'Hypocrite of the year' - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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By Swagman

The Transport Workers Union has confirmed that three of its senior staff are on 457 visas, despite boss Tony Sheldon recently declaring that employers should train Australians first.

The Federal Government is promising to crack down on the use of 457 visas, arguing that Australian workers should be prioritised over foreign labour.

During an interview with the ABC earlier this year, Mr Sheldon took aim at the use of 457 visas.

"They should be brought in where there's real shortages," he said.

"Employers should be obliged to turn around and train Australians first and give jobs to Australians first."

But the union has now confirmed three staff in its national office are employed on 457 visas.

Mr Sheldon has defended the decision, saying in a written statement that the staff were employed because the union was unable to find local staff for the positions.

He says the problem with 457 visas has always been "unscrupulous employers taking advantage of loopholes in the system".

He has declined the ABC's request for an interview.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard's communications director John McTernan is also on a 457 visa.

Liberal Senator Eric Abetz says the latest revelations involving the TWU undermine Labor's campaign.

"He (Mr McTernan) and Tony Sheldon are now head and head, competing for hypocrite of the year award," he said.

Ms Gillard has rejected accusations the Government is being racist in its determination to crack down on the use of 457 visas.

Media mogul Rupert Murdoch yesterday said the Government's language around the issue was "pretty disgraceful and racist".

But Ms Gillard has rejected the claim.

"My job as Prime Minister is to make sure that Australians - Australian citizens - have their job opportunities put first," she said.

Ha......dare I say it..... but I think I will miss this Govt come Sept for the daily injection of comedy they provide.....
The Phone Hacking scandal seems to have brought Rupert back to earth a bit, which is good. First calling Scientology an Evil Cult(It is) founded by a Crank, and now this...
GandalfTheGrey wrote:I don't recall either the TWU or the government saying that 457s should never be granted. Show me the evidence that these 457 holders were employed ahead of qualified Australians.

So there's a massive shortage of media officers in Australia at the moment is there?

Tony Sheldon thinks

"Employers should be obliged to turn around and train Australians first and give jobs to Australians first."

Maybe if the Union has to go overseas to get its 'qualified' staff it should be (quote), "obliged to turn around and train Australians first and give jobs to Australians first"

You don't find this comment hypocritical GTG?
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GandalfTheGrey wrote:I don't recall either the TWU or the government saying that 457s should never be granted. Show me the evidence that these 457 holders were employed ahead of qualified Australians.

Hard to defend that position Gandalf, the unions and Labor know the 457's aren't being rorted in any significant way, this is meerly their tool to stir up some righteous working class hatred of all those foriegners stealing our jobs. It is a tried and tested banner to attract the irrational xenophobes and fearful lower classes.

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