Is it okay for children to know about homosexuality? - Page 4 - Politics | PoFo

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By grypo
And I've already given you much more legitimacy than you deserve here. Bye.
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By RonPaulalways
The studies I quoted are cited by that paper, they're not done by the same university that did the paper.

Just the homophobic ones. like:

Fewer kids will engage in homosexuality if you tell them the truth about it. If you stop treating it like a forlong conclusion that some people are gay, and talk about it as if it's an unhealthy behavior that weak/troubled people engage in that leads to lifelong problems, that will discourage kids from normalizing/considering it. It will be seen in the same light as incest.

It's not homophobic. I provided reasoning for why homosexual behavior should be dissuaded. It's extremely unhealthy. What part of this do you have trouble understanding? I don't care about your hurt feelings. It's more important that kids don't grow up thinking homosexuality is normal and doesn't pose heightened risks.
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By grypo
RonPaulalways wrote:The studies I quoted are cited by that paper, they're not done by the same university that did the paper.

*facepalm* Can't you read your own cited material. The studies are from places like NARTH. Anti-gay Christian groups that think, as you do, that homosexuality is a deviant behavior that can be cured. So why could anyone besides yourself, and others who believe that tripe, take it seriously.
RonPaulalways wrote:I don't care about your hurt feelings.

I'm not gay so feelings have nothing to do with it. Is it that so much a foreign idea to you that one must be a homosexual to defend it like I do? Jeez.
He reads it Grypo but either doesn't understand it or just wants so much for it to be true that he can't see is absurdly obvious agenda.

The term homophobia is particularly appropriate for RPA. He is obviously very frightened of gay people. He has concluded that there is some personal threat in their existance. It makes no sense at all.
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By Hot Choco
Ron Paul is EXTREMELY libertarian. A Ron Paul presidency would be the most revolutionary political change in history. You have no idea how far his policies deviate from the status quo, away from the direction of special-interests/big-government, and towards the direction of limited government.

He's a whackjob! He's tried to ban abortion, restrict the supreme court's jurisdiction so same-sex marriage would never be legal, tried to amend the constitution to ban flag burning etc. etc.

In any sense, I don't think you're a libertarian. You don't even believe women should have the right to vote wow um can you speel F-R-E-E-D-O-M?

Kids today are not taught that homosexuals are statistically far more promiscuous and have far lower life expectancy, yet there is a big problem with homosexual promiscuity/health problems, so obviously your approach of lying to kids and idealizing homosexuality has failed.

Eh? Don't accuse me of lying. I've said that I think abstience-only education would work.

Fewer kids will engage in homosexuality if you tell them the truth about it. If you stop treating it like a forlong conclusion that some people are gay, and talk about it as if it's an unhealthy behavior that weak/troubled people engage in that leads to lifelong problems, that will discourage kids from normalizing/considering it. It will be seen in the same light as incest.

Stop talking rubbish; leave that to the real Ron Paul, he already does a fine job of it. Homosexuality is not a choice; who would chose to be persecuted that much?

Abstinence ducation has never worked. In any case, you're missing the point that homosexual promiscuity is far more unhealthy/dangerous than heterosexual promiscuity, and evidence suggests that homosexuality has a tendency to lead to promiscuity. Homosexuality itself should be dissuaded.

Homosexuals have never been taught to wait until same-sex marriage - they've only ever been taught to wait until opposite-sex marriage, which is idiotic. My plan would work.
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By grypo
PBVBROOK wrote:The term homophobia is particularly appropriate for RPA.

By ninurta
RonPaulalways wrote: Promiscuity, especially among homosexual males, carries with it very high risk factors. It can be reduced, but less promiscuity is better than more, all other things being equal.

It does, and I agree less promiscuity, at least for me and you and everyone else who agrees is better, but for others that's not the case. It is a very risky behaviour, though do you not agree that the only way to discourage promoscuity is to attack it directly?

[]Though I don't disagree with teaching them as you say, also the ugly side of the coin, it isn't always that bad. As for homosexual behaviour, I was talking about homosexuality in general, and not the sex part. Even liking the same sex.[]

The normalizaton of same sex sexual attraction could conceivably make it more likely for someone to engage in homosexual behavior, which is strongly correlated with promiscuity, health problems, etc.

