Under-representation of Catholics in media - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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USA: Religions:
Protestant 52%, Roman Catholic 24%, Mormon 2%, Jewish 1%, Muslim 1%, other 10%

Source: CIA World Factbook

Prime-time TV producers:

59% Jewish
27% Protestant
11% Catholic

Movie producers:

62% Jewish
20% Protestant
13% Catholic

Source: John J. Harrigan, Empty Dreams, Empty Pockets: Class Bias in American Politics, p.141

Looking at this graph, we can see that Judeo-Protestants make up 53% of the American population, while Catholics make up 27%.

And while America's film stories are told 82% of the time by Judeo-Protestants (which is normal considering that Judeo-Protestants are the majority), the second largest group - Catholics - are vastly under-represented in the film industry.

Likewise, network TV stories are 86% Judeo-Protestant, and only 11% Catholic - less than half the number they represent in America's population.

This is not fair media. It is an example of a caste system in US media. It may be difficult to evenly distribute money and wealth in America, but equalizing media representation would be as easy as passing a law guaranteeing fair representation. We have laws like this on most countries to ensure local content, and this would be all about local content reflecting local demographics.

So why isn't this done? Why don't American Catholics get to tell their stories with their own voices? Why aren't Catholic values given their share of America's ears?
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By Donna
This is not fair media. It is an example of a caste system in US media. It may be difficult to evenly distribute money and wealth in America, but equalizing media representation would be as easy as passing a law guaranteeing fair representation.


So let me get this straight, you want to draft discriminative legislation in regard to the demographic backgrounds of private media owners? This is hilarious - your obsession with "Jewish media" has now brought you closer to authoritarianism (not that this is a bad thing); you want the government to intervene with private media enterprises so that Jews no longer have primacy over such private ownership. I never would have imagined that you of all people would advocate government intervention in this area.
By Spin
Funny how he groups Jews and Protestants together now. He feels the need to hit out at both anglos and Jews.

If he looked at his figures he'd see that Catholics are proportianly less represented when it comes to TV production than Protestants, but better represented proportinally when it comes to Movie production.

And why is a Muslim complaining about this, or have you decided to be Catholic a couple of days a week so you can act more opressed?

Go bang pots and pans together. Then maybe mummy might notice you.
By Zyx
Spin wrote:Funny how he groups Jews and Protestants together now. He feels the need to hit out at both anglos and Jews.

Aye, the chart clearly exposes Jew supremacy . . . grouping Protestants who are way underrepresented is sort of idiotic IMO.

There are more Atheist in America than Jews!

Anyway, at least I understand what the KKK means when they say Jews control the media. Fucking Jon Stewart!
By Spin
I'd have thought though that the stats would be misleading.

I thought that Jewish communities were more around New York and California so whilst they may be a smaller percentage of those that live in the US, they are in areas which would make them more likely to work in media.

Not that they aren't over represented.
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By Oxymoron
Catholic Majority = Polish, Italians, Mexicans, South Americans, Irish.

All these groups put an emphasis on Manual labour jobs ahead of secondary education. This is not my opinion this is what actually we studied in my ethinic studies class. So I am not suprised tha Catholics are under represented in fields where secondary education is a priorty. If you look at college enrollment numbers you will see Jews,Protestants in a vast majority of the students.
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By Noelnada
All these groups put an emphasis on Manual labour jobs ahead of secondary education. This is not my opinion this is what actually we studied in my ethinic studies class.

Wow, i never realized it had gone that far in USA about ethnics cleavages and discrimination.
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By QatzelOk
All these groups put an emphasis on Manual labour jobs ahead of secondary education

But wouldn't it be a fair thing if the values that lead to manual labor were given their share of air time?

Isn't there something positive to be said about manual labor?

And do you really need a PhD to push buttons at a TV studio, or write stories for film or TV? It's not like what's coming out of Hollywood or ABC is brilliant.

Currently, our media doesn't allow Catholics to represent the world through their own eyes. They are shown the world through the values of a different cultural tradition.

Usury, racism and violence are given prime time by the current Judeo-Protestant elite who, as seen in the graph, have a great deal of influence in American media. Perhaps Catholics would stress international cooperation, social capital and passivism?

Wouldn't this give us a fairer, more balanced view of the world and ourselves?
By Zyx
Why in the world did QatzelOk just respond to the most off-key response in the thread?

Anyway, its the Jews who are overrepresented, the Protestant too is underrepresented and if anything the Christians should be together, not Judeo-Protestant.

Did it really become that bad to point out that the Jews are overrepresented in the media?
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By QatzelOk
Why in the world did QatzelOk just respond to the most off-key response in the thread?

Because it was the most honest response so far.

