Has the world always been generally kind of old an detatched feeling or has it been increasing? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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I meant "COLD" (instead of old, oops; I feel as though this is somehow ironic that I live in Canada, lol)

Well I've lived in Canada for most of my life and due to my innate curiosity and a yearning to understand the world I had to of course try traveling and living in different regions and parts of it and as I look back at my experiences in the world I am continually perplexed with how seemingly cold a lot of people out there are. Sometimes you'll be met with some niceties and maybe even a smile, much more beyond that seem to be becoming increasingly rare in today's world, but even if you do manage to stumble upon such an event, often the extents seem to not exceed very far beyond typical small talk and maybe some common courtesies. Generally though we're all somehow subconsciously regulated to homogeneous members of a crowd unless you can manage to wow people through flash and pizzazz you know, smile all of the time and dress fashionably and somehow know exactly what is "popular/cool" (but always steering away from in depth discussion on topics)

As well I've noticed beyond real life, but on the internet too, it often seems really hard to connect to anyone beyond superficiality and generally anyone to have your act or be very understanding or supportive. Is this just Western culture? I really hate it and yearn for real and meaningful connection but yet find that the more you genuinely try and connect to others the more it makes others uncomfortable and I get a sense that it's even often socially acceptable? to connect more beyond consumerism etc I am especially. I am in my 20s and honestly I've had this weird hunch that it's kind of becoming an increasing normal trend; especially not in part due to the havoc that neo-liberalism has caused and then technology and computers come in second place, which in turn seem to only encourage more isolation and stifle in person social skills to develop and flourish more normally. I also think that it's hindering the development of character, and from having a stronger sense of self, and creativity as well because becoming so increasingly common so always plugged in. Public life as well has become seemingly controlled by monolithic corporations which only breeds that same kind of empty culture and encourages more of a focus on materialism...(there's hardly any real culture anymore)

Thoughts? or has it always been this way? I know there's that old saying somewhere along the lines of "It's a cold world out there" .
Of course, this might be crucial information to know about myself but I grew up predominately in a small town (then city in late teens) and I think that at times small tons can be a little warmer but generally it seems like most social groups are kind of organized by hierarchical kind of way that has always felt rigid and very firmly set in place. Of course, I've always been a pretty loving person that hides it under a kind of an aloof demeanor I have always found myself seeing and treating everyone as equally important (animals too...)
NightShadows wrote:I meant "COLD" (instead of old, oops; I feel as though this is somehow ironic that I live in Canada, lol)

Well I've lived in Canada for most of my life and due to my innate curiosity and a yearning to understand the world I had to of course try traveling and living in different regions and parts of it and as I look back at my experiences in the world I am continually perplexed with how seemingly cold a lot of people out there are. Sometimes you'll be met with some niceties and maybe even a smile, much more beyond that seem to be becoming increasingly rare in today's world, but even if you do manage to stumble upon such an event, often the extents seem to not exceed very far beyond typical small talk and maybe some common courtesies. Generally though we're all somehow subconsciously regulated to homogeneous members of a crowd unless you can manage to wow people through flash and pizzazz you know, smile all of the time and dress fashionably and somehow know exactly what is "popular/cool" (but always steering away from in depth discussion on topics)

As well I've noticed beyond real life, but on the internet too, it often seems really hard to connect to anyone beyond superficiality and generally anyone to have your act or be very understanding or supportive. Is this just Western culture? I really hate it and yearn for real and meaningful connection but yet find that the more you genuinely try and connect to others the more it makes others uncomfortable and I get a sense that it's even often socially acceptable? to connect more beyond consumerism etc I am especially. I am in my 20s and honestly I've had this weird hunch that it's kind of becoming an increasing normal trend; especially not in part due to the havoc that neo-liberalism has caused and then technology and computers come in second place, which in turn seem to only encourage more isolation and stifle in person social skills to develop and flourish more normally. I also think that it's hindering the development of character, and from having a stronger sense of self, and creativity as well because becoming so increasingly common so always plugged in. Public life as well has become seemingly controlled by monolithic corporations which only breeds that same kind of empty culture and encourages more of a focus on materialism...(there's hardly any real culture anymore)

Thoughts? or has it always been this way? I know there's that old saying somewhere along the lines of "It's a cold world out there" .
Of course, this might be crucial information to know about myself but I grew up predominately in a small town (then city in late teens) and I think that at times small tons can be a little warmer but generally it seems like most social groups are kind of organized by hierarchical kind of way that has always felt rigid and very firmly set in place. Of course, I've always been a pretty loving person that hides it under a kind of an aloof demeanor I have always found myself seeing and treating everyone as equally important (animals too...)

