The cost of Islamic incest - Politics | PoFo

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By EU rope
A tragic phenomenon which is taking a terrible toll on everyone involved.

There is a dire phenomenon rising in Europe that is crippling entire societies and yet the continent sleeps, refusing not only to confront the destructive elephant in the room, but also to admit its very existence.

The troubling reality being referred to is the widespread practice of Muslim inbreeding and the birth defects and social ills that it spawns...

Massive inbreeding among Muslims has been going on since their prophet allowed first-cousin marriages more than 50 generations (1,400 years) ago. For many Muslims, therefore, intermarriage is regarded as being part of their religion.
In many Muslim communities, it is a source of social status to marry one’s daughter or son to his or her cousin. Intermarriage also ensures that wealth is kept within the family.

A BBC investigation in Britain several years ago revealed that at least 55% of the Pakistani community in Britain was married to a first cousin.

In fact, it is the Left’s callous silence on this issue (and on so many others) that exposes who is truly “anti-Muslim.”

Read the full article HERE.

So, does anyone want to argue that Islam is compatible with Western culture? And were not even talking Sharia law here.
EU rope wrote:So, does anyone want to argue that Islam is compatible with Western culture?
The traditional culture of every civilization on earth is "incompatible with Western culture", by your metric, because cousin marriage is an adaptation visible in any culture which has ever had an emphasis on clan. Let's now talk about how Dream of the Red Chamber is a case study in the degenerate, barbaric practices of subhuman Chinese filth.

It's banned NOW that it turns out that it has a dysgenic effect and governments have stepped in to regulate the practice - particularly more so in smaller (or more insular) communities where the gene pool is smaller - but let's not pretend that it's some exceptional historical taboo that all decent people should be viscerally horrified by. Smoking, salt fish, and coal mining will also kill you but we don't paint them as threats to Western Civilization.
EU rope wrote:So, does anyone want to argue that Islam is compatible with Western culture? And were not even talking Sharia law here.

You can't hive off Sharia Law like that. Sharia is the word of God and God's laws trump Man's laws, and all aspects of a Muslim's life are dictated by Sharia. We are told that Muslims, where Sharia is not the norm, treat Man's laws as having primacy, but it would be a little naive to really think that that is the case. Sharia is not the only Law that operates in the West, as, for example, there are plenty of Beth Din courts. I was accused of being an Islamophobe for saying that I thought that there were many facets of Islam that were incompatible with the West! Maybe I should have said that the West was incompatible on certain levels with Islam! We are a secular society so of course there are going to be incompatibilities. As an aside, I did look at the recent story of the OAP being sentenced to be lashed in Saudi for having illegal alcohol. Well I think we ALL know how Saudi vied alcohol so why anyone expects the UK government to step in and intervene is a bit of a mystery.
Islam iz bad hurr durr. We heard that already a few times. And in fact, I agree. A lot of forms of Islam is bad, just as any other organized religion. However. Mark my words. This whole hysteria will ease sooner or later and Europe as we know it will not perish from the face of Earth. This sentiment, however, will fade away like the Red Scare did. There are like 2% of Muslims in Europe and even the largest group of them (in France) is just 8% of the whole population. They are simply not going to destroy Europe with numbers like these. Sure, their numbers will increase, and integration is not an easy process, but just as communists didn't take over the USA (what a surprise, Mr. McCarthy!) muslims will not take over the EU or Europe.

fuser wrote:I think the big traffic jam in my city today was due to Islamic incest.

In this case, the big traffic jam in your city marks the beginning of the downfall of our civilization. I guess.
Indeed. Islamic incest also increased the house rents, another blow to the civilization as we know it.

But no one has questioned the real thing here, is Mossad behind all the Islamic incest or do they get help from their reptilian allies? I am sure Decky will back me up here.
fuser wrote:But no one has questioned the real thing here, is Mossad behind all the Islamic incest or do they get help from their reptilian allies?

