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This is a the archive of the "PoFo Parliament". A user-run project.
Forum rules: This is a the archive of the "PoFo Parliament". A user-run project.
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By Red_Army
I thought we had 23 seats and 22 members? So every RF/SN voter gets a seat and if we cannot get V's vote reinstated I propose we coopt V for the spare seat.

Ok, nevermind then. No elections then, in any case, I vote for me!

I'll support your plan for VfV.
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By Brio
ingliz wrote:I thought we had 23 seats and 22 members? So every RF/SN voter gets a seat and if we cannot get V's vote reinstated I propose we coopt V for the spare seat.

I like this suggestion.

What happens if people are not online when a vote is needed though?
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By HoniSoit
Falx wrote:Everyone in my party so far seems to be in favour of creating an alliance with you how long until we have to reply to you officially?

48-72 hours?

I thought we had 23 seats and 22 members? So every RF/SN voter gets a seat and if we cannot get V's vote reinstated I propose we coopt V for the spare seat.

I agree.

What happens if people are not online when a vote is needed though?

I think each member should indicate in general how they would like their vote to be used when they are not active during the period of voting.

I also made this proposal regarding the allocation of ministerial positions:

Firstly, individual members of the RF would decide whether they wish to participate in the parliament as MPs to advance their causes through parliamentary means or through raising awareness of the anarchist positions. So one is free to choose whether to accept any shadow ministerial portfolio.

Secondly, it's important to recognise it as a fact that SN has more votes than RF then reasonably the SN wing would have a proportionately greater say in the allocation of shadown ministries - whether SN would choose to exercise this advantage is another matter; it would also depend on personal interests and talents. So I would propose members of both parties to volunteer for a position and in cases where there are more than two members competing for the same position, we'd have a vote by all members to settle it.
Last edited by HoniSoit on 16 Apr 2009 08:56, edited 1 time in total.
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By Vanasalus
PNL is dominated by fascists.

I am sure it won't happen. But, If RF-SN does the unthinkable and negotiates a coalition with fascists; we will divulge such an hypocrisy in every platform we can talk.

That being said, we as THP is overwhelmingly against any coalition where fascists are honored.
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By Cheesecake_Marmalade
There is absolutely no coalition in the works with the RF-SN, Vanasalus, and I don't see where you are getting this from. That's slander on both our parties (for different reasons, obviously). All we have is an informal agreement to not exclude voting in favor of the same things.
By Falx
Actually we will probably decide to pass parliamentary votes that you propose by a much lowered threshold, the most likely being we reject it if 0-25% vote for, we abstain if 25-40% vote for and we vote with you if 40-100% vote for it.

You don't need to change anything in your platform but we would expect unconditional support if anyone tries to bring impeachment charges against our members. We haven't figured out how to propose legislation ourselves but it seems 2/3 of the party supporting a bill not in parliament would be the most likely way, we would also hope for support on those bills which I imagine will not be too frequent. The details on what THP will receive exactly from this will be discussed if you're happy with what we are thinking of giving the SN-RF.

And if 48 hours isn't too long for you this will be when you get an official answer along with a definite answer on what we will do as our part of the bargain.
Last edited by Falx on 16 Apr 2009 08:59, edited 1 time in total.
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By HoniSoit
PNL is dominated by fascists.

I thought this is obvious from the start, and also sections of the CA.

I am sure it won't happen. But, If RF-SN does the unthinkable and negotiates a coalition with fascists; we will divulge such an hypocrisy in every platform we can talk.

No, maybe on specific policy initiatives but I don't think RF-SN would ever join in coalition with fascists.

That being said, we as THP is overwhelmingly against any coalition where fascists are honored.

I hope the neogitation between THP and RF-SN would work out quickly.
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By Brio
HoniSoit wrote:I think each member should indicate in general how they would like their vote to be used when they are not active during the period of voting.

Ah that makes sense.

HoniSoit wrote:So I would propose members of both parties to volunteer for a position and in cases where there are more than two members competing for the same position, we'd have a vote by all members to settle it.

I like this idea, but I think we should come up with a list of ministerial positions first. Would anyone be interested in doing this?
By Falx
Honi, there are no negotiations, unlike everyone else you see around here with all the backroom deals and arm twisting we vote on what we see and decide from that.

We have no interest in forcing you to change your stance on any issues nor do we think you should pressure us into doing the same, even though as we have none predetermined that would be somewhat difficult. What we propose is that you will get our votes much more frequently than any other party, and that most of our members are sympathetic to you given that they want to ally.
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By ingliz
That's good enough for me but all we meant, I think, was do you want to sit in cabinet?
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By The Immortal Goon
I'm down with Honi - for whatever my n00b voice is worth in the process.
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By HoniSoit
Brio wrote:I like this idea, but I think we should come up with a list of ministerial positions first. Would anyone be interested in doing this?

There are already some lists in some of the other threads.

But you are welcome to devise our own.

Falx wrote:Honi, there are no negotiations, unlike everyone else you see around here with all the backroom deals and arm twisting we vote on what we see and decide from that.

No problem. I like the way your party operates.

Falx wrote:And if 48 hours isn't too long for you this will be when you get an official answer along with a definite answer on what we will do as our part of the bargain

48 hours is fine by me.

Falx wrote:We have no interest in forcing you to change your stance on any issues nor do we think you should pressure us into doing the same, even though as we have none predetermined that would be somewhat difficult. What we propose is that you will get our votes much more frequently than any other party, and that most of our members are sympathetic to you given that they want to ally.

This sounds very reasonable.

I'm sure the SN-RF won't push your party to accept any of our policies as we understand the princinples of your party.

Falx wrote:we would expect unconditional support if anyone tries to bring impeachment charges against our members.

That won't be a problem at all.
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By Vanasalus
Who are potential coalition partners of RF-SN apart from THP?

Where are you in the coalition talks with them?
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By Vladimir
The only position I have any interest in would concern Foreign Policy, however, I am as always, willing to either bow to one of more experience, (with hope that some of my input could be included from time to time) or frankly wherever Comrade Vladimir sees fit to use my talents.

I think you'd be pretty good as foreign minister ;)
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By HoniSoit
I think you'd be pretty good as foreign minister

I agree.

It would aid SN-RF greatly if Demo takes up the shadow foreign ministerial portfolio.
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By Vanasalus
My questions was:
Who are potential coalition partners of RF-SN apart from THP?

And silence is deafening. :(
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By albionfagan
So are we going to attempt to form a government? Seeing as we are the only coalition :D

Or does it just go on indefinitely, until someone other than us is found to govern.
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By Potemkin
I think the centrists are hoping to cobble a coalition together. I doubt they will succeed.
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By ingliz
I propose Potemkin as Deputy Leader of the Alliance as for myself a roving commission, Minister without Portfolio, would suit me fine unless the Party believes I could serve it better elsewhere.
Last edited by ingliz on 16 Apr 2009 13:11, edited 1 time in total.
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