I Reject, I Affirm. ''Raising the Black Flag'' in an Age of Devilry. - Page 88 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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annatar1914 wrote:@Verv , @Potemkin , @Tainari88 , @Godstud , and @Political Interest , @wat0n :

And now, evidence for what I speak:

It will happen.

@Verv , @Potemkin , @Tainari88 , @Godstud , @Political Interest , more evidence that over time reveals the shift I'm speaking of:

https://youtube.com/shorts/OO_Njp37sQk? ... RLX_GMYhWV

The West will jettison the Zionist project and the Jews in general, the Islamic world and " global South " will jettison support for Russia.
annatar1914 wrote:@Verv , @Potemkin , @Tainari88 , @Godstud , @Political Interest , more evidence that over time reveals the shift I'm speaking of:

https://youtube.com/shorts/OO_Njp37sQk? ... RLX_GMYhWV

The West will jettison the Zionist project and the Jews in general, the Islamic world and " global South " will jettison support for Russia.

This is an extremely bold prediction. I can't comment on it other than saying it doesn't seem realistic at all...

But if it does come true I will consider you something of a prophet!
Verv wrote:This is an extremely bold prediction. I can't comment on it other than saying it doesn't seem realistic at all...

But if it does come true I will consider you something of a prophet!

@Verv :

No prophet, my friend, rather I'm surely among the worst of sinners and sinners buried in sin do not recognize the insights from God that He sends them, much less prophesy.

What I do think I understand is that the Satanic forces of darkness hate the Israel of God His Church, and fear the conversion of the faithless Jews, who the forces of darkness hate anyway despite Jewish blindness. True anti semitism, it is a sure external sign of an inner reality that such anti semites hate Jesus Christ and His Mother and all the saints too.

That's Who they really hate. The King of the Jews and His blood kin in temporary rebellion against Him, and the Katehon that restrains the Antichrist, the Orthodox Christian Commonwealth and it's Christ Adoring Armies of His Saints who are faithful to Him.

So that being said, I suspect who will turn against God, and who will return to Him, collectively speaking.
annatar1914 wrote:@Verv :

No prophet, my friend, rather I'm surely among the worst of sinners and sinners buried in sin do not recognize the insights from God that He sends them, much less prophesy.

What I do think I understand is that the Satanic forces of darkness hate the Israel of God His Church, and fear the conversion of the faithless Jews, who the forces of darkness hate anyway despite Jewish blindness. True anti semitism, it is a sure external sign of an inner reality that such anti semites hate Jesus Christ and His Mother and all the saints too.

That's Who they really hate. The King of the Jews and His blood kin in temporary rebellion against Him, and the Katehon that restrains the Antichrist, the Orthodox Christian Commonwealth and it's Christ Adoring Armies of His Saints who are faithful to Him.

So that being said, I suspect who will turn against God, and who will return to Him, collectively speaking.

I think the closest people to God are the Christians... and if there are some practicing Jews who wish to fulfill the Torah, that is certainly admirable and I can see how God values this, but that is not what is happening in Israel, in my opinion, and the modern, secular ethnic Jews, and the so-called Jews who are out there doing gay weddings with female rabbis... I mean, really, what do you think God says about that?
Verv wrote:I think the closest people to God are the Christians... and if there are some practicing Jews who wish to fulfill the Torah, that is certainly admirable and I can see how God values this, but that is not what is happening in Israel, in my opinion, and the modern, secular ethnic Jews, and the so-called Jews who are out there doing gay weddings with female rabbis... I mean, really, what do you think God says about that?

@Verv , and by extension @Potemkin , @Tainari88 , @Godstud , @, and @Political Interest :

I believe that no man comes to the Father except through the Son, enlightened by the Holy Spirit.

Outside of this salvation is the kingdom of the prince of this world, and while his kingdom has already received notice of it's destruction, remains one, under one head, one ruler, without division.

We see chaos and strife only because the war within our hearts and the hearts of others.

Someday will come an outpouring of grace upon the tribes of Israel, then more will be understood.

Speaking of which, I am coming to understand better that this means division. Sheep and Goats. This is what the other side preaches:

https://youtube.com/shorts/3TNQnXRKBcM? ... vI_W7YI8-L

" What's wrong with rule by the best? The superior?" one might ask. Well It's like that apple of discord of Greek myth, or Alexander the Great on his deathbed, his generals asking him who should rule, and his typical Greco Roman Civilization reply: " the Strongest".... It's a recipe for eternal strife, eternal struggle, and They know it

Heraclitus said " war is the father of all things", after all. War will father the conquering demigods, heroes and giants of a new era.

Soon will be the Orthodox Feast of the Nativity. Christ was born into a time of great clarification, a " peace" of absolute albeit temporary triumph of a particular faction of the Greco Roman Civilization, centered around Caesar Augustus/Octavian as the last leader standing.

A triumphant Pagan Ecumene. For a time. Again.
From St. John Chrysostom's homilies on Romans 11:26:

Ver. 28. "As concerning the Gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers' sakes."

That the Gentile then might not be puffed up, and say, "I am standing, do not tell me of what would have been, but what has been," he uses this consideration to bring him down, and says, "As concerning the Gospel, they are enemies for your sakes." For when you were called they became more captious. Nevertheless God hath not even now cut short the calling of you, but He waiteth for all the Gentiles that are to believe to come in, and then they also shall come. Then he does them another kind favor, by saying, "As touching election, they are beloved for the fathers sakes." And what is this? for wherein they are enemies, punishment is theirs: but wherein they are beloved, the virtue of their ancestors has no influence on them, if they do not believe. Nevertheless, as I said, he ceaseth not to solace them with words, that he may bring them over. Wherefore by way of fresh proof for his former assertion, he says,

Ver. 30-32. "For as ye in times past have not believed God, yet have now obtained mercy through their unbelief; even so have these also now not believed, that through your mercy they may also obtain mercy. For God hath concluded them all in unbelief, that He might have mercy upon all."

He shows here that those of the Gentiles were called first. Then, as they would not come, the Jews were elected, and the same result occurred again. For when the Jews would not believe, again the Gentiles were brought over. And he does not stop here, nor does he draw the whole to a conclusion at their rejection, but at their having mercy shown them again. See how much he gives to those of the Gentiles, as much as he did to the Jews before. For when ye, he would say, "in times past did not obey," being of the Gentiles, then the Jews came in. Again, when these did not obey, ye have come. However, they will not perish forever. "For God hath concluded them all in unbelief," that is, hath convinced them, hath shown them disobedient; not that they may remain in disobedience, but that He may save the one by the captiousness of the other, these by those and those by these. Now consider; ye were disobedient, and they were saved. Again, they have been disobedient, and ye have been saved. Yet ye have not been so saved as to be put away again, as the Jews were, but so as to draw them over through jealousy while ye abide.

Bible Hub

The Jews were first close to God and the gentiles turned away, so they had the Old Covenant, which was magical and wonderful... Now, St. John Chrysostom explains St. Paul by stating that the Jews are not forsaken by God, and they will not be left to be eternally cut off... It is simply now that the role has been reversed: now the Gentiles are the chosen (of course, only those who believe and practice), and the Jews are on the outside...