You may be right, though it's hard to imagine how it would increase the numbers of those who are homosexual. As for trads and kids thinking what they are doing is cool, well that's different and that needs to stop.

Also, what is normal is completely subject to personal and cultural bias. As for normalization of same sex attraction, it's going to exist either way, so don't get why homosexual behavior increasing is a problem, nor how making it look bad is going to help it any. Though if you look at it objectively, people would see that they need to get tested regularly from STD's and avoid promiscuity at all costs. Even if it costs someone a break up or a divorce.

Would you agree that same sex sexual attraction is natural?
Do you agree that the problem you have with homosexual behavior is the common trend of promiscuity?
[]Being black isn't a behavior that can be chosen. Homosexual activity is a behavior.

Heterosexual activity is also a behavior, but like being african american, the homosexuality (the subject of this discussion) is neither a behavior nor something that is chosen.[/]

Heterosexual activity doesn't carry with it a heightened risk for STD transmission.

Though as I was saying, there is one in the african american community. The same STD that's common in the homosexuality one.

Do you agree that homosexuality itself does not cause STD's nor does homosexual behavior?

Any way, homosexuality implies homosexual behavior, so it is a behavior. It's not like a curriculum that teaches children about homosexuality will talk solely about the sexual attraction a homosexual feels. It will also talk about homosexual sexual relationships/behavior.

Okay so I will call your heterosexual behavior heterosexuality behavior because it isn't any different. :lol:

I was simply saying that there is more to it than just what they do to eachother, it's also neurological and chemical and other things heterosexuality is.

[]I know what you are saying, and I don't disagree with you about that. If you are going to teach them, tell them the whole truth. Of course. :lol:[]

Good to hear you agree :D

You do know though that homosexuality is most likely caused by the brain being formed wrong in a certain area? That is in fact the way they are born. There was a certain area of a homosexual man's brain that resembled a woman's instead of a man's. So it is probably a neurological condition, that is why I highly doubt that it is a learned behavior. Just to give a reason for my doubt. Though I am not homosexual nor was attracted to a dude so I would never know.

Hot Choco:
Voting for Ron Paul because you want a libertarian president is like buying a bucket full of water because you want the ocean.

No, it means you are voting for what you want. Unlike the democrat and republican party, the libertarian party and other libertarians are for the most part for the same thing. Take Ron Paul for example, he's not your average republican, as he is a libertarian. I'd vote Ron paul as he is a libertarian anyday.

Thanks for that classically homophobic line. And also the Mormon study that is sooooo, ya know, balanced. /sarcasm What a joke.
Do you even know how to do basic research? For one, your source uses studies from Narth whose mission is :

What he stated was true grypo, though not really him being homophobic, he is just talking about risks. It says more about promiscuity in that community than it does homosexuality itself.

So please, anyone who wants the truth, please do not use RPA's BS or his BS stats or his BS "studies". Thank you.

I could probably say the same thing about your studies but 1) you didn't post any and 2) I don't just make baseless statements to talk down another person's positions. I instead try to understand it and work from there.

O and by the way, beyond a site that was done by catholics, nothing was done by mormons that he posted.

Unless mormons and catholics are conspiring.

If you do what I'm suggesting, which is to teach kids to wait until marriage (and including same-sex marriage) then the gay kids will grow up and:
a) wait until marriage

RonPaulAlways, "Abstinence education has never worked. In any case, you're missing the point that homosexual promiscuity is far more unhealthy/dangerous than heterosexual promiscuity, and evidence suggests that homosexuality has a tendency to lead to promiscuity. Homosexuality itself should be dissuaded. "

It's also been tried since 1500 BCE when moses made the law on it, and it's failed ever since. Do they think we might need a new strategy after 3,500 years of failure? Also, educating people has worked so well, its really lowered rates, in spite of it not getting rid of promiscuity all together.

Ron Paul is EXTREMELY libertarian. A Ron Paul presidency would be the most revolutionary political change in history. You have no idea how far his policies deviate from the status quo, away from the direction of special-interests/big-government, and towards the direction of limited government.

