Execution: Eauz - Page 3 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

This is a the archive of the "PoFo Parliament". A user-run project.
Forum rules: This is a the archive of the "PoFo Parliament". A user-run project.
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By Brio
Eauz wrote:and help spread the drug trade throughout the country and further into other nations of the world.

*gets in contact with Eauz in his secret guerrilla camp* ;)
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By MB.
Is this like the deathclock now?
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By Vanasalus
Vanasalus, in a Freudian slip wrote:
THP perceives capital management as profoundly inhumane

Conspiracy! :lol: (Or I should stop posting when I am drunk)

How should we deal with offenses as severe as Eauz'? Life sentences? Psshh.

It is a matter of principle. I will not stop fighting against capital punishment.

Vanasalus, Eauz admitted to massacres in Africa and South America. Beside from that, if you read his above quote, he has joined a subversive guerrilla organization and is spreading the drug trade throughout our country.

Capital--punishment--if ever appropriate is appropriate here.

The state cannot take a life which it did not give. You can restrain his freedom, by keeping him behind the bars indefinitely, but you cannot kill him as a state.
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By Dr House
Can we torture him as a state at least?
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By Vanasalus
Can we torture him as a state at least?

You cannot. :|
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By Dr House
Bah, what do you know. You are not the state. :smokin:
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By Doomhammer
It is a matter of principle.

I quite agree. It is a matter of principle. The principle that society should not be expected to pay taxes to keep alive someone that meant to harm it.

You can restrain his freedom, by keeping him behind the bars indefinitely, but you cannot kill him as a state.

Tell me, which is a cheaper method of dealing with traitors, terrorists and war criminals; sheltering, feeding and keeping hundreds of armed cops and auxiliary staff to "punish" them for decades, or to gratuitously disemboweling them? The latter is the logical choice. A taxpayer has spoken.

Capital punishment should never ever be discussed in the context of most, banal, crimes but for monsters like Eauz (again, no offense, buddy) it is a legitimate course of action.

If you were alive during WWII and Hitler was captured before he could commit suicide, would you not want to see him, for example, torn apart by wild horses (or some other less disgusting form of execution)? Argumentum ad absurdum. Guilty.

I will not stop fighting against capital punishment.

And I will not stop fighting against things that would require me to get off my chair.

:D Did you get my PM about Mr. Akdag?

The state cannot take a life which it did not give.

In practice, it can. We have seen it frequently enough. Did Eauz care about that when he mercilessly raped 17 thousand Rwandan women and then executed them? I don't think so.

Can we torture him as a state at least?

Since we don't need to extract any information from him, I hardly see a point in doing so. Dump his body in a waste disposal plant.

Bah, what do you know. You are not the state.

Can I make you an honorary Turkish Citizen? With that statement, you have proven yourself to be overqualified. :lol:
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By Eauz
Zyx wrote:This isn't that big of a room, Eauz. I've no idea why you're discussing your evasiveness on the Parliamentary floor, but as you conveniently didn't run away and admitted to your crimes here--I'm going to have to ask you to sit down.
It's called Twitter, video messages (à la bin Laden) and letters sent in secret through the PoFo Postal Service.
By Zyx
Eauz wrote:It's called Twitter, video messages (à la bin Laden) and letters sent in secret through the PoFo Postal Service.


ingliz wrote:He isn't, you are having this conversation in one of the committee rooms in the parliamentary annexe

Dear Leader has spoken.

You are in a room with us. Now have a seat.
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By ingliz
He is in a cave in the hinterland with a satellite phone being tracked by one of FallenRaptor's SIGINT units who are at this very moment calling in an airstrike.
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By Thunderhawk
Is the airstrike being done by American made equipment?
If so, I am expressing my concern over the likelihood that the missile will go astray and kill nearby civilians. I request that rather then bombing the hinterlands - something that will be remembered come the next set of elections - you send in a specOps unit to take him with no/minimal damage to the Hinterlands.

I expect the government to pay for repairs and compensation to those who will be hurt by the missile but are otherwise unconnected to Eauz.
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By ingliz
His contacts with the criminal 'contras', and their rightist sympathisers within the local militia and police collectives, enabled him to evade capture for months. We could not allow him to escape justice this time.

Any collateral damage, four dead sheep, a sheep dog, and a lightly wounded shepherd according to local reports, is always regrettable but the Government will be offering substantial compensation.

Locals are also reporting a large secondary blast after the initial explosion. Our forces used one guided BLU-118/B thermobaric device which exploded within the cave system as planned.

The Federal Police Bureau will be sending a forensic team to gather DNA evidence. They should get there in a couple of hours.

Regular army have secured the site.

In a related operation, seventeen suspected 'contras', two members of the local militia and three constables and a police inspector, members of the regional police collective, have been arrested and charged with offences against the state. Further arrests are believed to be impending.
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By ingliz
Preliminary Report:

Three bodies have been recovered but the criminal Euaz is not one of them.

Some personal effects, his ID card, letters, and a heavily modified. .50 rifle cal, M4 carbine known to belong to Euaz have been found.

There is evidence the cave was a weapons cache and terrorist stronghold.

Documents point to US meddling.

CIA training manuals, contact details, etc.

Seven American diplomats have been declared personae non gratae "for activities incompatible with their status".

The US has responded by expelling seven of ours.


The operation was a limited success, a terrorist cell was destroyed with no loss of innocent life, but its primary objective failed.
Last edited by ingliz on 24 Jun 2009 15:46, edited 1 time in total.
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By Vladimir
Shall I set up roadblocks and police checkpoints at all roads into cities around the area?
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By ingliz
Yes, he can't have got far.
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By Vladimir
-every major road around the area of 200 km diameter around the cell location now has a police checkpoint; you must allow them to be backed up by military units
-every minor road has roadblocks you must allow them to be backed up by military units
-you have to send military units to patrol the rest of the perimeter
-the area is being searched by armed police helicopters
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By Thunderhawk
Due to the poor maintenance of infrastructure in the Hinterlands many of the official roads are in such poor condition many back roads are used. There is also a somewhat famous tunnel network created by a group of traumatized Vietnam veterans who settled in the Hinterlands. Most of the larger tunnels have been co-opted by youth for fun and games, though every year a new tunnel is found with a dead body or a drug store. Even if you've set up road blocks on all the back roads and farm roads, he can still escape by the tunnels.
By Zyx
Alright, I'm taking my plans and going down. This Eauz monster must be stopped. Another 20 raped and murdered! How is he doing this!!
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By Eauz
Having my cave carpet bombed, I was fortunate enough to have an appointment to meet a client. I've had to organise myself again, since my connection to the world was destroyed in the bombing. DAMN YOU, PoFoland elites!

Don't attempt to find me, as I have found my way out of the country but still have major connections to the islands.

For the record, I've set up a new shipment of hard drugs, guns and ammunition to be smuggled into the country of PoFo. We (royal we), will get revenge for the attacks on our lives in our cave.
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By Andres
Can you by any chance inundate the country with LSD? I'm sure the state could forgive anything, if you were to provide such an important service to the country.

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