And this will all be concluded when the final Jew has been won over and they cease to exist as a competing religious narrative (though certainly not as a people or an ethnicity because God does not seek the destruction of any kind of cultural identity).

That's how I understand it.

So, I believe that the new Jerusalem = the Church, the new Israel = the Church.

The Jews are not our "older brothers" in the religion... until the day that you are standing in Heaven with pre-Christian Hebrews who were literally people that lived in the Old Covenant then were saved. Then, in a sense, such a person is an older brother... But even the Jews who practice only the Torah and reject the Talmud are not sincerely and exactly living the Covenant, because to sincerely live the Old Covenant means to have seen that Covenant fulfilled and to proceed forward from that into Christianity...

But, lest we fall into anti-Semitism, nothing that I have said here is anything different than what could be said of any other competing religion - it is just more complicated because this tango has been going on for a while.
Verv wrote:From St. John Chrysostom's homilies on Romans 11:26:

Bible Hub

The Jews were first close to God and the gentiles turned away, so they had the Old Covenant, which was magical and wonderful... Now, St. John Chrysostom explains St. Paul by stating that the Jews are not forsaken by God, and they will not be left to be eternally cut off... It is simply now that the role has been reversed: now the Gentiles are the chosen (of course, only those who believe and practice), and the Jews are on the outside...

And this will all be concluded when the final Jew has been won over and they cease to exist as a competing religious narrative (though certainly not as a people or an ethnicity because God does not seek the destruction of any kind of cultural identity).

That's how I understand it.

So, I believe that the new Jerusalem = the Church, the new Israel = the Church.

The Jews are not our "older brothers" in the religion... until the day that you are standing in Heaven with pre-Christian Hebrews who were literally people that lived in the Old Covenant then were saved. Then, in a sense, such a person is an older brother... But even the Jews who practice only the Torah and reject the Talmud are not sincerely and exactly living the Covenant, because to sincerely live the Old Covenant means to have seen that Covenant fulfilled and to proceed forward from that into Christianity...

But, lest we fall into anti-Semitism, nothing that I have said here is anything different than what could be said of any other competing religion - it is just more complicated because this tango has been going on for a while.

@Verv :

I don't disagree, this is the standard belief of our Christian tradition to be sure. And it condemns the disgusting and insane " Christian Zionism" of modern times, at it's heretical basis.

Would we then not wish for the collective conversion of the state of Israel to Orthodox Christianity, and thus a correspondent conversion of Palestinian Muslims and the joining of them all in peace, in a unitary state?
Day of the Feast of the Nativity in Orthodoxy:


Commemorated on December 25 OS.

" Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world, was born of the Most Holy Virgin Mary in the city of Bethlehem during the reign of the emperor Augustus (Octavian). Caesar Augustus decreed that an universal census be made throughout all his empire, which then also included Palestinian Israel. The Jews were accustomed to carry out the nation's census-taking according to ancestral-origins, tribes and family-relations. Every ancestral-origin and family-relation had its own designated city as its place of ancestry. The MostBlessed Virgin Mary and Righteous Joseph, descended from the family line of King David, had to go to Bethlehem (the city of David), to register their names on the census-list of Caesar's subjects. At Bethlehem they did not find a single place vacant at any of the city's inns. In the celebrated cave, used as a stable, amidst the hay and the straw, strewn about as food and bedding for the cattle, far from the hearth of home, amidst people that were total strangers, on the cold winter night, and in a setting deprived not only of worldly grandeur but even of the basic amenities – was born the God-Man, the Saviour of the world. "I behold a strange and most glorious mystery, – with awe sings Holy Church, – Heaven – the Cave; the Throne of the Cherubim – the Virgin; the Manger – the Crib, in which lay the placeless Christ God" (Irmos in 9th Ode of the Festal Canon). Without defilement having given birth to the Divine Infant the Most Holy Virgin, Herself without help from strangers, "wraps Him in swaddling cloths and places Him in the manger" (Lk. 2). But amidst the midnight stillness, when all mankind was shrouded in its deepest sinful sleep, the proclaiming of the Birth of the Saviour of the world was heard by shepherds, watching their flocks by night. And the Angel of the Lord came before them and said: "Fear not, for lo I proclaim ye tidings of great joy, which shalt be for all people, for this day is born unto you the Saviour, Which be Christ the Lord in the city of David". The humble shepherds were the first deemed worthy to offer worship for the salvation of mankind unto He That hath condescended to "the image of an humble servant". Besides the Angelic glad tidings to the Bethlehem shepherds, the Nativity of Christ by means of a wondrous star was made known to Magi "knowing the stars", and in the person of these Eastern wise-men all the pagan world, imperceptibly – bent down upon its knees before the true Saviour of the world, the God-Man. Entering wherein the Infant lay, the wise-men Magi – "falling down they worshipped Him, and opening their treasure they presented Him gifts: gold and frankincense and myrh" (Mt. 2: 11).
In remembrance of the Nativity in the flesh of our Lord Jesus Christ, the feastday was established by the Church. Its very origin is related to the times of the Apostles. In the Apostolic Constitutions it says: "Brethren, observe the feastdays, and among the chief such the day of the Birth of Christ, which make ye celebration of on the 25th day of the tenth month" (from March, which in those days began the year). There also in another place it said: "Celebrate ye the day of the Nativity of Christ, in the which unseen grace is given man by the birth of the Word of God from the Virgin Mary for the salvation of the world".
In the II Century also Sainted Clement of Alexandria indicates that the day of the Nativity of Christ is 25 December. In the III Century as before Saint Hypolitus of Rome makes mention concerning the feastday of the Nativity of Christ, and designates the Gospel readings for this day from the beginning chapters of Saint Matthew. It is known also, that during the time of persecution of Christians by Maximian in the year 302, Nicomedia Christians numbering 20,000 were burned in church on the very feastday of the Nativity of Christ (Comm. 28 December). In that same century, but later on after the persecution when the Church had received freedom of religion and had become the official religion in the Roman empire, we find the feastday of the Nativity of Christ observed throughout all the Universal Church. And this is evidenced from the works of saint Ephrem the Syrian, Sainted Basil the great, Sainted Gregory the Theologian, Sainted Gregory of Nyssa, Sainted Ambrose of Milan, Sainted John Chrysostom and other fathers of the Church of the IV Century concerning this feastday. Saint John Chrysostom, in his sermon which he gave in the year 385, points out that the feast of the Nativity of Christ is ancient and indeed very ancient. In this same century also at the place of the Bethlehem Cave, made famous by the Birth of Jesus Christ, the Equal-to-the-Apostles empress Helen erected a church, which her mighty son Constantine strove after her to make resplendid. In the Codex of the emperor Theodosius from 438, and of the emperor Justinian – in 535, is promulgated as law the universal celebration of the day of the Nativity of Christ. It is in this sense, truly, that Nicephoros Kallistos, a writer of the XIV Century, says in his history that the emperor Justinian in the VI Century established the celebration of the Nativity of Christ throughout all the world.
In the V Century the Patriarch of Constantinople Anatolios, in the VII – Sophronios and Andrew of Jerusalem, in the VIII – Saints John of Damascus, Cosma of Maium and the Patriarch of Tsar'grad Germanos, in the IX – the Nun Cassia and others of names unknown, all these wrote for the feast of the Nativity of Christ many sacred hymns, used at present by the Church to the glory of this radiant festal event.
However, during the first three centuries, when persecutions hindered the freedom of Christian Divine-services, in certain places in the East – in the Churches of Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria and Cyprus – the feastday of the Nativity of Christ was combined together with the feastday of the Baptism of Christ on 6 January, under the in-common term "Theophany" ["Bogoyavlenie" – which both in the Greek and the Slavonic means "Manifestation of God"]. The reason for this, actually, was from the view, that Christ was baptised at a later time on His birthday, as might be inferred concerning this from the discourse of Saint John Chrysostom who, in one of his sermons on the Nativity of Christ, says: "it is not that day on which Christ was born which is called Theophany, but rather that day on which He was baptised". Towards suchlike a viewpoint also it is possible to consider a nuance in the words of the Evangelist Luke who, speaking about the Baptism of Jesus Christ, testifies, that then "Jesus being incipient [incipiens, arkhomenos] upon His thirtieth year" (Lk. 3:23). The celebration of the Nativity of Christ conjointly with Theophany in certain of the Eastern Churches continued to the end of the IV Century, and in some – until the V or even the VI Century. Remembrance of the ancient conjoining of the feasts of the Nativity of Christ and Theophany at present enters into the making of the order of services in the celebration of these feasts. For both – on the eve-day preceding the feast, there is a similar tradition among the people, that on the festal eve-days the fast ought to be kept until the stars appear. The order of Divine-services on the eve of both feastdays and the feastdays themselves is done the same.
The day of the Nativity of Christ from of old was numbered by the Church among the Twelve Great Feasts, – in accord with the Divine witness of the Gospel in depicting these festal events as the greatest, most all-joyful and wondrous. "Behold, I proclaim unto you glad tidings, – said the Angel to the Bethlehem shepherds, – of great joy, for all mankind. For unto you this day is born the Saviour, Who is Christ the Lord, in the city of David. And this for ye is the sign: ye will find the Infant wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger. Then suddenly with the Angel was a multitude of the heavenly hosts, glorifying God and saying: Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth peace, good-will to mankind. Those hearing of this were awestruck at the sayings of the shepherds concerning this Child. And the shepherds themselves returned back, glorifying and praising God for everything they had heard and seen" (Lk. 2: 10-20). Thus the Nativity of Christ, as an event most profound and extraordinary, was accompanied by the wondrous tidings to the shepherds and the Magi about the universal rejoicing for all mankind, – "for the Saviour is Born!", by the Angelic proclamation of glory to the new-born Saviour, by the worship to him by shepherds and wise-men, by the reverent awe of many, hearkening to the words of the shepherds about the new-born Child, amidst glory and praise of Him by the Shepherds.
In accord with the Divine witness of the Gospel, the fathers of the Church in their God-imbued writings also depict the feast of the Nativity of Christ as most profound, universal and all-joyous, which serves as a basis and foundation for all the other feastdays.
Christ is Born! Glorify Him!


