Islam and Shia, differences; - Politics | PoFo

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The shias follow since the killing of Ali and his children follow a sect wich splitted of Islam

some differences:

Shias have no Problem with transsexuality you can pray as man even in female Mosques as long as you are dressed like a woman, even a Shia Priest can mary two many for century as long as one has the Tshador on. The Shias see that Allah can make mistakes, like one Angel has sent Mohammed a.s. insted of Ali and so on, so they boys can Dress them in Balerinas

Shia Clerics receive money and they give you a document that you are officialy maried for one night, since ever they practice one night stands. Muslims see this as Temple prostitution, and their priests as Pimps.

The Sunnis see the Caliph Mutaweli as hero and Hussein as Heretic
LGBT legs or cute female legs???

i gonna rent her for a one night stand by her cleric
This is not entirely true. First one must know what does shia mean. Shia means divisions . So shia of ali means the division or party of ali. So shias are not exactly one sect. But there 4 main shia sects which each have off shoots of it.
The difference between some shia sects is not only greater than the difference between some others and sunnis but perhaps bigger than that between christianity and judaism.
So for 1 night marriage. Its very rare and not allowed in most areas but it exist.temp marriage is usually over a set of months or atleast weeks. And its rules like normal marriage simply wont result kids.
Transexuality is a highly debatable topic so i wont go into it now.
God making mistakes point isnt very true. For all atleast.
Zaidi shia dont believe so. Jafari shia dont believe it. Abadi shia believe it. Thawahri shia believe god
Manifested in ali. Like jesus for some christians.
Zaidi shia believe that heaven can be rewardedd to anyone not just muslims ss god judges it.
Jafari shia believe heaven is restricted to muslims.
Abadi shia believe heaven is restricted to shias following ali.
And thawahri shia believe only them can go to heaven .
The last 2 reject most the hadith.
The 12 imams however are important for all shias.
Some shia cults who are off shoots of ismailis believe that god manifest hem self
Every period of time thus the imams.
Zaidi shias believe you cant touch civillians nor enslave anyone even from fighters families.
Jafari same but you can capture families of fighters and make them your servents with a number of rules to it with banning having sex with any.
Abadi shia believe you can enslave fighters families and have sex with them.
Thawahri shia believe anyone not them is an infedil so rightful kill in war and all can be enslaved .
One of most famous thawahri shia manifestation is the savak police and death squads.
Bosnjak wrote:The shias follow since the killing of Ali and his children follow a sect wich splitted of Islam

some differences:

Shias have no Problem with transsexuality you can pray as man even in female Mosques as long as you are dressed like a woman, even a Shia Priest can mary two many for century as long as one has the Tshador on. The Shias see that Allah can make mistakes, like one Angel has sent Mohammed a.s. insted of Ali and so on, so they boys can Dress them in Balerinas

Shia Clerics receive money and they give you a document that you are officialy maried for one night, since ever they practice one night stands. Muslims see this as Temple prostitution, and their priests as Pimps.

The Sunnis see the Caliph Mutaweli as hero and Hussein as Heretic

I'm almost certain this is all complete rubbish.
There's stories about when Hezbollah goes to war they set up brothels for their fighters (you know, soldiers apparently get really horny during battle), and they do that temporary marriage thing with the prositutes whenever they want sex. Not sure how true it is.
I doubt it . And i dont think its true at all. I know people from hezbollah. The officers are more strict than anywhere else around and any disobedience is punished. And since hezbollah rules are inforced from the jafari court in baalbek then these then such things can get you hard punishment.
How ever i cant confirm or deny anything regarding iraqi hezbollah
GandalfTheGrey wrote:There's stories about when Hezbollah goes to war they set up brothels for their fighters (you know, soldiers apparently get really horny during battle), and they do that temporary marriage thing with the prositutes whenever they want sex. Not sure how true it is.

No it is not common mercenary prostitution... it is normal in their culture, their mosques are brothels.

I had also to opportunity to marry one for one night stand, for a few Euros... but as Sunni is this customs for me simple banging arround...

In Iran is this normal.

