My people must grow up: Alison Anderson - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Australia.

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ONE of the nation's most senior indigenous politicians yesterday rebuked those of her people who rely on welfare, saying they need to grow up and stop resorting to the "dangerous conversation of endless complaint".
Northern Territory Indigenous Advancement Minister Alison Anderson told the Territory's Legislative Assembly that she "despaired at the reluctance" of some of her brethren to take available jobs.

"I look at the men of Yirrkala and ask why they will not drive the 20km to Nhulunbuy to earn excellent money in the mine and the processing plant there," she said in her first major speech since taking the cabinet role.

"It is the kind of question the rest of Australia has been asking for years, as it tries to connect the dots, tries to understand why a long-running mining boom can exist literally next door to a culture of entitlement and welfare dependency."

She criticised those who expected the government to "do everything for them", saying the world was looking on and "wondering if we are children". Ms Anderson said that in her travels to remote communities she would be arguing "with adults who refuse to grow up".

"In the rest of Australia, people pick up the rubbish in their yards. They fix their own blocked toilets," Ms Anderson said.

"When they turn on their TVs and see remote communities covered in litter, and able-bodied men complaining about lack of maintenance of the houses they live in, they wonder why. They wonder why indigenous people in these communities won't do these things themselves.".........The rest here.....

Wow. Doesn't mince her words. Alison Anderson says what many think but don't or can't due to the gagging of political correctness.

Interesting to see the response to her comments.
no one is gagged swag. I hear these sorts of comments all the time. People should and do have healthy debates about what indigenous communities can do to help themselves - I really don't know where you get this idea that they're prevented from doing so. Once again, you seem to confuse people offering counter-arguments and different points of view as "gagging" - which it is not, it is healthy debate.
GandalfTheGrey wrote:no one is gagged swag. I hear these sorts of comments all the time. People should and do have healthy debates about what indigenous communities can do to help themselves - I really don't know where you get this idea that they're prevented from doing so. Once again, you seem to confuse people offering counter-arguments and different points of view as "gagging" - which it is not, it is healthy debate.

Look what happened when Tony Abbott made his benign comment about the tent 'embassy'. It started a riot, or in Anderson's words a "dangerous conversation of endless complaint". What do you think would be the reaction if he, or Alan Jones or Andrew Bolt made these same comments? :hmm:
Wow, you Aussies got the short end of the stick when it comes to the indigenous(sp?); the Seneca rez around here isn't anywhere near so bad. Then again, there's always those lazy fucks who expect someone else to pick up their trash and fix their toilet.
Swagman wrote:
Look what happened when Tony Abbott made his benign comment about the tent 'embassy'. It started a riot, or in Anderson's words a "dangerous conversation of endless complaint". What do you think would be the reaction if he, or Alan Jones or Andrew Bolt made these same comments? :hmm:

ah yes, and yet again we come back to swag's demented definition of a riot. :roll:

Abbott made a provocative comment clearly hinting at dismantling the tent embassy - on, of all days, the day the aborigines were marking the 30th anniversary. And as far as I'm concerned, the activists staged a perfectly legitimate and peaceful (yes peaceful) protest in response to that. You see thats how democracy works - people like Tony are entitled to make provocative statements, and people who disagree are free to express that disagreement. Once again, you are confusing freedom of expression with something that this country, thankfully, knows nothing about.

In any case, this was a bad example. There were a handful (couple of dozen maybe) of protestors who were roundly condemned for what they did on all sides (actually a case of a gagging of a different sort - which is the exact opposite to what you are talking about). No one actually put a gag on Abbott and said "you must never say that sort of thing again". As for Jones and Bolt- you seem oblivious to the fact that they are making those sorts of comments literally all the time. No one gags them - people might protest and say how bigoted it is, but they are perfectly free to get up the next morning and repeat the same thing. And they do. The only time Bolt has actually been gagged for controversial comments, was when he vilified a group by using information that was factually incorrect. Alan Jones made actual inciteful hate speech during an actual riot and he barely got a slap on the wrist for it.
If the indigenous people ever grew up in the way that was discussed at the previous conference on the indigenous peoples that took place in Japan (all the indigenous representatives from around the world went there and discussed ideas, and came to a conclusion that liberal-capitalists will not like), Swagman would be the first person to oppose it, simply because the 'growing up' would involve aggressive socialistic policies advocated by indigenous groups who would be culturally assertive and economically active.

Liberals like Swagman always want indigenous people to stand up and 'take responsibility for themselves', up until those people actually do that. Afterwards, those people would be condemned by Swagman for being 'a threat to capitalism' and 'overt fifth columnists'.

To be most clear, Swagman's stance is not that the indigenous people should stand up and liberate themselves, but rather, that they should stand up so as to more efficiently contribute to dragging forward the cart that has been yoked around their necks by the banker-owned real-estate-market-inflating Judeo-Christian-supremacist liberal-capitalist illegitimate blood-sucking allegedly-'Australian' state.
So, what is the solution, Rei?

Perhaps when examining the case of Australia, the Aborigines should be given some substantial land - about 20% of the country; for those outside that zone the relocation would be mandatory, but the government in Canberra would agree to a period of funding to build up infrastructure tailored to the specifications of Aborigine councils for a period of ten to fifteen years. One of the large cities, such as Melbourne, could be sacrificed to create a Singapore, if you will, in Oceania; a small city-state comprising the more Asian-influenced elements present in Australian society, such as Chinese university students, bilingual couples seeking knowledge on Mandarin, Turkish immigrants, Indian immigrants, and whites who simply prefer this environment. And the rest of the country could return to a form of the White Australia policy and draw upon as much willing Anglo-Saxon immigration as is available to populate the smaller cities, towns, and rural areas.
Rei, they're claiming a central authority should pick up their litter and unclog their toilets. I remember my sister maid a big stink about her upstairs toilet being clogged; I rode to her her house with our mom, who hobble horrendously. I charged ahead of her, plunged her toilet, and by the time my mom had entered the house I was back down stairs, washing my hands and all. If they simply lack household maintainance, it's even moreso the fault of their community, because snaking is not much more difficult and could easily be performed by a neighbor. But litter- that is their own responsibility, and they should fade even from the deepest memories of history if they can't collect their own trash. The seneca gave us lacrosse, the cherokee many memorable battles, the Lakota scalped Custer- but australian aborignes? Can't even pick up their own damn trash.
The problem is that if one merely leaves them to their devices and allows refuse to pile up on the streets, everyone suffers in the end - health is threatened in the community in question and the land is systematically degraded for future use. Sanitation is a national responsibility.
There's the systematic slaughter of such irresponsible persons, but it seems highly unammenable towards Ozzies. I suggest letting them brew in their own filth to the point their complaints irritate ozzies so that they provide them the much needed backhand...

Why not consider the proposal for an Aborigine state on the continent of Australia? It is already a gargantuan country in land area, slightly smaller than Brazil, but larger than India.

Canberra can fund it and assist in the creation of infrastructure, before the two parties gradually go their separate ways.
Also an option if this group was over the top troublesome, but I believe as the original Britons who settled this land did come as colonialists in action and intent, and if there's a salvageable core present within the Aborigine culture, that the most natural path forward can be the cultivation of separate cultures on the continent, with the Aborigines receiving a generous chunk of their inheritance and a homogenous rump left to settle its respective destiny.
When has diversity ever worked, FRS? If they expect hand-outs, it's best to lest them perish; if it's bests to let them perish, it's better do do it quickly than allow them to languish.

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