QFT, and even if he for personal reasons is against something (like gay marriage) he thinks its none of the governments buisness. So he was truly the only candidate truly for allowing it. Though Ron Paul agrees with most libertarians as to why not legalize it, the government shouldn't have been regulating it to begin with.

Grypo, how is this homophobic:
Fewer kids will engage in homosexuality if you tell them the truth about it. If you stop treating it like a forlong conclusion that some people are gay, and talk about it as if it's an unhealthy behavior that weak/troubled people engage in that leads to lifelong problems, that will discourage kids from normalizing/considering it. It will be seen in the same light as incest.

Don't just conclude that some are gay and some are straight, but talk about it in its entirety. That it carries big risks as it does. As it will discourage kids that are impressionable and will start thinking its cool (by the way, it is currently a trend in high school that girls are thinking its cool, I was there 2 years ago and my brother says its the same way still, but worse) and engaging in homosexual behaviour.

As for how it relates to incest. People think negatively about incest for the things that have come to be associated with it. No homophobia, just fact-based conclusions.

The studies I quoted are cited by that paper, they're not done by the same university that did the paper.

They aren't libertarians, and they aren't interested in facts but what sounds good. :lol:

They are against both.

Hot Choco wrote:[]Ron Paul is EXTREMELY libertarian. A Ron Paul presidency would be the most revolutionary political change in history. You have no idea how far his policies deviate from the status quo, away from the direction of special-interests/big-government, and towards the direction of limited government.[]

He's a whackjob! He's tried to ban abortion, restrict the supreme court's jurisdiction so same-sex marriage would never be legal, tried to amend the constitution to ban flag burning etc. etc.

No that does not make him a wackjob. It means he is ethical no matter what nor who is involved. Unlike Obama, where you only matter after birth or especially if you are a bank or car company.

[]Kids today are not taught that homosexuals are statistically far more promiscuous and have far lower life expectancy, yet there is a big problem with homosexual promiscuity/health problems, so obviously your approach of lying to kids and idealizing homosexuality has failed.[]

Eh? Don't accuse me of lying. I've said that I think abstience-only education would work.

Abstinence only education is a waste of money on something that has never and potentially will never work.

The poster child of that program is Sarah Palin's daughter, who was taught that kind of education.

[]Fewer kids will engage in homosexuality if you tell them the truth about it. If you stop treating it like a forlong conclusion that some people are gay, and talk about it as if it's an unhealthy behavior that weak/troubled people engage in that leads to lifelong problems, that will discourage kids from normalizing/considering it. It will be seen in the same light as incest.[]

Stop talking rubbish; leave that to the real Ron Paul, he already does a fine job of it. Homosexuality is not a choice; who would chose to be persecuted that much?

He never said it was a choice, he said the behaviors can be when people think that it is okay in school, or as I will reword a little to match a current trend in schools. High school girls pretending to be bi or gay is not okay.

[]Abstinence ducation has never worked. In any case, you're missing the point that homosexual promiscuity is far more unhealthy/dangerous than heterosexual promiscuity, and evidence suggests that homosexuality has a tendency to lead to promiscuity. Homosexuality itself should be dissuaded. []

Homosexuals have never been taught to wait until same-sex marriage - they've only ever been taught to wait until opposite-sex marriage, which is idiotic. My plan would work.

He was responding to grypo saying that abstenance only would work.

grypo wrote:[] The term homophobia is particularly appropriate for RPA. []


QFBA = quoted for baseless accusation
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By grypo
He was responding to grypo saying that abstenance only would work.

I'll get to the rest of the post later, I'll just say I never said this and I totally disagree with it.
High school girls pretending to be bi or gay is not okay.

By ninurta
PBVBROOK wrote:[]High school girls pretending to be bi or gay is not okay.[]


Because if they are not gay or bi, and are only doing that to be rebellious, then they are putting themselves at risk by acting stupid. Being homosexual is for homosexuals, and being bisexual is for bisexuals, not heterosexuals. It seems pretty straight forward. It's like you don't claim to be vegetarian when you aren't actually one, nor do you pretend to be one and eat only vegetables for a day and eat meat on every other day. Its pointless.And it really hurts the LBGT community as it feeds the neocons "you can become gay but cant be born it" lies.