No Sunni mosque would ever let a gay or worser a Transexual pervert in... In Shia mosques are they welcome
Can you base your claims ?. Because i am a shia and i do come from iran and my entire extended family is there and non of what you say is real .
And by logic. Marriage even temp marriage has same rules so you have to pay dawry or what ever its called that os paid for a girl . And dawry values are very high which is why many delay marriage for financial reasons. So how can it ne true and happen when not only does not exist in books nor anyone can afford doing it in reality ?
And when youre at it. Can you define what shia are you talking about because you do realize that shia means divisions right ?
Taqqiya. Is just for Shias allowed.


I saw several coverages by European media about temporary Marriages in Iran.

Ayatollah Chomeini your Messiaha has allowed the Gays to implant some Silicon and make temporary marriages...

like each marriaged in the World make the clerics each time money...
1- khamenei and khomaini are political leaders. And their words are ignored by almost all shai. You would know this if you talked to a shia.
Your "reports" are obviously wrong since homosexuality is punishable by death in iran.
Temporary marriages are in one hand not often and in the other last for several months.
1 day marriages happen in some areas populated by sects that them selves consider us infedils and not of us.

EDIT:for the taqiyyah thing. Its allowed only in life and death situations. And not only this is no where near life and death situation. Ut infact if we were at actual stand off. I will be the one heavily armed with life long military training .and steong enough to be threatning your life with my bare hands. So it wont be a life and death situation for me so i cant use taqqiyah. Yet it would the opposite.
Bosnjak is just trolling.

As for taqqiya, its pretty obvious it is embraced by some sunni jihadists - how do you think Muhammad Atta got by making a "new life" in America for a year and "training" to become a pilot?

"oh yeah Mr pilot trainer - I totally want to make a career as a pilot - but I'm really only interested in learning how to cruise the plane at dangerously low altitudes, and we can skip over the whole how to land thing *wink wink*
In islam taqqiyah does exist even with sunni's. Just that many people dont realize that its different names for one concept.
Allah allowed muslims to do anything from drinking to adultery to even kufr if their lives were threatened because preserving life is above all by god's words. God said in two places. 1-if you killed a soul then it is as you killed entire humanity. Which tells just how important life is. 2- and in anther place god said he prefer that al-kabbah be torn apart and destroyed stone by stone than a muslim having his blood shed. So taqqiyah does exist in islam in all sects. It means showing other thsn what you believe if you had to in a situation that is threatning your life. Because logically god does understand that human nature it self seek preserving life and that not everyone is strong enough to make the ultimate sacrafice. How ever using taqqiyah in normal situations is considered lying and some times reach being disclaimed from islam if you were twisting or perverting islam to serve your intentions as it would be consider that you're twisting pr frauding god's words.
GandalfTheGrey wrote:Bosnjak is just trolling.

As for taqqiya, its pretty obvious it is embraced by some sunni jihadists - how do you think Muhammad Atta got by making a "new life" in America for a year and "training" to become a pilot?

"oh yeah Mr pilot trainer - I totally want to make a career as a pilot - but I'm really only interested in learning how to cruise the plane at dangerously low altitudes, and we can skip over the whole how to land thing *wink wink*

No or are you Shia???

Jihadis are they called funny, because Jihadis are often druged because in Jihad is them everything allowed.

Shia do this on common basis like the Shia from Iran here wrote as "defense" of this perverted shia practice, that it last some months... In lebanon even for hours to have a ride...
Dude. Do you really believe what you are saying?
In lebanon ??
Most shia in lebanon are tribes. Do you know wgat could happen to you if you just tried to harass a girl from a tribe?
There were literally wars because of things as small as this and with all your sane mind you come and say this ?
And yes.temporary marriage last usually a few months. Thats how it is. And temp marriage it self is not often because very few can afford it.
anasawad wrote:And temp marriage it self is not often because very few can afford it.

Temp mariage = legalized prostitution
No the Worst kind of Alcohol you can drink is Vine... because it is something christian or roman associated...

What is Jewish religion? Nothing just to have a child from a jewish wife... nothing else... No heaven no hell..

Judaism is an Ideology formed like an World-Religion allthough is just Judeo-Nationalism nothing else...

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