic and technocratic in nature and is considered populist by its supporters. The name Integralism was adopted because it is all encompassing, and complete. However the ideologies actual name is Thirdism but is seldom used.
Ok, I'll bite. Let's discuss the finer points, as it seems no one else has replied yet.

NewDawn wrote:the ideology does not hold the extreme separatist racial views

How so? I'm not saying nationalism is innately racist, yet when it comes to right wing or third position nationalist groups, I can't name one that that isn't. As much as on a hypothetical level I agree that the two do not need to be separated, I am interested in hearing how you plan to mix these? Does your definition of British national extend to all those who have immigrant, or resident, status? And if not how open will Britain be to immigration, or workers from outside? Do you intend to pull us out of the EU, for example, in order to prevent that sort of migration, in which case what is your plan for separation and making Britain a self-sustaining nation?

danny12345 wrote:National Integralism defends social differentiation and hierarchy with co-operation between social classes, while emphasising the importance of community in the functioning of political life.

How will this happen? If you support hierarchy I can only assume it will be Technocratic in nature, in which case who decides the suitability for that hierarchy? Will you have a council of leaders to reorganise society, in which case same question to them - what is their suitability for those positions, who decides if they have the right to decide anything for anyone else? Will you provide job applications? in which case who will mark them? In fact, what gives you the right to rule at all?

danny12345 wrote:the state is responsible for negotiating compromise when conflicts arise between businesses and worker via the corporatist political system.

What is your plan for re-establishing British business? Will your corporate state nationalise (I assume by force?) all present businesses in the country in order to prevent them from leaving? What about foreign companies? Will they be allowed to go or are you going to tackle their host nations when you take control of the company. It seems to me that any involvement of the state in business will either mean a total collapse of our private sector, or a drastic and potentially warmongering intervention into businesses that you do not own, and who have other nations to protect their interests. I could easily see much of the city moving house, and all foreign industry pulling out - they would not stay with a government that can intervene so heavily in their affairs. The rest of the world is still a free market, remember.

danny12345 wrote: through which individuals are encouraged to stop struggling only for self interest, and instead work for the greater social collective

How? I assume is it your intention to indoctrinate the next generation as has happened in historic fascist / communist states, but this makes no policy for how you will convert the present inhabitants to this grand new cause. If they wish to leave will they be allowed? what happens if too many want to leave, enough to prevent the country being self sustaining? Will there be forced work camps? or do you have another idea for how you will gain the cooperation of the population. Which probably begs a question about citizenship. Are British nations protected under certain rights? Even if they want to leave? In which case are there any rights at all for the population, or do you simply gain or lose depending on your loyalty to the state?

danny12345 wrote:Political Sovereignty

I am confused here. How will you retain political sovereignty if you are a revolutionary group? I just assumed you were not concerned over legitimacy of rule. The definition of political sovereignty is control over your own politics - Britain would no longer have that, remember, unless your planning to hold some form of election? You would still retain legal sovereignty of course, but lose the political.

As much as I appreciate the enthusiasm with this group, and am always happy to wave a British flag and sing Land of Hope and Glory, I can't help but feel there is a lot to be fleshed out here. A lot of us would consider third way ideology to be somewhat naive, so as much as I appreciate your aims are probably good, I believe your outcomes would be tyrannical at best, pure evil at worst. I certainly appreciate this link to the proletariat and got a similar vibe when I was reading your manifesto. I appreciate the idea of left wing revolution, though would point to examples of it's historical implementation to show how it is unworkable. Stalin held a state very similar to your own, or at least from the same angle of leadership. But at the end of the day, people do not like being ruled. They do not like being told what they can and cannot do, and they most certainly do not like feeling as if they have no control of their fate. At this point, you have two options: convert, or oppress. I can't see conversion happening. Your battle is with the British population, who did not vote for you, who do not share your values, and who value things like freedom as high. I think this sort of ideology may have worked very well a few hundred years ago, but would honestly say it's very much outdated, and quite probably something to be combated.

Thanks for an interesting read. I quite liked the website overall.
SpaciousBox wrote:Ok, I'll bite. Let's discuss the finer points, as it seems no one else has replied yet.

