Feeling Biden's inflation yet? - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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"It's the economy, stupid!"

Moderator: PoFo Economics & Capitalism Mods

Forum rules: No one line posts please.
Patrickov wrote:I am a Capitalist so this statement is a direct attack on my belief.
The truth hurts? :*( My heart bleeds purple piss for your "beliefs".

Capitalism, unchecked, leads to exploitation and crony capitalism.

Crony Capitalism
an economic system characterized by close, mutually advantageous relationships between business leaders and government officials.
Godstud wrote:Capitalism, unchecked, leads to exploitation and crony capitalism.

Sorry I only see those regimes who vow to fight against Capitalism more easily goes unchecked and do diabolic things.

In other words, I see much, much more crony Socialism than crony Capitalism.
The most successful regimes, in the world, are those that are currently incorporating Socialism as a check and balance to Capitalism.
Potemkin wrote:Supply and demand, @BlutoSays. If demand exceeds supply, for whatever reason, then the price goes up to curb demand until it matches the supply. This is the working of the Invisible Hand of the free market, its wonders to perform. You’re not against the free market are you, @BlutoSays? :eh:

So we've never had a demand for fuel and energy before? Everyone just started eating?

The money supply (gubmint throwing "free money" everywhere) has been expanded at too fast a rate.
Patrickov wrote:To be fair, if I were BlutoSays, I would probably believe the inflation soared because either of the following:
1. Biden purposefully allow gasoline supply fall well behind demand to drive up prices and force people to follow his "leftard: green agenda.
2. Biden made mistake in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict causing oil (and thus gas) price to soar out of fear.

But of course I am not him, and I don't find any of the two points have any ground myself (those are just my perception of what he might think).

On a side note, I think BlutoSays is a Trump Administration / Republican Party apologist (these two groups don't necessarily overlap, mind you).

As Nietzsche once observed, most people don't have ideas, they have symptoms.
Godstud wrote:The most successful regimes, in the world, are those that are currently incorporating Socialism as a check and balance to Capitalism.

Why do you have to explain this to Bluto? He is convinced of the pure shit he believes in. He won't change. :D
MistyTiger wrote:
The US has been suffering from inflation for decades! Remember when a coke cost 10 cents? Maybe an old grandfather does.

when I was around 4 or 5, I wasn't supposed to leave the block. My grandmother had given me a quarter and I went down to the Dairy Queen, which was a few blocks away. I bought their biggest cone, which was a quarter, and holding the cone at waist level, the ice cream came up to my eyebrows.

Good day :D
BlutoSays wrote:

The money supply (gubmint throwing "free money" everywhere) has been expanded at too fast a rate.

Republicans have been doing that since the 80s. Reagan, for example, added 186% to the debt. W added 101%. HW added 54%.

Typically, a president will add 30 something percent to the debt.

While Biden did add a lot to the debt, he was dealing with multiple crises. That's why he will be like a Republican in what he adds to the debt...

https://www.thebalance.com/us-debt-by-p ... nt-3306296
Potemkin wrote:As Nietzsche once observed, most people don't have ideas, they have symptoms.

What are my symptoms Potemkin? And how do I get better ideas eh? Don't be shy. Tell me your deep, important and best thoughts on this question?
Tainari88 wrote:What are my symptoms Potemkin? And how do I get better ideas eh? Don't be shy. Tell me your deep, important and best thoughts on this question?

You're one of the exceptions, @Tainari88. :D ;)
BlutoSays wrote:Did your Coke double overnight? Did your gasoline?

Why are you such an apologist for this administration? Because it's not the last one? Welp, maybe it'll take a little longer for you to see the light. Fine by me.

In psychology, they speak of confirmation bias which is what you suffer from. You take numbers and you make conclusions on what you think it means, what you want it to mean. Are you an economist? Do you know of anyone who can control inflation? Because I have never heard of one man being able to roll back the effects of inflation. Inflation is not something you can turn back in seconds like the hands of a clock. It is complicated. Like I said in my previous post, go study economics for awhile and then see if you still believe that a POTUS can control inflation.

Has a POTUS ever been able to control inflation? Was Bush Jr an economist, was Obama? If it was possible, don't you think previous ones would have stopped inflation dead in its tracks? Did Reagan stop it? Oh wait, there's a thing called Reaganomics and it's unclear if he actually helped the economy. People still argue about it so many decades ago from his reign as POTUS. :hmm:
Value from Last Week 4.428
Value from 1 Year Ago 3.051


I admire the confidence you have in being incorrect, @BlutoSays.

I drive a lot and if the high gas prices last a whole year, it will cost me $900 USD more a year. How is Biden affecting Thai gas prices in the same way as in USA? Do tell!!!
Potemkin wrote:
Supply and demand, @BlutoSays. If demand exceeds supply, for whatever reason, then the price goes up to curb demand until it matches the supply. This is the working of the Invisible Hand of the free market, its wonders to perform. You’re not against the free market are you, @BlutoSays?

