Fox men shit themselves over working women - Politics | PoFo

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... research showing that women are becoming the breadwinners in this country, and a lot of other concerning and troubling statistics...
... something going terribly wrong in American society, and it's hurting our children! ...
Now you mention children, [dramatic pause] and those are the children who survive!
I'm so used to liberals telling conservatives that they're 'anti-science', but liberals who defend this and say it's not a bad thing are very anti-science
When you look at biology, look at the natural world, the roles of a male and female in society, and the other animals, the male typically is the dominant role. The female, it's not antithesis, or it's not competing, it's a complimentary role.

Nice to see women finally pulling their weight in society, maybe we men will finally get equality rather than being expected to hold the whole of society up on our shoulders. Women are finally starting to check their privilege.

Rainbow Crow wrote:It's really quite shameful that men are putting less effort in than we used to. This is probably parallel to lower marriage rates, men don't feel that they need to work (or get married) anymore to get sex and both are basically true.

Oh rubbish, men overall work longer hours in more dangerous conditions and are still expected by society, even with feminist and "women's independence" to pay for child support, even if the woman was the instigator of domestic violence in the relationship. despite women having changed, they still demand preferential treatment, which shouldn't be given to them, if they demand equality; and fail to meet the responsibilities that civilisations have expected from women since the beginning of time. Raising kid and keeping the population growing. You can't have it both ways, don't expect men to make concessions if they are not going to get anything in return. I applaud the males who reject post modern western women, i mean really the state of affairs today would be laughable if it wasn't so tragic.
These gynocentric views, that want men to be little slave drones that can be made disposable by the modern's women's whim, is tearing apart society, and no one notices, because women are still perceived as victims, a myth which is perpetuated by feminists.

Bottom line is women have to take responsibility which they don't have to do with this victim mentality. If you are having sex with a lot of different men and living a polygamous lifestyle, don't expect to find a man who is going to be responsible himself and treat you with respect.
Yeah great, women the mothers and wifes are now bread winners, and men are whores for amusement of women. Great fucking society you Feminazis and Gays are trying to achieve. When will this liberal assault stop? We need to counter attack
The Clockwork Rat wrote:Fox men shit themselves over working women

Unless they're 80's style blond bombshells with perpetual short skirts who always happen to sit closest to the viewer so their legs are visible, working for Faux News so more dirty old fucks, errr, I mean family values oriented fathers and grandfathers, watch Faux News.
Last edited by Poelmo on 31 May 2013 23:08, edited 1 time in total.
The sheer stupidity of what I just listened to is baffling. I heard nothing about the real socio-economic transformations that have been occuring, including not only feminist movements and women entering the work force as professionals, but also the stagnation of wages, underemployment, the competition between not only male and female workers here, but with workers across the globe, incarceration among minorities (i.e. black males) that makes women de facto bread winners (where was Juan on that one?)--and of course that while women are increasingly becoming bread winners, they still are nevertheless statistically paid less than men. All I heard talked about was the breakdown of society and that politicians are too afraid to address the loss of the family, BS. Utter stupidity. Just utter stupidity.

OMG! Erick Erickson is channeling (R) VP Dan Quayle! It's all Murphy Brown's fault - she is another fall of man!

anticlimacus wrote:The sheer stupidity of what I just listened to is baffling. I heard nothing about the real socio-economic transformations that have been occuring, including not only feminist movements and women entering the work force as professionals, but also the stagnation of wages, underemployment, the competition between not only male and female workers here, but with workers across the globe, incarceration among minorities (i.e. black males) that makes women de facto bread winners (where was Juan on that one?)--and of course that while women are increasingly becoming bread winners, they still are nevertheless statistically paid less than men. All I heard talked about was the breakdown of society and that politicians are too afraid to address the loss of the family, BS. Utter stupidity. Just utter stupidity.


Consider how many bank/wall St CEOs and super-execs are men. Consider the social ramifacations on housing and lost investment -forretirement income But its women labouring to support their childern that's the great social ill??? Where are these phuquewittian thinkers on welfare and raising the income levels of workers to meet the needs of families? where do they stand on making health care and education broadly available? Where are they on intentionally allowing imported workers resulting in the artificial suppression wages by altering the labour supply-demand ratio?