Our nationalism is not ethno-nationalism it is basically civic nationalism our points clearly state this about race: Races though unique are equal; Individuals however are not in the world we live in. Regardless of race ethnicity, colour, men are not created mentality, socially, morally the same, yet, each may use his or her unique talents for virtue. We also make clear our position with regards to immigrants and status you can find it in our Q&A.

Circumstance and ability decides the suitability for our hierarchy, yes we would have a council of leaders and advisors to reorganise society but those leader would be selected from our citizens again selected by ability by the people. Just a side note this would not all happen over night it would take decades to achieve our social goals plus keep in mind this is all theoretical and changes and will happen.

The greatest step the Workers People's Party will make is to democratise our industry, as it has such a great affect on our lives, we hope to represent the varying interests of the economy within industry: business leaders, representatives from consumers and workers associations and technical experts, at both a local and national level working together towards the common good.

The Workers People's Party believes the private ownership of personal property to be a sacred right and would see more of the country become business owners. Too much capitalism creates too few capitalists; corporations would make it their job to build new business for aspiring entrepreneurs on special lease. Large chain businesses that have only proven to be an eco or social menace, almost certainly would be broken up and redistributed, offered to the previous on site director on loan. The former owners would be repaid in full with state bonds and will be offered a chair at their respective Corporation. The result is the most efficiently maintained and networked free market economy with all the benefits of big and small business without any of the associated problems.

We are not despots there will be no camps for people who don't comply. I think you may have read to deeply into what you think we are.

Our people would be free to make choices for themselves and to accept responsibility for the consequences of the choices and actions they make. We believe the state reserves the right to act, intercede, and intervene against any other individual, organisations, etc, if there is justification on behalf of the people. Our support of an individual's right to make choices in life does not mean that we necessarily approve or disapprove of those choices but ones choices should be for the common good of the collective, i.e. the nation.

The Workers People's Party has a nine point moral code, and it can never condone anything that is indecent, immoral, or non-supportive of family needs. To condone indecency or immorality would be a betrayal of our commitment to the British people. We would heighten existing campaigns to discourage smoking, drinking and gambling among our citizens.
Are British nations protected under certain rights? Of course they are if we did not have that as a fundamental we would not be nationalists.

We would hold elections but from the corporate point of view.

The fundamental ideal of liberty has allowed a few irresponsible individuals the ‘liberty’ to acquire most of the nation’s resources and create a financial globalist tyranny. True Freedom we believe can only be won when chaos ends, and for freedom to exist there needs to be a set conditions for it to exist. We believe that freedom can only be preserved through the regulation of freedom. Freedom itself is in itself a fixed set of values to try and ensure the fundamental basics of a happy human life decent living standards, employment, fair pay and hours, leisure, security, family, are all ideas we fundamentally believe to be the right of all Britons, so by safeguarding those by cutting down that which masquerades as freedom. When we talk of freedoms we are talking on two levels civil freedoms and economic freedoms. The latter we have made ourselves clear on.

It is our fundamental belief that in private the individual is free to believe in and express whatever they want to, that is within in reason (nothing criminal). What people want to think, feel and do in their own homes on a personal level is entirely up to them and they are given full liberty in private. It is expected that in the public domain people conform to what is good moral conduct, be loyal to their nation friends and families, and attempt to put the needs of the community before the needs of themselves. In public there will be only state sanctioned demonstrations and civil disobedience should not be tolerated, just because it has the word ‘civil’ in the front does not change the fact its disobedience. In a court of law we continue to use the British system wherein the individual is innocent until proven guilty and maintains his/her full liberty. Political prisoners should be treated with the level of justice required.

Thanks for the compliment about the website. I urge you to look over the website in its entirety because you will find many things of interest reading it again a second time over.

We are not what I think you think we are.
Last edited by Cartertonian on 15 Feb 2012 07:38, edited 1 time in total. Reason: Formatting...see below
It is expected that in the public domain people conform to what is good moral conduct, be loyal to their nation friends and families, and attempt to put the needs of the community before the needs of themselves.

And who shall decide what are "the needs of the community"?

