Could it be possible that Alex Jones does ? - Politics | PoFo

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Could it be possible that Alex Jones does and hosts his radio show and makes his films and promotes/writes books so he can make money and make a living and have a good standard of living not just Alex Jones other Conspiracy Theorists too ? Also is Alex Jones a Millionaire does he makes millions of dollars each year I know he and his fans will say he puts out his films for free online which proves he's not in it for the money but are they right ?

Alex Jones need your money QUICK

Alex Jones need your money QUICK

Caller Destroys Alex Jones

Caller rips Jones for bilking his listeners out of money when he's a millionaire

Alex Jones puts Moronic Caller in his place!

Many people make the mistake of thinking that every human being acts rational and therefore has a rational (at least to them) reason for what they're doing. I've known enough people with mental disorders to know this is utter BS. Some people seem normal when you meet them and during casual conversation but once you get to know them better you find out they are paranoid and lie all the time and the worst thing is that after a while they can't separate the truth from their lies anymore. They'll flat out tell you they have kids they don't really have or tell you the plot of a movie (you saw together the day before) completely wrong and they are usually into conspiracy theories too. Once you prod them about it they just start making up more lies right then and there, even ones that contradict something they said 5 minutes ago.

It's a mental disorder, but one that is not immediately apparent when you only casually know the person (only knowing someone through their radio shows and website definitely counts as knowing someone only casually). My guess is Alex Jones has this mental disorder and really believes his own BS.
Last edited by Modernjan on 01 Nov 2011 00:56, edited 1 time in total.
I doubt Alex Jones believes his own BS. If he did, he would have packed it in a long time ago. Alex Jones believes that his listeners are stupid. The idea of "money bombs" is completely counter-intuitive to his own message. Listening to that guy is only good for comedic value.

Sadly, he has infected the minds of so many gullible young people that it's hard to tell if they will ever see through Jones' and/or their own BS.
Why is there a contradiction here? Jones' political philosophies, whenever they do emerge within his polemics against the globalists, seem classically liberal or libertarian to me. His websites are also littered with advertisements, ads from gold smelters and all kinds of spammy crap.
Alex Jones is an entertainer

He believes the basic thrust of what he says: that a psychopathic elite control much of the modern western world, and that they're ultimate goal is to enslave or eliminate most of the human population.

I personally believe this as well, though I don't see the high level of coordination and planning that he does

Rather I see this as the inevitable outcome of the confluence of human selfishness, technology, and the pressures of resource competition
DudeWhoGetsIt wrote:Alex Jones is an entertainer

He believes the basic thrust of what he says: that a psychopathic elite control much of the modern western world, and that they're ultimate goal is to enslave or eliminate most of the human population.

I personally believe this as well, though I don't see the high level of coordination and planning that he does

Rather I see this as the inevitable outcome of the confluence of human selfishness, technology, and the pressures of resource competition

This, the guy is basically giving people a product.
DudeWhoGetsIt wrote:Alex Jones is an entertainer

He believes the basic thrust of what he says: that a psychopathic elite control much of the modern western world, and that they're ultimate goal is to enslave or eliminate most of the human population.

I personally believe this as well, though I don't see the high level of coordination and planning that he does

Rather I see this as the inevitable outcome of the confluence of human selfishness, technology, and the pressures of resource competition

Dude you really DO get it. It is clear Alex Jones does pretty well for himself, he has a big following and he is savvy at cashing in on the attention he gets. Jeff Rense is much the same although he doesn't earn nearly as much (from what I hear). It is funny that some think that financial success can be used to discredit alternative media but don't think that corporate media is any way discredited by the same.

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