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By Kman
Zyx wrote:That is completely different.

Nah its exactly the same principle, its an Islamic rule just like the rule that you arent allowed to depict Muhammed.

Zyx wrote:I'm sure you know not to call Roosevelt a cripple.

Huh ? he was a cripple... and a retard also. :|

Zyx wrote:The point is why antagonize Muslims over this small point?

Why not? why do you want us westerners to submit to Islamic law?

Zyx wrote:Would a Jesus Urinating Day do you well?

Yeah sure, knock yourself out, im not as insecure and weak as the people protesting the Muhammed cartoons.

PS: I made a depiction of the Holy Prophet Allah Akhbar, save his soul etc etc etc :D


Lets see if the Islamo-nazi's flip out over my cartoon also. :lol:
By Zyx
Kman wrote:Why not? why do you want us westerners to submit to Islamic law?

Kman, if I told you to stomp a yarmulke (thanks spell check) in the streets, would you do so? Why or why not?

It's not so much about submitting to Islamic law insomuch as one going out of one's way to desecrate another's religion. Had the request been to go out of your way to adhere to another's religion, that'd be ridiculous. But that it is to stay in one's course in not desecrating, I see no reason to not adhere. It's asking you not to do something you otherwise wouldn't do--so just don't do it.
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By Dagoth Ur
Kman wrote:Huh ? he was a cripple... and a retard also. :|

I love how the most ardent supporters of capitalism hate their greatest saviors. Its like this guy comes through, saves the entire system from collapse, and all the libertarians can say is: HE'S BIG GUVVMENT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOES!
By Kman
Dagoth Ur wrote:
I love how the most ardent supporters of capitalism hate their greatest saviors. Its like this guy comes through, saves the entire system from collapse, and all the libertarians can say is: HE'S BIG GUVVMENT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOES!

Yeah what a salvation, a 12 year long massive depression with an average unemployment rate of around 20%, I suggest you educate yourself a little on this topic instead of swallowing the propaganda that you heard in your school raw.
The reason why its called the ''Great'' depression is exactly because of the interventionist policies conducted by Hoover and FDR, these 2 presidents were the main culprits in pro-longing the depression, normally depressions in a free market only last a year or two, then the imbalances are cleared out of the system and resources are allocated into sectors where they fulfill peoples true desires, because of the price fixing schemes and various other schemes that FDR and Hoover conducted the market could not clear itself, it was never allowed to reallocate resources into areas where they were needed, this was what made the great depression great.

If you want to really learn about this I can suggest a book by Murray N. Rothbard called ''America's Great Depression'' or if you want the modern easy to digest version you can read a book called 'The politically incorrect guide to American history'' by Thomas Woods, here the topic is covered in its main aspects without getting too technical.
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By Dagoth Ur
:lol: yeah everything would have been fine if we let the magical market solve everything. All praise to the Market, most vengeful, most chatoic, MARKET-U-AKBAR!
By Kman
Dagoth Ur wrote::lol: yeah everything would have been fine if we let the magical market solve everything. All praise to the Market, most vengeful, most chatoic, MARKET-U-AKBAR!

What is the alternative? letting retarded government bureaucrats make the decisions? (you will probably answer yes since your a commie).
By Zyx
Kman, for what do you call Hoover an interventionist?
By Kman
Zyx wrote:Kman, for what do you call Hoover an interventionist?

A month after the 1929 crash Hoover summoned key business leaders to the white house and implored them to keep wages artificially high under the flawed economic reasoning that high wages would spur consumption, they did what he asked of them and this greatly helped creating mass unemployment.
He also created the Federal Farm Board (FFB) in order to artificially inflate the price of farming goods.
Hoover also spent huge amounts of money on federal construction projects, thereby draining desperatly needed capital away from other sectors of the economy.
He also created the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) that supplied failing businesses with low interest loans. (remind you of anyone? :| ).
He also raised taxes on wealthy people from 25% to 63% which had the effect of removing excess capital from business owners that they otherwise could have used to hire people and grow their businesses.

Then in 1932 FDR came into office and he basicly just continued (and expanded in some cases) all the failed policies of Hoover, thereby greatly extending the depression that the US was in.
By Zyx
I'd give you credit for providing 'evidence' yet I notice the subjectivity on your writing:

Kman wrote:A month after the 1929 crash Hoover summoned key business leaders to the white house and implored them to keep wages artificially high under the flawed economic reasoning that high wages would spur consumption, they did what he asked of them and this greatly helped creating mass unemployment.