Always the fun topic. And what of immigration, immigrants, Muslims and non-white folk?
Always the fun topic. And what of immigration, immigrants, Muslims and non-white folk?

If you bother to go to the website you would find out your answers. This is not a ethno-nationalist party.
Repeat to Fade wrote:I won't bother, I will still expect an answer however.

You are really just wasting my time the questions you ask are answered on the website. But to answer you in brief those people you are asking about will be treated like any other law abiding citizen, governed by the same rules as everybody else. The foundation points of National Integralism states the following: Races though unique are equal; Individuals however are not in the world we live in. Regardless of race ethnicity, colour, men are not created mentality, socially, morally the same, yet, each may use his or her unique talents for virtue. I urge you to go to the site to find out in more detail our points and values. As I said before we are not a race based party.
You are really just wasting my time the questions you ask are answered on the website.

Why if the website will suffice did you find the need to post your perverted sentiments on this forum?

As I said before we are not a race based party.

I didn't just ask about race.

You dodged the majority of that question. Wanna try again or will I take your inability to answer for what I believe it to be?
I didn't just ask about race. You dodged the majority of that question. Wanna try again or will I take your inability to answer for what I believe it to be?

Clearly all you want to do is antagonise and this conversation between us is over. I see nothing constructive coming from further discussion with you. By the way I dodged nothing I told you where you could find your answers to those particular questions.

Good day to you, Sir!
Last edited by Cartertonian on 15 Feb 2012 07:37, edited 1 time in total. Reason: Formatting...see below
Your reluctance to give a simple answer will confirm everyones suspicions.

I asked about immigration, immigrants and muslims too. You never came close to answering them.

Your reply that I can find it on the website is pretty dumb. If I wanted to look at your website I wouldn't be on this forum, not looking at your website. You are here to promote your beliefs, not to advertise. You are not allowed to advertise here.
Repeat to Fade wrote:Your reluctance to give a simple answer will confirm everyones suspicions. I asked about immigration, immigrants and muslims too. You never came close to answering them. Your reply that I can find it on the website is pretty dumb. If I wanted to look at your website I wouldn't be on this forum, not looking at your website. You are here to promote your beliefs, not to advertise. You are not allowed to advertise here.

We are steadfast in preserving our ancestral and cultural heritage, traditions, customs and values as well as respecting those of other peoples within our country. We oppose mass immigration and support the maintenance of the indigenous British people as the demographic majority within Great Britain. The Workers People's Party is committed to maintaining and strengthening British social values as the foundation of our society and culture.

Are you concerned about the racial makeup of this country?

We are but only from an empirical approach, that is, we acknowledge the problems caused by racial tensions in society as a product of liberalism and reverse racism. That will end, but we have no particular fetish towards any specific group. So long as a group conforms to the reasonable tenants of our vision for society, there is no problem.

What about multiculturalism?

Multiculturalism, a fairly popular and modern notion from the school of postmodernism is the single greatest threat to the western world. It is in essence doctrine of intrinsic values that the free exchange equal values with no understanding of superior an inferior. This means that the core values of Britain is that we accept all values, which really means we have no core values no civilization, multiculturalism denies us the basic right of a national community. It should therefore be understood that this has little or nothing to do with race and ethnicity, that’s multi racialism, so we cannot be said to be racist. One of the problems with a large immigrant population is that it is harder for that group to feel part of our nation if their ancestors had no making in the nation itself, as opposed to the blood of the indigenous population whose blood has been spilt across the earth, the way to unify a nation in this way is therefore the willingness to fight and die for our nation and ideals, Britain has not been static and new legacies must be built for its continued survival.

What are your views on immigration and immigrants who already reside here?

All British immigrants we believe must be entirely loyal to Britain, and must be willing to endorse, at the very least the traditions, standards and values of our British, European way of life. We see great social problems bought by conflicting cultures and nationalities, and oppose all self serving multi nationals who wall themselves in ghettos . When we can all truly start to see each other as British, we can progress as a nation. With the exception of some few instances when Britain is indebted to the individual i.e. a Gurkha who has fought for Britain, we believe that before even being considered, all potential immigrants of all colours and creeds must want to conform to that ideal, we utterly deny the globalist ideal of moving large numbers of humans around the world like cattle for their own short term profit, whilst immigration itself is permanent.

