Fox men shit themselves over working women - Page 4 - Politics | PoFo

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Also, if you want to argue that a woman needs to stay at home so that she can open the door for the child to change clothes if the child somehow feels like changing out of uniform, then there is a marvellous invention called a key.

I'm not arguing that I was just pointing out that you are hilariously wrong about the after school thing.
SE23 wrote:Yeah you're right men should adhere to their masculine responsibilities as much as women are expected to adhere to their feminine responsibilities, right ?

Or should men just be expected to be little slave drones and not complain about the actions of women, as women have always be the victims of society right

Oh no! Look, all those women are oppressing men by securing their own independence and participating meaningfully in civil and economic society as productive members. Quick, someone organize a MRA meeting! Won't somebody think about the men? Those poor, oppressed, persecuted men.
This can be solved by getting the child to school early. For example, the child can arrive at 0800. Which is what actually happens.

And the kids do what for an hour?

No one goes home for a 'real meal'. That simply does not happen. They might go out for lunch or order lunch at best, but they do not go home.

Yes they do.

That also does not happen. I have never ever seen a child get home at that time. At the earliest, you can expect them to reach home by 1700, and they are capable of unlocking a door themselves if no one is there at that time.

Even if they are 5 years old? Did you, really?

Speaking for myself, when I was a child I would be probably be anywhere except home at 1530. The earliest I'd be taking off my uniform would be 1800.

A child? Are you sure?

Bedtime is usually 2200, and I don't think that looking after them is that difficult.

10 oclock for the bairns? After being dropped off at school for eight, means a out of bed for 7.00am. Until - 22.00 hrours. Thats quite an ask.

What needs to be cleaned? If no-one is there during the day, and people are tidy in the evening, there's nothing extensive to clean.

Kids and the earner of the house can fuck things up quite smartly.

Direct debit.

OK. Im talking home finances and other odds and ends that need to be sorted.

Do your shopping monthly on a Saturday.
Do your shopping weekly at a weekend.
Make your online order be over £40 and have Sainsbury's deliver it if you can't be bothered to drive there, the charge will be £2.

Sainsburys? Id rather have food from the market.

And who looks after the kids when shopping, surely the breadwinner has a day off?

I have no answer to this one other than to say if you want tea to be always warm and waiting, you need a maid.

In the UK, I couldn't afford one if I wanted to. If I had a maid, she would just be doing the work of a housewife, so where is the difference?

Declare that 'cleaning hour' lasts for one hour every two days, between the hours of 2000 and 2100. Everyone who happens to be at home at that time must run around and deal with any irregularities in the house during that time.

Not while there is breath in my body will I clean the house after twelve hours at work. And its none of your business.

Okay, they can indeed find things to do if they take deliberate steps to be inefficient and make the worst use of time. But I've shown in this post that it is inefficient.

You havent - your argument is that the 15 hour days may be more like 8 hour days.

Because we have to have standards. The excuses that people used in the 1600s cannot work in 2013. Any woman who can't come up with these solutions to problems, is up to shenanigans.

What is it to you even if they are?
JRS1 wrote:Perhaps others have said it does. I haven't seen any serious commentator say it does.

So, you agree that feminism is fine?

JRS1 wrote:What does feminism mean to you PoD?

    Feminism is a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women. This includes seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment.
SE23 wrote:@WorkinProgress

These statistics are coming from the British Crime survey, National Centre of Domestic violence, local authorities, university studies, these are not being created by men's rights groups. Study by the University of California, shown that women instigated violence and assualted their boyfriends on the grounds of not being listened to, being jealous etc etc. Even if they can't inflict as much damage as they would like to, out of principle its not accepted, but even though it would be hard to muster much compassion for males, the children are the second to be most effected.

I tried to look into some of your posted material yesterday, and ran out of time....a few hyperlinks to pertinent information would have helped. After looking up your references I am left wondering if you actually read them yourself or just copied them from a list somewhere! Here's why:
No links to British Crime Survey -- which has hundreds of sublinks to specific areas of interest, and National Centre of Domestic Violence leads me to the Canadian center, if that was you intention, but again I have to sift through and wade through pages on my own to find what they have to say about domestic violence issues.

The first thing that jumps out at me about the British Crime Survey is how unimportant they consider the subject of domestic violence! I wasted at least 15 minutes trying to find something relevant, and I found this in their "Overview" on Violent Crime and Sexual Offenses 2011/12:

intimate violence is a collective term used to refer to a number of different forms of physical and non-physical abuse consisting of partner abuse, family abuse, sexual assault and stalking. It is difficult to obtain reliable information on the extent of intimate violence as there is a degree of under-reporting of these incidents, affecting both the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) and police recorded crime figures.