Instead of pillarying women who work hard, support their families, pay taxes, and are good citizens, these pipsqueak thinkers should bloody well salute them. At least they should cobble together a cohesive, fact supported argument as opposed to this right-wing milquetoast rhetoric.
Last edited by Stormsmith on 02 Jun 2013 07:34, edited 1 time in total.
How dare this scum blame feminists? These are the seem people who supported Sarah Palin for president. Who support Michele Bachmann as a Congress women. What kind of examples to they set for men being the bread winners?

Blaming feminists is just so ridiculous. When work centres on a horse drawn plough, animal herding, shepherding, of course men are going to be the bread winners in society and of course the societies cultural superstructure, its religion, and its political system will reflect that. If you want a private property based market economy which allows the development of industry and then the more recent massive expansion of the service sector then of course men are going to lose their previous status and power within the economy. Of course there is going to be a root and branch social revolution. Any educated person whose not a total retard can see that.
When men were slogging it out in all weathers to plough fields and chop wood, women were working just as hard at their tasks. If they worked on the family farm, or the family butcher's shop, the hours were just as long. The difference was the lack of a recognised paycheque, and that gave rise to the perceived economic discrepency between "breadwinner" and wife.
Stormsmith wrote:When men were slogging it out in all weathers to plough fields and chop wood, women were working just as hard at their tasks. If they worked on the family farm, or the family butcher's shop, the hours were just as long. The difference was the lack of a recognised paycheque, and that gave rise to the perceived economic discrepency between "breadwinner" and wife.

That's true, and there's the additional problem that it is still mostly men who are the historians - of both recent and ancient history, as well as the anthropologists and archaeologists who tell us what is significant about what ancient peoples were doing.

So, for example, almost every book you pick up about paleo and modern hunter/gatherers will tell you almost exclusively what the men are doing; not what the women are doing. About 30 years ago, a female anthropologist (I forget the name) noticed that, not only were the women doing most of the gathering of plant foods, but were also catching a significant portion of the meat -- mostly by snaring small game. What had happened historically is that the anthropologists who were out in the field were just following the men on the big game hunts and never bothered to make an actual estimate of who was really providing most of the food for the group. Men were NOT the breadwinners in traditional societies. The notion that man is supposed to be the breadwinner is a modern contrivance, and a social arrangement that didn't actually last very long if we are looking at the full scope of history. It's more that it is a founding part of the myth in modern christian fundamentalism, than it has to do with the way real people lived. Even when the modern feminist era began with Betty Friedan half a century ago, she got a lot of flack from black women and women from lower economic levels than her, that there was no such thing as 'the idle housewife' below her upper middle class lifestyle.
work-in-progress wrote:That's true, and there's the additional problem that it is still mostly men who are the historians - of both recent and ancient history, as well as the anthropologists and archaeologists who tell us what is significant about what ancient peoples were doing.

That is only a problem if you assume that men act in conspiracy with each other and that they are not simply trying to arrive at objective truth for the most part.
So more rightwing whining and begging for privilege and for everyone to start recognizing what pretty princesses they are.

It never ceases to amaze me how wimpy rightwing men are, groveling for acceptance and reassurance.

Want to get a job? Get a job. Worried about your wife making more money than you? Grow a pair and man up.

The sniveling of rightwing reactionaries disgust me. There's a reason that they always have to tell everyone how manly that they think they are-nobody would ever conclude such a thing by observation.
Kman wrote:That is only a problem if you assume that men act in conspiracy with each other and that they are not simply trying to arrive at objective truth for the most part.

It's the conspiracy of silence, of only hearing from one this case it anthropologists ignoring what the women were doing in the tribal groups they studied, and focusing mostly on the hunting, initiation ceremonies, and other stuff the men did in their notepads. That was part of the reason why Margaret Mead's writings from Samoa, New Guinea and other Melanasian islands, seemed so different from the records written by male anthropologists. She took an interest in things that the men didn't think were important. Since half of the population is men, the other half is women, it would make a lot more sense if power was equally distributed....but maybe I'm dreaming!
The Immortal Goon wrote:So more rightwing whining and begging for privilege and for everyone to start recognizing what pretty princesses they are.

It never ceases to amaze me how wimpy rightwing men are, groveling for acceptance and reassurance.

Want to get a job? Get a job. Worried about your wife making more money than you? Grow a pair and man up.

The sniveling of rightwing reactionaries disgust me. There's a reason that they always have to tell everyone how manly that they think they are-nobody would ever conclude such a thing by observation.

Yeah you're right men should adhere to their masculine responsibilities as much as women are expected to adhere to their feminine responsibilities, right ?

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