We believe that our nation is entitled to secure its borders and would step up the campaign to deport illegal immigrants. We believe in securing the national borders by whatever means necessary. We would also reduce mass immigration and asylum into the United Kingdom. Authorised immigrants would need to have special skills that are needed in the U.K., they would also have to speak, read and write English and finally have enough money to support themselves for a year as no money or free medical or housing would be given unless special circumstances have been agreed by the state with the applicant. Mass immigration would be stopped for the next five years.

A visa would be needed for any non U.K. citizen who wished to enter the country, not including citizens of Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

Though we believe the notion of free movement in Europe to be admirable, a Europe where the huddled masses scramble to where the pickings are thickest is hardly a vision of strong free European nations in mutual cooperation. We would therefore like to see some reasoned restriction on the level movement within Europe for those who lack necessary skills, qualifications and possess a criminal record.

The right to British citizenship should be automatically granted due to birth but not length of residency. We believe that citizenship by length of residency needs to be earned by dedication, loyalty and service to the nation.

What are you going to do with those immigrants who do not comply?

Those guests/foreigners/immigrants/asylum seekers/tourists which do make up a percentage of our present population that would insult our national hospitality for example by doing actions that are undesirable or counter productive to a better stronger society would be expected to depending on circumstances of course be asked to leave, be encouraged to leave or even forcibly deported in some cases. Our request is entirely reasonable and does not infringe on religious beliefs or human dignity, they up to this point have certainly been happy to embrace the socio economic benefits of a wealthy, hospitable and advanced country for which our ancestors worked hard for to build. So those long-term visitors who do disrespect our laws, ways and cultural traditions will be given a simple choice again, depending on circumstances to either be loyal to Britain and accept our way of life, or return to their origin homelands to which they feel more connected. Those who do wish to stay will be given all the help required to finally embrace the benefits of living and working in the UK in peace and harmony.

Can committed believers of any faith share a common political life in the context of a secular National Integralist state? Many British believers may want the policies of the state to reflect their deeply held religious convictions and values. National Integralism is secular and does not permit the state imposing religiously inspired values in the absence of any purely secular justification.

We believe Religion can have a place and coexist with the interests of the nation, so long as it does not go against the national interest. Though we do however acknowledge the historical context, continuity and identity, offered by our Pagan and Christian heritage, and whose retrospective achievements and aesthetics will be integral to our national rebirth. We are distrusting of any organisation that claims a higher authority and loyalty to that of ones country. When a religious organisation or sect, like the current strands of radical Islam, becomes a sectional group in its own right, it poses the same threat as any form of Marxism and operates in the same way, an international sectional interest that directly opposes the state and can physically attack it. We believe that to create a unified society, we must respect our peoples right to religious beliefs, however your allegiance to your country should not be compromised or should not put other at risk of compromising's theirs because of your personal religious beliefs.

Your place of worship or home is your sanctuary. At home prey all you wish of any faith if it is not disturbing others in your near vicinity. This is the general view held by most religious people and is how our secular nation has worked for hundreds of years we are simply re-affirming this. We are generally distrusting of any religious organisation that denies what is proven fact or seeks to impose its own moral code and truths over its followers.

We do have a few articles that pertain to this topic but it would be too much to address all here. But the party's official position on race and religion is this and I quote:

Races though unique are equal; Individuals however are not in the world we live in. Regardless of race ethnicity, colour, men are not created mentality, socially, morally the same, yet, each may use his or her unique talents for virtue.

Religion provides a personal comfort for some and should be allowed to continue to do so within our idea of a fully functioning state, so long as it does not actively work against the state, attempt to manipulate it followers into subversive actions, attempt to gain or hold political power or influence.
danny12345 (emphasis added) wrote:All British immigrants we believe must be entirely loyal to Britain, and must be willing to endorse, at the very least the traditions, standards and values of our British, European way of life.

However, I have to ask: Aren't you as a Third Positionist also attempting to alter or tread-down the old institutions and the standards and values that constructed them?