In other words, you could drive a truck through a definition like that! My objection to surveys like these ones which show a close apparent superficial parity between men and women regarding domestic violence is that if they aren't going to acknowledge the clear advantage that the vast majority of men have over women because of greater physical size and strength, then there findings are garbage!

Regarding the Canadian Centre of Domestic Violence, the first complete study I found was by an Elaine Grandin on the perplexing difference between Canadian and American domestic violence studies -- the Canadian studies found a much higher degree of equality in the use of physical violence and injuries between men and women than is found in the American studies. It doesn't exactly bolster your theory, just show that there is a difference between data gathered in Canada and the U.S., with a few different, possible explanations listed at the bottom.

And the other references:

1. Brinkerhoff, M., & Lupri, E. (1988). Interspousal violence. Canadian Journal of Sociology

This study on interspousal violence says this under the subheading - describing the abuse:
Within this document the word “abuse” has been selected so as to consistently capture both physical violence (what is legally categorized as “assault”) and other, non-physical forms of abuse.

So, I am back to the no.1 critique of this wimp mra claim that women are responsible or equally responsible for domestic violence -- there is no accounting for degree and severity of abuse when such a low bar is applied. So this one goes to the scrap heap!

2.Brush, L. D. (1990). Violent Acts and injurious outcomes in married couples

This analysis of the National Survey of Families and Households (NSFH) confirmed earlier findings: Much of the violence between married partners occurred in couples in which both partners were reported as perpetrators, and women as well as men committed violent acts in married couples. However, the NSFH data indicated that the probabilities of injury for male and female respondents differed significantly, with wives more likely to be injured than husbands. The NSFH differentiated between violent acts and injurious outcomes and provided an empirical rebuttal of the “battered husband syndrome.”

Not much to say, except that right from the abstract, it's obvious that you cherrypicked the wrong study here also!

3Capaldi, D. M. & Owen, L. D. (2001). Physical aggression in a community sample of at-risk young couples

This Pubmed published study that specifically addresses "young" young it doesn't say in the abstract, and that's all that's available without subscription. In the abstract is this claim: Contrary to the hypothesis of the study, rates of injury and fear for the women were not significantly higher than for the men.

And without further details and at least a few definitions of terms, this link tells me nothing!

4Claxton-Oldfield, S. & Arsenault, J. (1999). The initiation of physically aggressive behaviour by female university students toward their male partners:

This meta-analysis by a "Martin Fiebert" just links to a bibliography with no hyperlinks and this claim in the summary: which demonstrate that women are as physically aggressive, or more aggressive, than men in their relationships with their spouses or male partners.

Okay, now show me some proof to back up a claim that runs counter to every other study out there in the developed world.

Dozens and even hundreds of sociological studies into family lives from domestic violence centres, to universities, show that the common perception that the female is the victim is a falsehood. This further refutes the concept of patriarchy, which states that only the male can be the instigator and never a victim of discrimination on the basis of his gender.

Once again, I find it so ironic that the MRA wing of patriarchy and re-establishing male supremacy makes two contradictory you have done in your post from Tuesday..., often within the same articles: men are stronger and by nature, dominant over it's impossible to stop it/ but women are just as aggressive and violent as men and men are equally likely to be victims of spousal abuse! So, which is it? Or is the anti-feminist game consisting of nothing more than throwing crap at the wall?

Also, I don't mind learning new things when I'm on the internet....that's why I bought a computer 12 years ago, but it takes too much time to waste for too little payoff to spend an hour or two hours looking up and reading through links and trying to find anything more than abstracts of references to published studies; so unless you come up with something better that actually has a hyperlink providing evidence for quoted material, don't bother!

I am not going to trust feminist historians for any day of the week, although you can argue previous academics and historians were male, i don't believe they would be actively siding with a bias. Unless of course you subscribe to the belief that men wish to conspire in oppressing women.

Bias is innate and does not have to be intentional. A few good examples are that whites, especially white men don't recognize white privilege; and conservatives especially will go through hoops to try to deny it, but it is still there and unconsciously betrayed by how out of the ordinary it seems to have women or racial minorities in roles where we don't expect them. Like women who have moved into formerly all-male trades like welding and machining. On the reverse side, we wouldn't refer to women in traditional female jobs such as teacher, nurse, chambermaid etc. as a female version, but would instead refer to the man in that role with the outlier term "male nurse." This may not be done to disparage or denigrate the individual, but we subconsciously pick up what is culturally accepted and what is not, so we should at least make ourselves consciously aware of our prejudices. The most prejudiced people are usually the ones who claim that they don't see prejudice anywhere.

