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By Hindsite
The first video tells you about some of the discoveries of our solar system that the scientist that believe in evolution will not tell you, because these discoveries disprove the evolution theory of the universe.

The best evolutionary models say that many of the planets in our solar system should not exist. Yet there they are.

Did God create our Solar System less than 10,000 years ago, as the Bible says? Or did it form all by itself from a cloud of gas 4,6000,000,000 years ago, as secular astronomers claim? Which account of history is true?

Recent discoveries in space has supported the Biblical account. Each planet in our Solar System defies the evolutionary model in multiple ways.

Many of the planets and moons appear to be young, not billions of years old. Plus, these objects show evidence of design, not random processes.

In this video, you will tour our magnificent Solar System, and explore these wonders in the heavens. Along the way, you will visit each of the planets and many of their moons, through more than 230 breath-taking photographs and graphics from NASA and other sources. You will see how each planet uniquely testifies of its Creator and learn some of the things that the scientists that believe in evolution are not telling you.


Dr. Jason Lisle of the Institute of Creation Research (ICR) shows how astronomy, when properly understood without presuppositional biases, confirms what the writers of the Bible wrote long ago -- specifically, that the Earth and Universe are only around 6,000 years old.

Just to point something appearantly huge number of people mistake in.
See Judaism. Christianity. Zoroastrianism and Islam talk about the creation of the universe.
And its all in words counted in days. Now someone who use oiteral interpretations and dont do much language research would say god created the universe in few days (varying number between religions i recall). But someone who does would know that in ancient Arabic, Hebrew and Persian the word day would hold the meaning of a period of time or stage of time. Not days. Thats why if you read or listened to old poetry you find stuff for example like ibn qaus when he talked about hem missing his loved one and thinking of and waited her for 7 days. But when you know the story you would know that he used days instead of years ( i.e 7 years) and the word day in general in latin and sub latin is limited to 24 hours( normal day) but in old mod eastern languages it mean eon, period or stage of time.
So the actual meaning in holy books is that god created the universe and shaped its evolution over several periods, eons, ot stages of time.
Thats why for example in the Quran god called hem self the evolver. And described over many verses how the universe was one unit then god exploded it and evolved it. And how god evolved and created life from water.
Because creation didnt happen at once. Creation happened over stages.
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By Nets
That is true, the Hebrew יום‎ (day) is used to denote various periods of time. But that doesn't fully solve the problem. The creation accounts in the Bible and Koran are still out of order relative to what we know about the universe, so why bother trying to dilate and compress the timelines? Why not just take it as a day?
Saeko wrote:Who cares? This poster has literally zero interesting things to say.

What are you interested in concerning religion? Perhaps, I can say something interesting. Start a new thread with the subject you are interested in.
Btw. Just to note. Both Islam and Christianity agree over the 6 day (stsge) creation of the universe.
The big bang theory also has 6 stages that it took for the materials making our universe today to exist. So...
You really need to start looking at people eho interpret the bible from its original language not from the European translations.
Literal translation rarely holds the meaning of anything anywhere between languages.

Sry for double post but on phone so very hard to edit here.
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By Nets
Saeko wrote:Who cares? This poster has literally zero interesting things to say.

I don't know, I find it morbidly fascinating to peek into the thought processes of fundamentalists.
I didnt look into full acount of the bible and the torah as i couldnt get many things due to language. But in the Quran the creation of the universe does actually fit into the science of today. Quite perfectly.
The only thing thst many dont like is that the Quran is basically considered a master piece of literature and it uses many methods including the gradual expansion of certain topics over the whole books. Thats why they teach you to take all verses concerning a topic to get yhe meaning and never take one verse alone. Basically take it as whole.

The big bang theory and the evolution of life is quite easily described in the Quran and also in some parts of the Avesta ( whats the word for that thing like religious songs. Hymns or something??) .
( whats the word for that thing like religious songs. Hymns or something??)

Yes, 'hymns' is the correct word. The 'n' is silent, so it's easier to pronounce than it looks.
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By Saeko
Hindsite wrote:What are you interested in concerning religion? Perhaps, I can say something interesting. Start a new thread with the subject you are interested in.

I would like to know your opinion on why you think God does what he purportedly does.

Why did he bother to create anything at all? Why did he create it in the particular way described in the Bible and not in any other way?

Then again, I could be asking what the sound of one hand clapping sounds like, as religious types rarely ask any interesting questions, let alone try to answer them.
Last edited by Saeko on 13 Apr 2016 18:56, edited 1 time in total.
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By Nets
Saeko wrote:Why did he bother to create anything at all?

Did you ever play Sim City? Did you enjoy building cities and then destroying them with natural disasters? I imagine this is how God feels, only a million times better.

Anasawad wrote:I didnt look into full acount of the bible and the torah as i couldnt get many things due to language. But in the Quran the creation of the universe does actually fit into the science of today. Quite perfectly.

