What's our country's name? - Page 4 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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This is a the archive of the "PoFo Parliament". A user-run project.
Forum rules: This is a the archive of the "PoFo Parliament". A user-run project.
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By Fasces
A pen for the outline, and basic idea, which I scan into Photoshop and then refine.
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By Attica
Awesome work, Fasces!

I would propose the capital should be inland (just), New Clausewitz should be a massive port city and epicentre of awesomeness and we can determine other city names and state names after its all been drawn up. I reckon the climate should be temperate (no deserts no eternal winters) but a few mountain ranges, deep forests, sweeping plains and importantly, plenty of bays and a few islands around that could hold cities on them etc..
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By Nets
I want plains as well. The PUC is definitely a plains party.
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By Fasces
If no one minds, I'll draw up a rough outline of the geography when I have a few free hours, and insert some preliminary cities.
By Arbiter Azariah
I'm the son of a cartographer. I felt my blood quicken when I saw Fasces's maps. :eek:
I think a country of nine million people sounds like a decent idea. I know we're using the D'Hondt method, but are the electorates going to directly elect their representatives? For example, with a more conservative Division be likely to directly elect a Conservative Alliance MP? At this point, it might be worth considering demographics of Pofoland, and which types of people form a party's 'natural base.'

For example...
SN: Working class in highly industrialised cities such as Pofograd, radicalised young leftists in cities with universities, such as New Clausewitz.
PNL: Elements of the suburban working class in 'mortgage belt' seats.

...and so on.
By Clausewitz
Arbiter wrote:I know we're using the D'Hondt method, but are the electorates going to directly elect their representatives? For example, with a more conservative Division be likely to directly elect a Conservative Alliance MP?

The D'Hondt method is a convenient way of translating the votes into seats, but yeah, I think it'd definitely be cool to say that they're from geographic constituencies for roleplaying purposes. And possibly we could develop it into something more substantive later on.
By Aekos
And possibly we could develop it into something more substantive later on.

Secessionist movements? Wars? :p
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By Dr House
Kumatto wrote:dilpill, too little detail. What's landscape like? Besides, why are we an island? Too much coastal stuff, IMO.
C_M wrote:I reject the idea of being an island

Screw you guys islands are awesome.

C_M wrote:Because it's unnecessary to have a parliament on a small island, and it gives us reason to have such complicated policies. Our platforms wouldn't make sense except in the context of a nation with upwards of a million people, imo.


My own home island is smaller than Connecticut and it has about 4 million people. Cuba has 11 million people, and Taiwan has 22 million. Great Britain, which is also an island, has 60 million people. Why would an island have to have a small population?

Attica wrote:Ok so we have a 100 seat government right? I guess that government comes from the idea of representation per population. So to have equal representation thereabouts, there should be say, 60,000 electors per seat. So that would make the population of electors in Pofoland 6,000,000, then add their children, say, 3 million. So say the nation has 9 million people, I think that would be good, and therefore the size of the nation should come from this. I like the idea of the island but I think the size of Greenland is ridiculous. See the size of Ireland. I think that works.

I second this. :up:
Last edited by Dr House on 13 Apr 2009 13:12, edited 1 time in total.
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By HoniSoit
I don't have any problem with islands considering I'm living on one.
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By Donna
It should be an island because I expect our government will react to real-life events involving real countries.
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By Fasces
Early build of PoFoland

Very early. New Clausewitz should be obvious.

Not every island is on there, just the major ones. I'm thinking of adding smaller islands to dot the land.

In terms of climate, this is temperate. Either located in the south Atlantic or the north.

I figure an industrialized central island, a "tourist" southern island, and a rural northern island chain, along with parts of the central island, should allow for a variety of political opinions.

Not many major cities yet. Thought I would gauge community response first.
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By Dr House
Question: At this point how wealthy is Pofo, and what's its industrial profile look like?

Because if it's a developing country, or one overly dependent on primary production I'm adding an industrial policy to my party platform.
By Arbiter Azariah
I think we can say the extent of its industry varies on the region where you're at. If we go by Fasces's sexy, sexy map, The northern island and a northern section of the central island could by considered agricultural. New Clausewitz and other industrialised areas including Pofograd would have major technology and manufacturing industries. The southern section, island included, could be a tourist trap. Make of that what you will.

I might do up a bit of history in a bit, if you guys like.
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By Donna
Very nice work, Fasces.

Question: At this point how wealthy is Pofo, and what's its industrial profile look like?

That's a good question. I was also wondering how the government's budget, reflecting tax policy, would fundamentally operate. I doubt anyone has the means or will to simulate an actual economy, and we don't want to over-complicate things.
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By Red Star
Can the RF HQ be situated in the ex-bus depot of Cwasville. Please? Otherwise, screw it, we will just squat in there.
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By Ombrageux
Pofo should be a roughly Japan-sized country in terms of population. This gives it reasonable clout in and of itself without being a superpower.

Geographically, I think we should be in the North Atlantic or the Mediterranean, which would reflect most of the board's members real-life origin (overwhelmingly Western). Having it be the latter might be most interesting as it would give lots of potential for Middle East politics, immigration and the like to affect Pofo.

Economically, Pofo should be middle-upper level, somewhere in the range of the various quasi-developed economies (Hungary, South Korea, Israel, Greece..). This would place us with a GDP/head somewhere in the mid-$20,000s. This would give us a number of things to play with: A) Development/globalization B) Still fairly grave social problems C) An established (declining?) urban proletariat with a maturing middle-class.
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By Fasces
Japan sized is far too large, to be honest. I like the Ireland sized nation.
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