Matrilocal societies weren't on the basis of being for female empowerment, it was on the basis of practicalities, women were able to form strong agricultural communities close to home, while the men were free to travel long distances to gather resources and trade. (Purdue university). There was no attempt to undermine masculinity, both female and male roles were respected.

The critics of matriarchy try to claim that matrilocality makes no difference, but think about it in real terms: go back before very recent times and the modern nuclear family to the era where getting married meant that either the woman was going to have to leave home and go live with her husband's family, or the reverse -- the matrilocal and matrilineal family arrangement where inheritance came through the mother and the man went to live with his wife's family.

The evidence that most primitive societies were matrilocal is so overwhelming and insurmountable that this is why the patriarchy fans do not try to deny it....they just try to diminish the implications of matrilocality. But, in the real world, patriarchal societies where a young bride is married off to live in the man's household gives him dictatorial power over her, and makes it unlikely that she will have any allies if she is victimized by her. On the contrary, her new mother-in-law and sisters-in-law, as well as sister-wives in polygamous societies are just as likely to abuse her as her husband...if not more so! On the other hand, in the matriarchal society, an abusive man is going to be the outsider in the household and have to work hard to win their trust and admiration. If he is abusive, he will be dealt with by his mother-in-law, sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law, father-in-law etc. The abusive husband in the matriarchal society has a whole army to deal with, and that's why his only option is usually to leave, rather than face a beating.

Marriage and traditional gender roles which suited the biological characteristics of both man and woman were essential in holding society together. When this began to disintegrate which traditional values normally do, due to lofty idealism that is spawned by a society gaining large amounts of wealth, which leads to moral narcissm being formed. The polygamous society creates distrust, a man is not going to work and toil for a wife which is unfaithful and children who might not be his.

The contract between man and woman in marriage, has always been a trade off, with the man selling the woman his hard physical labour and abilities to earn large units of energy, and the woman would trade off her reproductive capabilities; both would compliment each other in this exchange. The female sexuality was essentially owned by the male as was his labour, if he began to provide for another family and not his own or was idle, then he would be outcasted and looked upon as a freak; as this would be going against his societal function. If she failed her side of the contract and was to cheat on fail to meet her role as a child creator and raiser, or lived a polygamous lifestyle which directly conflicted with her role, then she would equally be disowned.

Once again, I'd like you to square this contradictory theme that men are stronger and naturally determined to be the dominant breadwinner with the claim that men are being abused and beaten by their wives! The type of family life you're describing here was what began after barbarian invasions of the first civilizations. It was not part of prehistoric hunter/gatherer society nor the first city states that were established. It was only natural for warlike, violent raiding cultures that came in and plundered the wealth that others had developed, and started this long running game of war and conquest for the last 4 or 5000 years. A game that we can no longer afford to play, or there will be nobody left on the planet! Seems that feminism is as important to men as it is to women, because without the civilizing effect of gender equalizing, the kind of cooperation that is going to be needed for future generations to survive the combined crises of resource depletion and climate change, will be impossible.
JRS1, I think it's just a matter of us somehow living in different cultures despite being supposedly in the same culture. I can't answer any of those questions you've asked me, because you're asking me to explain basic things which are just normal to me.

Apparently you are saying that in your view, the mother can somehow:

  • Get children to school exactly as school is about to start, as opposed to some time before school starts.
  • Somehow be at home to allow the child to go home for lunch.
  • Pick the child up from school within 30mins of school ending.
  • Arrange so that children can stay at home and be 'looked after', while she is shopping.
  • Have tea be ready at all times.
  • Allow people to mess up the house just so that she can then waste time cleaning up behind them.
  • Allow children to wake up in the morning after 0700.
  • Allege that 9 hours of sleep is not enough for a child, make 'bedtime' be earlier.

In my world, none of that is possible. I also do not know anyone who would think that those things are possible. They're logistically impossible for any family that's interested in actually making money, and actually having children that aren't completely soft.

This is some kind of very wide cultural difference. I was most surprised at your objection to children waking up at 0700. When I was young, I always woke up at or before 0700, that was just expected.
In the UK, I couldn't afford one if I wanted to.

