Freemasonry - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

For importunate arguments and postings imponderable to virtually all forum members. Though their authors might believe the only problem is everyone else's impercipience.

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By onemalehuman
What does virtually mean other than "almost but not quite completely real. What is reality but virtual interpretations of what if, if only, and only if theory and theology keep every body guessing about how and why every detail of what, where, when, and who developed every aspect of societal evolution in the construction styling of humanity's societies of civilizing a two gendered species of human lifetimes?

But to pick discussing a single detail while the whole species is metaphored into something that never existed beyond vernacular painting in symbolic tones of syllables composed into a symphony of means to create an emotional bond to meaning and feeling rather than understanding the simple principle functions now is all the time here.

I respect what life is enough not to try and rule individual lifetimes with misdirecting notions of science fiction. My so called nonsense is the core of everything physically existing as conceived by compounded combinations of gaseous, liquid, and mineral molecular elements that make up this perpetual natural balance of everything being exactly what is taking place now.

Freemasonry is a construction style of framing society's beliefs in any kind of faith. This is why there is a central governance between all sides of directed character role models leading others to follow traditional beliefs nobody can know what real is anymore within then literary truths of fictional diversions of maybe and might become if only everyone follo0ws the rules of law and regulates their behaviors as cast members of society where rank has it's legal privileges, those ruled don't get because they are just another lifetime within the human species passing through the eternity of thuis moment defined as relativity in subjective terms where the objective is to keep the next genration performing as the last. So along with Freemasonry there are Thespians, and National Honor societies educating the people to play character roles.

Again, I am not trying to destroy anyone's beliefs, just adding what their chosen faith doesn't teach. Natural balance and the nature of the beasts balanced isn't the same event. One operates within the other and knowing the two brings balnce back into reality's game of tipping the scales to one side over the other 23 or 71 od houes and rules of compounding interest added now all the time, past, present, and future all existing within the compounded total sum now had made so far in this eternal moment. I respect your gender's liberty to believe whatever the Hell you wish, but to dictate who I am in power of suggestion only reflects the intentions of you wanting to direct my social character role another ideology sold you to accepting being human isn't humans being of character.

But it is, while only accepting half the value of the whole moment's 6 halves. Never let this out of your thinking about self containment within eternity's results universally applied, this planet is composed of three states of existing molecules making up an estimated 120 elements of constant mass never staying the same details. symbolic comparisons of gaseous equals spirituality, liquid equals blood, and minerals equals body. Inception to the food chain is immaculate as is extinction from it. That leaves conception, birth, conceiving another generation, and death the what, where, when, and who four corners of this planet's how and why now is always here.

But language arts and the artists of building societal evolution within fables, fairy tales, and parables of existential contests between just two sides of a storyline always omit the other 4 halves of the whole to everything taking place physically never staying the same details twice as before or since added to the history assembled now.

I have so much respect for gendered lifetimes I don't try and fool people with notions I am something from outside this moment's compounded results never staying the same details twice. Again, so simple it works from snowflakes to cellular fingerprints called DNA's sole results within every conceived lifetime to plant or animal details acting within predatory or prey behavior survival skills, using male/female means to reprroducing the same results in never duplicated details.

Some body knows real and it isn't just me or mthe rule of law wouldn't be so confusing using circular logic dancing in metaphors of emotional triangulation of heart, mind, body, and sole to play collective soul realities in church, state, and economic policies regulating power, wealth, and fame to those that control the value of language arts.

Real exists whether or not reality faces it directly and individually, but when individuals are directed to ignore the self evident, self fulfilling prophecies are the end game of miserable people loathing the limits of their physical form.
Are you discussing societal evolution within the constraints of notions or the physical limits of natural balance? metaphors and symbolism do not change the why and how natural balance works regardless human existence within eternity's results compounded so far.

The rituals made public aren't much different than any other social construct of society governed with words regarding flesh and spirit analogies. This is why debate is such a dangerous means when employing single topic single track existential logic within exponential functions working as usual.

Functions are the substance within the metaphor of fate. Functioning is the Destiny of details being the same blancing results never duplicated because of compounding within self containment.

Incomplete is always inaccurate regardless how many directions added together in speculation of existential imcompletes multiplied by compounding effects that affect behavior of sole results collectively deceived for generations.

I seek to help, not destroy any belief, but all beliefs spiritual or scientific must accept being incomplete and ready to find what is missing as a whole of divided cultures captivated within language arts of character matters.

That core mistake is time management ignoring of now's results forever here and always now in favor of thinking yesterday and tomorrow exist at all within the adapt or become extinct functions functioning everything here as a whole part of universal balnce going on now as usual.

It is beyond my control. So all any one lifetime can do is find the center balance of everything taking place. This understanding is my gift, not my rules to be obeyed because I believe I am an exception of why and how eternbity is framed within this moment forever and universally.

Balance between rule of laws separating philsoophies of spiritual faiths, political beliefs, and economic desires that symbolism has a greater value than knowing what really works everything the same way regardless the social barriers of vernacular tribalism.

Again, survival is balance within eternity's functions functioning the same way all the time. Trying to rule the moment is a fool's game that destroys the substance of the symbolic values being protected by sacrificing the most able to adapt for those waiting to be saved by super natural beings that never existed outside human imagination of what if real isn't here all the time as now never remains the same.

Wasn't that the message within the Movie Forrest Gump. Stupid is as stupid does. Goes right along with Einstein's interpretation of insanity.

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