The Masses Awaken - Politics | PoFo

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This is a the archive of the "PoFo Parliament". A user-run project.
Forum rules: This is a the archive of the "PoFo Parliament". A user-run project.
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By Vladimir
Today, a large crowd started gathering in the streets of the capital city. It appears that the people, having been suffering from unemployment, poverty, disease, hunger and oppression have had enough of waiting for solutions; the parliament, dominated by fascist demagogues, spawn of the old regime, has done nothing at all to reach for the promised solutions; political elites have done nothing but mutual purging and redistributing property amongst themselves. And now, with honest attempts made by the workers' representatives in parliament at forming a transitional government and passing a progressive constitution being sabotaged on every step by the reactionary demagogues who thrive on poverty and profit from chaos, the masses have risen up to their historical task.
The crowd, numbering hundreds of thousands, began to march the streets and closing in on the centres of capital. Gradually, rioting started to spread; by noon, all the elites have evacuated by helicopters while the crowds below smashed, burned and looted the "inner cities" and evil paradises that the ruling class has constructed for itself amidst a sea of poverty.
At the same time, all of the capital's factories and workshops were occupied by the workers who formed workers' councils as local power bases, and the situation evolved into a spontaneous general strike through the unions; the workers in all of Pofoland's cities put down the tools and took to the streets. By the evening, with all roads and railways blockaded, all cities paralysed and all industry stalled, the whole nation had stalled, economic activity suspended, most commodities expropriated by the people, the ruing classes in hiding behind concrete, barbed wire and private guns.
The nation's ports were blockaded my mutinous freight and fishing vessels, with the present navy vessels opening fire occasionally.
Clashes with the police force were frequent throughout the day, with the police opening fire with live ammunition into the crowds, but a decent amount of armed workers (thanks to the weapons smuggling campaign arranged by the SN-RF under the disguise of a toy freighting business) formed local militias which fought with the armed wing of the state, which led to many casualties on both sides and a temporary retreat of the police.
The army was slow to respond, as many of the conscripts deserted and either hid or joined the protests. The elite forces are set to be dispatched the next day to start retaking the cities - something the bourgeois state will not hesitate to do.
Meanwhile, thousands of boats full of African immigrants are heading from Europe towards Pofoland, as it is their chance to get in.
The SN-RF, as the workers movements' legal wing is demanding an immediate ratification of the proposed constitution, formation of a government and passing of the first bills and decrees.
The SN-RF has been most active in speaking to the masses and promising a quick resolution of the crisis.
On the basis of the recent events, the provisional SN-RF government urging the new centrist government to immediately propose a constitution, stop any armed reaction and pass the following:

-Freedom of political activity within unions and workplaces
-Universal and unabridged right to firearms, with individual ownership regulated by criminal records
-A power division contract between workers' councils and state; we promise to push through in the parliament any demands councils make
-Abolition of police, standing army, and nuclear program. Establishment of a universal workers' militia in their place.
-Reservation of at least half of the court jury seats for worker council delegates

In case of complete dismissal of this, you will not stop the current events from developing further, and there's no telling of what will happen.
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By MB.
towards Pofoland

wrong name
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By Vladimir
Oxy your tanks won't do shit in the slum cities and barricaded streets of our urban landscape :roll:
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By Vladimir
I am aware that your government is as bad as Burma, but armed workers, barricades, deserters, blockades and a vast movement doesn't compare to a bunch of buddhist monks, and the Burmese "solutions" won't do :lol: :lol: :lol:
Last edited by Vladimir on 25 Apr 2009 01:05, edited 1 time in total.
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By Dave
has it not occurred to the RF/SN that this is a first world country

just ignore this oxy
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By Vladimir
I recall we had massive urban poverty?
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By Dave
I think your definition of poverty is a little harsher than mine, being that you're from Russia and all

This thread is important in that it highlights that there is much in our nation's background which is yet to be filled out, though
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By Vladimir
Doesn't make much of a difference, taking into account that the country was under dictatorship, and is now in an extended political crisis. So given that we have a strong workers' movement and given the exent of the political crisis coupled with the global depression (was that included btw??)... :lol:

This thread is important in that it highlights that there is much in our nation's background which is yet to be filled out, though

I certainly agree
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By Dave
Economic background needs to be developed more.

We do have a strong workers movement, but we also have strong bourgeois parties and no strong far right. Generally unstable industrialized countries have both a very strong workers movement AND far right (e.g. Weimar Germany). So, our workers are perhaps not in DIRE shape, but in WORSE shape than other workers in the first world, and especially they are worse off compared to the farmers and the professional classes.

Also, wasn't the communist party the largest party in Italy for decades, despite the absence of revolutionary conditions?

At least that seems to make some sense? :?:
Last edited by Dave on 25 Apr 2009 01:13, edited 1 time in total.
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By Demosthenes
ALL HAIL VLAD!!! Who shall lead us into a future FREE from the abuses of the past!
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By Vladimir
At least that seems to make some sense?

Yes I think the post-first world war situation in Europe is reasonable for us.

Also, wasn't the communist party the largest party in Italy for decades, despite the absence of revolutionary conditions?

the "communist" party was hardly revolutionary :lol: about as communist as the russian KPRF
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By Dave
Well your communist party's platform supports capitalism... :|
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By MB.

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By Vladimir
Well your communist party's platform supports capitalism...

.. and we aren't revolutionary either. ;) Otherwise we wouldn't even be in the parliament. Of course neither are we social democrats like the "communist" parties you are thinking of
Last edited by Vladimir on 25 Apr 2009 01:19, edited 1 time in total.
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By Demosthenes



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By MB.
made my day :lol:
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By Dave
Vladimir wrote:.. and we aren't revolutionary either. ;) Otherwise we wouldn't even be in the parliament. Of course neither are we social democrats like the "communist" parties you are thinking of

So in other words we have a popular "communist" party, like Italy...why then would workers be taking over the streets etc.? :?:

I have no idea how to explain the RF though. No one ever votes for anarchists... :knife:
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By Dr House
Why would anarchist parties be available for voting in the first place? It defeats the point of anarchism.

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