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PostPosted:15 Apr 2009 22:45
by Demosthenes
albionfagan wrote:Well then you agree with me? I was not suggesting we vote purposefully against them, we vote for what we support.

Completely. I just scanned the thread real quick cause I'm just on for a minute, I couldn't remember who was saying what... ;)

PostPosted:15 Apr 2009 23:05
by albionfagan
No worries comrade 8)

PostPosted:15 Apr 2009 23:11
by Red_Army
I think you're right demo, vote with your heart, not your bitterness!

We could even work together writing it, so that the wordage is to our liking.

PostPosted:15 Apr 2009 23:15
by Brio
Donald wrote:Kudos to you guys for being able to work together.

And kudos to you for not spamming/trolling *cough* Sephardi *cough* another parties thread.

So how did the election shake down? Did we get enough support to oppose a right wing coalition?

PostPosted:15 Apr 2009 23:17
by Cheesecake_Marmalade
So how did the election shake down? Did we get enough support to oppose a right wing coalition?

A centerist coalition currently has 51% of the vote, although fortunately for you without having to go to your economic opposites, the libertarians, and your social opposites, the fascists.

PostPosted:15 Apr 2009 23:21
by Red_Army
It looks like the RF/SN has 23 votes on our own, and if the THP supports us we have 33 votes.

PostPosted:15 Apr 2009 23:24
by The Immortal Goon

Bah, numbers.

Are there official results yet?

PostPosted:15 Apr 2009 23:57
by Kon
I want three shadow ministerial positions for the RF as a term of the coaliton. One of them must be defense.

PostPosted:16 Apr 2009 00:00
by Vladimir
I think we should have a joint cabinet divided up between us instead of two separate ones :eek:

PostPosted:16 Apr 2009 00:01
by Kon
I agree, but I want a guarantee of at least three positions in the shadow cabinet for the RF and one of them must be the shadow minister of defense.

PostPosted:16 Apr 2009 00:02
by Brio
I would like to run for the ministerial position on drug policy if such a position will exist.

PostPosted:16 Apr 2009 03:41
by Cheesecake_Marmalade
Is the RF-SN coalition supportive to voting in bloc to oppose NATO entrance?

PostPosted:16 Apr 2009 03:43
by Holt
I would definitely support such a move.

PostPosted:16 Apr 2009 03:47
by Demosthenes
The only position I have any interest in would concern Foreign Policy, however, I am as always, willing to either bow to one of more experience, (with hope that some of my input could be included from time to time) or frankly wherever Comrade Vladimir sees fit to use my talents.

(I'm not averse to some type of propaganda ministry... ;) )

Cheesecake_Marmalade wrote:Is the RF-SN coalition supportive to voting in bloc to oppose NATO entrance?

I also support this measure.

PostPosted:16 Apr 2009 08:12
by ingliz
I think we should have a joint cabinet divided up between us

I agree it will make our bid for a minority mandate stronger. I also think the PM's/ Leader of the Opposition job should go to an RF candidate to emphasise the fraternal solidarity between our two Parties.

PostPosted:16 Apr 2009 08:30
by Red_Army
So how are we to decide who is the MPs? Voting I assume?

Are we going to divide into individual parties and elect separate MPs, is there going to be one mass election and the top 14 end up in parliament, or will there be separate elections?

I support the anti NATO deal btw.

I also think the PM's job should go to an RF candidate to emphasise the fraternal solidarity between our two Parties.

I'd support this. I don't distrust any members of the RF at all.

PostPosted:16 Apr 2009 08:37
by Brio
Red_Army wrote:I don't distrust any members of the RF at all.

Even me?

*twists his mustache and thinks diabolic thoughts while laughing manically*

But seriously, although it would need a vote, if a member of the RF were to get the PM position I personally would nominate Honi Soit. His diplomatic skills are very good but he is still principled enough to not bend over backwards.

PostPosted:16 Apr 2009 08:39
by Falx
Everyone in my party so far seems to be in favour of creating an alliance with you how long until we have to reply to you officially?

PostPosted:16 Apr 2009 08:42
by ingliz
Are we going to divide into individual parties and elect separate MPs, is there going to be one mass election and the top 14 end up in parliament

I thought we had 23 seats and 22 members? So every RF/SN voter gets a seat and if we cannot get V's vote reinstated I propose we coopt V for the spare seat.

PostPosted:16 Apr 2009 08:45
by ingliz

Sometime today would be good, if possible, as we want to be organised to make a bid for a minority mandate as quickly as possible.