The answer is yes!
Anyways, the question is: when will Muslims come to their senses and leave the world alone?
But no one has questioned the real thing here, is Mossad behind all the Islamic incest or do they get help from their reptilian allies? I am sure Decky will back me up here.

Indeed, all the Islamophobes need to to stop being such bigots and look at the real culprits.
thsi forum is the only place i ever been where i someone says
when will 1 fifth of world population leave the world alone ..

maybe anyone westerners dont like should just die off or move to mars or something ..
we don't want to be rude and annoy you with our breathing offcourse..
The BBC report stated that 55% of British Pakistanis marry a first cousin and they are 11 times more likely to produce children with genetic disorders than the general population. 10% of children from these cousin marriages either die in infancy or develop a serious life-threatening disability. There should be a law to prohibit first cousin marriages in the Muslim community as it's not an acceptable practice similar to polygamy. Henry VIII should be blamed for Muslim cousin marriages in the UK, who changed the law to allow cousin marriages, and the two of Henry's queens were first cousins (Catherine Howard and Anne Boleyn.)

Despite the long list of degrees of forbidden relationship, you can marry a cousin (courtesy of Henry VIII who changed the law to marry his cousin!). However, it would be sensible for you both to consult your GP to ensure that there are no factors in your family's health records that would make your decision to have children inadvisable on medical grounds. ... ibited.asp
anasawad wrote:thsi forum is the only place i ever been where i someone says
when will 1 fifth of world population leave the world alone ..

You Muslims are 1/5, the rest of us is 4/5.
We live in a democracy, so you're voted out.
Now, be kind and move to Mars, Saturn or something, where you can worship Satan day and night. The world is sick and tired of Muslims and their evil culture.
lol because the world is divided in-between muslims and everyone else. It is funny how both Islamophobes and Islamists have mirror image worldviews. You are just Bizarro Islamists really.

And lol the world is sick and tired of muslims? NATO nations have been funding the most reactionary islamists for longer than there has been a NATO. It used to be about "stopping communism", nowadays the aim is laid bare as a policy of destabilization. Arab Atheists, Christians, Reform Muslims, Secularists, Communists, Socialists, Strongmen, and any other middle easterner foolish enough to organize his brothers into a coherent formation is a target of the West and its proxies (lololol we can't help what our ally Saudi Arabia does with the money we give them, we totally don't ever fund terrorists). It seems like to me that the only people who really love Islamism are its benefactors.
Dagoth Ur wrote:lol because the world is divided in-between muslims and everyone else.

Of course, you Muslims divided it long time ago - about 1400 years or so - Dar ul Islam (the world of Muslims) vs Dar ul Harb (the world of the non-Muslims , aka infidels). So, this is your making.
Dagoth Ur wrote:How is this different from Islamist propaganda?
We say Islam is based on lies. That the Koran is full of contractions. That the idea of Mohammed being the seal of the Prophet is absurd. That there is no evidence that the early Arab conquerors followed Islam, quite the reverse. That the early texts support the "Satanic verses". That Islam has been conflict ridden since its beginning, hence negating the claim that it offers a better way to live or that Islam is a religion of peace in even the most crude and brutal sense.. That the whole idea of this "short life" being an entry test for the next is utterly ridiculous - Why? That western culture is superior. Women look better without burkas.
[quote="Dagoth Ur"It is funny how both Islamophobes and Islamists have mirror image worldviews. You are just Bizarro Islamists really. [/quote]

No. It's totally different.

Islamic extremists are saying the west should be scared of them, and regard themselves as a huge threat to the Western way of life.

Islamophobes simply say that the west should be scared of Muslims, and regard them as a huge threat to the Western way of life.

Islamic extremists hate the separation of church and state above all else and blame it for why they have to fight America.

Islamophobes simply say we need to remove the separation of church and state. The separation from God, as they rightly point out,is why the US gets attacked.

Ismaic extremists, rejecting the Enlightenment, believe in a war between two incompatible civilizations.

Islamophobes put aside the Enlightenment to remind us that there are two worlds colliding that cannot reconcile.

See? It's really quite different.

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