Why Liberals are stupid about taxes - Page 3 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Modern liberalism. Civil rights and liberties, State responsibility to the people (welfare).
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By Zerogouki
In California nearly 70% of blacks (who are overwhelmingly democrat) voted to ban gay marriage. 53% of Hispanics (who also are majority democrat) voted to ban gay marriage.

Since when have all Democrats been either Black or Hispanic? There are no white Democrats anymore? When did this happen?

In LA county

Fuck LA County. What the fuck does LA County have to do with anything?

Facts are pesky little things. They are worth checking.

And to you, they are also apparently worth cherry-picking when the majority of them contradict what you say.
Since when have all Democrats been either Black or Hispanic? There are no white Democrats anymore? When did this happen?

You have some comprehension problems, don't you? Math not your strong suit?

Fuck LA County. What the fuck does LA County have to do with anything?

Wow! It must be hard to be you. Now pay attention.

LA county is the most populace county in California. You know California? The state you were talking about. LA county is the most democratic county in California. LA County contains 27% of the population of California.

You are not serious about this. You are playing. Playing is for children. I suspect you are very young. That explains it. When you want to talk with the adults raise your hand and watch your mouth. It is not cute to be a bore. It is just boring.
By Wolfman
Let me put it this way: nearly all of the Democrats/liberals in the state voted against the law.

Yah, ok. Sure.

Again, all of the pro-environment legislation that Democrats have passed was just a mass hallucination?

You don't understand the terms 'populism', or 'comparison' do you?

I find real-world voting and campaigning patterns to be more relevant than the wishy-washy rhetoric that is worth no more than the paper that it's printed on.

Did you only read half my post? Because I talked about party platform (the part you responded to) and then actual politicians (the part you ignored)

However, my best friend, Jonathan Dickey, is currently in the Army and still believes that the invasion of Iraq was the correct thing to do (though like any sane person, he realizes that the occupation was very horribly mishandled and Rummy should not have been in office).

Let me geuss, officer, newbie, or has a job so far from the frontlines that delpoyment is basicaly a working vaction?

9/11 was not our reason for invading Iraq.

Help me out then. If not for finding the terrorist, why did we invade Iraq? Because it couldd be that (unlikely since 9/11 had nothing to do with tit), or we were trying to save the world from Fasicsm(unlikely since theeere are plenty of other facsit regimes that are much worse, that we did nothing to), or we were trying to get there oil (which is likely considereing how many people in Bush's admin were oil men), or we were positioning our selves to invade Iran. So, why did we invade Iraq?

If we had given a shit about their oil, we could have just asked the UN to end economic sanctions against them.

Because that works so well. :lol:

On the contrary; military spending usually helps the economy.

Unless of course we are massivliy in debt, and continue to buy shit with no way to pay for it. What you are assuming is that Keynesian Economics is correct, which it is. But the problem is that after a little while you need to cool off the deficit spending or you'll crash the economy. Which is noticable since there was a spike in our economy shortly after the incasions, and then it cooled, and now is crashing.

Stop chaning the fucking subject

Point being, if you want to actualy blame the military, it's the Armys fault since thy spend a huge amount of money and cann't hold a fucking city.

The President can flap his gums a lot, but Congress has the first and last word on every budget

HA! The president submits it and Congress approves.
By Zerogouki
LA County contains 27% of the population of California.

And the other 73% doesn't count for shit, eh?

blah blah blah

Great. Come back to me when you feel like debating the actual points.

Help me out then. If not for finding the terrorist, why did we invade Iraq?

http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/D?c ... 107CX2nHQ::

But the problem is that after a little while you need to cool off the deficit spending or you'll crash the economy. Which is noticable since there was a spike in our economy shortly after the incasions, and then it cooled, and now is crashing.

Our economic problems right now have nothing to do with our budget deficit. They're due to the artificial bubble in the housing market that had been building since the Carter administration.

more bullshit

Great. Come back to me when you feel like debating the actual points.
And the other 73% doesn't count for shit, eh?

You really are bad at math, huh.

Take statistics next semester.
By DanDaMan
I find this entire thread completely absurd with it's statement that liberals are just stupid on taxes!

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