Nearly half of Jewish Israelis want to transport Arabs - Politics | PoFo

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"Nearly half of Jewish Israelis agree that Arabs should be expelled or transferred from Israel, and a solid majority (79 percent) maintain that Jews in Israel should be given preferential treatment, according to a Pew Research Center in Israel survey published on Tuesday."
This solution to the Palestinian question is ominously familiar the tragic irony of which fails to register with Zionists.
The only solution to the conflict is to end the violence and disband the right wing governments and movements of all sides.
Those governments want people to die and want more blood to gain power and benifit from it.
In the Gaza war last time, soldiers were told to shoot to kill. UN shelters even when had only civillians and Israel was warned about it dozens of time were bombarded.
Its not to stop those little rockets, its to push people into supporting the right wing governments in both sides to produce hatred and more violence.
The worst of them, sometimes, aid Palestinians to sneak into Israel to engage in their attacks and so on. ID fraud and other such activities, a growing problem for Israeli authorities. And not on the part of law-abiding Israeli Jews......but of Israeli Arabs, some of which ARE traitors to their society.

However it's hard to prosecute people on the charge of conspiracy So even if caught, are later let free.

end the violence and disband the right wing governments and movements of all sides

It's not a left/right issue. It is a ethnic/nationalist antagonism exists on both sides are exploiting to prolong the conflict.
What a clusterfuck. I genuinely don't think there even is a such thing as a good outcome remaining in the Israel-Palestine conflict. This ethnic cleansing shit is particularly terrifying.
danholo wrote:No surprise here.

I am surprised at how brazen the modern Zionists embrace the First Solution to the Palestinian Question and in such numbers. It is good to have it on record to give perspective to the background and policy of the Jewish state in its treatment of Palestinians.

"The Reichsführer-SS and the Chief of the German Police (Chief of the Security Police and the SD) was entrusted with the official central handling of the final solution of the Jewish question without regard to geographic borders.

The Chief of the Security Police and the SD then gave a short report of the struggle which has been carried on thus far against this enemy, the essential points being the following:

a) the expulsion of the Jews from every sphere of life of the German people,
b) the expulsion of the Jews from the living space of the German people.
In carrying out these efforts, an increased and planned acceleration of the emigration of the Jews from Reich territory was started, as the only possible present solution.

By order of the Reich Marshal, a Reich Central Office for Jewish Emigration was set up in January 1939 and the Chief of the Security Police and SD was entrusted with the management. Its most important tasks were

a) to make all necessary arrangements for the preparation for an increased emigration of the Jews,
b) to direct the flow of emigration,
c) to speed the procedure of emigration in each individual case.
The aim of all this was to cleanse German living space of Jews in a legal manner."
[Excerpt from "Minutes of discussion" of the Wannsee Conference, Part II]

Didn't the Zionists learn well?
I wish I could say it's a shocking statistic...
I don't expect people to be calm and rational living in such a tough neighborhood, but a result such as this shows how successful were some right wing politicians in awakening the darkest corners of Israelis' souls. It clearly proves that we have learned nothing from the past.

To make things worse, it’s worth noting that the poll was conducted before the latest violence wave...
I have stated this numerouse times, sadly there is no outcome that any side will agree on that doesnt involve a form of genocide. That is the reality of Israeli Palestenian issue. Both claims are just also and that worsens the issue tremendiously because any half backed solution will make the people feal betrayed (Because both claims are just).
Last edited by JohnRawls on 09 Mar 2016 23:55, edited 1 time in total.
Heinie wrote:How will Zionists "expel" Palestinians without transporting them?
In the 1940s many Palestinians were displaced from Israel without the "Zionists" transporting them. When you start talking about "transport" it conjurors up misleading images of TCP and UDP.
An amazing statistic. In the 1970s and 1980s apartheid South Africa was lambasted for being a racist, oppressive and backward regime. The whole Western world condemned both it and its counterpart in Rhodesia. During that same period there was no such equivalent condemnation of Israeli racism.

Today Israeli racism far surpasses the racism of the apartheid regimes yet Western governments have done nothing to divorce themselves from it.
Rich wrote:... When you start talking about "transport" it conjurors up misleading images of TCP and UDP.

Have the honesty to admit the obvious comparison.

Meanwhile, Intelligence Minister Yisrael Katz of the Zionist Likud Party yesterday formally submitted a bill to the Knesset to transport relatives of Palestinians termed "terrorists" to the Gaza Strip. In keeping with the Wannsee Conference which recognized that deportation of Jews was to cleanse German living space of Jews "in a legal manner", Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last week "instructed Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit to check the legality of the measure."
The similarities mount.

Yisrael Katz
Rich wrote:... When you start talking about "transport" it conjurors up misleading images of TCP and UDP.
Heinie wrote:Have the honesty to admit the obvious comparison.

Meanwhile, Intelligence Minister Yisrael Katz of the Zionist Likud Party yesterday formally submitted a bill to the Knesset to transport relatives of Palestinians termed "terrorists" to the Gaza Strip. In keeping with the Wannsee Conference which recognized that deportation of Jews was to cleanse German living space of Jews "in a legal manner",
The comparison doesn't seem in the slightest bit obvious. I mean even under the most rose tinted pro Nazi views the Jews were taken to forced labour camps with very high death rates, and most people except that large numbers of Jews were deliberately exterminated. What's this got to do with expelling the Palestinians? And then there's the actual transportation itself. The issues wasn't with the transportation of Jews, so much as the manner, packed into cattle trucks without sufficient food, water, proper sanitation, lighting etc.

Your linking of the two is utterly absurd. There's been plenty of people in the who are like the Nazis, Saddam Hussein, the Sudanese, ISIS, but you continually choose to ignore these and obsess about Israel. I'm not complaining but father Assad slaughtered tens of thousands in his time. But as usual no complaints from the Palestinian lovers, just this endless bigoted whining about Israel. In fact there's not many Muslim regimes in the world whose human rights record is worthy enough to kiss the boots of Benjamin Netanyahu.
Rich wrote:... The comparison doesn't seem in the slightest bit obvious. I mean even under the most rose tinted pro Nazi views the Jews were taken to forced labour camps with very high death rates, and most people except that large numbers of Jews were deliberately exterminated. ...

You are referring to The Final Solution whereas the transporting of Palestinians from Israel is an exact replication of the First Solution to the Jewish Question by the Nazis which was to expel Jews from the Third Reich, and before there were any ghettos (the Second Solution) or Death Camps (the Final Solution).
Father and four siblings of killed Palestinian transported from occupied East Jerusalem to West Bank
The father of Fouad Tamimi who was shot dead by Israeli "Border Police" on Tuesday and four of his siblings have been expelled from occupied East Jerusalem. Under Israeli law the transportation is legal because the Israelis had never granted permission to the family to be living in East Jerusalem. ... west-bank/
One has to suppose, as the children (called "offspring" by the Israeli press) grow up, they will have nothing but contempt for the Jewish occupiers.

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