What leads you to believe that Hoover summoned business leaders and bossed them rather than the other way around?

What can you write on this distinction?

[This is off-topic.]
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By Dr House
I'm currently using this for a profile picture:

By DanDaMan
These men are not responding to an offensive comment; they are attempting to prevent and stifle any discussion at all.
Sorta like the atheists wanting all creation or intelligent design banned in school?

As much as I abhor the radical approach I do understand their problem with radical atheists and moderate atheists attacking all religion.

In the long run the Muslims will probably win the planet because they, unlike the secular materialistic nuclear family hating atheists, have and raise children.
By Jarlaxle
Kman wrote:A month after the 1929 crash Hoover summoned key business leaders to the white house and implored them to keep wages artificially high under the flawed economic reasoning that high wages would spur consumption, they did what he asked of them and this greatly helped creating mass unemployment.
He also created the Federal Farm Board (FFB) in order to artificially inflate the price of farming goods.
Hoover also spent huge amounts of money on federal construction projects, thereby draining desperatly needed capital away from other sectors of the economy.
He also created the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) that supplied failing businesses with low interest loans. (remind you of anyone? :| ).
He also raised taxes on wealthy people from 25% to 63% which had the effect of removing excess capital from business owners that they otherwise could have used to hire people and grow their businesses.

Then in 1932 FDR came into office and he basicly just continued (and expanded in some cases) all the failed policies of Hoover, thereby greatly extending the depression that the US was in.

You forgot Hoover calling out the Army and murdering peaceful, unarmed veterans protesting in Washington!
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By Rei Murasame
DanDaMan wrote:In the long run the Muslims will probably win the planet because they[...] have and raise children.

Except not, because Pakistan still cannot defeat India.

So long as Muslims continue to waste their time by hurling themselves suicidally against India -- the world's fourth-largest military which is backed by the world's most efficient producer and those guys who make great aircraft -- Muslims won't be winning much of anything. :)
By DanDaMan
DanDaMan wrote:
In the long run the Muslims will probably win the planet because they[...] have and raise children.
Except not, because Pakistan still cannot defeat India.
India is religious too.
My point was how Modern Liberalism and leftist's are self defeating since they destroy the concept of family.
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By Rei Murasame
DanDaMan wrote:India is religious too.

Aha, so would it be safe to say that if the western world say... had a pagan revival, that this would be good enough for you?
By DanDaMan
Aha, so would it be safe to say that if the western world say... had a pagan revival, that this would be good enough for you?
Depends. Do I think worshiping a leader, as Hitler was, is good? No.
By mordechaj
Guys, question is simple. In dubai or other muslim countrys you not allowed drinkin, kissin on public etc. Everybody must RESPECT this rules. Otherwise, you go to nick or pay find. And if you dont like it you can f-off. Simples. Why same rules cannot be applied in west. Retarded selfdistructing west liberal attitued, who cares, we like to make jokes, we like to drink, we like to kiss, thats our way. And if you dont like it you can, you know what. Thank you.
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By Rei Murasame
DanDaMan wrote:Depends. Do I think worshiping a leader, as Hitler was, is good? No.

Depends on who the Leader is and what they claim to be, doesn't it? It also can depend on what the definition of 'worship' is. ;)

More to the actual point though, India is obviously predominately Hindu, and they carry out all of the sort of nationalist and 'socially just' (?) programs that you always expressing disdain for, while defeating Pakistan.

So how does all that line up in your view? In your interpretation of the world, all the gains they've made so far should be 'completely impossible', yet there they are.
By DanDaMan
More to the actual point though, India is obviously predominately Hindu, and they carry out all of the sort of nationalist and 'socially just' (?) programs that you always expressing disdain for, while defeating Pakistan.

So how does all that line up in your view?
Well, since they have a uniform religion they should fare better than the West where atheistic Modern liberalism erodes the family.
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By Rei Murasame
DanDaMan wrote:Modern liberalism erodes the family.

Which is a feature held in common with your own ideology, Libertarianism, since your ideology explicitly instructs people not to take care of each other, and not to permit the local or state authorities to take care of people either.

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