Google Tweak Stops 'Lesbian' Searches From Returning So Much Porn - Politics | PoFo

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Is this a good thing? I thought Google's algorithm was in some part meant to offer search results that were popular and what other people were searching for. I also note how strange it is for Google to be able to predict what you were looking for as you are typing in your search.

I assume that if people are searching for lesbian, then there is a good chance that they are searching for lesbian porn or other adult content.

Google Tweak Stops 'Lesbian' Searches From Returning So Much Porn

Google has tweaked its search algorithm to reduce the amount of porn that shows up when individuals seek out lesbian content.

The change came after a French website began reporting on the prevalence of pornographic images showing up under the search engine’s Pride banner in June when users typed the term “lesbian” into the search bar. Numerama reported that in searches on the French version of Google shortly before July 18, searches for the word lesbian exclusively pulled up pornographic images (presuming a “Safe Search” filter blocking porn was not in use).

Engineers with Google and related companies in the past have struggled with machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms over-prioritizing connections with terms; such problems were cited when YouTube in 2017 started blocking often-benign LGBTQ content with its Restricted Mode filters.

In this case, that means AI systems see frequent searches for “lesbian porn,” and ultimately associate the search term “lesbian” with pornography, even if many or most individuals searching strictly for lesbian content don’t want to see graphic imagery returned.

But following reporting on Numerama and a social media campaign led by the Twitter account @SEO_lesbienne, Google appears to have made changes to the algorithm.

Numerama reports that Pandy Nayak, Google’s vice president of search engine quality, addressed the search issues at a June press conference when the outlet posed a question about questionable search results.

"I find that these results are terrible, there is no doubt about it," he said. “We are aware that there are problems like this, in many languages ​​and different researches. We have developed algorithms to improve this research, one after the other.”

He noted the search engine in the past has seen disproportionate returns in the past with such search terms as “girl” and “teen.” Engineers have addressed the issue by manually changing the algorithms and instructing them not to presume users searching for these terms want pornography.

While an image search on the French search engine is not devoid of porn, no graphic images show up in the first page of results when searching the term “lesbienne” or “lesbian.”
Sivad wrote:Porn shouldn't even show up in general search results, there should be a porn search function that has to be selected to find porn. There should also be anonymous age verified porn access codes people could pickup at convenience stores required to search porn or enter porn sites.

The Family Filter already exists. You are already asked if you want it on or off when you join Google and create an account.

You obviously selected to keep it off(I.e. allow porn to show up in your searches) upon joining and forgot about it even existing. That's why your seeing porn in your results.

You're asking for a feature that already exists but that you forgot to use.
Sivad wrote:Porn shouldn't even show up in general search results, there should be a porn search function that has to be selected to find porn. There should also be anonymous age verified porn access codes people could pickup at convenience stores required to search porn or enter porn sites.

I've read that the UK was going to be moving to that kind of system, not get a code from the convenience store though lol

I haven't heard more about it though and have not looked into it lately. Based on this article, it doesn't appear that Google changed the search algorithm because of any anti-porn argument; they changed it to coddle a special interest group.
maz wrote:I've read that the UK was going to be moving to that kind of system, not get a code from the convenience store though lol

The UK wanted like a state issued internet ID, that's a terrible idea. My idea would allow people to remain totally anonymous and untrackable while keeping porn away from our kids. What I'm suggesting would be exactly the same as how porn was sold for decades before the internet.
Sivad wrote:The UK wanted like a state issued internet ID, that's a terrible idea. My idea would allow people to remain totally anonymous and untrackable while keeping porn away from our kids. What I'm suggesting would be exactly the same as how porn was sold for decades before the internet.

Yeah, the state issued internet ID would have obviously terrible and not just because of the porn. How would your proposed system be anonymous if one had to go to the store to pick up an access code?

"Can I help you sir?"

"Yes please, I am here to pick up my porn access code."
maz wrote:Yeah, the state issued internet ID would have obviously terrible and not just because of the porn. How would your proposed system be anonymous if one had to go to the store to pick up an access code?

"Can I help you sir?"

"Yes please, I am here to pick up my porn access code."

It would be as anonymous as buying beer or cigarettes, you'd just be carded for age and issued a card with a random code. It wouldn't be linked to your identity or anything and couldn't be used to track your online activity. It would work like a prepaid burner phone.
I remember seeing some CNN report about the word 'cuckhold' which claimed that it was just some antiquated word that meant being a follower or something like that (the story was surely hatched because of all the 'cuck' memes on the internet).

I quite wondered about how many people googled the word after watching the report, with quite shocking results :lol:
I find it odd that people get worked up over something like this.

They probably tweaked it because they realized that a lot of people search the word Lesbian that are NOT looking for porn.

In other words, they are adjusting their search engine to their customers needs/wants, like nay business would do. If you are a free marketeer, this is good. If you are someone looking up non-porn lesbian stuff, this is good for you.

Where's the problem here?
Rancid wrote:I find it odd that people get worked up over something like this.

They probably tweaked it because they realized that a lot of people search the word Lesbian that are NOT looking for porn.

In other words, they are adjusting their search engine to their customers needs/wants, like nay business would do. If you are a free marketeer, this is good. If you are someone looking up non-porn lesbian stuff, this is good for you.

Where's the problem here?

It's not a problem in this case, it just shows that searches are adjusted for various reasons.
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