Should child sex dolls be banned? Why? - Page 5 - Politics | PoFo

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That's not the way sexual energy works.

Drugs create addiction. Sexual energy just releases itself and then builds up again. If you're addicted to sex there's a mental disorder for that with a cure (and no, it won't work on pedophiles since pedophiles are just people who are attracted to children not sexual maniacs). It's only when you don't release sexual energy after a long period of time do people get dangerous, especially pedophiles. Pedophiles aren't idiots. They know that manipulating children in such a way is bad and is illegal. They only molest children when they are desperate to release their sexual energy but cannot and therefore fall to such desperate measures.

Rapists are the same.
Oxymandias wrote:@B0ycey

That's not the way sexual energy works.

I'm not going into too much detail because I can't believe I have to explain why this doll is bad to people on here, but having sex releases dopamine in the brain. So does drugs. After a while your brain gets use to certain things and in a way gets bored of it. Which is why addition to porn is making people impotent. So yes, I am right. This doll could easily lead to more serious offenses when the pedo is no longer enjoying it for their sexual preferences. The best way to prevent pedos is to make sure people are aware that no way is their fantasies acceptable when it comes to young children - and this includes a fuckin' sex doll of a nine year old girl. Fuck me. What is wrong with people on here.
B0ycey wrote:I'm not going into too much detail because I can't believe I have to explain why this doll is bad to people on here, but having sex releases dopamine in the brain. So does drugs. After a while your brain gets use to certain things and in a way gets bored of it. Which is why addition to porn is making people impotent. So yes, I am right. This doll could easily lead to more serious offenses when the pedo is no longer enjoying it for their sexual preferences. The best way to prevent pedos is to make sure people are aware that no way is their fantasies acceptable when it comes to young children - and this includes a fuckin' sex doll of a nine year old girl. Fuck me. What is wrong with people on here.

Did you bother reading the arguments or did you just jump in to enlighten us with your moralizing? If any one is stupid, I would vote for people like you who do not seem to understand the danger of setting precedents for people being guilty for what they think. Please show me the person who can control their thoughts? We should not be punished for what we think, but only by our actions, because we can control that.
One Degree wrote:Did you bother reading the arguments or did you just jump in to enlighten us with your moralizing? If any one is stupid, I would vote for people like you who do not seem to understand the danger of setting precedents for people being guilty for what they think. Please show me the person who can control their thoughts? We should not be punished for what we think, but only by our actions, because we can control that.

Do I have to repeat something you have ALREADY been told. It is not thoughts that are illegal. It is the fuckin' doll. And the doll is illegal because of the dangers it can create. Christ. Think before you type.

Yet there are plenty of people who have sex and don't get addicted to it. This is because drugs use chemicals which contain addictives while sex does not. Furthermore if you were right then everyone would be into S&M at this point and rape would be common place since that's the only logical progression. If you do that it will only increase child molestation since many pedos will self-hate themselves and will become increasingly more sexually frustrated they will resort to desperate measures.

It is clear you haven't read any of the other arguments here. Make sure to read my and @anasawad's posts about the topic.
B0ycey wrote:Do I have to repeat something you have ALREADY been told. It is not thoughts that are illegal. It is the fuckin' doll. And the doll is illegal because of the dangers it can create. Christ. Think before you type.

Then why is he going to prison? Would you expect to go to prison for buying something on the internet? He is going to prison because of what someone was thinking he thought, even though it is impossible to know that.
Why do you think pedophiles were selected to try out these 'thought crimes '? No one wants to defend them, so ignorant people willing encourage their passage. Once the legal precedents are firmly established then others will come under these 'thought crimes', especially those who 'think' bad things about the government. Lawyers have been doing this forever and ignorant people keep falling for it because they refuse to actually think.
Oxymandias wrote:@B0ycey

Yet there are plenty of people who have sex and don't get addicted to it. This is because drugs use chemicals which contain addictives while sex does not. Furthermore if you were right then everyone would be into S&M at this point and rape would be common place since that's the only logical progression. If you do that it will only increase child molestation since many pedos will self-hate themselves and will become increasingly more sexually frustrated they will resort to desperate measures.

It is clear you haven't read any of the other arguments here. Make sure to read my and @anasawad's posts about the topic.

I've read them and don't agree with them. I'm not going to waste my time going through every single post and comment on them individually. That's not my style. I tend to just make a point and leave it at that.

But to your point about sex being an addiction, I never said it was. Just that it uses the same brain hormone. And the way that hormone is realised depends on the frequency it is realised. A heroine addict will never have the same hit they had then their first hit. But they will still chase that hit nonetheless. Same with pedos. This doll would be a first step to something bigger or riskier. And that is a dangerous president to have. But to be frank I can't be arsed to waste my time arguing a point that MOST rational people would understand.
One Degree wrote:Then why is he going to prison? Would you expect to go to prison for buying something on the internet? He is going to prison because of what someone was thinking he thought, even though it is impossible to know that.
Why do you think pedophiles were selected to try out these 'thought crimes '? No one wants to defend them, so ignorant people willing encourage their passage. Once the legal precedents are firmly established then others will come under these 'thought crimes', especially those who 'think' bad things about the government. Lawyers have been doing this forever and ignorant people keep falling for it because they refuse to actually think.

