PoFo Unity Coalition Platform (Centrist) - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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This is a the archive of the "PoFo Parliament". A user-run project.
Forum rules: This is a the archive of the "PoFo Parliament". A user-run project.
If you support the PUC for PoFo parliament, please leave your name below.

PoFo Unity Coalition Political Platform
“For a Better Tomorrow”

Party Philosophy:

The PoFo Unity Coalition represents a compromise between the economic liberalism of the right and the socialism of the left; an economic golden mean which promises prosperity and growth for all citizens. Come join us in building a New Jerusalem in PoFo.

(PUC) believes in a new social contract between the government and the people. Namely, responsibilities run in both directions; the government is obligated to further the welfare of the people, but the people in turn must give back to the state. There is no such thing as a free lunch is one of our guiding principles, but so is social justice and welfare for all citizens of PoFo. These concepts are not mutually exclusive. No citizen who works to the best of his ability to contribute to the society and who follows the law need ever fear hunger, homelessness or lack of healthcare. None of these things are considered by the PUC to be human rights; quite the contrary. These are benefits that are earned through dedicated contribution to the community. You Work Hard and Play by the Rules; We’ll Make Sure You Get Ahead

Similarly, as opposed to some of the parties of the left, we fundamentally endorse a free market system; those who labor should be allowed to enjoy the fruits of that labor. While the PUC supports increased government oversight in many sectors of the economy to prevent malfeasance and corruption, as well as better union-corporation relations, fundamentally we believe that people should be allowed to enter into economic transactions as they wish. To this end, the PUC favors a broad-based coalition for PoFo comprising the moderate parties on the left and right.

The PUC is committed to creating a moral society in which all life is sacred, and in which humans act as better stewards of planet earth.

“let justice roll down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream.” – Amos 5:24.

Economic Policy:

Minimum Wage – the minimum wage should be decided on a regional basis in order to guarantee a bare minimum of self sufficiency.

Welfare – Welfare transfer payments should be eliminated at the earliest practicable date in favor of employment through government works projects. The PUC believes that a dollar earned gives more utility than a dollar given.

Finance and Banking – Favors stricter oversight of these sectors to prevent bad behavior.

Taxes – Favors roughly the same income tax regimen as current employed throughout much of the EU, with higher capital gains taxes. No citizen will ever be expected to pay more than 50% of his total income. Favors a negative income tax for those earning less than $15,000 USD (with adjustments based on the number of dependants, etc.) Favors the current US corporate tax rate. Supports the use of tax law in order to create incentives for corporations and private individuals towards good behavior; hence tax deductions for charitable contributions and environmentally responsible investments, etc. Similarly, the PUC supports “sin taxes” on socially undesirable goods such as alcohol, pornography, tobacco products and gambling.

Nationalization – Favors nationalization of health insurance companies through buyouts, as well as most utilities. Otherwise, the free market should more or less reign. Supports greater regulation of transportation industries.

Monetary Policy – More or less Monetarist, the money supply should be allowed to grow at more or less a steady, predictable rate, save for national emergencies.

Fiscal Policy – Endorses the basic Keynesian prescription of surpluses in boom times and deficits during busts. Recognized the fundamental cyclicality of booms and busts. At no point should a deficit (or surplus) amount to more than 4% of GDP.

Economic Equality – Does not recognize equality of outcome as a moral, practicable or desirable economic ideal. All those that work should be guaranteed freedom from anxiety over health, shelter, etc. Those who do not put effort into the system should expect no return.

Unions – Supports the rights of unions within reason. No union should be allowed to drive a company into the ground, but likewise no corporation can expect to unfairly treat its employees without government penalty.

Sustainability – In light of dwindling resources, growing populations and severe climate and pollution concerns, the PUC declares that an economically sustainable economy is a primary goal.