by Sainted Gregory Thaumatourgos,
Bishop of Neo-Caesarea
Brethren, we behold now a great and wondrous mystery. Shepherds with cries of joy come forth as messengers to the sons of mankind, not on their hilly pastures with their flocks conversing and not in the field with their sheep frolicking, but rather in the city of David Bethlehem spiritual songs exclaiming. In the highest sing Angels, proclaiming hymns Archangelic; the heavenly Cherubim and Seraphim sing out praises to the glory of God: "Holy, Holy, Holy..." Together all do celebrate this joyous feast, beholding God upon the earth, and mankind of earth amidst the heavens. By Divine providence the far distant are uplifted to the highest, and the highest, through the love of God for mankind, have bent down to the far distant, wherefore the MostHigh, through His humility, "is exalted through humility". On this day of great festivity Bethlehem hath become like unto heaven, taking place amidst the glittering stars are Angels singing glory, and taking the place of the visible sun – is the indefinable and immeasurable Sun of Truth, having made all things that do exist. But who would dare investigate so great a mystery? "Wherein God doth wish it, therein the order of nature is overturned", and laws cannot impede. And so, of that which was impossible for mankind to undertake, God did aspire and did descend, making for the salvation of mankind, since in the will of God this is life for all mankind.
On the present joyous day God hath come to be born; on this great day of arrival God is become That Which He was not: being God, He hath become Man, so to speak as though removed from Divinity (though His Divine Nature be not divested of); in being made Man, He hath remained God. Wherefore, though He grew and flourished, it however was not thus as it were by human power to attain to Divinity nor by any human ability to be made God; but rather as the Word, by miraculous sufferance, wherein He was incarnated and manifest not being transformed, not being made something other, not deprived of that Divine Nature which He possessed previously. In Judea the new King is born; but this new and wondrous nativity which pagan Gentiles have come to believe, the Jew have eschewed. The Pharisees comprehended incorrectly the Law and the prophets. That which therein was contradictory for them, they explained away mistakenly. Herod too strove to learn of this new birth, full of mystery, yet Herod did this not to reverence the new-born King, but to kill Him.
That One, Who did forsake the Angels, Archangels, Thrones, Dominions, and all the constant and luminous spirits, – He alone having come a new path, does issue forth from an inviolate of seed virginal womb. The Creator of all comes to enlighten the world, indeed not leaving His angels orphaned, and He appears also as Man, come forth from God.
And I, though I see by the NewBorn neither trumpets (nor other musical instruments), nor sword, nor bodily adornments, neither lampadas nor way-lamps, and seeing the choir of Christ composed of those humble of birth and without influence, – it doth persuade me to praise of Him. I see speechless animals and choirs of youth, as though some sort of trumpet, songfully resonant, as though taking the place of lampadas and as it were shining upon the Lord. But what shall I say about what the lampadas do light? He – is the verymost Hope and Life Itself, He is Salvation Itself, Blessedness Itself, the focal point of the Kingdom of Heaven. He is Himself borne as offering, so that there would in power transpire the proclamation of the heavenly Angels: "Glory to God in the Highest", and with the shepherds of Bethlehem be pronounced the joyous song: "And on earth peace, good-will to mankind!" Born of the Father, in His Person and in His Being passionless, now in a manner dispassionate and incomprehensible He is born for us. The praeternal birth, He alone Who was born dispassionately doth know of; the present birth, is supernaturally known only by the grace of the Holy Spirit; but in both the first birth truly, and in the present birth in kenotic humbling, actually and immutably God was born from God, but He – is also Man, having received flesh of the Virgin. In the highest of the One Father – He is One, the Only-Begotten Son of the One Father; in kenotic humbling Unique of the unique Virgin, the Only-Begotten Son of the one Virgin... God suffereth not passions, in being born God of God; and the Virgin did not suffer corruption, since in a manner spiritual was born the Spiritual. The first birth – is inexplicable and the second – is insurmiseable; the first birth was without travail and the second was without impurity... We know, Who now is born of the Virgin, and we believe, that it is He, born of the Father praeternally. But what manner of birth it was we would not hope to explain. Neither with words would I attempt to speak of this, nor in thought would I dare to approach it, since the Divine Nature is not subject to observation, nor approachable by thought, nor containable by the hapless reasoning. Needful only is to believe in the power of His works. The laws of corporeal nature are evident: a married woman conceives and gives birth to a son in accord with the purpose of marriage; but when the Unwedded Virgin gives birth to the son miraculously, and after birth remaineth a Virgin, – then is manifest an higher corporeal nature. We can comprehend what exists according to the laws ofd corporeal nature, but afront that which is beyond the laws of nature, we fall silent, not through fear, but moreso through sin-wrought fallibility. We mustneeds fall silent, in silent stillness to reverence virtue with a worthy reverence and, not going beyond the far limits (of word), to be vouchsafed the heavenly gifts.
What to say and what shalt I proclaim? To speak more concerning the Virgin Birth-Giver? To deliberate more on the miraculously new birth? It is possible only to be astonished, in contemplating the miraculous birth, since it overturns the ordinary laws and order of nature and of things. About the wondrous works (of God) one might say in brief, that they are more wondrous than the works of nature, since in nature nothing begets itself by its own will, though there be the freedom thereof: wondrous therefore are all the works of the Lord, Who hath caused them to be. O, immaculate and inexplicable mystery! That One, Who before the very creation of the world was the Only-Begotten, Without‑Compare, Simple, Incorporeal, is incarnated and descends (into the world), clothed in a perishable body, so that He be visible to all. For if He were not visible, then by what manner would He teach us to keep His precepts and how would He lead us to the invisible reality? It was for this therefore that He became openly visible, to lead forth those of the visible world to the invisible. Far moreso do people reckon their eyesight as more credible a witness than mere hearsay; they trust that which they see, and doubt that which they see not. God willed to be visible in body, to resolve and dispel the doubts. He willed to be born of