After all, from what I know, your ideology is supposed to be trying to carry out an aufhebung on the current liberal society by using a type of 'popular historicism', which criticises the upper-middle class ideology (liberalism), by explaining it and by also by explaining itself and its role. By explaining itself as a historical product of the very society it is criticising, any revolutionary ideology should want to resolve the problems immanently, by positioning itself within various contradictions and elevating itself "to a principle of knowledge and therefore action" (Antonio Gramsci, Q11, S62).

danny12345 wrote:National Integralism defends social differentiation and hierarchy with co-operation between social classes

Okay, yes, but you are supposed to actually first draw lines along ethnic and class divisions and politicise those divisions, while at the same time providing the people with the intellectual instruments for creating a hegemonic condition for those who have the interests of the nation closest to their hearts and wallets.

Most simply, you can't have class collaboration later on, without first pointing out that it's the the upper-middle class that mostly are at the helm of the problem and need to be stopped.

The people of Britain are facing a upper-middle class offensive, which has only been intensifying. It is an offensive against public services, incomes, living standards and trade unions in order to boost financier profits. Not content with the banks receiving the biggest bail-out in the history of capitalism, multinational companies led by international finance aim to make everyone pay to serve the interests, first foremost, of New York and City of London's financial institutions.

You can't go forward without pointing out that fact to people and talking about a methodology for overturning it. If that is overlooked, then it all would just devolve to cultural waffling about surface details while the deep structural roots of the problem would get left unaddressed.

danny12345 wrote:Multiculturalism, a fairly popular and modern notion from the school of postmodernism is the single greatest threat to the [North Atlantic]. It is in essence [a] doctrine of intrinsic values that the free exchange equal values with no understanding of superior an[d] inferior. This means that the core values of Britain is that we accept all values, which really means we have no core values no civilization, multiculturalism denies us the basic right of a national community.

However, you say all that somehow without mentioning that global capitalism, also known as the "Dollar-Wallstreet Regime" (Magnus Ryner, 2010) is what is responsible for the economic basis for that unprecedented movement of people and the moral justifications for it. And that this arrangement was copy-pasted with almost no alterations onto Europe despite Europe having a different social base - meaning that agitating along that rift should actually have been quite easy to do.

It should be impossible to talk about immigration without also criticising liberal-capitalism in the same paragraph. Again, you simply shouldn't go forward unless you actually do that.

danny12345 wrote:National Integralism can be described as a third way ideology, as it rejects the extremes of both Capitalism and Communism; however it is mostly characterised as proletarian in nature.

Well, the Third Position is actually supposed to be "the path of national-labour" (Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera, 1935) which leads to bureaucratisation of the economy and ascendency of the state controlled by the middle-middle class.

It's not supposed to be working class 'in nature', but it is supposed to cater to them extensively and rest atop their support. Guilds and unions are pretty much necessary for any revolutionary nationalist tendency to gain ground, that much we agree on. It would hopefully result in a termination of the liberal-capitalist concept of enterprise, changing the adversarial relationship between labour and capital into a harmonious family-like relationship, so that "enterprise is family" (Kingoro Hashimoto, 1939).
This is a lovely piece of constructive criticism, seriously and I like post which I can benefit from, albeit mostly quotes of other great thinkers. You asked aren't we as a Third Positionist also attempting to alter or tread-down the old institutions and the standards and values that constructed them? Yes we are but not in a way which our people won't understand, our material and concept are to target our target group in a style and language which is understandable. We are not at this time aiming for what is often called the social elite that will come in time. Another thing you need to remember is we are a new organisation with very few resources and manpower. We need time to structure ourselves fully and cannot allow ourselves to get bogged down in heavy ideology theory. Our outline is addressed in our forum and party in our website.

You wrote okay, yes, but you are supposed to actually first draw lines along ethnic and class divisions and politicise those divisions, while at the same time providing the people with the intellectual instruments for creating a hegemonic condition for those who have the interests of the nation closest to their hearts and wallets. I disagree with this statement I believe social class is a mental state and money or position does not alter in most cases what one is mentally. It is much more complex than this but I do not wish to write a volume on my thoughts on class at this time. With regards to ethnic lines we are very clear: Races though unique are equal; Individuals however are not in the world we live in. Regardless of race ethnicity, colour, men are not created mentality, socially, morally the same, yet, each may use his or her unique talents for virtue.

