Iran unveils unmanned bomber drone - Politics | PoFo

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By MB.
This weapon is a significant advancement for Iran's strategic bombing and naval war fighting capability.

Does anyone know the unit cost?
Last edited by MB. on 23 Aug 2010 01:07, edited 1 time in total.
By stalker
It can also fire lasers and self-reproduce (at least on photos).
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By Typhoon
Its a basic cruise missile, I imagine its quite simple to make and cheap to produce, it would not take Iran long to build up a large number of these missiles. However whats important is its accuracy and whatever guidance method it uses. If its dependant on GPS then its not going to be a very reliable weapon in conflict.
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By Igor Antunov
Why would they attach cruise missiles to a cruise missile typhoon, and equip it with a parachute?

It's clearly a reusable UAV.
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By killim
Igor it's only about propaganda. The same like this one where Dear Leader improves his top notch military.

Dunno why btw. because he already has one of the most stealthy air forces. :roll:
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By Igor Antunov
Like the Us military and most other militaries keen on export they are of course parading their trinkets, Iran is seeing much success with indigenous arms exports, as with most cases it's more about advertisement than political propaganda value.
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By Typhoon
Why would they attach cruise missiles to a cruise missile typhoon, and equip it with a parachute?

Well if we look closely we see that its not carrying a cruise missile but an iron bomb, the UAV itself is at best a reusable cruise missile with sub-par accuracy, though without landing gear (or any piloting aids) I think the Karrar with have a turn around time of a few weeks as Iran has to weld all the bits that fell off again back on after each and every 'landing'. Iran would have been better off dumping the return part and have it as a true long range cruise to suppliment its balistic missile force.
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By Igor Antunov
Are you relying on the pics and video? The official statement says that it can carry up to 4 cruise missiles.
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By killim
Igor, please show me how 4 Cruise Missiles shout fit into these drone? I can#t see a single one fitting into this...
By Piano Red
Damn killim, stop being stupid.

Don't you see that those missiles fit on just as well as the Iranians' mk.2 Photoshop missiles from two years ago?


Its rare for Typhoon for and I to agree on things, but to paraphrase him: This thing is still shit.

Igor cheerleading a sub-par quality piece of hardware is hardly that surprising given his love for Russia (Burn!!! I know)
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By MB.
Typhoon wrote:anti-tank missiles dont count

That's right!
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By killim
Nothing against Dear Leader from NK! Here is his secret to reduce his Air Force radar signature to <0,000003. Be advised that this is top secret material acquired by our fellow 007 agent Blond, Jean Blond:


This thread officially delivers!

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By Ombrageux
I miss the time when our enemies had really, really scary weapons.
By jaycola

I'm no expert but this unit looks like a cruise missile, not a medium for launching or carrying them nor could it possibly carry 4 cruise missiles.

It's just like the mini sub, touting sub par military hardware as state of the art technology.
Just more of the same from Iran.

Igor claimed the Iranian mini sub would bring about the $200 barrel of oil.
Since the beginning of August Oil has fallen 15%.
Last edited by jaycola on 24 Aug 2010 22:20, edited 1 time in total.
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By killim
Since you are an already assimilated Frog Ombrageaux, you have only to raise your arms and wave a white flag -thats all you need to know about la guerre :D
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By Ombrageux
Oh, the indignities!

There were a fair number of Germans had Dien Bien Phu too, you know..
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By Cookie Monster
There were a fair number of Germans had Dien Bien Phu too, you know..

Apparently not enough. :lol:


But I wasn't aware of German French Legionaries in Vietnam, thanks.
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By killim
Oh, CM you Ignorant! Those were the golden times of the Légion étrangère. 70% Germans and only of the finest bad-ass mofos. They surely earned their French citizenship in Dien Bien Phu.
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