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The non-democratic state: Platonism, Fascism, Theocracy, Monarchy etc.
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By Section Leader
I don't like rap or rock music, but no genre of music is explicitly anti-fascist. Censorship should concern itself with lyrics rather than styles. Although I would have better representation of music I like on radio and television.
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By Bosnjak
I like the song it is so traditional:

and a more modern

By Preston Cole
I've always thought rap has parallels to fascism through its communitarian attitude. Of course, I'm referring to rap concerning black struggle, not bling bling "look at how much $$$ I have" shit.
By Francis Drakeleigh
Tend to agree with Preston about rap, Black struggle and Fascism. The parallel only works if your fascism is communitarian though, and not just free-market capitalism with a bit of "spiritual awakening smoke-screen", eugenics and racism placed over the top. I'm thinking of people like the now deceased leader of the NF, later the BNP, John Tyndall in Britain. Truth is of course that this approach can in no way be described as fascism.
By Andropov
I think that the only real hope fascism has in America is in the black ghettos. I'm talking about Black Panthers type paramilitary group that focuses on community building, honor, loyalty, black pride, etc.
By Francis Drakeleigh
The Black Panthers were indeed a laudable organisation, if only such an organisation had taken root in Britain and it had spread beyond the black community. Had they then stood with the miners against Thatcher a truly interesting scenario would have developed, redefining nationalism away from the vacuous flag-waving and towards British ownership of British resources. Pinochet or Peron, that's the choice!
By Preston Cole
It's amusing to see how some blacks are disgusted by the Black Panthers considering it's really the only organization that truly fights for their rights with overt violence and racialism. By asserting their "black supremacy," blacks could finally consider themselves equal or superior to whites and thus develop a new sense of self-esteem and security. Whether their black supremacy is genetically accurate is up for debate.

Francis Drakeleigh wrote:Pinochet or Peron, that's the choice!

Not even much of a choice there. Pinochet was a one-time mutant of nationalism and he's the only representative of the perversion called "capitalist nationalism." Peron, on the other hand, is admired by fascists and socialists alike, although I wouldn't place him in the Nazbol camp.
By Francis Drakeleigh
The Black Panthers never have had a racist programme, nor have they ever promoted the idea of black supremacy - they have had an overtly Socialist programme. For black supremacism look to the Nation of Islam, who of course are not regarded as real Muslims because of that by main stream Muslims.
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By starman2003
I think the only real hope fascism has in America is in the black ghettos.

:lol: Years ago it was suggested that a major eruption in the black ghettos might spark a fascist revival, in the broader US society.

...it's really the only organization that truly fights for their rights with overt violence and racialism.

:lol: Following the Black Panthers is a great way to undue all the progress blacks have made in 200 years. Wisely, the bulk of blacks followed MLK's approach, not out of any love of whites but because it was frankly, the only strategy with any real hope of working. All-out, overt violence would've been suicidal.
By Francis Drakeleigh
Years ago it was suggested that a major eruption in the black ghettos might spark a fascist revival, in the broader US society.
I'll let him speak for himself, but I don't think that's quite what he meant.

Following the Black Panthers is a great way to undue all the progress blacks have made in 200 years

Sure, Uncle Tom's in the Whitehouse, everything's alright now.
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By starman2003
..I don't think that's quite what he meant.

Of course not. I meant that a very militant black movement would not only be futile, if it were directed against the larger society, but fascism might arise as a reaction to it.

everything's alright now.

Far from it, but there's no surer way to worsen matters than to follow the black panthers.
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By Dagoth Ur
lol wow I've never seen so many fascists sing the praise of an overtly Marxist organization.

starman2003 wrote:Far from it, but there's no surer way to worsen matters than to follow the black panthers.

Racial nationalism won't work in America, that much is sure, but following the Black Panthers would be a great step forward for our black community.
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By starman2003
I doubt it. They'd further alienate the blacks from the larger society and provide ammo to racists. What's needed is an authoritarian ideology that transcends race, class and gender.
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Preston Cole wrote:Pinochet was a one-time mutant of nationalism and he's the only representative of the perversion called "capitalist nationalism." Peron, on the other hand, is admired by fascists and socialists alike, although I wouldn't place him in the Nazbol camp.

starman2003 wrote:What's needed is an authoritarian ideology that transcends race, class and gender.

Everyone I know that follows world events now realises the two options on the table; the state or the corporation. We're all lining up on the same side of the barricades.
By Preston Cole
Dagoth Ur wrote:lol wow I've never seen so many fascists sing the praise of an overtly Marxist organization.

I admire them because they openly declare war upon their perceived oppressors. They don't want to be part of a system that caused them grief in the past, and that's admirable compared to the main black integration current that accepts victim status and the benefits thereof.

I know I'm probably just undermining my own race when I praise black racialism. I'm partly a racialist myself (races should be separate but equal).
By Francis Drakeleigh
Whats all this about the Panthers being racialist? They are not nor ever have been.

I admire them because they openly declare war upon their perceived oppressors. They don't want to be part of a system that caused them grief in the past, and that's admirable compared to the main black integration current that accepts victim status and the benefits thereof.

Me also. I also admire them because they are a virile, militaristic expression of working class organisation.

(races should be separate but equal).
Even when history has never delivered this situation in reality, if race is the way people are classified then there never has been equality. Forget race and embrace the "idea".

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