Fossilizaton happens quickly - Politics | PoFo

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Millions of years are not needed to fossilize anything, in fact, evidenced by leaves and tissues fossilizaton happens rapidly.

Strata of rocks do not take long to lay down either, a broken damn in 1976 Idaho shows that sediment layers can be made instantly in cataclysm.

The only thing which requires a millions of years old world is biological evolution.

We could probably make more sense of the universe if we went back to a creation model and stopped trying to fit the round universe in the square hole of evolution.
Wrong. Fossilization happens instantly thanks to the processes of creation by God. Carbon dating is a myth, as is the understanding of layers of sediment and other processes of geology. Tectonic plate movement is also something used by God to test our faith. We need to move towards a Creation model of the universe right now to stop the pseudoscience taught in our science classrooms and get back to true science found in the Bible.
Bulaba Jones wrote:Wrong. Fossilization happens instantly thanks to the processes of creation by God. Carbon dating is a myth, as is the understanding of layers of sediment and other processes of geology. Tectonic plate movement is also something used by God to test our faith. We need to move towards a Creation model of the universe right now to stop the pseudoscience taught in our science classrooms and get back to true science found in the Bible.

Stop being a useless strawman.

However let's take for instance tectonism. The mechanism of the clock does not imply the time of its creation. To infer that because the most complicated as well as complex clock, which is the whole Universe, has mechanisms which infer time, therefore acts as chronometer to the age of the universe, is purely LOGICAL FALLACY.

No metric within a system can infer the age of the system. Not at all.

So to suggest something within the Universe infers age is to be ignorant of how truth can be discovered.

No back to the topic, fossilization occurs rapidly, geologic structures are seen to be created rapidly, I gave examples of both.

Only evolution demands millions of years exist.
I have freely admitted being brainwashed by the lies of the great geologist, Charles Darwin. Every time you mention data without any ounce of information (like things fossilizing almost instantaneously, or your belief that things are fossils when you feel like they're fossils), or how you imply that the whole of scientific knowledge relating to geology is false, proves you are right. When you say "leaves and tissues" fossilize rapidly, saying this statement alone proves you are right. I'm going to celebrate knowing how right you are by reading a whole chapter from the Bible, to learn more about the correctness of Creationism (since everyone knows what you're really saying is [Protestant] Christian Creationism).

You should at least feel vindicated when you notice that most people seem to avoid responding to your posts. This doesn't signify that the things you say, and the way you say them (like the way you make claims) are enormously divorced from logic and reality itself. Obviously, people know how right you are, and since you seem to think the world is run by evil geologists out to impose their million-year-old universe theory on the rest of us God-fearing people, they don't want to show themselves.
I don't get how your able to connect natural phenomenon with creationism. You even accept the notion that one needs to study the aspects of how fossilization occurs (Science), as opposed to just accepting that god performed these acts. If you were serious about creationist theory, you would have given some god credit for this act.

Obviously, you do not intend to seriously defend your position.
The dinosaurs were alive as the same time as people. It is just with the flood they sunk deeper in the mud because they were heavier.

However let's take for instance tectonism

Is that like catholic without the smoke?

If you were serious about creationist theory, you would have given some god credit for this act.

God made the dinosaurs big and fat.
I happen to know a guy who was around about 6,000 years ago(he sure looks that old), and he says it's all bullshit. It was exactly like The Flintstones! Maybe Creationists are just Flintstone fans?

Aliens made the pyramids, too.
I happen to know a guy who was around about 6,000 years ago

Some members of my family really believe that the world is not only 6,000 years old (a lot of people in the US believe something like this, so it's not exactly something remarkable, perhaps just scary) but that the dinosaurs never existed. God put dinosaur bones and other fossils into the ground to "test our faith." If that's true, then that seems to me to be as honest and sincere as if someone makes banana bread but expects you to think it's pumpkin bread.
It's like exotic terranes. An exotic terrane is a geologic area of different composition than the areas surrounding it. Exotic terranes can be found on pretty much any continent in any area: from what I recall, there's a collection of exotic terranes stretching from Oregon to Montana, there's some in the Canadian Shield, in Greenland, and so on across the world. These exotic terranes were once islands that were surrounded by moving land masses (tectonic plates) which later joined and carried the exotic terranes along with them, or continued to move past and surround them. This is only one (obviously false because of evil science) example of tectonic plate movement as a slow force of geologic processes. Obviously God put those exotic terranes in there to test our faiths in the Christian Bible, which would make him a pretty huge jerk for doing so and confusing us. Fortunately, Christian Creationist Intelligent Design proponents like IDNeon here are available to help us with our confusion and bring us to the light of religious fundamentalism.
Eauz wrote:I don't get how your able to connect natural phenomenon with creationism. You even accept the notion that one needs to study the aspects of how fossilization occurs (Science), as opposed to just accepting that god performed these acts. If you were serious about creationist theory, you would have given some god credit for this act.

Obviously, you do not intend to seriously defend your position.

I don't know why the two are mutually exclusive? For instance heliocentrism vs. Geocentrism was an ancient debate settled in Alexandria by a vote because there simply was at that time no way to know what the answer was and they realized that limitation.

Evolutionists appear not to realize limitations of their science.

As for fossilization it does not need much time or else tissues and leaves etc would be poorly or never fossilized.

Take for instance petrified wood. How long do you think it should take for that you occur? Wood rots entirely away in less than 100 years. If not, it's because it is in a specialized environment usually if not ever conducive to fossilization or petrification.

