Ôðalism - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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By Red Skull
We're Germanic and Scandinavian pagans that adhere to traditional pagan religions of our culture.

We're polytheists much like the modern Indian Hindus.

We reject all Abrahamic religions as foreign which includes Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.

Odalism is an ideology of folkish nationalism. "Odalism" as derived from Proto-Germanic ôþalan, "heritage," and Old Norse óðal, with meanings including "homeland," "inherited goods," and "distinguished family" and is a primarily Teutonic ethnic nationalist and folkish philosophy based on pride in one's own ancient cultural and religious traditions and rejection of those of outside cultures as less suited to one's nature.


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By Harmattan
So you have a black symbol in a white circle over a red flag (bit it's not a swastika), you idealize the past, you claim yourself as nationalists and you prescribe the rejection of members of other cultures?

Basically this is non-Nazi Nazism?
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By Heinie
Harmattan wrote:So you have a black symbol in a white circle over a red flag (bit it's not a swastika), you idealize the past, you claim yourself as nationalists and you prescribe the rejection of members of other cultures?

Basically this is non-Nazi Nazism?

I'm surprised at you giving your sense in response to a post of such bunk.
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By Nets
Do you actually believe in these gods or is this just a political thing?
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By Red Skull
Harmattan wrote:So you have a black symbol in a white circle over a red flag (bit it's not a swastika), you idealize the past, you claim yourself as nationalists and you prescribe the rejection of members of other cultures?

Basically this is non-Nazi Nazism?

It's not a flag I am familiar with and I certainly don't pay it homage. To be honest with you that is the first time I've seen that flag in association with Odalism.

It is probably just the work of the person that owns the website of the quoted article link.

Nets wrote:Do you actually believe in these gods or is this just a political thing?

Would you ask an Indian Hindu the same thing on Shiva, Kali, and Vishnu?

Yes, we actually do believe in the gods within our spiritual beliefs.

It just isn't political and there is actually some division amongst Odalists ourselves on politics.

Not all Odalists are National Socialists for instance. Some are Libertarians, Democratic Socialists, Monarchists, Anarchists, and so on.
Last edited by Red Skull on 30 Nov 2015 16:25, edited 2 times in total.
By Conscript
Red Skull wrote:
It's not a flag I am familiar with and I certainly don't pay it homage. To be honest with you that is the first time I've seen that flag in association with Odalism.

It is probably just the work of the person that owns the website of the quoted article link.

The work of the owner of a Nazi website on a german pagan religion
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By Red Skull
Conscript wrote:

The work of the owner of a Nazi website on a german pagan religion

Odalism as a religion is very ethnocentric that in many ways revolves around ancestor worship much as Japanese Shinto does by comparison. So, it doesn't surprise me that some old school National Socialists consider themselves Odalists.

fuser wrote:Burzum sucks.

Varg Vikernes is just one person within our religion. While he certainly is a popular religious figure within our beliefs and many respect him he doesn't have a monopoly over them. Odalism existed long before there was a Varg Vikernes on the scene of things.

As for Burzum it's not even a band I listen to. So, there's that also.
Last edited by Red Skull on 30 Nov 2015 16:28, edited 2 times in total.
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By Red Skull
Conscript wrote:What makes you a reformed national socialist? Since we seem to be distinguishing.

I go into some details about that in this thread.


Please note that this is a religious thread. It would help if people stayed on subject.
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By Cromwell
How is this religion different from Odinism?

I do not recognise it, and the website you linked to is very under-developed and clearly on the extreme right politically. That's fine of course, if you see this religion as an extension of your political beliefs but, otherwise, it wouldn't be very attractive to the public.

Red Skull wrote:We're Germanic and Scandinavian pagans that adhere to traditional pagan religions of our culture.

So, do you not consider Christianity to be a traditional religion? It has been with us, largely uncontested, for over a thousand years.

We're polytheists much like the modern Indian Hindus.

There's quite a bit of difference from a religion like Hinduism and European paganism which was basically dead/extinct for a very long time. Do you think reconstructions of this religion can really breathe life back into it?

We reject all Abrahamic religions as foreign which includes Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.

Do you reject them for political or religious reasons? What I'm asking, moreover, is whether your sincere religious faith in the pagan deities came before or after your rejection of the Abrahamic religions?
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By Red Skull
Cromwell wrote:How is this religion different from Odinism?

I do not recognise it, and the website you linked to is very under-developed and clearly on the extreme right politically. That's fine of course, if you see this religion as an extension of your political beliefs but, otherwise, it wouldn't be very attractive to the public.

So, do you not consider Christianity to be a traditional religion? It has been with us, largely uncontested, for over a thousand years.

There's quite a bit of difference from a religion like Hinduism and European paganism which was basically dead/extinct for a very long time. Do you think reconstructions of this religion can really breathe life back into it?

Do you reject them for political or religious reasons? What I'm asking, moreover, is whether your sincere religious faith in the pagan deities came before or after your rejection of the Abrahamic religions?

We have a forum located here. I am a newly active poster there myself.


We believe in time our traditional religion will become attractive to our race given the common misdeeds of colonial Christianity in developing our current crisis. Christianity is essentially Communistic, multiracial, and the philosophical foundation of western universalism. The rampant universal egalitarianism and globalism that plagues our nations is a direct result of Christianity.

Moreover, Jesus was obviously a Jew and at best a mixed racial Hellenic Jew.

We do not entertain silly notions like that of the Christian Identity movement.

Odinism is very similar to Odalism however we worship more gods than just Woden alone. Odinism has essentially fallen into like with politically correct forms of neo-paganism where we reject all of that in favor of a volk racial based religion.

We view Christianity as a usurper of traditional and cultural European cultures or communities where in some retrospect a Judaic tyranny. We view the thousands of years of Christian European culture as an occupying force.

