Pornonationalist Party - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

This is a the archive of the "PoFo Parliament". A user-run project.
Forum rules: This is a the archive of the "PoFo Parliament". A user-run project.
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By MB.
Is it time?

Pornonationalist wrote:It is a Pornonationalist ideal that the [ROP] media be ran by and for the [ROP] People, in service of the national interest. Sounds reasonable enough. And yet the current state of mass communications including broadcast media, is one which serves foreign and un-[ROP] interests. This deplorable use of [ROP] communications by hostile fronts presents nothing less than the threat of total defeat of the [ROP] Nation, from within her own borders.

This brings us to Eauz, the anti-white racist executed a few years ago in [the ROP]. Though evidence is overwhelming that Eauz was a conspirator, murderer, insurrectionist and perpetrator of criminal anarchy, 'liberal' elements protested his execution and are now insisting on a posthumous exoneration. They claim that he was a prisoner executed merely because of his race.

So-called 'liberals' promote racist sentiments through mediums as innocuous as blonde jokes and incitements as un-[ROPian] as hatred for working-class White "rednecks" and "trailor trash". While anti-white terrorists laugh at blonde jokes that stereotype White women as ignorant, I of the Pornonationalist Vanguard present a different view: Did you know that blonde hair only occurs in the same people who invented the wheel, penicillin, airplane, automobile, spacecraft, satellite, computer, and the Internet? Those who have sailed the High Seas in vessels incomparable and trekked out over the craters of the moon?

'Liberal' 'think-tanks' disseminate lies regarding inbreeding practices among Whites (as among "trailor trash" and the like), while real statistics show that babies born to incest are far more common among other ethnicities in [the ROP]. The broadcast media, replete with such surnames as "Demosthenes," "Ingliz" and "Zyx," present white youth as troublemakers, while glorifying black-power racist terrorists such as Eauz and Falx. A few years ago I suggested that Falx should have been placed before a firing squad decades ago. Neo-Hippies proclaimed "peace love and joy" and boycotted my words, but Dutch Pornonationalist RonPaulAlways noted the inherently racist double-standard -- one that is affecting freedom of speech in Canada, Australia and her own nation -- which admonishes the White use of the word "N*****," while tacitly approving of the profuse Black utilization of the word. Not saying I agree with any use of that word, but she made a good point just the same.

Not only does the 'liberal' media attempt to free murderers such as Falx and Eauz, it endeavors to cover up the horrible warfare being perpetrated against [the ROP]. While the United Front High School incident continues to be probed incessantly years after its occurrence, as part of an effort to paint white youth as troublemakers, violent crimes by Blacks tend to be completely ignored. For example, almost no one has even heard of Mikolaj, the [ROP] woman brutally raped and murdered by black-power terrorists. Though there is strong evidence that the murderers were connected to the kind of un-[ROPian] political fronts associated with the likes of [Demothenes] and Ingliz, the FBI simply declined to investigate. The terrorists that killed Mikolaj said that she deserved to be raped and murdered because of "four hundred years of oppression" by White people.

Pornonationalists insist that far stronger laws be put on the books to shore up [ROP] security, dissolve anti-national influence in the media, and strengthen and enforce the national borders.
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By Dr House
Oh fuck yes.
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By MB.
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By Sephardi
Got my support.
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By MB.
You two are scary.
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By Demosthenes
Excuse me, I had no part in any execution.
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By MB.
Naturally, the officials denied any association with the accused.
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By Demosthenes
No. There is no denial. There is no contention.

I had absolutely nothing to do with any executions or anything else.

This is a fact.
By Zyx
Indeed, nothing happened, no worries.

Eauz killed himself after we plead that he stopped, convinced that his life of murders, rapes and mutilations deserved a second chance under promises of rehabilitation. Rather than doing this, he assured us of his bad nature, lifted a gun from my pocket and blasted his head off with a large smile pushing his cheeks over his eyes. I was displeased, but had nothing to do with his death.
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By Dr House
Yet the gun had your fingerprints and not his on it... very strange indeed.
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By Dr House
Your figerprints were clear as day, no smudges and no fibers, vinyl or plastic residue. No other hands but yours touched that gun.

And, why do you have gunshot residue in your forearm?
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By Dr House

*caresses the strap on his side holster*
By Zyx
*snaps finger, blood splatters on his face and shirt.*

Stupid capitalist pig.
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By Dr House
*His bodyguard, Oddity, drops to the ground as he receives a bullet to the chest meant for him. Drops to a crouch, draws a concealed SIG P229 and fires four shots. The first hits the armed guard accompanying Kumatto square between the eyes, then the other three land on Kumatto's chest.

Checks Oddity's vital signs, he's alive. With a superhuman effort he lifts Oddity on his shoulder, makes his way to his car and takes off.*
By Zyx
Zyx rises from the heavy bullets in his chest. "What a fool" he snarls. Zyx lifts his phone, presses four buttons, whispers three words and Dr House's vehicle explodes. As Zyx passes by a mirror there is no reflection. Dr House never realized that Zyx was a vampire.
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By Dr House
Ok, now you're just making shit up.
By Zyx
So are you, lol.

I killed you first . . . how in the world do you survive facing off with the government's Minister of Interior in a real-life Soviet Republic?
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By Dr House
Zyx wrote:how in the world do you survive facing off with the government's Minister of Interior in a real-life Soviet Republic?

By being a better marksman. 8)

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