the Virgin, not to initiate of Her something unneeded and wherein the Virgin knew not the reasons of the matter, but rather the mystery of His birth is an immaculate act of goodness, wherein the Virgin Herself asked of Gabriel: "How can this be, in that I know not a man", – to which She received in reply: "The Holy Spirit shalt come upon Thee, and the power of the MostHigh shalt overshadow Thee" (Lk. 1: 34-35). But in what manner did the Word, Who was God, therefore issue forth from the Virgin? This – is an inexplicable wonder. Just as a goldsmith, having obtained the metal, makes of it a thing suitable for use, thus did Christ also: finding the Virgin immaculate both in spirit and in body, He assumed of Her a spirit-fashioned body conformable to His intents, and was arrayed in it, as in clothing. On this wondrous day of the Nativity the Word was neither afraid nor ashamed to issue forth from the virginal womb, nor did He consider it unworthy of Himself to assume flesh from His creation, – so that the creation, made the attire of the Creator, should be esteemed worthy of glory, and so that mercy should be made known when revealed, from whence God through His goodness hath descended. Just as it would be impossible for an earthen vessel to appear before it be clay in the hands of the potter, so likewise would it be impossible for the perishable vessel (of human nature) to be renewed otherwise, to make it the attire of the Creator, Who is garbed in it.
What more to say, what shall I expound on? The new wonders do strike me with awe. The Ancient of Days is become a Child, to make people children of God. Sitting in glory in the Heavens, because of His love for mankind, He now layeth in a manger of dumb beasts. The Inpassionate, Incorporeal, Incomprehensible One is taken by human hands, in order to atone the violence of sinners and the iniquitous and free them of their slavery, to be wrapped in swaddling cloths and be nourished on the knees of Woman, so that shame be transformed into honour, the impious to be led to glory, and in place of thorns a crown. He hath taken on my body, so that I be made capable to have within myself His Spirit, – He hath appropriated unto Himself (my nature), being garbed in my body, and doth give unto me His Spirit, so that I, giving and in turn receiving, might discover the treasure of life.
What shall I say and what proclaim? "Behold, a Virgin in womb shalt conceive and She shalt give birth a Son, and they will call Him the name Emmanuel, in interpretation: God is with us [S nami Bog; Meth' hemon ho Theos; Nobiscum Deus]" (Mt. 1: 23). The saying here deals not with something for future whereof we might learn to hope, but rather it tells us about something that already has occurred and it awes us with something that already has been fulfilled. What formerly was said to the Jews and fulfilled amidst them, is now thus amidst us realised as an occurrence, whereof we have received (this prophecy), and adopted it, and believed in it. The prophet says to the Jews: "Behold, a Virgin shalt conceive" (Is. 7: 14); for Christians however, the saying devolves upon the fulfilling of the actual deed, the full treasure-trove of the actual event. In Judea a Virgin gave birth, but all the lands of the world accepted Her Son. There – was the root of the vine; here – the vine of truth. The Jews squeezed the wine-press, and the Gentiles have tasted of the sacramental Blood; those others planted the kernel of wheat, and these thrive by the grain harvest of faith. The Jews were pricked to death by the thorns, the Gentiles are filled by the harvest; those others sat beneathe the tree of desolation, and these – beneathe the tree of life; those expounded the precepts of the Law, but the Gentiles reap the spiritual fruits. The Virgin gave birth not Herself of Herself, but as willed He needing to be born. Not in corporeal manner did God act, not to the law of the flesh did God subordinate Himself, but the Lord of corporeal nature manifested Himself to appear in the world by a miraculous birth, in order to reveal His power and to show, that in having been made Man, He is born not as a mere man, – that God is made Man, since for His will nothing be difficult.
On the present great day He is born of the Virgin, having overcome the natural order of things. He is higher than wedlock and free from defilement. It sufficed that He the preceptor of purity should shine forth gloriously, to emerge from a pure and undefiled womb. For He – is That Same, Who in the beginning did create Adam from the virgin soil, and from Adam without wedlock did bring forth for him his wife Eve. And as Adam was without wife before that he had a wife, and the first woman then was brought into the world, so likewise on the present day the Virgin without man giveth birth to That One, about Whom spake the prophet: "He – is Man, who is he that doth know Him?" The Man Christ, clearly seen by mankind, born of God, is such that womankind was needed to perfect that of mankind, so that perfectly would be born man for woman. And just as from Adam was taken woman, without impairment and without diminishing of his masculine nature, so also from woman without man was needed to bring forth a man, similar to the bringing forth of Eve, so that Adam be not extolled in that without his means woman should bring forth woman. Therefore the Virgin without cohabitation with man gave birth to God the Word, made Man, so that in equal measure it was by the same miracle to bestow equal honour to both the one and the other half – man and woman. And just as from Adam was taken woman without his diminishing, so likewise from the Virgin was taken the body (Born of Her), wherein also the Virgin did not undergo diminishing, and Her virginity did not suffer harm. Adam dwelt well and unharmed, when the rib was taken from him: and so without defilement dwelt the Virgin, when from Her was brought forth God the Word. For this sort of reason particularly the word assumed of the Virgin Her flesh and Her (corporeal) garb, so that He be not accounted innocent of the sin of Adam. Since man stung by sin had become a vessel and instrument of evil, Christ took upon Himself this receptacle of sin into His Own flesh so that, the Creator having been co‑united with the body, it should thus be freed from the foulness of the enemy, and man thus be clothed in an eternal body, which be neither perished nor destroyed for all eternity. Moreover, He that is become the God-Man is born, not as ordinarily man is born, – He is born as God made Man, manifest of this by His Own Divine power, since if He were born according to the general laws of nature, the Word would seem something imperfect. Therefore, He was born of the Virgin and shone forth; therefore, having been born, He preserved unharmed the virginal womb, so that the hitherto unheard of manner of the Nativity should be for us a sign of great mystery.
Is Christ God? Christ is God by nature, but not by the order of nature did He become Man. Thus we declare and in truth believe, calling to witness the seal of intact virginity: as Almighty Creator of the womb and virginity, He chose an unshameful manner of birth and was made Man, as He did will.