Just to clarify, he isn't being sentenced on his thoughts but because he imported an obscene and indecent article. And yes, if I bought something on the Internet that was illegal then I should be convicted. These people surely didn't think what they bought was legal. They just hoped they didn't get caught. And trying to justify this makes you sound like someone trying to condone pedophilia for some unknown reason.

You compared sex to drugs and explicitly stated that sex, like drugs, will make want more and do more riskier things or want more of it which is addiction. Not only is this false but you have a very simple understanding of dopamine which isn't a hormone but a neurotransmitter.

Dopamine is released everywhere, whether it be during accomplishing a goal or during laughter, dopamine is released often. Yet dopamine released by the brain naturally and artificially releasing dopamine are completely different things. If you said this to even the worst chem students you would get laughed at and mocked because it's stupid.

The brain controls the amount of dopamine released during sex. Under normal circumstances, unless you have a sex addiction which is a mental disorder, you will not become addicted to sex in the same way you are to drugs. In order to explain further, imagine your dopamine intact as a sort of assembly line. The brain sends orders to the synaptic cleft to produce this certain amount of dopamine and then when the brain wants it to stop, it sends an order stop producing until further notice. What drugs do send orders to increase the amount dopamine that is produced or your dopamine levels and make sure that your brain does not make production stop.

This is why, after you have sex, you don't just wake up in the morning and immediately want to have sex again. If what you said was true, people should be raping each other on the streets. If you were right, we would be seeing S&M everywhere. There is literally no difference in the dopamine levels of a pedo and non-pedo during sex. Also lol that people after masturbating will suddenly want to fuck or rape an actual person. If that was true we would have 14 yr old rapists running around and we both know those aren't the majority.

Your not rational, just ignorant of basic chemistry.
Unknown reason? :lol: I don't know how I could have made my reasons any clearer. I am sure I can count on your support on insisting anyone who buys the transgender doll should also go to prison? I am positive pedophiles will buy them, so anyone who buys them must be a pedophile. I am also suspicious of Barbie buyers. :roll:
Oxymandias wrote:@B0ycey

You compared sex to drugs and explicitly stated that sex, like drugs, will make want more and do more riskier things or want more of it which is addiction. Not only is this false but you have a very simple understanding of dopamine which isn't a hormone but a neurotransmitter.

I won't even bother replying to most of you post because it's completely off topic and has no relevences to my points. Many posters use such tactics and never quote. The reason. There is no quote to reference.

However this part of your post is vaguely on-topic so I will at least reply to this. Firstly I never said dopamine was a hormone. It does however realise them. Sex desires and enjoyment are mental. What we crave to begin with might be fantasy in the form of a doll. But our brain gets tired of repetitive things on a constant level. And some people might crave for more to get the intense enjoyment back again (similar to drugs use as it happens). A doll designed as a minor would intensify the risk of a pedophilia act. What you keep on mentioning is sexual frustration. And the easiest way to realise such tension is masturbation. There is no excuse to have a sex doll to realise this tension. Because fantasy and frustation are not the same thing.
Last edited by B0ycey on 02 Aug 2017 22:59, edited 1 time in total.
One Degree wrote:Unknown reason? :lol: I don't know how I could have made my reasons any clearer. I am sure I can count on your support on insisting anyone who buys the transgender doll should also go to prison? I am positive pedophiles will buy them, so anyone who buys them must be a pedophile. I am also suspicious of Barbie buyers. :roll:

The law is the law. It is not illegal to buy a transgender doll. However in my opinion it is not ethical to aim a children's doll with a complex issue to promote an agenda. That is why I am against it.

What you have done for countless posts is say that the person was convicted for his thoughts when he was actually convicted for buying the doll.
I would like to quote but I don't know how to. Second off, nothing in my paragraph was "off-topic". That's just an excuse not to engage with my points since you don't understand how dopamine and drugs work.

I told you that's not how it works, that's not how dopamine works. I fully detailed the process in a very layman manner and you still associate drugs with sex because "it uses the same chemicals!". I don't feel the need to talk to someone who won't. Drugs don't work the same way as sex. Sex is a natural function that the brain can completely control since sex is an internal psychological act. However stuff like drugs and other addictive stuff is external and is not controlled by the brain. This is why you don't want to have sex every fucking minute of your life.

Dude, I mentioned sexual frustration only in the end of the paragraph as my conclusion. Half my post was debunking your assumptions about dopamine.

So masturbation can't lead people to want more? Your contradicting yourself pal. If what you are saying is true, this would mean that people should be raping everywhere because that's the only logical progression.

You have no scientific proof or basis for your claims. I do. I can link you to just a simple wikipedia post that proves what I'm saying is true. You don't have such a resource.
anasawad wrote:Directly to instituting thought crimes ?

It is not a thought crime. A thought crime would be punishing someone for having the thought pop into their head.

