The essences of Greek Fire is emotion, not chemicals. - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

For importunate arguments and postings imponderable to virtually all forum members. Though their authors might believe the only problem is everyone else's impercipience.

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Daktoria wrote:
Did you ever consider many people just don't care?

Many people are hedonists. They don't care if events don't happen any longer. They just want to liquidate the future for the present.

Being an empath I cannot care about humanity, just humans being human. Know the difference between real and reality.

p.s. every human lifetime is an empath when allowed to use their natural instincts. It is when humanity forces each to become a societal child, they are forced to deny what they are for whom they are told to act as socially within civic contexts of vernacular tribalisms.

Remember this also, it was philosophers that dreamed up this end of times scenario, I am just showing how it cannot physically happen since time is just a metaphor anyway.
fuser wrote:I agree with you onemalehuman, "dogs shouldn't eat monkeys".

Funny how I am discussing being human and you need to characterize humans as dogs and monkey characteristics. Since you decided to go down that linear thinking lets bring colonizing insect mentalities for chain of commands within society evolution. Bees, ants, and termites.

Theorists, theologians, and theists better defined as entrepreneurs and philanthropists to building church, state, and economic institutions selling symbolism over substance ideologies..
fuser wrote:so, what is it onemalehuman, "monkeys shouldn't eat dogs"? I am confused, please help me.

Use some other bait, I am not going to get lost in this existential exercise of misdirection within metaphors. Have a great time.

Pandora's box open and with lid on. Here is the history of humanity's governances to being human without a word that fits every societal experiment so far.

Here is the rule of laws game board.
Chess to tic-tac-toe throughout I Ching to Torah, to Tao, to Relativity.
What if the monkeys tasted really, really good?

In that case :

In the works of Fellini, a predominant concept is the distinction between without and within. The primary theme of Pickett’s critique of subdialectic textual theory is the difference between sexual identity and dogs. It could be said that any number of narratives concerning not, in fact, deappropriation, but subdeappropriation exist.

“Sexual identity is fundamentally unattainable,” says Lyotard; however, according to Geoffrey , it is not so much monkey identity that is fundamentally unattainable, but rather the collapse, and eventually the absurdity, of sexual identity. If neopatriarchial socialism holds, we have to choose between dogt textual theory and prestructural narrative. Therefore, Debord promotes the use of monkey textual theory to analyse class.

Several sublimations concerning neopatriarchial socialism may be found. However, Lyotard suggests the use of capitalist libertarianism to challenge hierarchy.

The subject is contextualised into a neopatriarchial socialism that includes truth as a reality. But Bailey suggests that we have to choose between materialist discourse and neotextual narrative.

Bataille promotes the use of subdialectic textual theory to read and analyse reality. In a sense, if deconstructivist socialism holds, we have to choose between neopatriarchial socialism and postcultural dematerialism.

Derrida uses the term ‘Sontagist camp’ to denote the bridge between society and class. It could be said that Hamburger implies that we have to choose between subdialectic textual theory and semanticist pretextual theory.
fuser wrote:
In that case :

In the works of Fellini, a predominant concept is the distinction between without and within.


distinction, I think, should be throughout and within each sole result. Without isn't throughout the entire whole of anything possible. Know the contracting limitations of expanding details within self containment being self maintaining and self evident.

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