On this great day, now being celebrated, God hath appeared as Man, as Pastor of the nation of Israel, Who hath enlivened all the universe with His goodness. O dear warriors, glorious champions for mankind, who did preach Bethlehem as a place of Theophany and the Nativity of the Son of God, who have made known to all the world the Lord of all, lying in a manger, and did point out God contained within a narrow cave!
And so, we now glorify joyfully a feast of the years. Just as hence the laws of feasts be new, so now also the laws of birth be wondrous. On this great day now celebrated, of shattered chains, of Satan shamed, of all demons to flight, the all‑destroying death is replaced by life, paradise is opened to the thief, curses be transformed into blessings, all sins forgiven and evil banished, truth is come, and they have proclaimed tidings filled with reverence and love for God, traits pure and immaculate are implanted, virtue is exalted upon the earth, Angels are come together with people, and people make bold to converse with Angels. Whence and why hath all this happened? From this, that God hath descended into the world and exalted mankind unto Heaven. There is accomplished a certain transposition of everything: God Who is perfect hath descended to earth, though by Nature He remaineth entirely in the Heavens, even at that time when in His wholeness He be situated upon the earth. He was God and was made Man, not negating His Divinity: He was not made God, since He was always such by His very Nature, but He was made flesh, so that He be visible to everything corporeal. That One, upon Whom even the Heaven-dwellers cannot look, chose as His habitation a manger, and when He came, all around Him became still. And for naught else did He lay in the manger, than for this, that in giving nourishment to all, He should for Himself extract the nourishment of infants from maternal breasts and by this to bless wedlock.
On this great day people, leaving off from their arduous and serious affairs, do come forth for the glory of Heaven, and they learn through the gleaming of the stars, that the Lord hath descended to the earth to save His creation. The Lord, sitting upon a swift cloud, in the flesh wilt enter into Egypt (Is. 19: 1), visible fleeing from Herod, on that very deed which inspires the saying by Isaiah: "On that day Israel wilt be third amidst the Egyptians" (Is. 19: 24).
People entered into the Cave, thinking not at all about this beforehand, and it became for them an holy temple. God entered into Egypt, in the place of the ancient sadness there to bring joy, and in the place of dark gloom to shed forth the light of salvation. The waters of the Nile had become defiled and harmful after infants perished in it with untimely death. There appeared in Egypt That One, Who upon a time turned the water into blood and Who thereafter transformed these waters into well-springs of the water of rebirth, by the grace of the Holy Spirit cleansing away sins and transgressions. Chastisement once befell the Egyptians, since in their errors they defied God. But Jesus now is come into Egypt and hath sown in it reverence for God, so that in casting off from the Egyptian soul its errors, they are made amicable unto God. The river waters concurred worthily to encompass His head, like a crown.
In order not to stretch out in length our discourse and briefly to conclude what is said, we shall ask: in what manner was the passionless Word made flesh and become visible, while dwelling immutably in His Divine Nature? But what shall I say and what declare? I see the carpenter and the manger, the Infant and the Virgin Birth-Giver, forsaken by all, weighed down by hardship and want. Behold, to what a degree of humiliation the great God hath descended. For our sakes "impoverished, Who was rich" (2 Cor. 8: 9): He was put into but sorry swaddling cloths – not on a soft bed. O poverty, source of all exaltation! O destitution, revealing all treasures! He doth appear to the poor ‑‑ and the poor He maketh rich; He doth lay in an animal manger – and by His word He sets in motion all the world. He is wrapped in tattered swaddling cloths – and shatters the bonds of sinners having called the entire world into being by His Word alone.
What still should I say and proclaim? I see the Infant, in swaddling cloths and lying in the manger; Mary, the Virgin Mother, stands before it together with Joseph, called Her husband. He is called Her husband, and She – his wife, in name but so and seemingly wedded, though in fact they were not spouses. she was betrothed to Joseph, but the Holy Spirit came upon Her, as about this the holy evangelist doth speak: "The Holy Spirit shalt come upon Thee, and the power of the MostHigh wilt overshadow Thee: and He to be born is Holy" (Lk. 1: 35) and is of the seed of Heaven. Joseph did not dare to speak in opposition, and the righteous man did not wish to reprove the Holy Virgin; he did not want to believe any suspicion of sin nor pronounce against the Holy Virgin words of slander; but the Son to be born he did not wish to acknowledge as his, since he knew, that He – was not of him. And although he was perplexed and had doubts, Who such an Infant should be, and pondered it over – he then had an heavenly vision, an Angel appeared to him and encouraged him with the words: Fear not, Joseph, son of David; He That shalt be born of Mary is called Holy and the Son of God; that is: the Holy Spirit shalt come upon the Immaculate Virgin, and the power of the MostHigh wilt overshadow Her (Mt. 1: 20‑21; Lk. 1: 35). Truly He was to be born of the Virgin, preserving unharmed Her virginity. Just as the first virgin had fallen, enticed by Satan, so now Gabriel bears new tidings to the Virgin Mary, so that a virgin would give assent to be the Virgin, and to the Nativity – by birth. Allured by temptations, Eve did once utter words of ruination; Mary, in turn, in accepting the tidings gave birth to the Incorporeal and Life-Creating Word. For the words of Eve, Adam was cast out of paradise; the Word, born of the Virgin, revealed the Cross, by which the thief entered into the paradise of Adam. Though neither the pagan Gentiles, nor the Jews, nor the high-priests would believe, that from God could be born a Son without travail and without man, this now is so and He is born in the body, capable to endure suffering, while preserving inviolate the body of the Virgin.
Thus did He manifest His Almightiness, born of the Virgin, preserving the virginity of the Virgin intact, and He was born of God with neither complication, travail, evil nor a separation of forsaking the immutable Divine Essence, born God from God. Since mankind abandoned God, in place of Him worshipping graven images of humans, God the Word thus assumed the image of man, so that in banishing error and restoring truth, He should consign to oblivion the worshipping of idols and for Himself to be accorded Divine honour, since to Him becometh all glory and honour unto ages of ages. Amen.