I'm sorry, no. Just no. It doesn't. The Koran's account of creation (Sura 41) has the stars created in the last two days of creation, after the creation of the Earth (and the Earth's mountains and creatures). We know that is not chronologically correct.

Additionally, please explain the scientific value of the seven levels of heaven that are described in the Kuran, and the significance of the stars being placed in the lowest heaven. Because it sounds an awful lot like the well-known Greek and near-eastern cosmology of the time, but doesn't have any analogue in modern science.

So yes, if we throw out the timeline than we can perhaps harmonize the Koran's creation account with science. But then we are left with little more than a list of things God created. There is no scientific value there.
Actually thats not how its described in the Quran. Its described first as forst the universe was one unit then god made it explode. Then the universe started being sorted into order gradually over the period of creation. Then god started creating stars and planets.
The word describing earth in this stage is retq ( رتق) which means in Arabic the accumulation of dust and dirt. Then earth started to form its landscapes such as mountains. And then finally came water on earth which hod started creating life from it.

The first sky (because heaven and sky have different meaning in Arabic ) (سماء الاولى) is our universe. The 6 others are entirely different things. Which is described in the hadoth of what each has ans what it is.
Those are basically are of escatalogical value not related to our current world.

btw. There is no mention that earth has been created in yje last 2 stages. Stars and planets formed in the final stage.
Also btw. For the metals on earth. In science i believe its theorised that it didnt exist on earth until its late stahe of formation (heavy metals like iron). This is also mentioned in the quran.
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By Nets
Koran 41:9-12 wrote:9. Say (O Muhammad ): "Do you verily disbelieve in Him Who created the earth in two Days and you set up rivals (in worship) with Him? That is the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists).

10. He placed therein (i.e. the earth) firm mountains from above it, and He blessed it, and measured therein its sustenance (for its dwellers) in four Days equal (i.e. all these four 'days' were equal in the length of time), for all those who ask (about its creation).

11. Then He Istawa (rose over) towards the heaven when it was smoke, and said to it and to the earth: "Come both of you willingly or unwillingly." They both said: "We come, willingly."

12. Then He completed and finished from their creation (as) seven heavens in two Days and He made in each heaven its affair. And We adorned the nearest (lowest) heaven with lamps (stars) to be an adornment as well as to guard (from the devils by using them as missiles against the devils). Such is the Decree of Him the All-Mighty, the All-Knower.

(If you dislike this translation, provide another)

Anasawad, a straight reading of this text implies that that Earth is created before the stars. The heavens had to be "adorned" with stars before the earth was created, that is a scientific fact. As you point out, the earth is composed of heavy elements that are forged in the cores of dying stars. The Koran has the reverse. The Koran is wrong.

You can't take a creation account, claim everything that is correct in the account to be divine knowledge, and everything that is incorrect to be poetic license. Either it is true or it isn't.
Ok . For a start. The earth and the sun formed nearly around the same period of time. Only few million years apart.

Secondly. The creation of the universe as whole is in 6 stages or eons of time. The creation of the earth is considered within those not as the last 2 stages of them. Specifically within the last stage of it. Which is explained by many sheikhs in lectures and books including my favourite imran hussein.
So the creation of the earth timescale is a seperate one from the full creation of the universe.

The last verse speaks about after the creation had ended. Not within it.
thats why it starts with that god finished creating them. And the statement about stars being created in the first heaven is a statement of why they were created as its obvious from the script not that after everything is done stars were created.
( god created them to be the verse said. Nothing about before or after)
Other verses shows quite well that stars and planets began to form earlier than tje creation of earth.

So the overall statements in the quran about the universe doesnt have anything wrong with it. The part in which earth and sun wrre spoken of their creation says they were both created together. Scientifically thst is correct. The formation of sun and earth started from the same materials in the same place and their formation became full very closely to each other.
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By Nets
None of which responds to my point. A plain reading of quoted text implies the creation of the Earth at some point in the first four days, and the creation of stars in the last two days. Nothing you've said challenges this reading.

True or false, Anasawad: does the last quoted verse imply that the Earth's creation was completed with the adornment of the heavens with stars?
Btw. In Arabic the speration between the the two halves of the last verse is ( واو الاستئناف ). It is used when you start a new section or sentence and stops the previous parts.
The verse has 2 sections not one. Anther thing you should notice in the quran is thatcsome verses arent one simple sextion. The korsi verse is about 9 sections.

No. The verse you quoted shows you the stages in whic earth was created. It is clearly stated in it as you can see easily it talks about the creation of the earth being in 4 stages. Not the creation of earth in matter of the creation of the universe.

The creation of the earth and planets and stars were created at the last stage of the creation in the universe. It says how the universe began creation then began sorting out then stars and planets started forming and then each of them stsrting to dwel in its own path and orbit.

If you read all the verses regarding this topic. You would see they tell exactly what i say.
The last verse says earth and heavens wrre finished in creation. Full stop. Anther section begins and it says why the stars created. If you read the explanation of this by actual Islamic scholars you would know this because the grammer in it is of the very basic of the Arabic language.
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