BlutoSays wrote:So we've never had a demand for fuel and energy before? Everyone just started eating?

The money supply (gubmint throwing "free money" everywhere) has been expanded at too fast a rate.

Admin, Bluto has called me stupid and a moron, and he is still posting. I hope you don't punish me when I just do the same to him.

How stupid are you? We have been pointing out that the supply of oil and other stuff is down because of the covid supply chain bottlenecks and shutdowns of factories.

Starting from that fact, Potemkin said that the demand exceeded the supply because the supply had been reduced. That the market then did it's thing to return equilibrium and raised prices. You also ignore the report that the San Francisco Fed report calculated that the part of the inflation caused by covid spending in the US was just 0.3%. You also seem to blame Pres, Biden for *ALL* the covid spending, when way more than 60% was passed and spent while Trump was president.

You blame the inflation on the increase in the money supply and ignore the supply reductions. These facts make you look like a stupid moron.
BlutoSays wrote:So we've never had a demand for fuel and energy before? Everyone just started eating?

The money supply (gubmint throwing "free money" everywhere) has been expanded at too fast a rate.

As @Godstud (rather rudely, as is his wont) pointed out, the increase in the money supply is not the primary cause of the inflation, and the increase in demand post-Covid is also not the primary cause. Demand currently exceeds supply because there are supply bottlenecks due to various causes, most of which are global and are beyond the control of President Biden or, indeed, any other world leader. This imbalance between supply and demand has led the free market to restore equilibrium by raising prices so that supply and demand are once again equally matched. Notice that the equilibrium which the free market is constantly seeking to restore is not a fixed price for goods, but a perfect match between supply and demand. Notice also that ‘demand’ in the marketplace is not the same thing as human need - somebody might be starving to death, but if they have no money to buy food, then their need for food will never show up in the marketplace as a demand for food. The free market will let them starve to death, and that will be that. In fact, it has to let them starve to death in order for the price mechanism to function properly to keep supply and demand in perfect equilibrium - those who cannot afford to pay the higher prices drop out of the market (and possibly out of existence too).
@Potemkin Me? Rude? Have you seen Bluto's post in this thread? :?: I treat posters with the same civility that they give others, Mr. Potemkin.
Godstud wrote:@Potemkin Me? Rude? Have you seen Bluto's post in this thread? :?: I treat posters with the same civility that they give others, Mr. Potemkin.

In other words, you lower yourself to their level. Why not try to raise their level, instead of lowering your own? Just a thought.
@Potemkin I've tried. It's like attempting to converse rationally to a 2 year old child. Ineffectual. They can only understand things when you speak in the language they are used to.
MistyTiger wrote:In psychology, they speak of confirmation bias which is what you suffer from. You take numbers and you make conclusions on what you think it means, what you want it to mean. Are you an economist? Do you know of anyone who can control inflation? Because I have never heard of one man being able to roll back the effects of inflation. Inflation is not something you can turn back in seconds like the hands of a clock. It is complicated. Like I said in my previous post, go study economics for awhile and then see if you still believe that a POTUS can control inflation.

Has a POTUS ever been able to control inflation? Was Bush Jr an economist, was Obama? If it was possible, don't you think previous ones would have stopped inflation dead in its tracks? Did Reagan stop it? Oh wait, there's a thing called Reaganomics and it's unclear if he actually helped the economy. People still argue about it so many decades ago from his reign as POTUS. :hmm:

Hey, let me correct you on something right now. Don't for a minute believe anyone has to have a degree in economics to understand economics. It's like saying only a constitutional lawyer can understand the Constitution. It's absolute BS.

Saying it's complicated is like saying I'm searching for an excuse for poor performance.

The Fed can unleash inflation. So can the congress through bad policy and enabled by presidents.

Democrats today are believers. They are not thinkers. They believe a premise and then they push policy to make it happen, regardless of how nonsensical the premise is. They tout SCIENCE when they're in favor of just the opposite. They politicize science and then call it SCIENCE. Then they label it "settled science" to quell any challenges. That should make your antennae go up right there. It's just more democrat BS. The whole DNC is formed around BS ideologies.

Inflation is something you want to keep low. Like one to two percent. When people have been saying if you keep juicing the printer, eventually it's going to come back to haunt, they have an idea of the outcomes just from past history. That's what you get with democrats - endless printing. They wanted endless money because everyone "deserved" a house and that caused a crisis back in 2007/2008, but the setup was a decade in the making by democrats. And right up until the SHTF, Maxine Waters, Barney Frank, Franklin Raines and the entire DNC said there is no problem. Well there was, thanks to their shenanigans.

