Liberals: Do you really hate the traditional family? - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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Modern liberalism. Civil rights and liberties, State responsibility to the people (welfare).
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By Bertram
Your asking us to argue against arguments that you have stated the existence of, but you haven't told us what these arguments are.
Arguing effectively against supposed existing arguments is incredibly difficult. And it prevents the use of deconstructive matter.
What exactly are these arguments?

I can't just look them up because I might find a different set of arguments and out points will not clash. Lack of clash in an argument is silly.
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By normalamerican
Liberals probably don't hate the family, but it is an annoying inconvenience for most of their platform.

Own the minority vote forever ? Well we certainly can't bring up that "70% born out of wedlock" thing, just let it be.

Own the gay vote ? Well, better not upset them by noting that they are outside of the family norm.

Champion Abortion ? yep, better not encourage the classic family which could make somebody think twice about the joys of abortion.

Pre-school, pre-pre-school, after school care, 3 meals per day outside the family - gotta get 'em young, all day every day, into the union / liberal public school programs. Can't let the traditional family, or lifestyle, stop that.
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By yiwahikanak

Man, those poor kids getting six square meals a day on your fantasy island!

No wonder there is an obesity epidemic!
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By normalamerican
You'll notice that I did not say that giving meals to hungry, poor children is bad.

What I did say is that 3 institutional meals per day, pre-pre-school starting in the toddler years, and before/after school programs that keep kids institutionalized for 8-10-12 hours per a decidedly non-family lifestyle, if not anti-family.

And yeah, there are probably retarded (seriously) parents that may need this whole complement of services for their kids. But that would be a tiny, tiny %. Not growing more and more in each federal budget.
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By yiwahikanak
normalamerican wrote:You'll notice that I did not say that giving meals to hungry, poor children is bad.

What I did say is that 3 institutional meals per day, pre-pre-school starting in the toddler years, and before/after school programs that keep kids institutionalized for 8-10-12 hours per a decidedly non-family lifestyle, if not anti-family.

And yeah, there are probably retarded (seriously) parents that may need this whole complement of services for their kids. But that would be a tiny, tiny %. Not growing more and more in each federal budget.

Correlation is not causation.

As have not made a case that the increase in the budget for these kinds of programs is causing more families to neglect their children, which is certainly what you are suggesting is the case.
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By normalamerican
You'll have to dig deep to find where I said this....please start with my use of the word neglect, lol.

The only point I've made is these efforts to massively grow these programs that take family activities out of the family....are illustrating a disinterest or even disdain for traditional, nuclear family. That is all. It's about the liberal bureaucrats and programs marginalizing parents and family (topic of thread haha)......not an indictment of the parents for any reason.

But good attempt to redirect / misdirect, madame barrister !.
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By yiwahikanak
normalamerican wrote:You'll have to dig deep to find where I said this....please start with my use of the word neglect, lol.

The only point I've made is these efforts to massively grow these programs that take family activities out of the family....are illustrating a disinterest or even disdain for traditional, nuclear family. That is all. It's about the liberal bureaucrats and programs marginalizing parents and family (topic of thread haha)......not an indictment of the parents for any reason.

But good attempt to redirect / misdirect, madame barrister !.

That's "Maitre" around these parts :P

Except you your point fails on the very obvious point that the only way these programs take 'family activities out of the family' is if you are further claiming that they are serving children who are not neglected. Children who are already NOT receiving 'family activities out of the family (ie. being fed at home)' cannot further have 'family activities out of the family' with these programs.

So. Are you claiming that these programs are resulting in more parents neglecting their children?
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By Wills
A "family" comes in all different shapes and sizes and no one type of family is better than another.

I don't buy this argument that the traditional "nuclear" family is better than any other.
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By Dave
Yes, nothing is better than anything else... :roll:

F@#$ing liberals :knife:
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By Wills
[ Report ]Posted: Thu 07 Apr 2011, 02:07
Yes, nothing is better than anything else...

F@#$ing liberals

I wasn't saying that.

It's more about the people in the family than what they are (mom, dad, grandparent, aunt, uncle, etc.).
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By Dave
Fun-fact...adopted children are many times more likely to suffer abuse and death

Step-parents are much more likely to abuse or kill children as well

Biological relationships matter no matter how much liberals hate reality
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By yiwahikanak
Dave wrote:Fun-fact...adopted children are many times more likely to suffer abuse and death

Step-parents are much more likely to abuse or kill children as well

Biological relationships matter no matter how much liberals hate reality

But they certainly don't guarantee anything.