© 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos."

Some thoughts to follow.
@Verv , @Potemkin , @Tainari88 , @Godstud , @Political Interest :

If the Incarnation of the Son of God, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, occurred in our world as One of us, then this world is special and we are special, part of a drama of universal importance in which we are central to. Because He is central to it. Otherwise anything goes.

What then are the " politics" in consequence of this belief? How did He live in relation to the political, or command His disciples to do?

We are told His words: " render therefore unto Caesar what is Caesar's, and unto God what is God's" , and that is part of the solution indeed.

But both God and Caesar demand our complete fealty, it's the nature of both. Modernity allegedly attempts to create a fictional neutral area of secular life that frankly is not sustainable because it doesn't take in the totality or reality of the human experience.

The truth is is that Modernity is the effort towards the return of the Pagan at heart, before Christ, which is impossible. It prepares the way for something else.

One must therefore account for Him in some fashion, after Christianity appears, in order to credibly fashion a non Christian narrative. Or a " Christianity " is fashioned that is false, but really something that is a little bit of both fits the anti Christian purpose better. And both religions of Christianity and it's enemy Anti Christianity have to exist in historical places and times to be credible.

That is, this all fits the purpose of the Elites, of the " Giants", to successfully do whatever they will by means of a form of social control, by a religion that allows no neutrality and gives free reign to " Caesar" and posits quite another Jesus than the Christian One, a demoted " Jesus ". One that gives any Achilles or Hercules and their epigones what they really want. Christianity doesn't do that really.

All this is another way of saying that there is only one real important response to the true Christian Faith, which is Islam. No other religion is explicitly anti Trinitarian or anti Incarnation, while maintaining the story of another Jesus than the Christian one, as a Prophet of Islam and forerunner of Muhammad, who was not crucified.

I believe history will show that Modernity was simply the sliding slope of an inclined plane beginning with a Western heretical Christianity, to infidelity, to Islam. And the challenges of the Modern Age to that religion as with others? Best to not even address them unless necessary.
Last two paragraphs above are ill considered, upon reflection. While correct about Islam, not correct in the eschatological sense from a more Orthodox Christian perspective. Anti-christianity will be and is a formal " Christianity", betraying Christ in its essence like Judas did, with a kiss of feigned love for Him and His Doctrine.

It remains true then that even the enemies of Jesus Christ cannot pretend that He did not come into the world after all, nor is the " another Jesus" of Islam even remotely beguiling.

One cannot, truthfully anyway, critique Western Civilization as I have and still occasionally (as if wanting to do so!) continue to fail to draw the proper inferences from that critique.
I've been raeding some Hayek and so I see that there is a disconnect in our history of how we even perceive democracy and liberalism.

Hayek identifies the English tradition, and the French one; the former is empirical, the latter is rationalist.

What's funny about this is that one normally thinks of the rationalist as the domain of a more Christian view, since it is about constructing reality around reason and not empirical fact as modern atheists insist should be our epistemology, but in reality, it's the reverse here...

The French/Rationalist democrats create social democracy, which Hayek calls totalitarian democracy. While The English concept of freedom leads to liberal democracy... The former believes that freedom is something that the state creates for us through its actions and organization, while the latter believes the state should be minimized and that freedom happens organically without state interference or constructive efforts.

One believes reason creates better conditions, while the English system is quite Christian: man is deeply flawed and cannot consciously will into the world liberty & freedom, but rather, it must happen naturally, not top-down, and that which is measurably better is simply the better way to be political. It's a political theory that is pragmatic, versus one that is ideological... That is not to say that the pragmatic model is un-ideological, its ideological is precisely found in the view that man, while rational and capable of good, is generally fallen, and that he cannot create Utopia, so it should not actually be strived for...

And I think in this very old days of classical liberalism - of liberal democratic classical liberalism that simply focuses on practically running the state and maximizing decentralization and human freedom - there's a very Christian philosophy here, as Hayek points out, though far more thoroughly and persuasively and more lengthily...

And, in this, there is something to be said about it being non-ideological as it can be. Obviously, there's a thought process behind everything, and you can't pretend that there isn't, but it can really be followed handily when the whole premise is that we can't build a utopia so we should just aim to allow the market and society adjust as organically and naturally as possible to the realities out there while just trying to mitigate any catastrophes that threaten to take away people's life and liberty.

I think the debate between the American left and right used to always be about to what degree does the government have to mitigate economic realities that are constrictive or allows destitution that threatens life...

But now we are back in this place where Leftists want to ban hate speech and right wingers want to ban anti-semtism. My word, lol.
Verv wrote:I've been raeding some Hayek and so I see that there is a disconnect in our history of how we even perceive democracy and liberalism.

Hayek identifies the English tradition, and the French one; the former is empirical, the latter is rationalist.

What's funny about this is that one normally thinks of the rationalist as the domain of a more Christian view, since it is about constructing reality around reason and not empirical fact as modern atheists insist should be our epistemology, but in reality, it's the reverse here...

The French/Rationalist democrats create social democracy, which Hayek calls totalitarian democracy. While The English concept of freedom leads to liberal democracy... The former believes that freedom is something that the state creates for us through its actions and organization, while the latter believes the state should be minimized and that freedom happens organically without state interference or constructive efforts.

One believes reason creates better conditions, while the English system is quite Christian: man is deeply flawed and cannot consciously will into the world liberty & freedom, but rather, it must happen naturally, not top-down, and that which is measurably better is simply the better way to be political. It's a political theory that is pragmatic, versus one that is ideological... That is not to say that the pragmatic model is un-ideological, its ideological is precisely found in the view that man, while rational and capable of good, is generally fallen, and that he cannot create Utopia, so it should not actually be strived for...

And I think in this very old days of classical liberalism - of liberal democratic classical liberalism that simply focuses on practically running the state and maximizing decentralization and human freedom - there's a very Christian philosophy here, as Hayek points out, though far more thoroughly and persuasively and more lengthily...

And, in this, there is something to be said about it being non-ideological as it can be. Obviously, there's a thought process behind everything, and you can't pretend that there isn't, but it can really be followed handily when the whole premise is that we can't build a utopia so we should just aim to allow the market and society adjust as organically and naturally as possible to the realities out there while just trying to mitigate any catastrophes that threaten to take away people's life and liberty.

I think the debate between the American left and right used to always be about to what degree does the government have to mitigate economic realities that are constrictive or allows destitution that threatens life...

But now we are back in this place where Leftists want to ban hate speech and right wingers want to ban anti-semtism. My word, lol.

@Verv :

Thank you friend for this commentary and my apologies for not replying sooner given the circumstances. I will certainly try therefore to do proper justice to it in my response.

I believe in essence that both the Anglo liberal modern tradition of political philosophy and the Continental French variety (except for Bastiat!) are correct in two matters and false in two matters. The Continental is more Atheist, while the English is not explicitly so. The Continental uses the State to maximize the Common Good, while the English weakens the State as much as possible to maximize individual Human Liberty. While you correctly point out that the English has a seemingly stronger awareness of collective evil leading to " tyranny", I would say that neither appears to truly understand mans original primal anthropological catastrophe either collective or individual.

