Join Palestinian Groups' UK Parliamentary Lobby on May 11 - Politics | PoFo

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On 11th May 2011 Palestinian solidarity groups will hold a national lobby of the UK parliament for Palestine.

Lobbying is an attempt to influence politicians on specific issues by providing them with information and facts. FOA want you to contact your MP and arrange to meet them between 12pm and 6pm on 11th May 2011 to encourage them to support Palestine. Please book a day off if you need to as it is important we lobby as many MPs as possible so that they are aware that Palestine is a key issue.

We are encouraging anyone who has a Palestine badge, t-shirt or wrist band to wear it into Parliament to draw attention to the lobby for Palestine. If you do not have a badge or t-shirt but would like to order one you can visit FOA’s online shop.

There will be a briefing paper online soon and there will be briefing sessions available on the day with members of FoA so you will have plenty of help planning for your meeting with your MP.

FIND YOUR MP and his/her contact details by entering your postcode on the following link which includes a sample letter: ... or-11-may/
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By Otebo
This is organised by 'Friends of Al Aqsa', terrorist supporting fundamentalists who seek nothing less than the destruction of the State of Israel. Ismail Patel is the head of the organisation. The same Ismail Patel who has declared 'Israel your days are numbered' and 'Hamas is no terrorist organisation...we salute Hamas'

Make you aware ‘Britain2Gaza’ is joining Freedom Flotilla II

If they enter Gaza and hand over equipment and money to terrorist organisations, as Galloway so proudly did, they ought to face criminal charges. With any luck the Israelis will get their hands on them first and deal with the matter.

Britain must put pressure on Israel to open up all borders

Israel should open up it's borders and allow the heroic 'resistance' that 'Friends of Al Aqsa' cheer for to enter the country and blow apart buses and shopping centres at will? Allow arms to flow freely so Hamas can build as many rockets to fire at civilians as it wants? Get real.
By Decky
This is organised by 'Friends of Al Aqsa', terrorist supporting fundamentalists who seek nothing less than the destruction of the State of Israel.

Oh no :roll:

The same Ismail Patel who has declared 'Israel your days are numbered' and 'Hamas is no terrorist organisation...we salute Hamas'

Hamas are not a terrorist organisation, they are a political party who are the democratically elected government of Gaza. Hell they have more right to be in government there than David Cameron has here.
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By Ter
Decky wrote:Hamas are not a terrorist organisation

The European Union,[8][9] the United States,[10] Canada,[11] Israel and Japan classify Hamas as a terrorist organization,[12][13] while nations such as China,[14] Russia,[15] Syria[16], Turkey[17], Norway[18] and Switzerland[19] do not.
Hamas's 1988 charter calls for the replacement of Israel and the Palestinian Territories with an Islamic Palestinian state

Hamas has been explicit in its Holocaust Denial. In reaction to the Stockholm conference on the Jewish Holocaust, held in late January 2000, Hamas issued a press release which it published on its official website, containing the following statements from a senior leader:

This conference bears a clear Zionist goal, aimed at forging history by hiding the truth about the so-called Holocaust, which is an alleged and invented story with no basis. (...) The invention of these grand illusions of an alleged crime that never occurred, ignoring the millions of dead European victims of Nazism during the war, clearly reveals the racist Zionist face, which believes in the superiority of the Jewish race over the rest of the nations. (...) By these methods, the Jews in the world flout scientific methods of research whenever that research contradicts their racist interests.[217]

Sure Decky, you support those scum, be careful they don't bite you in the ass, like that Italian terrorist sympathiser recently.

By Decky
The European Union,[8][9] the United States,[10] Canada,[11] Israel and Japan classify Hamas as a terrorist organization,[12][13] while nations such as China,[14] Russia,[15] Syria[16], Turkey[17], Norway[18] and Switzerland[19] do not.

Misleading, the UK is (unfortunately) in the EU and yet the British government do not define Hamas as a terrorist organisation, neither does Australia there is nothing like a consensus on the issue.

Hamas's 1988 charter calls for the replacement of Israel and the Palestinian Territories with an Islamic Palestinian state

I am not stupid, I am aware of that, it is not a bad thing. George Washington was quite big on replacing British rule with an American state, the French were quite keen on getting rid of the Germans, all were "terrorists" at the time.

Hamas has been explicit in its Holocaust Denial. In reaction to the Stockholm conference on the Jewish Holocaust, held in late January 2000, Hamas issued a press release which it published on its official website, containing the following statements from a senior leader:

You take the good with the bad.
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By Otebo
The armed wing of Hamas is listed as a proscribed terrorist organisation by the UK Home Office. The al-Qassam Brigades are an integral part of Hamas.
By Decky
The armed wing of Hamas

A tiny part of Hamas, they are the democratically elected government, you do realise they provide education, heath care collect taxes etc? The millitary is a small part of Hamas.
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By Ter
Hamas's 1988 charter calls for the replacement of Israel and the Palestinian Territories with an Islamic Palestinian state

Decky wrote:I am aware of that, it is not a bad thing.

So you are in favour of the replacement of Israel by an Islamic Palestinian State ?

Hamas has been explicit in its Holocaust Denial

Decky wrote:You take the good with the bad.

So you accept Hamas denying the Holocaust or do you tolerate it in view of all the -in your opinion- good things Hamas stands for ?


