Israel on verge of early election; Bibi broke promise on broadcasting - Politics | PoFo

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Coalition Crisis: Netanyahu Drops a Bomb and Flies Away, but Mutiny Will Await Him When He Returns

At least half of Likud lawmakers believe dragging Israel to early elections is senseless ■ Crisis will make or break Finance Minister Kahlon.

Haaretz Mar 19, 2017 11:51 PM

Crises that aren’t dealt with quickly and decisively tend to spread in many different directions and develop all kinds of mutations. Sometimes, dealing with the side-effects caused by delays becomes no less complicated than dealing with the original problem.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu threw a bombshell on Shabbat and then flew to China Saturday night, leaving the pressure cooker on the fire. on Sunday, I warned that his abandonment of the field was liable to cause matters to spin out of control.

And what happened? Over the past 24 hours, a kind of mini-rebellion has erupted in his Likud party.

Fifteen ministers and Knesset members vehemently objected to calling early elections. Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz was the first to burst the dam; after him came Yuval Steinitz, the minister closest to Netanyahu, together with ministers Zeev Elkin and Gila Gamliel and Deputy Minister Tzipi Hotovely.

Bennett, who held a long talk with Kahlon on Sunday, predicted that in the end, the following compromise would be reached: The new public broadcasting corporation would launch as planned on April 30, but legislation would be passed subjecting it to significantly more stringent regulation.
Every member of this internal opposition to Netanyahu sent the same message, each in his own way: Dragging the country into elections two and a half years before the government’s term ends because of an ego battle over a media outlet is ridiculous, it’s insane and it stinks.

Many Likud members attributed Netanyahu’s obsession with the new broadcasting corporation mainly to his wife Sara. On Saturday night, when he boarded the plane to China, he was holding hands with her. Ditto when he left the plane in Beijing. They even walked past the honor guard on the runway hand in hand. How symbolic, strange and troubling.

A nice, petty little squabble bringing the coalition to the brink of collapse has emerged. Because we all know what a 'great leader' Netanyahu is....

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