Satire for November 2009 - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Political and non-political satire; all those terribly biased analogies live here.
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By ThereBeDragons
Paradigm wrote:[Pinochet] was a dictator who brutally murdered political dissidents.

Dr House wrote:Paramilitaries in the middle of a civil war. Do you also have a dim view of Lincoln?

ThereBeDragons wrote:Hitler only executed paramilitaries, too. Do you have a dim view of Hitler?
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By Rodion

Yeah! Fuck those extraterrestrials! God hates bugs!
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By ThereBeDragons
By Wolfman
I'm rather offended that I was made a right winger TBD.
By Douglas
I'm offended that I can't even see myself on the list anyway. Either that or I'm blind. Offended or blind.
By Reverend Pudding
The United Weights of America: Reporting on the "Girther" Movement


A colleague of mine recently infiltrated a group of U.S. citizens who were exercising their right to free speech (opponents of Obamacare). Well, it's time to hear from the other side, my brothers and sisters.

Personally, I think that Republicans have a lot more to be worried about than the U.S. president's missing birth certificate and the healthcare reform bill that will enable the government to wipe out elderly conservatives.

I'm talking, of course, about the "Girther Movement".

Fred Prentucci has been an active (in spirit) member of the Republican party for 34 years. In that time, he has managed - WITHOUT need of government handouts - to acheive a weight in excess of 450 lbs. It's not hard to understand why Fred became a little angry when Barack Hussein Obama initiated the Fat Tax.

Being rather portly and of a right-wing bent myself, I was quite moved by Mr. Prentucci's campaign to put an end to this unacceptably obesist legislation. We had our first meeting last Tuesday at the all-you-can-eat buffet at the Massive Thigh, Nebraska Ramada Inn.

Leonard "Tiny" Tinkins gave a speech that changed the mood of the room from angry to afraid.

Apparently, Lenny has a friend in the (government agency deleted for security purposes - Ed) who says that nine states across the country have begun to set up fat camps for conservatives unwilling/unable to lose weight on their own.

Already, government-funded dieticians have drawn up meat-free menus for these camps. By the end of 2012, triple bacon cheeseburgers will only be found in museums.


Here's the silver lining: We're offering beautifully designed t-shirts with the slogan, "You can have my meat loaf when you pry it from my cold, chubby hands." (available in XXL, XXXL and "pup tent"). Contact today for more (or at least different) details!

IMPORTANT FACT: Barack Hussein Obama and Adolf Hitler both weigh/weighed less than 180 lbs.

Think about it.
By Quantum
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By amjdmg
Epic Muhammad movie in pipeline
Mosque in New Delhi
Islam is followed by around 1.3 billion people around the world

An epic movie about Islam's Prophet Muhammad is in the pipeline, backed by a producer of the Lord of the Rings.

American Barrie Osborne, who also produced The Matrix, told Reuters the film would be an "international epic" aimed at "bridging cultures".

In accordance with Islamic rules, the Prophet cannot be depicted on screen.
Images of the Prophet are considered blasphemous by Muslims.

The $150m (£91m) English language film should go into production in 2011.

2010 talks

Qatari media company Alnoor Holdings, which is behind the plans, said it wanted to attract the "best international talent" for the film.

"The film will educate people about the true meaning of Islam," Osborne said.

Raja Sharif, vice president of international projects at Alnoor, told Reuters he expected to conclude deals next year.

:lol: :lol:
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By Potemkin
In accordance with Islamic rules, the Prophet cannot be depicted on screen.

The film will be about the Prophet Mohammed's effect on the world rather than presenting the Prophet as a Hollywood ego-ideal movie star. Not showing the Prophet on screen will probably make it a better movie. Besides, it's been done before in the 1970s, in the film The Message, and it worked.
By Reverend Pudding
Girth Trek Two: The Bath of Ron


Obama and his team of socialists thought we would cave in on the fat tax issue.

They were wrong.

Thanks to Ronald "Hefty" Krespie of Bacon, Georgia, our voices are finally being heard! Ironically taking his cue from the dead limey pinko, John Lennon, Ron has decided to take a "Bath for Fat"! Yes sir, our man has stated that he will remain sitting in his bathtub until Mr. Hussein Obama promises to strike down the proposed tax on people the demos think are too portly.

Reports from the left-wing media suggesting that Mr. Krespie hadn't originally intended to begin his courageous campaign are just plain sick and inexcusable. Even if Ron IS stuck, he's still a brave man and a patriotic American to allow his plight to be filmed and documented.

What's most exciting to me, is that hundreds of Republicans across the United States have joined Ron in his struggle.

