For all those who want to salvage this game. - Politics | PoFo

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This is a the archive of the "PoFo Parliament". A user-run project.
Forum rules: This is a the archive of the "PoFo Parliament". A user-run project.
We had formed a coalition, but it kind of fizzled because of illegal moves by the Commies. Lets forget parties, we are forming the goverment right now , the legitamate goverment. Former members of the SLD, PUC, PNL, and CA will form this new goverment. The PM will be Para, and ministers as assigned previously. I open the session of Parliment and await the first order of business.
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By Karl_Bonner_1982
We better fucking get something together VERY fast, or this whole game is going to go down as a total flop. There's no reason it should have taken this long to just get the first government going.
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By Potemkin
We better fucking get something together VERY fast, or this whole game is going to go down as a total flop. There's no reason it should have taken this long to just get the first government going.

Actually, that's pretty realistic. Do you know how difficult it is to form governments in Italy or Israel?
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By Dr House
I'd assume not very difficult at all since they have a fucking new one every 18 months on average.
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By Demosthenes
Oxymoron wrote:We had formed a coalition, but it kind of fizzled because of illegal moves by the Commies. Lets forget parties, we are forming the goverment right now , the legitamate goverment. Former members of the SLD, PUC, PNL, and CA will form this new goverment. The PM will be Para, and ministers as assigned previously. I open the session of Parliment and await the first order of business.

What are you talking about? Are we not awaiting the result of the confidence vote?

The only issue I can see is that the PUC is no more. Meaning the coalition you propose doesn't exist.

Further, the three remianing parties you propose to use do not currently have enough votes.

I suspect it may indeed be time to hold another vote simply because it appears the last results are simply spoiled now.


I don't know...
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By Oxymoron
Behold the incompetence of the state in action

In the real state, leaders of the Communist/Anarchists would be in jail or shot or vise a versa.
By Falx
Behold power hungry demagogues in action. How many attempted coups have we had so far? How many parties split and imploded?

I would support the move for an Athenian democracy in pofo but I just don't trust the transition from the current system we have to the new one to be fair. Seeing as my party, 2nd largest, happens to be completely ignored in the list of parties that will form the new government.

In the real state, leaders of the Communist/Anarchists would be in jail or shot or vise a versa.

Please note that THP had no knowledge of this and did not support it. We also largely dissolved our alliance with the radical left over this.
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