What protects planned obsolescence and plausible deniability - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Seeds of doubt created by introducing the ideas anything is possible because contracting is separate from ever expanding universe of details never duplicated while results work the same way regardless the outcome of tested theories and adopted theologies.

Sociology is a study to improve building societies where vocabulary never defines physical absolute functions functioning beyond description of theory/science and theology/religion other than death and taxes.

Educate/coach others to believe doesn't instruct how to employ one's own ability to consciously reason why one's self never stays the same details just like everything else that surrounds it's lifetime.

What are the metaphors "Free Will" and "Free Market" relative to liberty of choice received by conception to each lifetime within the homo sapien species living as male and female individual lifetimes as am I doing?

Where does the idea humans have rights the rest of the food chain doesn't while inorganic and organic results exist simultainiously changing within the confines of self contained positions universally present never staying stationary except the barrier event horizons that never move from their positions touching each position of balance within a so called ever expanding universe.

What holds ever expanding from evaporating physically so that everything is perpetually balancing but never staying the same details or position but remains within the constant balance here in this moment no body knows who did it?

Why does it have to be a who when the trails of what, where, when lead back to the point of origin everything continues to change within all the time?

How many experts of history that say follow the money ever said follow the philosophy to seek the point of corruption that has divided a human population into vernacular waring tribes of social justification seeking their moment as a society to rule the generations added to the present total sum of adaptions conceptions made of the conceived next generation living now?

It is widely accepted money is the root of all evil, but is it really? Could it be the substitutions of understanding the moment always here for the faith everything exists beyond the moment? Talk about an ever expanding opportunity to prevent understanding the self evident results within self contained mass being self maintaining within the universal balance point now has always existed as.

So what is real compared to manufacturing one's own reality time changes everything but the rule of law in that theory and theology grant character's rights of humanity while genders of the homo sapien species must compromise away their ancestry for membership is social justification that denial is perfectly OK in the balance of everything going on now?

Instincts know real as survival of the fittest doesn't mean dog eats dog. Predators eat prey, but in a civil means of taking that which cannot survive on it's own talents. This is where natural balance becomes perfected now all the time. But look at humanity saving the greater good ideologies of human rights to deny what real remains in the moment?

It is honorable to sacrifice those smart enough to adapt to details never duplicated for those waiting to be rescued believing time changes everything tomorrow from yesterday's mistakes while only a few can translate such divine providence to manifested destiny.

What a scam humanity has become socially embezzling ancestors from their specific ancestry to play roles in social engineered of vernacular tribalism as faith moves mountains using genders having no clue as to why or how they exist within the eternity of compounding results never duplicating details of DNA combinations of contracting gaseous, liquid, and mineral elements of the periodic table self contained within a perpetual balancing instant space and time average out to be exactly what takes place here individually where those in charge stay in power by deleting anything they disagree with their reality defined by rule of law subject to interpretation from those authorizing the authority of language arts of composed syllables making the symphony of orchestrated theories and theologies granting character's rights as long as they never discuss how or why this moment assembles eternal details living contained within Eternity's results added so far.

Inception of compounding total sums, conception of another generation of adding total sums, death of previous lifetimes making the conceiving happen, extinction of the resulting species that was part of the moment until it failed to reproduce another generation of lifetimes keeping the species here.
Adapt or become extinct doesn't make excuses, it just balances what remains in this moment universally functioning everything self contained in it.

So play rule of interpretations, but what goes around ends in the same instant compounding contracting results into new details won't change how and why eveything exists as conceived, not contrived.

No matter how things change, they function the same way all the time regardless the faith or added technology creating seeds of doubt now is always here to every generation of ancestry passing through.

Now adapt humanity around that physical absolute and maybe self fulfilling prophecies will end now in the year 2012 by choice not self induced extinction.

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