Netanyahu under another corruption probe - Politics | PoFo

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Israeli attorney general orders probe against Netanyahu


Latest update : 2016-07-11
Israel's attorney general is looking into suspicions surrounding Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu which are reportedly linked to a large transfer of money to the Israeli leader or one of his family members.

The examination, announced late Sunday, could prove a new challenge for Netanyahu, who has been fighting off accusations of shady dealings and financial mismanagement against him and his wife.

Israel's Justice Ministry did not disclose what the suspicions against Netanyahu were. But reports in Israeli media in recent days have said that Netanyahu or one of his family members received large sums of money, allegedly unrelated to political campaigns.

The ministry's statement said the media reports were "incorrect to say the least" and that the attorney general had not yet launched a full-fledged criminal investigation against Netanyahu, a probe that could lead to charges.

"As happened in all previous instances, when deeds attributed to Prime Minister Netanyahu turned out to be baseless, here as well there will be nothing, because there is nothing," said Nir Hefetz, an adviser to the Netanyahu family.

Netanyahu and his wife Sara have been dogged by scandals in recent years that have contributed to an unflattering reputation for lavish living out of touch with the average Israeli. The scandals do not seem to have threatened his rule, but have been a source of embarrassment, providing more fodder for those who charge that power has corrupted the couple.

Here we go again. Wonder if he actually gets caught for something this time. My emphasis in bold.
Netanyahu is nothing but a chicken hawk who wants the US to follow his will and do the dirty work doing it. But what he doesn't realize is the tail doesn't wag the dog.

And while the Israelis try to act like westerners/europeans they will never be one of us and are not out for our best interest.
And while the Israelis try to act like westerners/europeans they will never be one of us and are not out for our best interest.

We dont want to be one of you. Israel is just in the sphere of influence of the US same as Saudi Arabia South Korea and Japan for example. that dosnt mean that those countries are western or trying to be part of the "western world"
Zionist Nationalist wrote:We dont want to be one of you. Israel is just in the sphere of influence of the US same as Saudi Arabia South Korea and Japan for example. that dosnt mean that those countries are western or trying to be part of the "western world"

Perhaps I went to far. But I still think Netanyahu is a chicken hawk.
Zionist Nationalist wrote:We don't want to be one of you.

You certainly did. Israel's establishment was set on flooding Israel with Muslim workers every bit as much as us Europeans. You were saved by Hamas. It was Hamas that gave you a wake up call and saved you from your own madness. We in Europe and America have only experienced a tiny fraction of what Israel have experienced, but already we are starting to wake up. From Golden Dawn, to Le Pe,n to the AFD, to Trump we are seeing the flame of freedom springing up. It won't easily be extinguished.
redcarpet wrote:And now there's a tape confirming a deal for favorable coverage by a tabloid mogul. Bah, he's screwed!

I don't think so, the truck attack might have saved his bacon as a means of deflecting attention. While apparently the House Demolitions are going full steam ahead. Maybe Natanyahu can create enough conflict to distract the simpleton masses to weather this storm.
Oxymoron wrote:Not even Sharon had enough balls to finish the Palestinian issue once and for all, Bibi is to soft on these stone age barbarians. Something needs to be done soon, so that the Jewish state can fully thrive.

I doubt it would, the right-wing economic policies would just further fragment the Israeli economy and society.
redcarpet wrote:I doubt it would, the right-wing economic policies would just further fragment the Israeli economy and society.

Thank you for your opinion, but right wing policy is the only thing that has kept Israel afloat. They started off with Utopian leftist ideas but quickly realized that leftist policy is a form of human retardation.
Lol, as in the Israeli economy isn't becoming more retarded year by year? Tell what the unemployment and inequality rates are, go on!
redcarpet wrote:Lol, as in the Israeli economy isn't becoming more retarded year by year? Tell what the unemployment and inequality rates are, go on!

Once you get rid of cheap Arab labor the unemployment rate will go fown, and inequality rate is leftist bunk science. I wish to live in a country where the rich get richer.
The Israeli economy is becoming more automated, like everywhere else in the world. Kicking out Israeli Arabs won't reduce unemployment.

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