The West is Pelagian, as man is naturally. As an Orthodox Christian in a post Christian society, I'd say that while I could live under any kind of political regime even if inspired by the English or French political philosophy, and while ideally I'd prefer the Orthodox " Harmonia" between Church and State, Blessed Augustine had the better argument than any, ultimately:

The Elect are the best of citizens anywhere despite the secondary or even tertiary consideration they have for politics, and although they don't NEED government over them themselves. The Wicked NEED strong government, to restrain them from murdering and robbing everyone else but including themselves. The only " social contract" or " natural law" philosophy they'll follow at best begins with the sad wisdom that the best government over men is the one that enables some to rule over others in such a way that everyone is allowed to have something, rather than almost everyone getting nothing, being dead. And this still usually under most circumstances follows even if the Wicked are restrained by rulers more vile than they are, greater robbers and liars and murderers...The Giants, the Heroes of old and the men of Renown.

From that perspective, what can be made of or expected from such people?
annatar1914 wrote:@Verv :

Thank you friend for this commentary and my apologies for not replying sooner given the circumstances. I will certainly try therefore to do proper justice to it in my response.

I believe in essence that both the Anglo liberal modern tradition of political philosophy and the Continental French variety (except for Bastiat!) are correct in two matters and false in two matters. The Continental is more Atheist, while the English is not explicitly so. The Continental uses the State to maximize the Common Good, while the English weakens the State as much as possible to maximize individual Human Liberty. While you correctly point out that the English has a seemingly stronger awareness of collective evil leading to " tyranny", I would say that neither appears to truly understand mans original primal anthropological catastrophe either collective or individual.

The West is Pelagian, as man is naturally. As an Orthodox Christian in a post Christian society, I'd say that while I could live under any kind of political regime even if inspired by the English or French political philosophy, and while ideally I'd prefer the Orthodox " Harmonia" between Church and State, Blessed Augustine had the better argument than any, ultimately:

The Elect are the best of citizens anywhere despite the secondary or even tertiary consideration they have for politics, and although they don't NEED government over them themselves. The Wicked NEED strong government, to restrain them from murdering and robbing everyone else but including themselves. The only " social contract" or " natural law" philosophy they'll follow at best begins with the sad wisdom that the best government over men is the one that enables some to rule over others in such a way that everyone is allowed to have something, rather than almost everyone getting nothing, being dead. And this still usually under most circumstances follows even if the Wicked are restrained by rulers more vile than they are, greater robbers and liars and murderers...The Giants, the Heroes of old and the men of Renown.

From that perspective, what can be made of or expected from such people?

@Verv , and @Potemkin , @Tainari88 , @Godstud , and @Political Interest :

What it comes down to from the individual perspective is the seductive power of being ruled by an Aristocracy, or being such a ruler oneself. Aristocracy in the meaning of " rule by the best": the wisest, strongest, fairest, etc... And so into the political landscape is thrown a particularly nasty apple of discord.

Some might say that this competition is alright, and better than alright because the Best will always eventually win out over their rivals: and this is really the conceit of the founders of republics after all as much as almost any other system, that they can produce a natural aristocracy by the machinery of elections and the like.

Yet ultimately this is always not about " rule by the best" as in a plurality, but a lone figure that stands above them all. A Monarch but more than that:

https://youtube.com/shorts/OraP5e9uncI? ... sEKzfB4YvZ

And in Western Civilization, as discussed before, there is an ready made Office that fits the role of a " Caesar" and " Christ " Superman within Western Civilization itself, prepared for the one who's up to the task.

That being said, what of my earlier comments about Islam and so forth, is there not the appearance of an ambiguity and instability in what I've been saying recently? Not really. For there is a kind of Dialectic at work, and an intuition that underneath the Duality of Papism and Muhammadanism is a Monistic foundation, and that over time an answer to the challenge of Islam to the West and indeed the modern world will be created, bringing former Muslims and the Middle East into the new fold.

For now therefore we will see a merging of the " Global South" with the Middle East and Islamic world via the ideology of Anti Zionism and the Reset West at it's apex, and thus the fusion of Europe and the Americas with this same Bloc of common interests. Even China and much of the Far East will be subsumed by this Bloc.

Far be it for this to take on a racist or racialist consideration, I believe that the original Israelite People of God were in fact persons of colour, black....

Only the former Soviet Union/Eurasian and Eastern Europe/Balkans regions will effectively resist and push back this new Imperium, in my opinion.
@Verv , @Potemkin , @Tainari88 , @Godstud , and @Political Interest :

Been giving some thoughts to what this Scottish gentleman had to say a couple of years ago:

That the essence of Western Liberalism has always been Satanic in the Miltonian sense.

But the objectively Atheistic Neitszchean " solution" to the Last Man is upon reflection even more Satanic, while more beguilingly seductive to the better sort of people:

So you have the Western Left and Western Right of Modernity.

The Answer lies in the destruction of them both, and for the sake of all Humanity, a turn to Christ.
@annatar1914 both are problematic. I think the answer is within each person. What is God? It is love.

So if you want peace and a society where human beings thrive? You start by love. Love and respect for all people. Love and respect for the Earth. Love and respect for our fragile human selves. And do not worship your own ego or the ego of flawed leaders and flawed people. Instead live by principles that if you are a true Christian is all about love and forgiveness, and love and respect.

If you start with my religion is better than yours. My belief system is better than yours. My nation is greater than yours. My class and race is the superior one and yours is my slave?

You will fall into some kind of Satanic thing. For out of those ego driven thoughts come the space for the evil. That is what I believe.

It is all about how you live your life. The values you are consistent in practicing. And how faithful you are to what God is. If God is love in your mind, heart and spirit? You will find the strength to demonstrate it to the society and more importantly to yourself.

Once you think your way is the only way? That satanic stuff makes an appearance. Slay the ego. You slay the Devil.

Slaying the ego is not easy for any of us. That is what the true inner struggle is all about this life. You compete with yourself. You can only truly control your own attitudes and your own behaviors. The inner battle is within.

If you love and you care about God and God is love....then demonstrate it in every single day you live.
Tainari88 wrote:@annatar1914 both are problematic. I think the answer is within each person. What is God? It is love.

So if you want peace and a society where human beings thrive? You start by love. Love and respect for all people. Love and respect for the Earth. Love and respect for our fragile human selves. And do not worship your own ego or the ego of flawed leaders and flawed people. Instead live by principles that if you are a true Christian is all about love and forgiveness, and love and respect.

If you start with my religion is better than yours. My belief system is better than yours. My nation is greater than yours. My class and race is the superior one and yours is my slave?

You will fall into some kind of Satanic thing. For out of those ego driven thoughts come the space for the evil. That is what I believe.

It is all about how you live your life. The values you are consistent in practicing. And how faithful you are to what God is. If God is love in your mind, heart and spirit? You will find the strength to demonstrate it to the society and more importantly to yourself.

