the cause of ethnic violence in africa - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in the nations of Africa.

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i know u are going to say here comes another black guy blaming the white man but here me out. we have all heared about the ethnic clashes and cleanses that occur in parts of africa and it has been attributed to many things including, lack of resources, education and sometimes even black peoples stupidity. but i think it is just simple artificial countries. think about it most african countries are a result of colonalization and did not exist as political units before the arival of europeans. so as a result these countries are artificial, meaning they have nothing in common. take nigeria for example it has 250 different ethnic groups and 351 different languages all with different histories and cultures. if they where left independent and not squeezed into one country none of the ethnic violence would be going on. u might say this does not happen in white countries, but who remembers yugoslavia, it like most black countries was an artificial creation and had about only 3 or 4 ethnic groups and yet had a very violent civil war. most black countries are artificial and have more than 5 ethnic groups in them. if u notice the most stable ones have little different ethnic groups and have a lot more history with each other. so what are ur views ... de_by_side
By Groih
I highly doubt anyone on this forum will be so stupid as to deny that the cause of violence in Africa is European imperialism.
By Zyx
Groih wrote:I highly doubt anyone on this forum will be so stupid as to deny that the cause of violence in Africa is European imperialism.


Well, there were ethnic wars prior to European colonization, but they weren't as vile or violent.

Selective European provisions of weapons and underhanded gossiping and information manipulations were and are crucial to ethnic conflicts going on yesterday, today and that will go on tomorrow.
By eugenekop

Well, there were ethnic wars prior to European colonization, but they weren't as vile or violent.

Selective European provisions of weapons and underhanded gossiping and information manipulations were and are crucial to ethnic conflicts going on yesterday, today and that will go on tomorrow.

By Zyx
I did not know that I wrote "wars" for I really can't think of any "wars" but rather "conflicts." Maybe it's too early in the morning.

But an example of "conflicts" can be seen in the Native American people. Some had been so peaceful as to settle their feuds in sport. A sport where a team of men would disqualify another team of men by lightly tapping on them after a sneak-around the forests.

This sort of conflict was popular in more peaceful habitats than Europe.

Once, the Herero people, at 'war' with another people, were warned by the other people that they ought not side with the Europeans for the conflict between the Hereros and those people were minor compared to what the Europeans had in store.

The conflict prior to European invasion were miniscule. Minimum blood loss and not too serious.

After the Europeans helped the Hereros defeat their opposition, the Hereros were massacred and political enslavement remained in the region until independence, though economic enslavement seems a perpetual habit of Europe over Africa. This economic enslavement not only relies on ethnic conflict, but perpetuates it.
By signelect
The western world really messed up in Africa. There was always tribal conflict but as the resources of Africa became ore apparent the greed took over and now look at what we have. The lack of a rule of law is also not helping anything, another sign of the times that we are starting to see in the US. Who is driving the boat?
By grassroots1
I highly doubt anyone on this forum will be so stupid as to deny that the cause of violence in Africa is European imperialism.

You haven't been on this forum long enough.

European Imperialism is 100% one of the reasons however what about south american countries such as Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and even Brazil. The level of development of higher and they were imperalised by Europe

It's impossible to say that this is a result of genetics, given the fact that Europeans arrived at Africa first, given the fact that the people underwent different treatment in different circumstances.

It's called globalization. Step up or get out of the way.


It's called history. Learn or leave.
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By Cheesecake_Marmalade
The present is more relevant than the past.

The present is the product of the past, and the future will be the product of our actions in the present and what went on in the past, for the present will soon become the past. I don't see how you can separate any of those ideas from one another and consider them more relevant.
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By ChildOfTheDamned
Of course it is more relevant. We live in the present.

What I'm seeing in this thread are excuses and justifications, which leads to denial of responsibility and contentment in maintaining the status quo as opposed to taking right action (the more effective strategy).
By grassroots1
And what is the more effective strategy? What did you mean by that statement about globalization?
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By ChildOfTheDamned
Globalization. In order to compete with the likes of China, India and the US in the future, different ethnic groups and cultures will need to learn to put aside their differences. If they don't it is to their detriment.
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By Mr Bloke
I highly doubt anyone on this forum will be so stupid as to deny that the cause of violence in Africa is European imperialism.

I'm here for one of such a person. I think the cause of violence in Africa is the very low level of the social culture. But this is not because of the europeans, it was never higher. Africa's tragedy is the total lack of the social evolution while there was a huge development socially and in technology in the world. So, the europeans who would have kept the order and been the source of development, went away because colonization was not compatible with their modern liberal way of thinking any more. And the africans continued their tribal conflicts, but this time with modern weapons.
By BassHole
But i think it is just simple artificial countries.

I completely agree. Lines in Africa have been drawn utterly arbitrarily. Couple this with "democratic" systems, where parties are largely based on tribal/ethnic lines, and it's a recipe for disaster.
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By U184
Here I thought that the cause of ethnic violence in Africa was the same as anywhere else in the world. Greedy, power hungry, war mongers that want what they do not have and rather then earn it or make it decided to take it. Silly me.

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