Why do you suggest the study of fossils demand ancient time frames?
Bulaba Jones wrote:It's like exotic terranes. An exotic terrane is a geologic area of different composition than the areas surrounding it. Exotic terranes can be found on pretty much any continent in any area: from what I recall, there's a collection of exotic terranes stretching from Oregon to Montana, there's some in the Canadian Shield, in Greenland, and so on across the world. These exotic terranes were once islands that were surrounded by moving land masses (tectonic plates) which later joined and carried the exotic terranes along with them, or continued to move past and surround them. This is only one (obviously false because of evil science) example of tectonic plate movement as a slow force of geologic processes. Obviously God put those exotic terranes in there to test our faiths in the Christian Bible, which would make him a pretty huge jerk for doing so and confusing us. Fortunately, Christian Creationist Intelligent Design proponents like IDNeon here are available to help us with our confusion and bring us to the light of religious fundamentalism.

You don't even know what you're talking about. Look at a map of cratons which are the supposed original continents and you'll find your entire exotic terrain argument goes out the window.

The entire hudson shield is a craton therefore impossible for any part of it to be a former continental island accreted to a larger landmass.

Here is an example by no means the authority on cratons.

We can debate all day the temporal haphazardness of such cratons notice Africa appears to just form enmasse within a single geological period.

Considering cratons supposedly are the chemical/physical distillation of rocks of different densities the mechanism by which Cratons should he created are well know..

They should be acreted over time at subduction zones and to see only one particular area of activity is suspicious and there are a lot of papers on what it means that Africa just rose from the sea of mafic rock in such short time (relative to other cratons) and uniformly.

Of course the easier solution is that the craton theory is garbage.
So, carbon dating and fossils found in layers of soil that have taken millions of years to accumulate is all in error because you don't believe in it. Alright. What do you feel about the formation of mountains which takes hundreds of thousands to millions of years? What about the fact that most of the western half of the United States and parts of Canada were submerged under a vast continental ocean millions of years ago? What about the exotic terranes left behind across the western half of North America, and the slow process of tectonic movement that is ongoing across the West Coast? What about the slow, observable measured movement of tectonic plates away from each other in North America and Europe, respectively, and the identical makeup of the Appalachian Mountains and the range in Scotland that were once connected many millions of years ago? I suppose God did it to test our faith as well?

Do you simply "not believe" in these things also?

EDIT: Okay, so apparently you think exotic terranes don't exist because you choose to not believe in them.

Have a nice day.
Bulaba Jones is insulting and assumes that similarities suggest relationship.

The best example of his error is the human vs octopus eye which are 70% similar genes but evolutionists consider them as having no common ancestor.

Bulaba would have us believe because they are similar there is a relationship.

It is his arrogant type which guide scientific myth creators who create these fables.
IDNeon wrote:Bulaba Jones is insulting and assumes that similarities suggest relationship.

Your threads are an affront to the spirit of a science subforum. Anyone reading your posts can see this. Which is why it's strange you write about me rather than to me. This is not a Creationist forum, though some Creationists may use it. You don't have much of a sympathetic audience, nor would I imagine sympathetic readers. You are shitting all over the forum with Christian Creationist/Intelligent Design garbage (the only "source" or detail on any claims you ever make was a link to an image).

The best example of his error is the human vs octopus eye which are 70% similar genes but evolutionists consider them as having no common ancestor.

Firstly, you won't find non-Intelligent Design scientists stupid enough to even think about whether humans and octopi have a closely related ancestry to prove or disprove a faith-based theory.

Second, humans and octopi have a common ancestor. All life on earth, as far as we know, shares a common ancestry.

Why didn't you use Kirk Cameron's example of the banana?

Bulaba would have us believe because they are similar there is a relationship.

I find it weird you think I said anything about a close relationship between humans and octopi. Maybe you got a little confused when I mentioned Reptilian aliens. After all, since your God created all of those about 6,000 years ago they can't be that different.

It is his arrogant type which guide scientific myth creators who create these fables.

I don't deny I can be arrogant just like anyone else. The difference between you and I is that I don't claim to understand physics equations better than astrophysicists (with bad math) and I don't claim to know everything.
All fossilization happened exactly 189 minutes ago, all memories of prior to 189 minutes are falsely implanted by our trans dimensional lords. How or why, you ask? Fuck you that's why.

On a serious note, this shit shouldn't even belong to science forum.
Bulaba, you inability to respond civily is just proof of YOUR indoctrination. Which is what science today is. Science today remarkably resembles the exact same collegiate hierarchy of Roman Catholicism. And two like institutions are likely to create the same errors and corruptions.

You entirely got wrong the lack of common ancestry in the octopus vs. Human eye. The genes for the octopus eye are thought to first originate in mollusks.

Humans are in no way related to mollusks.

It is irrelevant whether evolutionary theory thinks humans share a common ancestor with mollusks.

I think Kirk Cameron's banana analogy is as logically flawed as your assumption that similar rock types imply the existence of proto-continents.

Just as erroneous of an assumption to assume fossils having similar physical features have a generational relationship or pedigree.

I also dont believe in a 6000 year old creation. God never mentioned in the Bible how old the universe is only that it is created.
fuser wrote:All fossilization happened exactly 189 minutes ago, all memories of prior to 189 minutes are falsely implanted by our trans dimensional lords. How or why, you ask? Fuck you that's why.

On a serious note, this shit shouldn't even belong to science forum.

I'm not even hypothesizing when it occurred only illustrating a fact that fossilization does not take millions of years to occur...

The arrogance of you supposedly enlightened minds is endless.
No its not arrogance, its simply my god speaking to me, jealous? And he tells me all fossilization happened 199 minutes ago.

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