By Rich
Who cares whether Hamas deny the Jewish holocaust? Its not like they, or any of their ideological forbears were involved. The statement clearly implies that they oppose racism, so these people are not in the slightest bit Nazis. Now what would worry me is if they deny the Armenian Holocaust, an unbelievably wicked act committed by Muslim savages against innocent Armenian Christians.
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By Ter
Rich wrote:Who cares whether Hamas deny the Jewish holocaust?

A lot of people, obviously, because denying the Holocaust will land you in jail in a number of countries like Austria, Germany, Belgium, and others.

Rich wrote:these people are not in the slightest bit Nazis

I didn't say they were. Just terrorists, Islamic terrorists.

I am curious to know if Det. Ironside is still going to his "Palestine Day" after knowing that it is support for terrorism.

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By danholo
Hamas are not a terrorist organisation, they are a political party who are the democratically elected government of Gaza. Hell they have more right to be in government there than David Cameron has here.

They have a right to be there for sure. Nobody is denying that. :)
By Decky
So you are in favour of the replacement of Israel by an Islamic Palestinian State ?

I'd prefer a secular one but hey ho. I'd prefer if Britain was secular but were aren't. :( A state for the native people is better than a state for some Americans, West Europeans and Russians who came over to colonise Palestine. The Yanks seem to fucking love the Israelis why cant they let them have their apartheid state in Arizona or somewhere they are wanted rather than the land they own now due to ethically cleansing the native population?

So you accept Hamas denying the Holocaust or do you tolerate it in view of all the -in your opinion- good things Hamas stands for ?

As I have already said, you take the good with the bad. Holocaust denying is a bit fucking mental, you might as well deny the great depression or the Irish Potato famine or William the bastard conquest of England in 1066. This is certainly one of the bad things about them.
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By Dave
Great, more Europeans who are irrationally obsessed with the Palestine problem for no discernible reason :roll:
By Aekos
Some Europeans are unhappy that a certain ethnic group is thriving in its own state. Hundreds of years of oppression due to an inferiority complex has turned to undue attention to a particular conflict.
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By danholo
The Yanks seem to fucking love the Israelis why cant they let them have their apartheid state in Arizona or somewhere they are wanted rather than the land they own now due to ethically cleansing the native population?

Because history wasn't written yesterday. Jews go to Israel because it's their homeland, and if Arabs don't like it and demonstrate it, they'll be kicked out or killed. It happened once and it would happen again if they pull the same shit. If not, we can all live happily. Until then, the "Apartheid" will continue unabated because it's the righteous thing to do.
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By ThomasNewton
Bravo to Ter and Otebo for fighting the good fight. You guys rock. :)

Dave wrote:Great, more Europeans who are irrationally obsessed with the Palestine problem for no discernible reason

Dave, the fact this is happening in Britain should come as no surprise. Unfortunately many other European countries suffer from the same problems.
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By Dave
ThomasNewton wrote:Bravo to Ter and Otebo for fighting the good fight. You guys rock. :)

And what is the good fight?

ThomasNewton wrote:Dave, the fact this is happening in Britain should come as no surprise. Unfortunately many other European countries suffer from the same problems.

I don't care about this. I care about the fact that seemingly millions of Europeans are obsessed with an ethnic conflict in a tiny strip of the Levant with almost no natural resources are strategic significance. I understand perfectly well the phenomena that contribute to this irrational obsession. The fact that you allude to a "good fight" despite having a name that places you as an Englishman indicates to me that you are also obsessed with this conflict.
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By Typhoon
Dave, the fact this is happening in Britain should come as no surprise.

Just what is happening in the UK? The CST is a weak source for demonstrating an increase in anti-semitism in the UK.

I understand perfectly well the phenomena that contribute to this irrational obsession.

Then you should understand that its not irrational or unhealthy, just a natural consequence of what happens when peoples opinion is polled on a subject in the way in which it has. To be honest I would struggle to call it obsessive.
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By Oleh Hadash
Decky wrote:I'd prefer a secular one but hey ho. I'd prefer if Britain was secular but were aren't. :( A state for the native people is better than a state for some Americans, West Europeans and Russians who came over to colonise Palestine. The Yanks seem to fucking love the Israelis why cant they let them have their apartheid state in Arizona or somewhere they are wanted rather than the land they own now due to ethically cleansing the native population?

Israel is an anti-colonial movement. It is the preeminent example of anti-imperialism in modern history. It is the epitome of a movement of people returning to their ancient homeland and refusing to have their destinies defined by others. The Arab and Muslim spread across the Middle East, on the other hand, represent the colonialism you should oppose. Of course in your fantasy world, reality is flipped upside down.

As far as "native" goes, that's just a useless term coming form people like you to express anti-Jewish racism. To think that somehow Muslim are native to this land while Jews are not, considering we've been around these parts for thousands of years prior to the arrival of Islam, is pure stupidity.

This argument that Israel is composes entirely or Russians and Europeans, while not only irrelevant, is also untrue. About half (or more than half) of Israelis are descended from Jews who come from Africa and other parts of the Middle East. Not that it matters, anyways, as it's just a way to advance some sort of anti-White/anti-European racism.
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By Agalloch

This word...
That little magical word that's being constantly thrown into the vacuum, leaving glitters all over the place. I just want to know how South Africans feel about it being used to describe Israel.

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