- Supports free universal healthcare for all children ages 0 to 18.
- Supports universal healthcare for all adults who either work, have a disability which legitimately prevents them from work, or who can demonstrate sincere attempts to find work in the past year. The unemployed by choice will not be covered.
- Opposes nationalization of healthcare industry and supports the continued freedom of doctors and hospitals to treat patients as they see fit; only supports full- or partial-nationalization of payment mechanisms.
- Supports government incentives


- Opposes social promotion in K-12.
- Supports compulsory free education from K-12, with the option of vocational training in 9-12.
- Supports standardized academic benchmarks for grades K-12 in Mathematics, Reading Composition and Comprehension, History and Science.
- Supports school voucher programs.
- Supports merit-based government funded scholarship and grants.
- Supports full collegiate funding for those who demonstrate actual talent in their chosen field.
- Supports incentives towards increasing the number of natural science, computer science and engineering students.
- Supports a greater role for parents in selecting curriculum in K-8.
- Opposes Race-based affirmative action; mildly supports economic affirmative action.
- Supports increased ethics- and morals-based educational programs in K-12.

Environmental Policy:

Global Warming – Acknowledges scientific consensus on issue and endorses Kyoto Protocol. Favors renegotiation of Kyoto towards more strict requirements. Opposes carbon-cap and trade program, supports carbon taxes.

Coal – Supports the complete phase out of coal fired power plants within the next ten years. Favors a moratorium on surface- and mountain top removal-coal mining practices.

Oil and Natural Gas Electricity – Supports the phase out of these electricity sources within 15 and 25 years, respectively.

Nuclear, Wind, Geothermal, Hydroelectric Energy – Supports expansion of all of these energy sources as soon as possible, particularly nuclear.

Solar Power, Biofuel – Recognizes that at the present, solar power and biofuel are not competitive. Supports expanded R&D into solar power, in both photo-electric and solar-thermal energy sources, as well as greater research into biofuel, particular the breakdown of cellulose.

Gasoline – Supports gasoline tax comparable to that found in the EU. Supports tax subsidies towards hybrid vehicles and tax breaks on smaller cars.

Reforestation – Vigorously supports creation and expansion of international reforestation programs, particularly in South America, Europe and Africa. Similarly, supports restoration of many wetland areas.

Conservation – Supports efforts towards conservation of endangered species. Favors illegalization of killing of primates. Supports a 30% reduction in per-capita electricity consumption by 2024 and a 15% reduction in per capita fresh water consumption by 2024. Favors investment in desalinization.

Agriculture – Favors commission to evaluate effects of current pesticide and fertilizer usage on ecosystems. Supports more genetic diversity in current crop portfolios with attendant tax subsidies to achieve this.

Social Policy:

Marriage – Defines marriage as between a man and a woman. Supports civil unions for homosexual couples. Opposes polygamy. Although opposed to same sex marriage, the PUC will support the results of any PoFo-wide referendum on the issue.

Abortion – Vehemently opposes abortion except in cases of incest, rape or danger to the life of the mother. Supports creation of better social services to care for unwanted children through more spending on foster and adoption programs.

Prostitution – Supports continuing illegality of said practice. Supports expanded social programs to lure women (and men) from said profession.

State and Church – Supports separation of church and state
- Prayer will not be mandated or encouraged in schools, but will not be forbidden.
- Likewise, religious displays on public property are not a priori forbidden, (for example Christmas trees in front of town halls, etc.).
- Creationism (or variants thereof) will not be taught in any science course in public schools.

Civil Rights – Supports anti-discrimination legislation, illegalizing discrimination based on race, religion, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, nationality. Discrimination is forbidden against disabilities (within reason). Similarly, supports current hate-crime legislation.

Affirmative Action – Opposes any affirmative action based on race, religion, ethnicity or gender. Supports (within reason) economic affirmative action, primarily with respect to college admissions for disadvantaged youths.

Narcotics – Supports removal of minimum sentences for drug possession. Supports reduction in prison terms for most narcotics, with a complete removal of prison term for marijuana related offenses. Sentences for narcotics dealers will remain in place.

Alcohol & Tobacco– Supports legal age for each as 20.

Gambling – Supports heavy taxation of said activity.

Gun Ownership – Automatic and semi-automatic weapons are fully banned. One requires a license comparable to a driver’s license in order to own guns, (one must pass a firearm competency exam), which would primarily be for hunting.

National Service – All citizens are expected to spend eight months in national service after their 18th birthday. This requirement may be met in a variety of ways, including military service or working in hospitals, schools, parks departments or public works. The PUC believes such a program will help foster national cohesion.

Law and Order – The PUC defines itself as a Law and Order party; the criminal justice system will not lenient with law breakers, no matter their class or origin.