There are plenty of biological parents abusing their children.

I don't care what someone's family structure is, as long as the relationships within it are healthy.

If someone's nuclear family is abusive, I'm not going to assume it's because it's a nuclear family.
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By Dave
I have no disagreement with that, yiwahikanak. Social science is empirical and probabilistic, not logical and determinist.

I am also most concerned with the family being healthy, but when we're discussing families in general (or anything else in general) we need to examine statistics to see what tendencies we can tease out of the data.

The data show that some family types, on average, seem to be healthier than others.
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By Wills
[ Report ]Posted: Thu 07 Apr 2011, 16:04
Fun-fact...adopted children are many times more likely to suffer abuse and death

Step-parents are much more likely to abuse or kill children as well

Biological relationships matter no matter how much liberals hate reality

And children from lesbian parents do better academically than children with two hetrosexual parents.

So maybe men should be used for reproduction only? ;)
By CounterChaos
I consider myself a liberal in the sense that I do not condone racial or sexual discrimination and try to look at people as equal participants in this adventure we call life. I do however hold very strong evolutionary and genetic based scientific ideologies that guides my perceptions in life. I try to use scientific logic in evaluating situations, which can sometimes cause people to consider me far right.

We are biological animals with certain inherent traits.

Fun-fact...adopted children are many times more likely to suffer abuse and death

How many of you have taken in a puppy that over time just didn't work out? Of course humans are not puppies and because we have the ability to reason most of us would handle the situation in a humane way. Some however would just take the puppy to the woods and put a bullet in his head.

There is a biological reality that we are dealing with. Because I accept the reality for what it is, it promotes understanding and tolerance for me. Liberals should not be afraid to apply science to their ideologies and I encourage it always among my friends. Once you understand the science you understand why some people just lose control...Does that mean that I condone their behavior? Absolutely not and we have social remedies to deal with such.

To me a family is wherever you find acceptance.
By dewanand

One interesting fact of the modern Western society is that it is now easier to live alone and have no children or family support. I live in Holland and here we have the modern concept of the welfare state, where the state will care for you from cradle to grave. This means that individuals can become totally independant of their close families, because they will always have an income. In Holland many people are liberals and they have no problem with gay marriage (is legalized here) or having children in gay couples. Many women here are single and they have children from many unknown fathers. For conservative Americans I think Holland will be the devils country, sort of Sodom and Gomorra.

I think that everyone must have the individual right to live how he/she wants, even without family or faith. It is just how people feel and what they need to become happy. Family ties can block your personal development and many family members are used to put their nose into your private things. Here in Holland many people do not have family ties anymore, and they just live alone.

Maybe the truth is somewhere in the middle of being conservative or liberal.

By CounterChaos
One interesting fact of the modern Western society is that it is now easier to live alone and have no children or family support. I live in Holland and here we have the modern concept of the welfare state, where the state will care for you from cradle to grave. This means that individuals can become totally independant of their close families, because they will always have an income.

Hi..Yes, I agree...In today's modern industrial society, even the silliest argument can break families apart for a lifetime-because they don't need each others financial or moral support.
By Spin
Speaking as a philsophical liberal, I feel that I can confidently say that the liberal tradition does not hate the family and certainly do not hate the nuclear family, indeed some, such as William Galston, have controversially argued that nuclear families are superior and preferable.

That said however, most liberal theorists do not take a stand on the family. They largely view it as a private institution that exists between individuals and so not subject to the realm of politics. They normally do not view the nuclear family as preferable to single parent familes, families with gay parents, etc etc because they are the result of individual choice which the state should have no concern over.
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Liberals may or may not hate the traditional family, but they certainly cannot afford to put the traditional family on a pedestal like us conservatives. Liberal backing is from a variety of groups that tend not to be champions of the traditional family (homosexual couples, at-risk single parent homes, etc.), so it would be suicidal for liberals to come out and say that these "alternative" families are lesser.
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By finnbow
Conservatives wrap themselves in the flag, religion, morality, etc. all as a marketing strategy. The fact that they're no more patriotic, moral or family-oriented doesn't really matter. It's all about the narrative, and this fiction is nothing but shiny, pretty giftwrap to cover up their foibles from the Bible-thumping rubes who form their base.

How's Gingrich doing on the nuclear family, traditional values meter anyway? Oops, I forgot. He did it for love of country.
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