PNL, PUC/PUC-L, CA, SLD Grand Coallition - Page 6 - Politics | PoFo

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By Dave
peter_co wrote:I have to say that this is not a view shared either by the PUC or the SLD. If you disagree with me on the latter point, I am certain that a survey of the SLD would reveal this fact. It is based on this that I maintain that a PUC finance minister will be agreeable to the majority of the members of the coalition. As for changing our positions, of course we recognize that we will have to compromise for the coalition to work, and I have suggested (and opened) a thread were we can find an economic policy that is acceptable to as many delegates of our coalition as possible.

Fact: Both the SLD and PNL endorse the abolition of debt based many
Fact: Both the SLD and PNL endorese the taxation of land rent
Fact: The SLD greatly approved of the PNL's wage subsidy scheme

The PUC proposed...high corporate taxes?

Which PUC member would you have in mind for finance?
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By Cheesecake_Marmalade
I believe immigration is an important enough topic to warrant a ministry, and as the PNL is the only coalition where immigration is an important and decisive topic, I suggest that we take that position.
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By Donna
I would prefer for that cabinet position to be discussed. I do not think it is wise for an anti-immigration party to hold it.
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By Dave
Given the shortage of active MPs, I think that function should be part of the Interior Ministry. If there is to be an Immigration Ministry, then a PNL member should head it to keep the foxes as far away from the henhouse as possible. But at any rate the other parties have agreed in principle to a restrictionist immigration policy.
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By Cheesecake_Marmalade
Inequality is high enough without having our workers compete with unskilled immigrants coming in through a quasi-open boarders policy. The PNL will grant a bit of leeway with legal immigration, but I think it's important that we have strong border patrol and make sure that we keep undesirables out.

Besides as Dave points out we already agreed to a restrictionist immigration policy.
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By Dave
We're in the middle of the North Atlantic. I doubt illegal aliens are a problem. Our legal immigration policy is what matters.
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By Cheesecake_Marmalade
Not really, we could have the same problem that florida has with all those cubans coming up. Except we have islamic troublemakers to deal with instead.
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By Dave
Cuba is 90 miles away from Florida. The umma is 2,500 miles away from us. Don't be alarmist, it harms our credibility.
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By Fasces
Unless you charlatans end these talks soon, the communists will unilaterally ascend to power.
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By Nattering Nabob
I would prefer for that cabinet position to be discussed. I do not think it is wise for an anti-immigration party to hold it.

I agree that this need to be discussed further for the above stated reason.
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By Dr House
Considering the simple and obvious fact that mass immigration depresses wages, where's the wisdom in allowing high immigration into a nation that already has a high level of urban poverty?
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By Nattering Nabob
Considering the simple and obvious fact that mass immigration depresses wages, where's the wisdom in allowing high immigration into a nation that already has a high level of urban poverty?

I do not think immigration levels need to be "high".

I am more concerned with social restrictions on immigrants.
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By Donna
Unless you charlatans end these talks soon, the communists will unilaterally ascend to power.


These talks must end immediately and the Grand Coalition announced today.
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By Dr House
I propose the following cabinet:

Prime Minister: Paradigm
Minister of Finance and Commerce: Dr House
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Peter-Co
Minister of Defense: Dave
Minister of Justice and the Interior: Dan
Minister of Immigration and Naturalization: Cheesecake_Marmalade
Minister of Health and Human Services: Dilpill
Minister of Education and Culture: Infidelis
Minister of Energy: Donald
Last edited by Dr House on 24 Apr 2009 15:01, edited 2 times in total.
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By peter_co
House, the only change I would ask for is that the title of the ministry of the interior be changed to "Justice and Interior" since we don't have a ministry of justice.

Other than that, I'm find with the list, but we probably need confirmation from everyone on it that they're willing to take those offices. I for one accept.
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By Dr House
Post edited.


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