Currency gets its value from rarity. When you endlessly create it, of course you get inflation because you make it less rare, hence you lower its value.

Things are NOT becoming more expensive. What's happening are dollars are becoming worth less and less.

These are man made problems. Pelosi and Biden can never get enough free shit to the masses - just look at their record. Don't trust me - just listen to their proposals every damn day. They always want more and more grandiose bills and think every problem can be solved with more money. Now it's finally landing and the federal reserve is puckering.

It's amazing how democrats call republicans uncaring and monsters because they don't want to endlessly give away free shit to people who don't work. Then, when the SHTF, they say "well it's the republicans". Even Manchin said ENOUGH and every democrat hated him.

You need to go back to what democrats said fifty years ago and what they say today and you'll understand how fucking looney they've become (and I haven't even gotten into wokeness and grievance politics spread over multiple generations).
BlutoSays wrote:
Don't for a minute believe anyone has to have a degree in economics to understand economics. It's like saying only a constitutional lawyer can understand the Constitution. It's absolute BS.

Saying it's complicated is like saying I'm searching for an excuse for poor performance.

The Fed can unleash inflation. So can the congress through bad policy and enabled by presidents.

Democrats today are believers. They are not thinkers. They believe a premise and then they push policy to make it happen, regardless of how nonsensical the premise is. They tout SCIENCE when they're in favor of just the opposite. They politicize science and then call it SCIENCE. Then they label it "settled science" to quell any challenges. That should make your antennae go up right there. It's just more democrat BS. The whole DNC is formed around BS ideologies.

Inflation is something you want to keep low. Like one to two percent. When people have been saying if you keep juicing the printer, eventually it's going to come back to haunt, they have an idea of the outcomes just from past history. That's what you get with democrats - endless printing. They wanted endless money because everyone "deserved" a house and that caused a crisis back in 2007/2008, but the setup was a decade in the making by democrats. And right up until the SHTF, Maxine Waters, Barney Frank, Franklin Raines and the entire DNC said there is no problem. Well there was, thanks to their shenanigans.

Currency gets its value from rarity. When you endlessly create it, of course you get inflation because you make it less rare, hence you lower its value.

Things are NOT becoming more expensive. What's happening are dollars are becoming worth less and less.

These are man made problems. Pelosi and Biden can never get enough free shit to the masses - just look at their record. Don't trust me - just listen to their proposals every damn day. They always want more and more grandiose bills and think every problem can be solved with more money. Now it's finally landing and the federal reserve is puckering.

It's amazing how democrats call republicans uncaring and monsters because they don't want to endlessly give away free shit to people who don't work. Then, when the SHTF, they say "well it's the republicans". Even Manchin said ENOUGH and every democrat hated him.

You need to go back to what democrats said fifty years ago and what they say today and you'll understand how fucking looney they've become (and I haven't even gotten into wokeness and grievance politics spread over multiple generations).

You keep demonstrating that you understand almost nothing.

We got the memo..
Steve_American wrote:Potemkin wrote:
Supply and demand, @BlutoSays. If demand exceeds supply, for whatever reason, then the price goes up to curb demand until it matches the supply. This is the working of the Invisible Hand of the free market, its wonders to perform. You’re not against the free market are you, @BlutoSays?

Admin, Bluto has called me stupid and a moron, and he is still posting. I hope you don't punish me when I just do the same to him.

How stupid are you? We have been pointing out that the supply of oil and other stuff is down because of the covid supply chain bottlenecks and shutdowns of factories.

Starting from that fact, Potemkin said that the demand exceeded the supply because the supply had been reduced. That the market then did it's thing to return equilibrium and raised prices. You also ignore the report that the San Francisco Fed report calculated that the part of the inflation caused by covid spending in the US was just 0.3%. You also seem to blame Pres, Biden for *ALL* the covid spending, when way more than 60% was passed and spent while Trump was president.

You blame the inflation on the increase in the money supply and ignore the supply reductions. These facts make you look like a stupid moron.

"We have been pointing out that the supply of oil and other stuff is down because of the covid supply chain bottlenecks and shutdowns of factories."

No! Really! Ya don't say. So PRINTING more money out of thin air doesn't do anything. It just causes more $$$ to chase fewer goods, but it gets you democrats a headline that "we care about people, vote for us". Meanwhile, you devalue the dollar further and further AND CAUSE MORE INFLATION.

Do you know what the Labor Force Participation Rate is? Do you know where it is today? Do you know where it was before the pandemic? Oh, you do? So why keep telling us how low unemployment is? Go into any business today and you can see how understaffed they are. Why is that? Super full employment? Really?

How can we fix this? I know how! We can have Steve_American propose more free shit for the free shit army. It fixes everything. Brilliant!

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