Oxymoron said that Catholics are Joe Lunchboxes, while Judeo-Protestants (like himself) put "more emphasis on" higher education. He is saying that if Mexicans, Poles etc. would stay in school instead of working, then they could also tell their story in media.

And if I am to agree with Oxy, my next question would be, "how do we make sure these poorer Catholics stay in school, instead of finding a job to support themselves?"

And if it is a case of only the rich having the money to attain generalized higher education, and if Judeo-Protestants only discriminate based on education level, then making higher education free of charge is the only way to guarantee fair media representation. Other than through regulation, which some of the more "freedom-oriented" Judeo-Protestants might consider too "authoritarian."

How do we even make Catholic values part of the public discourse? Do Catholics have anything to teach the rest of us? Or is it only Judeo-Protestants who have lessons for the people of North America?
By Zyx
Can you please stop writing "Judeo-Protestant" because this is merely an example of Jew overrepresentation . . . the Protestants are not overrepresented, and as pointed out the Catholics are more overrepresented than the Protestants.

I will show you the math:

TV Producers/Religion

    Protestant- 27/52 = 0.519
    Catholic - 11/24 = 0.458
    Jew - 59/1 = 59.0

Movie Producers/Religion

    Protestant - 20/52 = 0.384
    Catholic - 13/24 = 0.542
    Jew - 62/1 = 62.0

And if you were to add both numbers the list would be:

    Protestant - 47/52 = 0.903
    Catholic - 24/24 = 1
    Jew - 121/1 = 121

So in essence, if anything, you should be citing a Jew-Catholic conspiracy; or ask where the atheists are.

Also, what Oxymoron said was retarded and racist . . . "catholics" are less compelled towards school . . . :roll:
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By Oxymoron
As I said that was not my opinion but a class I took in a University called ethinic studies. This was part of the ciriculum. I think college enrollement statestics will prove me right, I was not being racist I was being realistic. In any case Manual labour is perfectly fine I did it for couple of years, but I wouldnt want my child to do it if they had the opportunity to go to College. The difference is in the groups I mentioned earning money earlier is more important then long term investment in education. What can be done is being done many more 3rd generation kids from those groups go to colleges, the trend is changing but obviously time is needed to correct for the huge gap.
By Zyx
Oxymoron wrote:I think college enrollement statestics will prove me right,

Racialism is never right; simply put, your writing would have been more accurate if you claimed "mainstream media designed at Catholics is more discouraging to academic success than mainstream media designed towards Jews" but of course, for one thing we know that the Jews control the media and so this phrase becomes weird, and for another, you would need to prove that statement to. What you did, however, was claim that these ethnics were less inclined towards academia and gave no reason and only expected us to put together that they must be genetically inferior or so . . . "racist."
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By QatzelOk
An incorrect assumption of Oxymoron is that media is a venue for PhDs and Masters students.

In reality, it is a place where your connections determine your success. And once connections determine success, it is really important to make sure different groups are represented.

This usually has to be done by law, because the natural tendency of social reproduction won't stop on its own. Groups become stratified, and people from one particular group (ex. Judeo-Protestants) are always more impressed and more comfortable working with their own kind, and hearing their own Judeo-Protestant mythology and caste-perception reflected in all these PUBLIC texts.
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By Donna
Why in the world did QatzelOk just respond to the most off-key response in the thread?

He's not the best debater on the forums.
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By Noelnada
He's not the best debater on the forums.

At least he has something to say, unlike some other people i won't mention here.
By Spin
So do people who stand on soap boxes. Doesn't mean they aren't morons.
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By Oxymoron
Qatz why dont you ask the same question about Doctors Lawyers, scientists, bankers etc most of them wont have a last name Oconor or Ruiz or D'erriko or Szusevski. there exist a huge problem of culture of anti education in many communities. This is the key factor in the underrepresantation of Catholics in many fields, this is also a huge problem in the Black community .
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By QatzelOk
culture of anti education

Education isn't as popular among the poor because they can't afford to NOT WORK for long periods of their early adulthood, Oxy.

The rich can always finish college because they don't live under the same financial constraints as the rich.

The notion that the poor castes in your society have "a culture of non-education" is a result of your education, which has been caste-system-promoting and class-o-centric.

The Communists were right about the need to engineer away the unnatural divisions that lead to social reproduction of class.
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By Oxymoron
My parents came here with out a cent my Brother still went to College I chose not to. Many Immigrant groups come here poor but still try their hardest to get their kids into college and into a better I life, I would personally work 3 jobs if that meant my daugter could go a good college. Its all about the culture of betterment and optimism, not feeling sorry for yourself and blaming society. This anti education trend has nothing to do with economics and everything to do with mindset.

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