Chuckie Weller of Colon Cancer Springs, Texas, who had not washed himself since the Reagan Administration had this to say: "I ain't no racist or nothin', but I sure as hell don't trust no black Muslim President. I hope "Hefty" decides to run in 2012. This country needs another hero named Ron, y'heah?"

(Chuckie's dreams are unlikely to come true, although Sarah Palin is said to be considering Krespie as a possible waddling mate)

Executive branch of Ron's fanclub: The Tubbettes

Dorothy Smeggins, also from Bacon, agreed to be interviewed from her thirty-two cubic foot, reinforced steel bathtub (converted from a 1982 Ford pickup). Amid the sound of joyous splashing, I could hear Dorothy's strong and proud voice, "Ah feel like Ah'm really doing something for mah country. Ron Krespie has given me a reason to feel important. Instead of trying to lose weight so Ah can look like some California supermodel, Ah'm now happy and, dammit, PROUD to be over six hundred pounds! Those ivory tower elitist doctors be damned!"

Ronald Krespie. Charles Weller. Dorothy Smeggins. Three heroes, nearly a full ton of patriotism, and they're only a fraction of the freedom-fighting fat force forming across Barack's America. Good luck, Mr. Hussein Obama. You're going to need it!
By Quantum
My plan has come into fruition. :muha1: :muha1: :muha1:


By Zyx

I feel sorry for the boners that'll invade the U.S.
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By ThereBeDragons
I'm not the biggest fan of the Onion but I liked these two:


Congress Approves $500 Billion For Monument To Human Folly
NOVEMBER 3, 2009 | ISSUE 45•45

Lawmakers celebrate the passage of funds that will be used to honor the renunciation of fiscal restraint.

WASHINGTON—In recognition of mankind's inherent propensity for tragically foolish decisions, Congress allocated nearly $500 billion Monday for the construction of a new national monument honoring human folly.

"From Hannibal's disastrous crossing of the Alps to Custer's humiliating defeat at Little Bighorn, human history has been plagued by senseless mistakes, and it is high time we built a memorial to honor that history," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said of the expensive and ill-advised monument. "My deepest hope is that future generations of Americans will one day look upon this pointless edifice and be filled with a sense of awe and wonder at mankind's utter lack of foresight."

"To think of all the ways our time and money could have been better spent," Pelosi continued. "I can imagine no more fitting tribute."

According to the bipartisan plan, the proposed monument will be built precariously over a Washington freeway overpass, and will require as many as 30 years of grueling labor to complete. As a representation of humanity's failure to learn from past mistakes, the project is being designed by the architecture firm of Ganz & Weiss, best known for their work on a series of dangerously constructed St. Louis public housing projects that were condemned in the late 1990s.


"Our goal is to create a structure that, like the human race itself, is doomed from the outset and plagued by innate flaws that can never be corrected," Sen. George Voinovich (R-OH) said of the monument, which he claimed would eventually sink into the federally protected wetlands that surround it. "Not only will it be an aesthetic disaster, but it will also require constant, expensive maintenance just to ensure that the whole foundation doesn't topple suddenly and kill hundreds of innocent people."

The lead architect on the project, Robert Wheeler, told reporters that the monument would be a stirring testament to more than 200,000 years of arrogance, idiocy, and waste. He also confirmed that no fewer than eight different blueprint designs would be clumsily patched together in order to preserve the spirit of indecision and gross incompetence with which mankind has approached the vast majority of its endeavors.

"The face of the building will be covered with recently excavated sections of the Titanic, as well as several faulty pressure valves from the Chernobyl power plant and hundreds of uranium-tipped shell casings from the first Gulf War," said Wheeler, whose design calls for the monument to be surrounded by dozens of oil derricks pumping night and day into bare dirt. "But the most exciting feature of the memorial, in my opinion, is the giant glowing orb at the top that will symbolize humanity's needless overuse of energy and will itself use a staggering 12 gigawatts of power per second."

According to sources, thousands of poorly paid migrant laborers will carry out construction on the monument, digging straight through underground power lines and gas mains in order to clear a space for the soon-to-be dilapidated foundation. In addition, officials from the Environmental Protection Agency confirmed Monday that the construction zone has already been designated as a highly toxic Superfund site, setting the entire project three months behind schedule.

"So far we've spent $40 billion and lost a total of 300 or so construction workers, and we haven't even put in a full day's work," said project manager Tom Matthiessen. "It's been a challenge, but knowing that we're doing this to commemorate the countless lives and resources squandered by human beings throughout history makes it all worthwhile."