Though I must add, I am not for heterosexual sex in school age children either, so its not like I am against gays or anything.
Nonurta. Can you read what you just wrote and carefully analyze the thought process behind it? This thought process is why gay people are still in a struggle to be accepted. If you really think about what you said you will see that.
By ninurta
PBVBROOK wrote:Nonurta. Can you read what you just wrote and carefully analyze the thought process behind it? This thought process is why gay people are still in a struggle to be accepted. If you really think about what you said you will see that.

No, me being against people faking and lying about being gay has nothing to do with why they still struggle to be accepted. If so, please explain why.
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By grypo
What he stated was true grypo, though not really him being homophobic, he is just talking about risks. It says more about promiscuity in that community than it does homosexuality itself.

No he said:
The normalizaton of same sex sexual attraction could conceivably make it more likely for someone to engage in homosexual behavior, which is strongly correlated with promiscuity, health problems, etc.

He is making shit up. "Conceivably" means nothing and is a word used to frighten people into silly possibilities and here's nothing to back up that claim.
I could probably say the same thing about your studies but 1) you didn't post any and 2) I don't just make baseless statements to talk down another person's positions. I instead try to understand it and work from there.

My statements aren't baseless. He's using biased studies to try and prove a point. I don't need to cite a study to show that.

O and by the way, beyond a site that was done by catholics, nothing was done by mormons that he posted.

Unless mormons and catholics are conspiring.

The paper was a BYU paper. It cited a Christian group study. No conspiring, just 2 groups who have similar agendas.
Don't just conclude that some are gay and some are straight, but talk about it in its entirety. That it carries big risks as it does. As it will discourage kids that are impressionable and will start thinking its cool (by the way, it is currently a trend in high school that girls are thinking its cool, I was there 2 years ago and my brother says its the same way still, but worse) and engaging in homosexual behaviour.

Believe me, I will educate my kids will fact based studies that both look into the causes and effects of risky behavior, and this includes the drug and homosexual countercultures. Associating that with just homosexual behavior or blaming bogeymen factors would be lying and hiding the actual nature of how these issues coexist.

As for how it relates to incest. People think negatively about incest for the things that have come to be associated with it. No homophobia, just fact-based conclusions.

I think that's ridiculous. You want homosexuality to be thought of like incest to avoid more of these silly bogeymen.

grypo wrote:
[] The term homophobia is particularly appropriate for RPA. []


QFBA = quoted for baseless accusation

Not baseless. RPA thinks homosexuality is deviant behavior that is inherent to the gay culture. He thinks this is curable by using phony stats gathered by Christian groups who have an anti-gay agenda and scaring kids with these stats so he can help them avoid fake outcomes. He doesn't seem to care that it is this attitude that forces minority groups to depression, drugs, and risky behaviors because of low self esteem. To him fear is the answer to stopping homosexuality. I maybe wrong about my assessment but it is certainly not baseless.
By ninurta
TheClockworkRat wrote:How can you tell that they're lying or faking?

To quote from Dexter, "Be careful what you think you know about people, you're probably wrong."

I was speaking specifically about those who fake it and lie about being it.

grypo wrote:[]What he stated was true grypo, though not really him being homophobic, he is just talking about risks. It says more about promiscuity in that community than it does homosexuality itself.[]

No he said:
[] The normalizaton of same sex sexual attraction could conceivably make it more likely for someone to engage in homosexual behavior, which is strongly correlated with promiscuity, health problems, etc.[]
He is making shit up. "Conceivably" means nothing and is a word used to frighten people into silly possibilities and here's nothing to back up that claim.

Besides high school girls sometimes thinking its cool to "play" gay, yeah I agree you can't make people become gay. Though like all cultural trends, it only effects the sheeple who are the most impressionable.

I read this and I did not agree with his view on it being bad. I hope you know that.

[] I could probably say the same thing about your studies but 1) you didn't post any and 2) I don't just make baseless statements to talk down another person's positions. I instead try to understand it and work from there.[]
My statements aren't baseless. He's using biased studies to try and prove a point. I don't need to cite a study to show that.

Alright, but do you have anything that says he is wrong and or his studies are wrong?

