Centre-Right Coalition Talks - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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By Dan
So, I think we could work a centre-right coalition along these lines; the number are adding up.

The CA platform should be moderate enough for the PUC, should be libertarian enough for the LC and FR, and should have an acceptable citizenship policy for the PoP.

We may not agree on everything, but we can be pragmatic enough to work together to prevent the triumph of a left-wing coalition, in which we all lose. The left is organizing, and we need to start organizing too; small steps forward for each of our parties' respective goals is better then the huge fall backwards the left could cause.

So let's get discussing this.

Would your parties be up for a coalition?

We would also be willing to work with the more moderate, pragmatic members of the SLD.
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By Lightman
I may be mistaken, but I believe that the PUC has already stated that it will not sit on a coalition with the PoP. While I personally would not like to attempt to, I feel attempting to form a coalition with the PNL would be more acceptable and more pragmatic. Honestly, I believe that we will end up with a CA-PUC-SLD coalition, with perhaps LC contribution.
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By Nets
Lightman is quite right, the PUC abhors the far right just as much as it abhors the radical left.

Luckily, it seems that the Left does not have the votes to form a coalition. But neither does the right. The PUC (and PUC-L) will side with whichever factions end up being closest to the PUCs platform, be that SLD or CA.
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By Dan
The PoP may or may not be included in the coalition, but that is whhy we are having these talks.

If the PoP were willing to act moderately and pragmatically in a coalition would the PUC be willing to work with them, theoretically speaking?

Also, the CA is open to the possibility of a coalition forming the government to run the day-to-day operations of government, but allowing free votes on any parliamentary initiatives.
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By Cheesecake_Marmalade
The PNL is open to moderating their platform (once it's posted, which should be quite soon) in order to sit on an alliance with the PUC and the CA, though you may be pleasantly surprised to find that there isn't much we really need to moderate. Consider us more a pragmatic right than a far right party.

We are also happy to note that due to new leadership and loss of popularity within the party, the PNL has completely dropped eugenics from its list of possible positions.
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By Sephardi
I think the Constitutionalist Alliance (Liberty Caucus and the Free Republicans), the Conservative Alliance, the Pan-National League, and the PUC/PUC-L will not have enough seats for a coalition, so that's why some wanted to include the POP. The problem is that the People Of Pofo said that they will never sit in a Coalition with parties like the LC and non-authoritarian parties. The SLD can be included instead of the POP to create more of a Grand Coalition with the SLD being the only Center-Left party there. That way, all parties will be include except the Far-Right (POP), and the Far-Left (SN and RF).
By Clausewitz
A center-right coalition would probably be able to pull some SLD defectors even if it didn't manage to pull the whole party.
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By Cheesecake_Marmalade
I doubt we'll be able to pull the whole party. To be honest, I'm kind of skeptical about sitting on a coalition with the LC, and I think they may be doubly so.
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By Sephardi
I'll get them to come around.

And can you please post your platform already.
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I have mentioned in the CA thread that I think we should make a point of joining the WTO early. As we all know free trade is supported by almost every economist in the world, it would undeniably be a positive for our great nation. I also think it would be politically important to get this done early, as it is a simple piece of legislation (join the WTO? Y/N) and would really screw the various left-wing parties, putting us in a position of power from the start. I know we can count on the LC's support, how about the rest of you?
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By Nets
I'm fairly certain the PUC would support WTO membership.
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By Cheesecake_Marmalade
I don't think the PNL would. I can't, in all good conscience.
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I don't expect all PNL votes, but I imagine we can grab a handful of them, along with the SLDs.
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By Fasces
You would do more than "screw over the leftists" through membership in the WTO. You are selling this nation, and its sovereignty, to an international organization. You are eroding the right of this nation to decide for itself its own course, subjecting it to the edicts of the economic giants of the world. Perhaps the Conservatives are willing to sell the people into vassalage in order to accomplish its act of petty partisanship, but any true patriot must vote against WTO membership, and, truth be told, membership in any international organization where our interests become subservient to the "international community".
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By Cheesecake_Marmalade
Fasces took the words right out of my mouth. The WTO is an international organization posing as a proponent of free trade.
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By Dan
As the leader of the CA, I oppose joining the WTO.

While I am generally in favour of free trade, I oppose making our nation subservient to the international community.
By Clausewitz
I support WTO membership.

At any rate, I don't think this has to be part of the coalition negotiations.
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By Dan
No. I would personally like to leave something like the WTO to a free vote.

In the interest of furthering talks, here's some questions:

PUC, what would you want out of a centre-right coalition and what could be negotiated to get you on board? Is there anything that you could not abide in the coalition?

PNL, what reservations do you have about the LC and is a strict immigration policy enough to get you on board or are their other essentials that would be necessary?

LC, what would be necessary to get you on board and what would you absolutely no abide?

PoP, you have mentioned elsewhere that you are capable of being pragmatic, would you be willing to work with a centre-right governing coalition? What would be necessary to get you on board and what would you not be able to abide?

Again, I want as much as possible to completely marginalize the RF and the SN and to mitigate the more extreme elements of the SLD.
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