What is the origin of "Native" Americans. - Page 3 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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By Potemkin
vikings Potemkin?

Vikings didn't 'island hop', unless you count Iceland-Greenland-America as 'island hopping'.
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By Oxymoron
Last time I checked iceland and greenland were islands...........
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By Potemkin
So is every continent on the planet. What's your point? :eh:
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By Oxymoron
Come on, Iceland is pretty small, and greenlands usable area is small, its techincally for the sailors the same damn thing.
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By Potemkin
The point is that there is no chain of islands stretching across the Atlantic which can be easily hopped along, unlike certain areas of the Pacific.
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By Oxymoron
It is easy as was shown by the Vikings from iceland to greenland and to America why is different?
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By Potemkin
It is easy as was shown by the Vikings from iceland to greenland and to America why is different?

The Vikings were perhaps the greatest seamen of the ancient and early medieval world, Oxy. The fact that they could get to America by about 1000 AD doesn't prove how easy it is; it proves what geniuses the Vikings were at sailing.
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By Oxymoron
The Vikings were perhaps the greatest seamen of the ancient and early medieval world, Oxy. The fact that they could get to America by about 1000 AD doesn't prove how easy it is; it proves what geniuses the Vikings were at sailing.

only great seamen could make a journey like that, including the pacific island hoppers who sailed thousands of miles in open ocean using paddles. Also there is enough evidence that the Americas were visited by Phoenicians.
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By Potemkin
only great seamen could make a journey like that, including the pacific island hoppers who sailed thousands of miles in open ocean using paddles.

Agreed, the Polynesians were up there with the Vikings as great sailors.

Also there is enough evidence that the Americas were visited by Phoenicians.

Evidence such as what, exactly? :eh:
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By Oxymoron
language influences, American products in egypt, Anchors.
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By Potemkin
The Phoenicians certainly explored the coast of West Africa (the voyage of Hanno, who even discovered the gorilla (which is a Phoenician word, btw)), but they never crossed the Atlantic.
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By Oxymoron
There is no overwhelming evidence, but suffiecent evidence of it.
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By Cookie Monster
There is no evidence at all of Phoenicians reaching the Americas. There is speculation though that the Sargasso Sea might have been described by the Phoenicians.
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By Oxymoron
There is evidence of them reaching the Americas, you fail to accept it.
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By Cookie Monster
Then, please feel free to share that evidence. 8)
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By Oxymoron
Working with computer-enhanced images of gold coins minted in the Punic/Phoenician city in North Africa of Carthage between 350 and 320 BC, (please see sketch of coin right and where the world map is supposed to have been inscribed) McMenamin has interpreted a series of designs appearing on these coins, the meaning of which has long puzzled scholars. McMenamin believes the designs represent a map of the ancient world, including the area surrounding the Mediterranean Sea and the land mass representing the Americas.

Perhaps even more compelling are the many examples of Phoenician writing found in the new world. Harvard Professor Barry Fell, author of America B.C., has researched and translated a large number of them, not only in Punic, but also in Celtic Ogam script, Iberian and Egyptian. One in particular, found in 1967 at the Mystery Hill megalithic complex in the northeastern U.S., contained a temple dedication to the Phoenician sun-god, Baal. Fell suggests that the Ogam script can be explained by the fact that the Celts of the Iberian peninsula lived side by side with Phoenicians who traded in tin with them, and with whom they exchanged writing styles and languages. Fell further added that the linguistic idiosyncrasies found beside the Keltic Mystery Hill inscriptions appeared to be unique to a Punic style used in the period from 800 to 500 B.C.
from the archeologist in my family. Earliest confirmed occupation of the Americas is 14,000 YBP. It is expected to go much earlier but there is no conclusive evidence as yet. Evidence is pointing to sea route as well as a land route, the speed in which S America was occupied strongly suggests a sea route was used. It appears there was more than one wave of colonization but several.

Despite speculation of an early European/Atlantic route there is no evidence to support it, none. Evidence points only the Vikings being the first Europeans. Phoenician, Roman, Egyptian, all fantasy.

There is evidence of Polynesian contact/trade with the Americas but nothing more about 1100 YBP.

Polynesians vs Vikings as sailors? Viking cross Atlantic hops were in the 400 to 500km range. Polynesian voyages were up to 3,500kms, Polynesians ruled the seas.
Here is an interesting theory:

Native Americans traced to Siberian mountains

January 27, 2012
Native Americans can trace their origins to a remote mountainous region of Siberia, new genetic research has shown.

A University of Pennsylvania-led team of anthropologists says Native Americans started mograting away from the Altai region - which lies at the intersection of what is today Russia, Mongolia, China and Kazakhstan - roughly 20-25,000 years ago....

Native Americans can trace their origins to a remote mountainous region of Siberia, new genetic research has shown.

A University of Pennsylvania-led team of anthropologists says Native Americans started mograting away from the Altai region - which lies at the intersection of what is today Russia, Mongolia, China and Kazakhstan - roughly 20-25,000 years ago....

I saw this article today on the newspapers with a title '' It has been proven that Native Americans are Turk ''

Maybe this is one of the most discussed topics here, became an issue so many times in books, movies and tv programs... A lot of people believe that, and I also wonder... Their traditions and culture are very similar to Turks and I realized that we even use many words in common (with same meanings)

That's a really exciting issue :lol:
Devrim wrote:Native Americans can trace their origins to a remote mountainous region of Siberia, new genetic research has shown.

reading the link that's not exactly what the study claims. They found a genetic link which is hardly surprising since it's been expected. It just confirms an out of asia expansion, not that they came directly from this region.
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