[] Don't just conclude that some are gay and some are straight, but talk about it in its entirety. That it carries big risks as it does. As it will discourage kids that are impressionable and will start thinking its cool (by the way, it is currently a trend in high school that girls are thinking its cool, I was there 2 years ago and my brother says its the same way still, but worse) and engaging in homosexual behaviour. []
Believe me, I will educate my kids will fact based studies that both look into the causes and effects of risky behavior, and this includes the drug and homosexual countercultures. Associating that with just homosexual behavior or blaming bogeymen factors would be lying and hiding the actual nature of how these issues coexist.

I'd hope all parents would do so.

[] As for how it relates to incest. People think negatively about incest for the things that have come to be associated with it. No homophobia, just fact-based conclusions. []
I think that's ridiculous. You want homosexuality to be thought of like incest to avoid more of these silly bogeymen.

No, I don't want it to be thought of like incest at all. That is what I thought his thinking was when he said that. Incest is associated with pedophilia, rape and what not because that's the most common kind. And because homosexuality has been portrayed with AIDS signs and whan not it gives it a bad image because of the things associated with it. It is a fact that people will do that.

Actually, I think that there should be more awareness about homosexuality for what it is, and not for what it is not. It is a difference in sexual orientation, no more significant than whether you have black hair or red hair. That's how I want it to be seen.

grypo wrote:
[] The term homophobia is particularly appropriate for RPA. []


QFBA = quoted for baseless accusation

Not baseless. RPA thinks homosexuality is deviant behavior that is inherent to the gay culture. He thinks this is curable by using phony stats gathered by Christian groups who have an anti-gay agenda and scaring kids with these stats so he can help them avoid fake outcomes. He doesn't seem to care that it is this attitude that forces minority groups to depression, drugs, and risky behaviors because of low self esteem. To him fear is the answer to stopping homosexuality. I maybe wrong about my assessment but it is certainly not baseless.[/quote]
I want to believe his studies are wrong, I really do. Though I have nothing else to suggest otherwise. I am not cynical of your claim, just skeptical.
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By grypo
Results: High rates of sexual risk were found in this sample behaviour (36% of men had risky sex in the previous month) despite using a narrower definition than other recent studies. Comparable rates of non-consensual sex were found in this sample (26% of the sample had experienced NCS); however, this variable was not directly linked to increased risk behaviour. Depression and cognitions associated with controllability or predictability of risk were associated with increased HIV/STI risk behaviour. ... id=1744640
Conclusions: Clinical measures of depression are associated with risk behaviour in this sample as are cognitions about the uncontrollability of risk and reducing chances of exposure to HIV by insertive sexual practices and fidelity. Demographic variables, a history of non-consensual sex and depression are not predictors of risk behaviour when sexual risk cognitions are used to predict unsafe sexual practices indicating that cognitions are foremost in driving risk behaviours, demographic variables, and the NCS history of the subject. Given the considerable costs of providing medical care to patients with HIV it is likely that even modest reductions in rates of HIV infection through proactive psychological interventions to modify erroneous cognitions will prove highly cost effective.

Kalichman, S. C., C. Gore-Felton, et al. (2004). "Trauma symptoms, sexual behaviors, and substance abuse: correlates of childhood sexual abuse and HIV risks among men who have sex with men." J Child Sex Abus 13(1): 1-15.
Childhood sexual abuse is associated with high-risk sexual behavior in men who have sex with men. This study examined psychological and behavioral correlates of HIV risk behavior associated with childhood sexual abuse in a sample of men who have sex with men. Men attending a large gay pride event (N = 647) completed anonymous surveys that assessed demographic characteristics, childhood sexual abuse history, symptoms of dissociation and trauma-related anxiety, borderline personality characteristics, substance use, and sexual risk behavior. Results indicated that men who have a history of childhood sexual abuse were more likely to: engage in high-risk sexual behavior (i.e., unprotected receptive anal intercourse), trade sex for money or drugs, report being HIV positive, and experience non-sexual relationship violence. Results of this study extend previous research to show that men who have sex with men and who have a history of child sexual abuse are more likely to be at high risk for HIV infection.