Once you think your way is the only way? That satanic stuff makes an appearance. Slay the ego. You slay the Devil.

Slaying the ego is not easy for any of us. That is what the true inner struggle is all about this life. You compete with yourself. You can only truly control your own attitudes and your own behaviors. The inner battle is within.

If you love and you care about God and God is love....then demonstrate it in every single day you live.

“Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Just be one.” - Marcus Aurelius
Tainari88 wrote:@annatar1914 both are problematic. I think the answer is within each person. What is God? It is love.

So if you want peace and a society where human beings thrive? You start by love. Love and respect for all people. Love and respect for the Earth. Love and respect for our fragile human selves. And do not worship your own ego or the ego of flawed leaders and flawed people. Instead live by principles that if you are a true Christian is all about love and forgiveness, and love and respect.

If you start with my religion is better than yours. My belief system is better than yours. My nation is greater than yours. My class and race is the superior one and yours is my slave?

You will fall into some kind of Satanic thing. For out of those ego driven thoughts come the space for the evil. That is what I believe.

It is all about how you live your life. The values you are consistent in practicing. And how faithful you are to what God is. If God is love in your mind, heart and spirit? You will find the strength to demonstrate it to the society and more importantly to yourself.

Once you think your way is the only way? That satanic stuff makes an appearance. Slay the ego. You slay the Devil.

Slaying the ego is not easy for any of us. That is what the true inner struggle is all about this life. You compete with yourself. You can only truly control your own attitudes and your own behaviors. The inner battle is within.

If you love and you care about God and God is love....then demonstrate it in every single day you live.

@Tainari88 :

Indeed, Love is a Person, actually Three Persons Who Is Ineffably One by His common Love, which is His Essence.

To have Him dwell within us, uniting us with Him and with everyone else, that is true Love. " In Him we live, and move, and have our being".

" Sobornost" is that common love that unites us.

The Uncreated Light that ordinarily cannot be seen because of our sin, our ignorance can be seen in love for Him. It in fact is apprehended as an unseeing, a darkness that in concealing, reveals. Caught up in Him, and Him within us, by His grace.

I'm too lowly to describe It without being considered a liar like the Psalm says, but that's what I can say best I can.
@Potemkin , @Tainari88 , @Verv , @Godstud , @Political Interest :

I have reflected a great deal upon death, given my recent personal circumstances, and it led me to a possible insight on the Western Civilization.

It is the overwhelming fear of death, and supreme self centeredness, that leads to a belief system which denies the individual nothing, allows anything, and in the end leads to spiritual and then physical war against God and their fellow human beings. Everything is permitted and nothing is forbidden, especially at the apex of the realm of Giants and of Dragons.

And yet, that same fear of death, despite the longing to destroy others not so inclined as they, which illustrates a (seemingly strange at first glance) abhorrence of personal physical violence. Killing from a distance or by proxy warriors doing the fighting and dying for them is to be preferred if at all possible, while in the personal realm avoided if possible at all costs. With great Evil comes great fear and cowardice, even if such men are at the greatest of strength.

Yet the promises of Magick hold out a false salvation of godlike immortality and vitality. Protected by an fetishistic illusion of invulnerability and absolute power by mans devices, Western/Modern man comes to have a bully's faith in their own ability to dominate and exploit others, and to defy God by serving another false " God" instead. One that offers them amid the Darkness false " Liberty" and endless " worlds " to discover and conquer from out of the Darkness of the Void....

The Answer to this Satanism, this Atheism, is Jesus Christ. But having rejected Him at least in their hearts at first, then openly, Western/Modern man has at least on a collective level cut himself off from the Source of Living Water.

This cannot end well of course, Atlantis will eventually sink back into the Abyss from which it returned.

Far from all this is the God-aligned worldview of the " Horde", of the Barbarian!
I've met some atheists that are into the ideas of transhumanism and achieving some kind of artificial immortality because, ultimately, they fear death. I think it is also likewise what propels people towards extreme and senseless competitive behavior, trying to develop some kind of name so that they can "live on."

But who was the richest man in 17th century England? Who was the greatest equestrian? Who was the best artist? Of course, some people will know this, and some imprint is put on the world through these people, but who thinks about these people on a daily basis? ... When we read about them or study them, do we actually get to know them, in some way? Only superficially.

Life really does seem to be in vain if we view it as anything but the gift that it is on earth, as well as our relationship with God, which is reflective of the eternal...

And to try to fill life with anything but God - including politics - is fruitless.

We should even think of our relationships with other people in light of this religious perspective. If we do not, we could be destroyed by the deaths of family members and companions, and driven towards nihilism.
Verv wrote:I've met some atheists that are into the ideas of transhumanism and achieving some kind of artificial immortality because, ultimately, they fear death. I think it is also likewise what propels people towards extreme and senseless competitive behavior, trying to develop some kind of name so that they can "live on."

But who was the richest man in 17th century England? Who was the greatest equestrian? Who was the best artist? Of course, some people will know this, and some imprint is put on the world through these people, but who thinks about these people on a daily basis? ... When we read about them or study them, do we actually get to know them, in some way? Only superficially.

Life really does seem to be in vain if we view it as anything but the gift that it is on earth, as well as our relationship with God, which is reflective of the eternal...

And to try to fill life with anything but God - including politics - is fruitless.

We should even think of our relationships with other people in light of this religious perspective. If we do not, we could be destroyed by the deaths of family members and companions, and driven towards nihilism.

@Verv :

Thank you my friend, very true, and especially on the emphasis of the concise point of filling one's life with God. All this is of course vanity and vexation of spirit, glorifying ourselves without gratitude and thankfulness.

I fall down every day and night, probably several times a day falling short and sinning against God and man, but I don't want to lose God nor for Him to cease from being merciful to me.

And yet I also wonder if I'm alone almost in that I'm not sure that my fits of misery and despair are the same as some. Maybe, echoing thoughts of Kirkegaard, the sickness unto death is the despair of one who is hardly cognizant of their despair at all. May God never make me unaware of the right, even if I should come to not always do it. He is merciful and loves mankind.

It's easier of course being part of a larger whole, which I have to remember that I am, whether they be seen and unseen, known or unknown, near or far, to my sight or understanding.

Complicating matters is that I am indeed a Barbarian. My heart says ( and I want to be careful with what I say here) that Neitszchean was quite correct in what he said, insofar as a description rather than endorsement of the reality of this fallen world. But that's only part of reality, which is to say that it's almost very unreal from another and higher perspective. How this squares with some things that I've written remains to be seen, but honesty is an absolute necessity.

To be a Barbarian is to be reconciled in this life with the natural and living order of things and it's cycles and heirarchies, which includes the " supernatural" and the Holy, the sacred, which the modern age appeared to divide from the natural.

So I approach my personal sin in a different way, same as I do with my critique of the modern world, the West, and for the same reasons. To know that we are giants, tall as cedars raised to the heavens, but feet at ground level still treading in the dust and muck, is both personally galling and instructive. And collectively I imagine that it is so as well. This also modifies my earlier musings on honour, shame, guilt/sin, virtue, morality, ethics.
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