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PostPosted:05 Jul 2009 02:46
by Vladimir
A true right winger that believes all men are created equal and no man shall be singled out

You support 100% inheritance tax too then, surely?

PostPosted:05 Jul 2009 02:50
by BooKofElisha
If you want true equality... vote Flat Tax.

Bingo Dan, count me in.

PostPosted:05 Jul 2009 02:53
by Sephardi
I'm a personal supporter of the flat tax, but I got the notion that many Right-Wingers here are for the Progressive Tax, but I guess I might change it.

PostPosted:05 Jul 2009 02:57
by Vladimir
if this were real you would all be hounded by most people and impaled the moment you mention increasing taxes on lower incomes :lol: :lol:

PostPosted:05 Jul 2009 02:59
by Sephardi
For Business - The first $250,000 that a business makes is not taxable. The rest is taxed by a flat rate of 25%.
For Income - The first $30,000 that a person makes is not taxable. The rest is taxed by a flat rate of 25%.

That sounds pretty fair. The people in poverty and some of the working class won't even pay income taxes.

PostPosted:05 Jul 2009 03:08
by Vladimir
Why not raise revenue by taxing fat cats more :?:

PostPosted:05 Jul 2009 03:34
by MistyTiger
Vladimir, rightists don't tax fat cats. If they did, they'd be more liberal and leftist. They're more likely to give tax breaks and tax cuts to the fat cats, while also giving pay raises to aforementioned cats.

PostPosted:05 Jul 2009 03:39
by Vladimir
:lol: I know, but since Shepardi was sensible enough to omit taxes for incomes below 30000 (which is even better than our current brackets), I was wondering why he would care about flattening fat cat incomes to middle incomes

PostPosted:05 Jul 2009 05:12
by DanDaMan
A true right winger that believes all men are created equal and no man shall be singled out
You support 100% inheritance tax too then, surely?

If it's 100% for all.. and does not discriminate.
Sure. Sounds unreasonable. But if you want to use that as an example... do it across the board.

PostPosted:05 Jul 2009 09:16
by Dr House
MistyTiger wrote:Vladimir, rightists don't tax fat cats. If they did, they'd be more liberal and leftist.

Why is this necessarily so? the PNL party platform calls for a 44% top tax rate with investment and savings fully tax-deductible.

PostPosted:05 Jul 2009 16:57
by Sephardi
My tax is as fair as it gets. The first $30,000 that a person makes it not taxable. That means if you make as much or less then that amount annually, you don't pay income taxes. If you make $530,000 per year, you wont pay taxes for the first $30,000 that you make, but will have to pay the flat 25% income tax, for the next $500,000.

Other then that, the Communists will die, the Nationalist paramilitary organization will defeat you all... Etc... 8)

PostPosted:05 Jul 2009 17:07
by JohnRawls
Actually i am for a flat tax of around 16%-21% . And no corporate tax. Small Goods taxes on cigaretes , petrolium and firearms. Large goods tax on Alkochol. Legalized dope , prostitution and cazinos .

PostPosted:05 Jul 2009 17:13
by Sephardi
Everybody is but there is no way we can gain enough revenue that way.

But this is technically around that 20% rate anyways.

Let's say you make $130,000. The first $30,000 is untaxed. The rest ($100,000) will be taxed by 25%. All together, you will have $105,000 left, which would be a 19.2% tax rate if there was no untaxed amount of money.

PostPosted:05 Jul 2009 17:15
by Sephardi
You can discuss any other issues in the official Right-Wing Bloc thread.

PostPosted:05 Jul 2009 17:17
by JohnRawls
Small goods taxes on cigaretes , firearms and petrolium will get us some money . Large tax on alkohol . Legalized prostitution , dope and cazinos also help. < --- Large goods tax on those .

PostPosted:05 Jul 2009 17:17
by ingliz
I am not sure if the RWB will be allowed to contest this election unless they publicly renounce violence. I am pretty sure that was one of the conditions imposed on participating parties after the "coup". I will get back to you with 'quotes' and references when I have had a chance to look through the old threads.

Of course you could make my job a lot easier by renouncing all ties with your paramilitary wing now.

ingliz, Clerk of the House

PostPosted:05 Jul 2009 17:19
by JohnRawls
I am not sure if the RWB will be allowed to contest this election unless they publicly renounce violence. I am pretty sure that was one of the conditions imposed on participating parties after the "coup". I will get back to you with 'quotes' and references when I have had a chance to look through the old threads.

Of course you could make my job a lot easier by renouncing all ties with your paramilitary wing now.

ingliz, Clerk of the House

DIe you damn communist . We will fight till the last drop of our blood for our Rights and Liberties .

PostPosted:05 Jul 2009 17:48
by Vladimir
My tax is as fair as it gets. The first $30,000 that a person makes it not taxable. That means if you make as much or less then that amount annually, you don't pay income taxes. If you make $530,000 per year, you wont pay taxes for the first $30,000 that you make, but will have to pay the flat 25% income tax, for the next $500,000.

And again, why not raise revenue by taxing higher incomes more?

Actually i am for a flat tax of around 16%-21% . And no corporate tax. Small Goods taxes on cigaretes , petrolium and firearms. Large goods tax on Alkochol. Legalized dope , prostitution and cazinos .

This is the most disastrous and inane policy I have read so for in the parliament :lol: :lol:

Oh and if your party does not renounce violence and terrorism it will be censured.

PostPosted:05 Jul 2009 17:55
by JohnRawls
This is the most disastrous and inane policy I have read so for in the parliament :lol: :lol:


PostPosted:05 Jul 2009 18:04
by Vladimir
It will plunge the gov't revenue to the point where it won't be able to control aggregate demand allowing price fluctuations and exchange rates to spiral out of control, reducing the demand of our exports; it will depress the aggregate demand further by reducing the population's purchasing power relative to the productive power, which coupled with reduced gov't spending will cause a local recession; meanwhile the untaxed profits will be poured into speculation, which when not backed by real commodities will turn the recession into a depression. It will be like Argentina 2001 all over again :roll:
You know if robbing the poor and giving to the rich sounds bad, it probably is bad ;)