If you want more I can provide the studies, but just not enough time comb them because there are many. As you can see these are a bit more informative, substantive, and paint a more full picture. Oh and they're scientifically reviewed. More than the "hey-gays-die-early" BS studies anyway.
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By grypo
The Association Between Health Risk Behaviors and Sexual Orientation Among a School-based Sample of Adolescents
Results. GLB youth were more likely than their peers to have been victimized and threatened and to have been engaged in a variety of risk behaviors including suicidal ideation and attempts, multiple substance use, and sexual risk behaviors. Four separate logistic regression models were constructed. Model I, Onset of Behaviors Before Age 13, showed use of cocaine before age 13 years as strongly associated with GLB orientation (odds ratio [OR]: 6.10; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 2.45-15.20). Early initiation of sexual intercourse (2.15; 10.6-4.38), marijuana use (1.98; 1.04-4.09), and alcohol use (1.82; 1.03-3.23) also was associated with GLB orientation. Model II, Lifetime Frequencies of Behaviors, showed that frequency of crack cocaine use (1.38; 1.06-1.79), inhalant use (1.30; 1.05-1.61), and number of sexual partners (1.27; 1.06-1.43) was associated with GLB orientation. Model III, Frequency of Recent Behaviors, showed smokeless tobacco use in the past 30 days (1.38; 1.20-1.59) and number of sexual partners in the previous 3 months (1.47; 1.31-1.65) were associated with GLB orientation. Model IV, Frequency of Behaviors at School, showed having one's property stolen or deliberately damaged (1.23; 1.08-1.40) and using marijuana (1.29; 1.05-1.59) and smokeless tobacco (1.53; 1.30-1.81) were associated with GLB orientation. Overall, GLB respondents engaged disproportionately in multiple risk behaviors, reporting an increased mean number of risk behaviors (mean = 6.81 ± 4.49) compared with the overall student population (mean = 3.45 ± 3.15).

Conclusion. GLB youth who self-identify during high school report disproportionate risk for a variety of health risk and problem behaviors, including suicide, victimization, sexual risk behaviors, and multiple substance use. In addition, these youth are more likely to report engaging in multiple risk behaviors and initiating risk behaviors at an earlier age than are their peers. These findings suggest that educational efforts, prevention programs, and health services must be designed to address the unique needs of GLB youth.

Adolescent Sexual Orientation and Suicide Risk: Evidence From a National Study

Stephen T. Russell, PhD and Kara Joyner, PhD

Stephen T. Russell is with the Department of Human and Community Development, University of California, Davis. Kara Joyner is with the Department of Policy and Analysis, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.

Correspondence: Requests for reprints should be sent to Stephen T. Russell, PhD, Department of Human and Community Development, University of California, One Shields Ave, Davis, CA 95616-8523.

Objectives. Sexual orientation has been a debated risk factor for adolescent suicidality over the past 20 years. This study examined the link between sexual orientation and suicidality, using data that are nationally representative and that include other critical youth suicide risk factors.

Methods. Data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health were examined. Survey logistic regression was used to control for sample design effects.

Results. There is a strong link between adolescent sexual orientation and suicidal thoughts and behaviors. The strong effect of sexual orientation on suicidal thoughts is mediated by critical youth suicide risk factors, including depression, hopelessness, alcohol abuse, recent suicide attempts by a peer or a family member, and experiences of victimization.

Conclusions. The findings provide strong evidence that sexual minority youths are more likely than their peers to think about and attempt suicide.
By ninurta
Grypo, thanks for the info, I am going to look into it. I am intrigued.
I think the reason is clear. These children live in a nation that considers feelings and behaviors that are considered normal for heterosexuals perverted when applied to them. The very discussions of homosexuality that are designed to increase acceptance serve to single them out. Kids are cruel. It is not easy to be "out" in school and to constantly be in hiding little better. Imagine if one could not act out ones sexuality while surrounded by people who are.

Can you imagine how an adolescent would feel reading RPA's ridiculous propaganda disguised as scientific studies.

Of course the best question is why we continue to marginalize homosexuals when there is absolutely not reason to do so.

If someone were to make the religious argument that homosexuality is a sin one could at least respect their devotion to their religious beliefs. And, of course, the gay person, rather than be ostracized can simply disagree on religious grounds. This is a far cry from those who would essentially call them dirty, perverted, predatory, promiscuous or diseased.

If the schools needed any proof that homophobia is a problem they need look no further than this thread.
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