People who would buy something like this are not just thinking this, they are acting on these thoughts. Buying something like this is not a thought, it is an act. And what is worse, it signifies desire and ultimately intent. Ultimately these sorts of people cannot be helped and they should be permanently removed from society. A paedophile is of absolutely no use to anyone and these types of people do not belong in this world.
Last edited by Political Interest on 02 Aug 2017 23:28, edited 1 time in total.
Oxymandias wrote:I would like to quote but I don't know how to. Second off, nothing in my paragraph was "off-topic". That's just an excuse not to engage with my points since you don't understand how dopamine and drugs work.

I told you that's not how it works, that's not how dopamine works. I fully detailed the process in a very layman manner and you still associate drugs with sex because "it uses the same chemicals!". I don't feel the need to talk to someone who won't. Drugs don't work the same way as sex. Sex is a natural function that the brain can completely control since sex is an internal psychological act. However stuff like drugs and other addictive stuff is external and is not controlled by the brain. This is why you don't want to have sex every fucking minute of your life.

Dude, I mentioned sexual frustration only in the end of the paragraph as my conclusion. Half my post was debunking your assumptions about dopamine.

So masturbation can't lead people to want more? Your contradicting yourself Palestinian If what you are saying is true, this would mean that people should be raping everywhere because that's the only logical progression.

You have no scientific proof or basis for your claims. I do. I can link you to just a simple wikipedia post that proves what I'm saying is true. You don't have such a resource.

The only time I mentioned dopamine was to say sex and drugs releases it. I stand by that statement. What you have done is create an argument based on research (probably recent) on things I don't refute or disagree with to try and justify being able to own a doll that looks like a minor because people can get sexually frustrated.

But honestly this is a nothing argument. Most rational people would agree with me. Unfortunately PoFo has quite alot of irrational people on here and I am not going to waste my time arguing with them over this.

That isn't my point at all and if you read any of my posts you would know that. Given that you obviously haven't read me and @anasawad's posts and given that I don't want to repeat myself, I recommend you go back and read them.

it's a nothing argument because you took what you thought was my point and bastardized it. I responded to you assuming that you read my posts and given that you interpreted my argument as "pedos need sex dolls because sexual frustration" I was sorry to hear that you didn't read any of my posts or @anasawad's and that you just lied about it.

I used deductive logic to construct my reasoning which, if you read Popper's Logic of Scientific Discovery, is basically as logical as you can get. You are using inductive reasoning right now which Popper deconstructs as illogical. Therefore you are not being rational at all. Most rational people would disagree with you.
Political Interest wrote:It is not a thought crime. A thought crime would be punishing someone for having the thought pop into their head.

People who would buy something like this are not just thinking this, they are acting on these thoughts. Buying something like this is not a thought, it is an act. And what is worse, it signifies desire and ultimately intent.

Your post makes the assumption that you know why he bought the doll and then you base your reasoning on this assumption. It is a thought crime because you or no one else can possibly know his reasons, unless he tells you. The entire reasoning behind convicting him falls apart without assuming you know his thoughts. Banning the doll is fine. Fineing him for purchase a banned product would be acceptable. Putting him in prison requires a thought crime.
One Degree wrote:Your post makes the assumption that you know why he bought the doll and then you base your reasoning on this assumption. It is a thought crime because you or no one else can possibly know his reasons, unless he tells you. The entire reasoning behind convicting him falls apart without assuming you know his thoughts. Banning the doll is fine. Fineing him for purchase a banned product would be acceptable. Putting him in prison requires a thought crime.

It is obvious what the intentions are of someone who would buy this. Why else would they buy it?

The only place where people like this belong is in prison doing hard labour and taking regular ice cold showers.

It is a fact. These types of people are inclined to hurt children. This is a major character flaw and pathology. It is not even a disease or condition. They are literally a waste of space.

I do not even have children but I can understand that these types of people are very dangerous.
Last edited by Political Interest on 02 Aug 2017 23:41, edited 3 times in total.
Oxymandias wrote:@B0ycey

That isn't my point at all and if you read any of my posts you would know that. Given that you obviously haven't read me and @anasawad's posts and given that I don't want to repeat myself, I recommend you go back and read them.

it's a nothing argument because you took what you thought was my point and bastardized it. I responded to you assuming that you read my posts and given that you interpreted my argument as "pedos need sex dolls because sexual frustration" I was sorry to hear that you didn't read any of my posts or @anasawad's and that you just lied about it.

I used deductive logic to construct my reasoning which, if you read Popper's Logic of Scientific Discovery, is basically as logical as you can get. You are using inductive reasoning right now which Popper deconstructs as illogical. Therefore you are not being rational at all. Most rational people would disagree with you.

@Oxymandias, I do like you, however I have read your and @anasawad's posts and I don't agree with them. Mainly because you want to allow the doll to exist and don't see the dangers with it (and somehow could solve paedophilia desires). I could easily write a long post on every quote I don't agree with but I tend to only write posts on my points and anyone who argues my points. So I think I will leave this argument now.

I would appreciate if you could at least reference them somewhat. My point was that these dolls allow people to release their own sexual energy in a safe manner. Furthermore there would be institutions that can help pedophiles control their own urges that would be full of psychologists, psychiatrists, and scientists willing to help them.

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