Netanyahu vows to topple Hamas if elected - Politics | PoFo

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Likud leader Binyamin Netanyahu on Tuesday promised that a government under his leadership would topple the Hamas regime in the Gaza Strip.

"[Kadima leader] Tzipi Livni and the people of Kadima scoffed at the predictions regarding rocket fire. A government under my leadership will overthrow the Hamas rule in Gaza and bring about a cessation of rocket fire," Netanyahu said during a tour of Ashkelon following the first Grad rocket attack since the conclusion of Operation Cast Lead some two weeks ago.

"The policy of blindness followed in the past years has brought us to this situation," Netanyahu continued. "Residents can no longer count on miracles and Kadima policy."

Livni herself hinted that Hamas may come up against another IDF operation should rocket
fire continue hitting the south of Israel.

"My opinion on this matter is clear: Every attack must be met with a response," the foreign minister told Jerusalem Radio Tuesday, rejecting out of hand the possibility of diplomatic contact with Hamas.

"Any negotiations with Hamas, whether direct or indirect, are harmful. From a strategic standpoint […] I think that we should make peace with the moderate elements," Livni said.

Meanwhile, Defense Minister and Labor leader Ehud Barak said that despite the continued rocket fire, Hamas was still interested in maintaining a state of calm in Gaza.

"We hit Hamas very hard, and it is picking up the pieces right now," Barak said during a tour of the North. "It is really interested in quiet, but the rocket fire is a fact, and we cannot ignore facts."

Barak also warned that continued rocket fire would be met with a harsh response, "harsher even" than Operation Cast Lead. ... %2FPrinter

I would be happy if he got his old job back. Hamas needs to be crushed and the PA needs to move back into Gaza.
By Aekos
Yeah, and that's all gonna happen because he says it is. Don't take politicians' lies for granted.
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By Tailz
I am curious how he proposes to topple Hamas, to simply bomb the buggery out of Gaza? They just tried that and Hamas is still there. Netanyahu is just saying this crap to get him elected.

Smoke and mirrors.
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By Donna
Heh, what's funny is that with a comment like this, a great deal of the Israeli public will know that this is simply hot air. What was the IDF trying do for a month?
By Sapper
the PA needs to move back into Gaza.

That way Israel can pretend to be negotiating ad infinitum, without having to deal with violent resistance. Good thing for indigenous clients to do one's policing.
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By Megamind™
:eh: This could get ugly, Hamas is just desperate so they try to retaliate. The Palestinians are being either starved or killed. They have no sufficient source of food, meds, clean water, or fuel. Its predictable to see Hamas acting in violence. They are a social group as well as a militant one. 2 years ago, these guys spent $70 million just to aid the Palestinian people.

More depleted Uranium and white phosphorus on unarmed civilians doesn't sound good at all.
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By Vanasalus
I guess a major threat against Israel as well as the region is a coalition of Likud+Shas+Yisrael Beiteinu+one or two small religious parties. Recent polls on upcoming election indicate that such a coalition is mathematically possible. Netenyahu's recent statements also show that he is psychologically ready for such a collation, which pushes both Kadima and Labor out of government.

That, of course, does not mean I am fond of either Kadima or Labor. Or any other party in Israeli political establishment. (maybe except Meretz) The same shit with different colors. Yet, some stink less than others.
By Maas
topple Hamas... like how.
More violence. :roll:

Collective punishment didn't help, so what could be putting more pressure on the kettle... genocide comes to mind.
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By Ter
Collective punishment didn't help, so what could be putting more pressure on the kettle... genocide comes to mind.

More drama, more big words. Don't you ever get tired of repeating your worthless propaganda ?

Of course Netanyahu cannot topple Hamas directly. But I expect the hamasholes to pay a very heavy price for each rocket launched into Israel. I predict that no Hamas leader will be able to crawl out of the gutters to address their militants or risk being turned into gefillte fish instantly.
Sooner or later, the message will get through. Who knows ? the Palestinians might not vote for them in the next elections maybe ? They have a clear choice now.

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By danholo
I'm not particularly fond of Netanyahu, but what's with this PoFo Hamas Fanclub?

If I were a citizen, I'd vote for them. As most people here agree, all candidates are crap, and those who are "into politics" are the weird ones and everyone will pay the price. Peace y'all.

Enjoy the advertisement. It's just hilarious in its absurdity. Love this place. :smokin:
By SouthBeirut
Netanyahu vows to topple Hamas if elected

That idiot will try a revenge for 2006, and will come out of it defeated like his predecessors did but on a larger and more painful scale.
Hezbollah will teach his rightist ass a lesson. Zionists are funny, they don't seem to understand from previous lessons. I'm really beginning to think that when the Israeli Government received the Winograd Comission report about the 2006 war, they threw it right in the garbage and didn't read any of it.

If I were a citizen, I'd vote for them.

That would only make us richer from the cannabis made in Bekaa Valley HAH !
By Maas
Of course Netanyahu cannot topple Hamas directly. But I expect the hamasholes to pay a very heavy price for each rocket launched into Israel.

most rockets these days are shot by Fatah from Gaza. They claim they did even, while Israel keeps blaiming Hamas because they suppose to keep the order when everything got shot to hell.

Anways... I heard that Netanyahu has said nothing about how to deal with the Westbank, like all other presidential candidates.
Apperantly them Israeli Jews have no clue how to deal with peacefull Palestinians when they are around.
So nothing really will change...
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By Vanasalus
Anways... I heard that Netanyahu has said nothing about how to deal with the Westbank, like all other presidential candidates.
Apperantly them Israeli Jews have no clue how to deal with peacefull Palestinians when they are around.
So nothing really will change...

I thought he said he would evacuate none of the West Bank settlements.

But at the end, you are right. Nothing really will change.
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By danholo
That would only make us richer from the cannabis made in Bekaa Valley HAH !

the main party that advocates legalization would mean that cannabis would be grown here, and you'd just end up smoking your own shit. most of the hash we're getting here is SHIT these days and i'd assume it's coming from you. go tell the people there to keep it more pure. it gets you high but damn...
By jaycola
Netanyahu can make all the promises he wants. Hamas is dangerous. That I argree. But just by claiming that he will remove them does not make it so.

Israel has a very devided parliament and despite what many here assume, most Israelis do want peacful relations with the palestinians. Most Israelis want a cessation of hostilities. Most Israelis want to stop sending their children into war zones.

I don't think he could justify a prolonged conflict with Hamas within Israeli parliament.
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By danholo
I guess he's devising up a plan to "liquidate" Hamas? I don't know how that will happen, unless he's expecting Israel to sacrifice itself.
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By Vanasalus
Israel has a very devided parliament and despite what many here assume, most Israelis do want peacful relations with the palestinians. Most Israelis want a cessation of hostilities. Most Israelis want to stop sending their children into war zones.

Do most Israelis want the withdrawal from occupied territories? I guess not. And that is why this conflict goes on and on.
By GandalfTheGrey
Likud leader Binyamin Netanyahu on Tuesday promised that a government under his leadership would topple the Hamas regime in the Gaza Strip

Wise move. After the recent peace feelers from Hamas, this is definitely a threat the Israeli right cannot ignore.
By kyleb
Vanasalus wrote:Do most Israelis want the withdrawal from occupied territories? I guess not. And that is why this conflict goes on and on.

The conflict goes on because most Israelis don't even comprehend that the occupation and colonization of the territories is what drives it. Many of the polls over the years have demonstrated as much; most Israelis would happily withdraw from the territories if they though it would bring peace, but they don't understand how it would.

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