It appears that for most of human history, people lived in smaller, more closely knit communities that lacked rapid transportation. So they knew each other. It is possible that any niceness from strangers is probably a residue of this; if you think about it, why should a stranger be "nice" to another stranger? Neither one knows anything about the other and modern western societies force almost no standards upon their participants.
Hong Wu wrote:It appears that for most of human history, people lived in smaller, more closely knit communities that lacked rapid transportation. So they knew each other. It is possible that any niceness from strangers is probably a residue of this; if you think about it, why should a stranger be "nice" to another stranger? Neither one knows anything about the other and modern western societies force almost no standards upon their participants.

Ha ha, yes it's true. But I just mean that it seems to never go beyond just being strangers quite often. I mean we're all proverbial strangers in strange land it often feels like. I know that the West has always been a really individualist culture and I don't think it's wrong but it feels really prevalent at times. I mean It's kind of hypocritical for me to say this, and generally I suppose it's hard to connect beyond small talk most of the time and I've always been sort of a introvert while always feeling a strong desire to connect more.This all sort of leaves memore then anything kind of recalling that movie of Into The Wild, where the main character Chris Mccandless seems increasingly distraught and unhappy with the world and in his own way lost, but not physically, but instead mentally instead. There is a moment where he has beard, long hair and his ruckshack, and old clothes. He stops monetarily and looks into a window and sees a young man who he sees himself in, and in a way it is also how he could always see himself turning into ( young successful businessman) but yet has trouble emotionally accepting this.

It's kind of a longing for authenticity and a frustration to which at times I suppose how alienating and robotic, and cold (synthetic) the world feels instead and I find it personally maddening at times. I almost think that it's increased ten-fold is what I am saying I suppose...an often times, even by those who share similar sentiments (belief wise) do not care about the emotional and social aspect. The humanitarian aspect to the world always seems to be neglected and it makes me really angry. I think this is why I've always more so drawn towards the arts as it's the only thing that really feels real to me.
I don't experience any of that honestly. I don't see what's so synthetic about the world we live in except in the sense that we don't build things that are strictly natural. Or what's so unauthentic about people living their lives without worrying to much about some grand cause. In fact I'd say someone forcing themselves to care about something they deep down don't is more unauthentic.

Honestly you sound like someone who needs to read some existentialism, you're angsty. :p
This ^. We live our lives doing stuff and then we die. It makes no sense to get too wrapped up in any of it. People like to believe we choose between right and wrong. I believe we choose directions. We make choices and our lives are determined by those choices, but it is not always necessary to judge those choices by right and wrong. We just chose it.
It's kind of a longing for authenticity and a frustration to which at times I suppose how alienating and robotic, and cold (synthetic) the world feels instead and I find it personally maddening at times. I almost think that it's increased ten-fold is what I am saying I suppose...an often times, even by those who share similar sentiments (belief wise) do not care about the emotional and social aspect. The humanitarian aspect to the world always seems to be neglected and it makes me really angry. I think this is why I've always more so drawn towards the arts as it's the only thing that really feels real to me.

Anglo society in general is cold and emotionally detached. Nothing wrong with that per se, diff'rent strokes for diff'rent folks and all that, but some people find it alienating and dispiriting. Try living in a different culture for a few years - try a Hispanic society for a change. It might give you a better perspective on your own society.
Some Asian societies are are on the cold side as well, particularly Chinese and Japanese. Chinese do not even shake hands with strangers unless they feel like it. My parents still feel strange shaking hands.

I do feel though that since people can live more of their lives on the internet that they are more detached from their surroundings. People can Skype or play video games practically all day long except for brief food and bathroom breaks.

Some companies try to discourage people from using email and encourage them to get up and talk with colleagues about business matters because managers realize that meanings can be lost through typed words. Typed words cannot express as much feeling as a person can when their facial expression changes or their tone of voice changes to reflect their meaning.
I personally am a libertarian; so I am not really a fan of control, or authorariansim.

So when I hear things like "angsty" right. I have looked into existentialism. You're mistaking being a "realist" with existentialism. I personally am a very spiritual person, and you may not feel a connection with life, something more beyond the material world but I have an I do think that there is something else beyond this. Besides this, here we go again. This is a sociological board, plus don't for one:

Strawman me.

Or two:

Flip this issue around on me, make it about myself and/or i.e. 'gaslight' me. I know these tactics very well and if anyone feels the need to use them on me then I will just keep pointing them out because I do not believe in playing those games. Also, if you are of the mind to do this, I would suggest you go to another forum.

And it was also debunked.

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