Our religion does reflect political beliefs for sure but it isn't just purely political as we try to take great care on elaborating the existential and spiritual beliefs of our religion. We are reconstructionists to be sure but we believe our religion can be reborn and ressurect itself into modern life.

Obviously Indian Hinduism is different I was just noting great similarities between it and Odalism.

I like comparing modern day Odalism with the equivalent of modern day Indian Hinduism or Japanese Shintoism.
Last edited by Red Skull on 30 Nov 2015 20:04, edited 2 times in total.
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By ThirdTerm

The Vikings were "civilised" by the Romans who forced them to convert to Christianity between the 8th and the 12th centuries. But I think it's an old stereotype to see non-Christians as barbaric peoples who need to be civilised and Scandinavians may need to make some efforts to restore their traditional way of life. Odin is spelled as Óðinn in Old Norse and Ôðalism and Odinism may be the same religious movement. The Germanic tribes also worshipped Norse gods such as Odin and Thor. After Julius Caesar crossed the Rhine in the year 55 BC, German tribesmen were induced to serve with the Romans and their religion remained unmolested until the reign of the Emperor Augustus.

Odin (pronounced “OH-din”; Old Norse Óðinn, Old English and Old Saxon Woden, Old High German Wuotan, Wotan, or Wodan, Proto-Germanic *Woðanaz, “Master of Ecstasy”) is one of the most complex and enigmatic characters in Norse mythology, and perhaps in all of world literature. He’s the chief of the Aesir tribe of deities, yet he often ventures far from their kingdom, Asgard, on long, solitary wanderings throughout the cosmos on purely self-interested quests. He’s a relentless seeker after and giver of wisdom, but he has little regard for communal values such as justice, fairness, or respect for law and convention. He’s the divine patron of rulers, and also of outcasts. He’s a war-god, but also a poetry-god, and he has prominent transgender qualities that would bring unspeakable shame to any traditional Norse/Germanic warrior.
http://norse-mythology.org/gods-and-cre ... sses/odin/
Last edited by ThirdTerm on 30 Nov 2015 21:17, edited 2 times in total.
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By Red Skull
Conscript wrote:I really don't think anyone will see the day when the west is so right wing that Christianity is seen as communistic.

I believe the opposite. Time will tell.

Third Term: Odin (pronounced “OH-din”; Old Norse Óðinn, Old English and Old Saxon Woden, Old High German Wuotan, Wotan, or Wodan, Proto-Germanic *Woðanaz, “Master of Ecstasy”) is one of the most complex and enigmatic characters in Norse mythology, and perhaps in all of world literature. He’s the chief of the Aesir tribe of deities, yet he often ventures far from their kingdom, Asgard, on long, solitary wanderings throughout the cosmos on purely self-interested quests. He’s a relentless seeker after and giver of wisdom, but he has little regard for communal values such as justice, fairness, or respect for law and convention. He’s the divine patron of rulers, and also of outcasts. He’s a war-god, but also a poetry-god, and he has prominent transgender qualities that would bring unspeakable shame to any traditional Norse/Germanic warrior.
http://norse-mythology.org/gods-and-cre ... sses/odin/

Woden is old ancient German for Odin. For a Germanic Odalist like myself I interpret everything in German articulations.

I am not Danish, Saxon, Swedish, Norwegian, or Icelandic.

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By Hong Wu
The ecumenical Christian approach regarding the Godhead arguably takes the position that these Gods are real... I don't really understand it 100% to be honest. But according to some pagan belief systems, the existing Gods are the same everywhere and they just go by different names in different regions.

So under that theory I assume Odin would be called Zeus or Vishnu depending on where you live.
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By Dagoth Ur
How can you be a worshiper of your ancestors when you spit on their Christian faith? Regardless of how you view it, Christianity is your traditional religion.

It isn't like "Odinism" was a real ancient religion anyways, there is certainly no evidence of an ancient people using our modern racial conceptions of a "germanic race". To them people from three towns over were more foreign than a middle easterner is to an American today.

Not to mention you are joining a loser religion.

If you religion loses, is displaced, and forgotten, your gods suck and your religion could not offer as much as the "invader". The belief in Odin itself displaced weaker beliefs and banished those Gods as well. When will we reconstruct those original "native" religions? If your pagan Gods had been strong, had they had anything to offer, they would not have been crushed underfoot. The Indian and Japanese Pagans would be embarrassed to be lumped in with loser like that.
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By Red Skull
Dagoth Ur wrote:How can you be a worshiper of your ancestors when you spit on their Christian faith? Regardless of how you view it, Christianity is your traditional religion.

It isn't like "Odinism" was a real ancient religion anyways, there is certainly no evidence of an ancient people using our modern racial conceptions of a "germanic race". To them people from three towns over were more foreign than a middle easterner is to an American today.

Not to mention you are joining a loser religion.

If you religion loses, is displaced, and forgotten, your gods suck and your religion could not offer as much as the "invader". The belief in Odin itself displaced weaker beliefs and banished those Gods as well. When will we reconstruct those original "native" religions? If your pagan Gods had been strong, had they had anything to offer, they would not have been crushed underfoot. The Indian and Japanese Pagans would be embarrassed to be lumped in with loser like that.

Let me guess, you're a Muslim? No, surprise here. The rhetoric, deception, and propaganda of all Abrahamic religions are the same stemming from that cursed city of Jerusalem.
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By Hong Wu
Whatever God and the divine are, it seems irrational to suggest that they would change because one religion was the winner and another a loser. Early forms of human spirituality were displaced by religious forms that were better at organizing people, this is true, but the fundamental nature of the spiritual world has presumably been the same the whole time.
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