Foreign Policy:

Israel and Palestine – Supports a two-state solution “roughly” along the 1949 armistice lines, in which a Jewish Israel and Palestinian-Arab Palestine live in peace and security as democratic states. Compensation to all refugees, both Jewish and Arab, created by the conflict.

Iran – Supports the Islamic Republic of Iran’s right to have nuclear energy, provided that appropriate international safeguards are in place to prevent militarization of the program. Will not allow a nuclear-weapon armed Iran.

Iraq War – Supports withdrawal at earliest practicable date, as decided by the UK, US, Iraqi Government and the Arab League.

Afghanistan War – Supports withdrawal at earliest practicable date, predicated on the destruction of the Taliban.

Kosovo – Recognizes de-jure independence of Kosovo.

South Ossetia and Abkhazia – Supports negotiations towards final status pursuant to the withdrawal of Russian forces from said regions.

Zimbabwe – Supports all international efforts towards the removal of Robert Mugabe from power, as well as efforts towards his trial for crimes against humanity.

North Korea – Favors reunification with South Korea under the administration of current ROK government.

Sudan – Supports all international efforts towards the removal of Omar Bashir from power, as well as efforts towards his trial for war crimes in Darfur and South Sudan.

Mexico – Fully supports current Mexican Government’s war against Narcotics cartels.

United Nations – favors massive restructuring of organization to weaken non-democratic states in the general assembly and to promote fairness and objectivity.


As of now, we will not sit in a coalition with the PRF.
Last edited by Nets on 09 Apr 2009 07:35, edited 9 times in total.
By Aekos
Because Doom dissolved the other party I think I'll join this one.
User avatar
By Nets
Good man!
User avatar
By Doomhammer
Because Doom dissolved the other party I think I'll join this one.

Terribly sorry, old chap. It's politics.

To the Unity Coalition; I wish the best. (such pleasantries in politics must be unheard of in most places)
Last edited by Doomhammer on 09 Apr 2009 00:21, edited 1 time in total.
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By Nets
Doom, screw the conservatives join our party. My offer of full autonomy on foreign affairs still stands.
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By Doomhammer
Doom, screw the conservatives join our party. My offer of full autonomy on foreign affairs still stands.

I just changed parties. I'll stick to the Conservatives for now. They are good people. Besides, I don't want to be like that Turkish MP (Kubilay Uygun, aka Fırıldak Kubi or "Weathercock Kubilay") who changed so many parties in such a short period of time that people still lol at him.
By Clausewitz
/casts his vote for Unity.

Does the Coalition have an emblem/logo yet?
User avatar
By Nets
Not yet

(Did you make sure to vote here: http://www.acepolls.com/polls/870761-20 ... -elections ?)

Welcome aboard Clausewitz!
By Mazhi
Alcohol & Tobacco– Supports legal age for each as 20.

Why so high?
User avatar
By Nets
Because kids are idiots.

It isn't something we'd be fanatic though, as long as it is above 18.
By Mazhi
Well, for my country, that would mean raising it... :p
By Clausewitz
Nets wrote:(Did you make sure to vote here: http://www.acepolls.com/polls/870761-20 ... -elections ?)

I did so with pride. Vote Unity.

It seems that it's going to be impossible to form a government without PUC. :muha1:
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By Lightman
While I dramatically disagree with the social policies of the Unity Coalition, I want to be on Parliament. 8)
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By Donna
This isn't really a coalition, just a single party calling itself a coalition.
By Arbiter Azariah
Looking sharp, guys. I like the platform, and I like the fact that we appear to be a major player in the election's early returns. Unity forever!
On the logo, we should probably consider a colour scheme and imagery worth using. Okonkwo assigned us purple to give us a distinctive graphing colour that wasn't ugly. However, Attica suggested navy blue and white. Thoughts?
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By Dan
Lightman, you could join the Conservative Alliance, we might be more your style.
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By Nets
Lightman, what in the social platform do you disagree with?

The platform is not set in stone, as a party we are open to debate.
User avatar
By Nets
^ and?
arbiter wrote:However, Attica suggested navy blue and white. Thoughts?

Yea, a party with me as chairman would with blue-and-white as its colors would go over real well with the PoFo crowd. Why not just change our name to AIPAC. :lol:

I like purple and gold, the purple is a synthesis between the left (red) and the conservatives/blue-bloods. The gold is very regal.
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