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By Subversive Rob
Indeed, it is precisely Potemkin's point that we should adjust our platform to accurately reflect what SN has in common with the RF.
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By albionfagan
I support fully a coalition, in which the RF is regarded as an equal partner in any alliance.
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By Potemkin
The problem seems to be the personal animosity between ingliz and myself. As a personal matter, it should not affect the course of the negotiations.
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By Vladimir
Indeed; I and all others in the SN support a joint platform which is created by a join effort, with no superior partner..
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By ingliz
#1 Refused to modify SN platform as agreed.

#2 Entered negotations with the SLD unilaterally

#3 Implied that the RF were junior partners in any RF/SN coalition

#4 And is now negotiating with his SN cronies in the joint policy thread, with no RF input, what had already been negotiated, showing bad faith
Last edited by ingliz on 13 Apr 2009 23:40, edited 1 time in total.
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By Potemkin
Indeed; I and all others in the SN support a joint platform which is created by a join effort, with no superior partner.

This is also my position.
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By Potemkin
#1 Refused to modify SN platform as agreed.

Untrue; in fact, I was arguing that the RF should be able to retain its organisational and policy independence.

#2 Entered negotation with the SLD unilaterally

A lie.

#3 Implied that the RF were junior partners in any RF/SN coalition

A lie. See my answer to point #1.

#4 And is now negotiating with his SN cronies in the joint policy thread, with no RF input, what had already been negotiated, showing bad faith

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By Demosthenes
Even if we can't form a ruling coaltion, together the parties are a significant force. Apart we have no voice.

Let principles take precedence over personal feelings.

Please. For the good of the people, and the good of PoFo.
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By Potemkin
Even if we can't form a ruling coaltion, together the parties are a significant force. Apart we have no voice.

Let principles take precedence over personal feelings.

Please. For the good of the people, and the good of PoFo.

I agree. The personal animosity between myself and ingliz is beginning to endanger the success of the hoped-for coalition between SN and RF. This is intolerable. For the sake of the working people, I am willing to step aside as Party Chairman of the SN in favour of Vladimir, if that will help the process along.
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By albionfagan
Who is leading negotiations from the the RF side, seen as we have no leader?
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By ingliz
I can read; you attempted to enter into negotiations with the SLD without informing the RF. Does it matter that they told you to go fuck yourselves. You should have informed your "equal partners" in this thread as per the agreement negotiated by Vlad, Raptor, Honi and I.
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By albionfagan
As has been said, people do not represent parties completely, a personal battle between potemkin and Ingliz should not tear down this process.
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By Potemkin
I can read; you attempted to enter into negotiations with the SLD without informing the RF. Does it matter that they told you to go fuck yourselves. You should have informed your "equal partners" in this thread as per the agreement negotiated by Vlad, Raptor, Honi and I.

I challenge you to post the link which will prove these wild, baseless accusations.
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By Vladimir
- the SLD is out of the picture;
- we are willing to make a joint platform and I am urging the RF to participate as much as you can in this
- By making a join platform we will agree to being equal partners

- Potemkin, thank you for letting me handle the situation; I think it will indeed be better since your conflict with Ingliz is badly affecting our positions.

I promise to prepare a join platform tomorrow, basing on the input from the RF so far.
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By Vladimir
As for SLD I thought I was negotiating with them :?: And I don't remember that RF protested against them so what's the problem?? It's not that I was actually compromising anything, I was only asking them what terms they would propose.
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By Demosthenes
Ingliz please, The SLD negotiations were largely a result of my pushing for such before my defection. Potemkin didn't even start it, I did. His only negotiating stance that I ever read was to ask SLD what they wanted. (edit...yeah, nvm, that was Vlad...)The only responses were from Clauzwitz and Okonko which would have virtually gutted the party.

Fallen Raptor and Vlad pretty much ignored these conditions as completely unreasonable. I agreed, and defected.

If you should feel a slight toward anyone it should honestly be me, but consider that at the time I was fighting as hard as I could to prevent the SLD from doing exactly what they are doing right now. It became clear to me this morning that all hopes I had for SLD avoiding alliance with the PUC were in vain.

Anyway, Potemkin has agreed in the name of equal unity between us to step aside in favor of Vlad (Something he's done twice now, I think). Honestly, your anger toward him seems misplaced from a relatively outside perspective. Our enemies cheer when we divide, it's important to remember that.

I can't speak for other members of SN, but I'm sure we're all willing to hear and incorporate as much of the RF platform as possible at this point.

So, can we move on or what?
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By DDave3
As a member of the SLD, I am not so sure about our attempts to align ourselves with the PUC - who seem to be a soft centre right party at best. I wouldn't discount an RF/SN/SLD platform, particularly if the elections throw up a left/right split, but there would have to be concessions - such is the nature of politics.
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By Vladimir
We would certainly be interested in a discussion with the left wing of the SLD, provided RF agrees too
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By OldMajor
I would implore left wing members of the SLD to formally split and register themselves as Independents. In this way they will break the back of a parties whose leadership is hell bent on getting in bed with Nets and Captain Sam.
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