Added Matthiessen, "At this rate, I'd say the whole project should be a total, top-to-bottom nightmare by late December."

Although a vast majority of legislators supported the $500 billion bill, a few dissenting voices claimed that the project is an improper use of congressional funds.

"While I am all for paying homage to mankind's tragic legacy of imprudence, surely there are more appropriate ways to do so than this," Sen. Richard Lugar (R-IN) said. "Why can't we simply give the money back to the taxpayers so they can waste it all on bad investments, botched plastic surgery, and misguided real estate deals? Wouldn't that be a more suitable way of recognizing the complete inanity of our pathetic existence?"

At press time, Congress, and all of humanity itself, was trapped in a self-perpetuating loop of failure that is expected to continue until the inevitable extinction of the human species. ... illion_for


House Haunted By Tortured Souls Of Current Residents
OCTOBER 31, 2009 | ISSUE 45•44

It's said that sometimes a skeleton-like dog can be seen lurking around the backyard, looking for food that isn't there.

HARTFORD, MI—On the outside it may look like any other home, but within the walls of 6535 Maple Ave. lies a terrifying secret: Every night, when the sun goes down and the moon comes out, this suburban bungalow is haunted by the restless, tormented souls of its current residents, the Davidson family.

"I always get this eerie chill whenever I walk by that house," said Katherine Sturges, who has lived next to the spooky residence for nearly a decade. "Sometimes, if you listen closely, you can hear these terrible screams at night. God-awful screams about money and hell and wanting a divorce."

Added Sturges, "I'm telling you, there's something not quite right about that Davidson place."

According to neighbors, three dead-eyed specters haunt the cursed dwelling: Jonathan Davidson, 58, a once-successful attorney whom many claim died on the inside years ago; his wife, Sheila, 56, a hollow, waiflike figure who reportedly roams the hallways of her home late at night, searching for a time long since past; and their adult son, Peter.

"They say the ghosts of what was once a happy family inhabit that home," neighbor Douglas Smith said. "I've heard doors slamming and cupboards being opened and closed at all hours of the night. I've even heard mournful wails coming from the basement, where poor Peter supposedly sleeps, estranged from the only woman he ever loved. Gives me the heebie-jeebies just talking about it."

Though few actually know what takes place inside 6535 Maple Ave., and fewer still wish to find out, a number of local residents have devised theories based on strange sightings.

In August, neighbors reported seeing the bone-chilling apparition of an intoxicated and half-naked Jon Davidson wandering aimlessly in his backyard. And last week, several residents claimed to have witnessed a stunted man-child playing with his toys in the driveway, though the unsettling vision was gone when they looked again a few minutes later.

"I heard the father who lives in that house went crazy after he lost his job, and feels empty and alone even though he still has his wife and son," said Jessica Deer, a fifth-grader at a local elementary school. "Sometimes he stays up all night reliving and regretting decisions he's made in the past. At least, that's what some of the other kids told me."

"Also, he cries and sobs at TV commercials," Deer continued. "It's really freaky."

Michael Lax, a senior at Hartford High School, told reporters he's also heard a number of the frightening tales.

"I know this is going to sound made-up, but they say that Sheila, the wife, sometimes looks in the mirror, and, like, sees someone else," Lax said. "Well, not exactly someone else, but, like—and this is super creepy—a younger version of herself. And apparently, the woman she sees in the mirror, she's a lot more beautiful than Sheila is, and she's married to someone else, someone who doesn't call her names when he gets angry and whom she still loves and feels close to."

"Man, I wouldn't set foot inside that place for a million bucks," Lax added.

Some residents, however, said the stories about the Davidson family are entirely fabricated.

"Trust me, this junk is just intended to scare little children and titillate housewives who have nothing better to do than gossip," local resident Carol Henderson said while helping her husband and two daughters plant some new azalea bushes in their front yard. "Seriously, now, who ever heard of a family that doesn't eat dinner together every night? That just sounds like a bunch of hogwash if you ask me." ... d_souls_of
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By Tailz
@ThereBeDragons: How the heck did I end up on the ring wing of the political spectrum?
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By Abood
@ThereBeDragons: How the heck did I end up on the ring wing of the political spectrum?
Am I the only one who gets it?
By Quantum
Abood wrote:Am I the only one who gets it?

No, I got it too. :lol: Perhaps he is the exception to it.
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By Dan
@ThereBeDragons: How the heck did I end up on the ring wing of the political spectrum?

It's a joke. NoRapture has repeatedly claimed that a good many groups are not true leftists, to such an extent that if we were to go by his reckoning, he'd be the only true leftist.

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