You also said this: The people of Britain are facing a upper-middle class offensive, which has only been intensifying. It is an offensive against public services, incomes, living standards and trade unions in order to boost financier profits. Not content with the banks receiving the biggest bail-out in the history of capitalism, multinational companies led by international finance aim to make everyone pay to serve the interests, first foremost, of New York and City of London's financial institutions. I agree with you and we are addressing this issue in our own way but like I before mentioned we are working as fast as we can to formulate ideas and concepts to deal with such problems but we also know that the corporate state would end such abuses from happening.

We talk about immigration in a way which we hope our people will understand we don't feel we have to over intellectualise our politics, if we do that then we are no different from the politics of the mainstream. When we talk about working class we actually mean the bulk of society we are talking about the masses in general. We are not concerned with the fringe groups outside of the mass above or below at this time. We are our own form of nationalism so therefore we don't conform to nationalism of a by gone era, if there is something useful to be had from any such group then we will incorporate it into our own ideas.
What do you mean by 'morally' the same?

Seriously it's not an ambiguous statement, what do you think it means? well some think its ok to rape, other don't some think its ok to steal, others don't, some think its ok to live off the state and never work, others don't you get the picture? Morality is individual.
Last edited by Cartertonian on 15 Feb 2012 07:36, edited 1 time in total. Reason: Formatting...see below
danny12345 wrote:Seriously it's not an ambiguous statement, what do you think it means? well some think its ok to rape, other don't some think its ok to steal, others don't, some think its ok to live off the state and never work, others don't you get the picture? Morality is individual.

I was just wondering; I wanted to make sure that by 'morally' unequal you didn't mean that different groups of individuals should be considered as having different moral worth.
I was just wondering; I wanted to make sure that by 'morally' unequal you didn't mean that different groups of individuals should be considered as having different moral worth.

Last edited by Cartertonian on 15 Feb 2012 07:35, edited 1 time in total. Reason: Formatting...see below
I was just wondering...why you can't use the quote function correctly.

You can embed a whole previous post in quotes by clicking the red [Quote] button, top right of the selected post.

Or you can copy the text you wish to quote and then, in the reply box, you can select 'Quote' and paste your copied content between the two boxes that come up.

Code: Select all[quote]text here[/quote]

For now, I'll correct your previous posts.
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By Tribbles
Danny12345 is doing his best, but it is somewhat.... boring. I think "tedious" is the right word to use here.

Back when I thought along similar lines, it ended in a attempt at creating the perfect corporative plan. Something that took a lot of thinking. Syndicalism versus corporatism, anarcho-syndicalism or national-syndicalism, or a mix between the two? Mussolini or D`Annuncio? How to merge authoritarianism with accountability, and so on.

It is a mess, but after the complexity of the first draft was mocked for its complexity (and me getting angry) I made a new (and revolutionary?) layout that tries to simplify the system, avoiding the huge bureaucracy that was created by the attempts at corporatism made in Portugal and Italy.

The battle for non-racist nationalism, is a mess as well. Then comes the balance between pursuing the ideal with vigor, without becoming too aggressively militant, while also not tipping to far in the other direction, and become washed out social democrats.

I think maybe the authoritarian-center in the middle-east can show the way for us, if they survive the current attack. Latest news (According to BBC) is that Assad is willing to shift his system in a more western direction - free elections and parties, with no extra privileges to the Baath-party. Unfortunately the Al-Qaida rebels are not happy before he and the baath-party surrenders completely, without any conditions or demands, or even a plan ahead. No responsible statesman can do such a thing, so the fight continues. - It was the same with Gadaffi and the Jamahyria.

So while the Syrian and Libyan army fights the good fight against NATO and Al-Qaida, I present this (childish?) drawing, to spark inspiration:

Hmmm. It became incredibly small in that link, for some reason..... Never mind - problem fixed :)
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