You have to remember Rei is very rich. One of her biggest faults politically is that she seems to make policies assuming that everyone is very rich too. I'm not sure why she does this.

JRS1, I think it's just a matter of us somehow living in different cultures despite being supposedly in the same culture.

Proving that class is more important than nationality. You are from two different cultures (and his is familiar to far more Britons than yours), the fact you are both standing under a union flag means nothing.
Well, to speak to the wealth issue, I have to question how it's really relevant here. I've taken a good effort not to give any solutions that involve hiring anyone to help the woman.

In fact, it seems to me that the version of Britain (or any country for that matter) you two are living in is the sort of thing where to accomplish it a maid would not only be an optional add-on, but in fact mandatory. The only way that your way would work without hiring a maid, is if the woman stayed at home or dramatically reduced her working hours.

My way however, does not strictly require a maid, and allows a woman to work normal hours. I think that I have my finger on the pulse of middle class women on this one.
In fact, it seems to me that the version of Britain (or any country for that matter) you two are living in is the sort of thing where to accomplish it a maid would not only be an optional add-on, but in fact mandatory. The only way that your way would work without hiring a maid, is if the woman stayed at home or dramatically reduced her working hours.

No they way it works in real life is that both parents have to work just to survive and the kid has a key so will end up bring himself/ herself up with very little parental influence.

Obviously many will be in prison/ pregnant before they are 16.
Pants-of-dog wrote:No.

First of all, no one is forcing anyone to do anything.

FUCKING BULLSHIT, the welfare state with its massive budgets for schooling, pensions, welfare etc..etc.. has forced women into the workforce since because of the massive tax rate it is no longer possible for one working class man to provide a comfortable life for his family, the welfare state that you love is directly preventing people like me from living like I want because you force people like me to divert resources from employing a woman at home to employing them at other places in order to earn income for survival.

If payment for the welfare state was voluntary you would be right, it is not however, payment towards the anti-family system called the welfare state is FORCED.

Edit: I am just gonna spell this out in cardboard:

The welfare state functions in this way: A man like me contributes lets say 50% of his income to the state, the state pays women and men to take over the duties that used to belong to stay at home wives, these consist mainly of handling the kids that now live in government institutions that spend my cash like kindergartens and schools. Another duty is taking care of the elderly, that is also being payed with taxes. So currently as a single man I am paying for the wages of lets say 0.25 kindergarten teacher, 0.25 teacher, 0.25 pensionist caretaker, 0.25 miscellaneous government bullshit positions like welfare worker. Totalling the costs roughly of having one employee (I know the ratios are not 100% accurate but you get the idea).
Now I dont want to have a government employee, I would like to take these 0.25x4 and instead use it on employ 1x worker at home as a mother, now can I do that in a welfare state? Can I say "no thank you, I prefer schooling my kids at home so I dont feel like giving huge amounts of money to the local public school", NO I CANNOT, I am forced to use this welfare system and employ these people in government institutions instead of employing 1 person at home so dont give me your bullshit about "no one is forced to do anything", that just shows a complete lack of economic comprehension.

If I got a wife that stayed at home I would be massively increasing my tax rate because of how the welfare state works, effectively forcing me to pay for the lives of 2x people instead of the normal 1, this displays MASSIVE FAVORITISM TOWARDS PEOPLE THAT DONT USE STAY AT HOME WIFES.
Last edited by Kman on 08 Jun 2013 12:12, edited 3 times in total.
Rainbow Crow wrote:It's really quite shameful that men are putting less effort in than we used to. This is probably parallel to lower marriage rates, men don't feel that they need to work (or get married) anymore to get sex and both are basically true.

I think you've raised an interesting point but I would say it has less to do with the desire for sex and more the desire to feel and, truly, to be depended upon. Once upon a time, a woman needed a man and a man needed a woman because they both occupied different (but equally important!) roles within the family. At this stage, it seems as though neither one needs the other and the concept of family hardly exists anymore. I would argue, though, that man and woman still do need one another and that a better division of labour between the two is needed (that is, man needs to fulfill his duties, and woman hers) and that this organization of society lends itself best to effective family life.
Decky wrote:No they way it works in real life is that both parents have to work just to survive and the kid has a key so will end up bring himself/ herself up with very little parental influence.

They have evenings and weekends. Furthermore, as I said near the beginning of this thread, the school system fills in a lot of the gaps as well, since most of the child's time is spent at school under the watchful eye of the teachers.

Decky wrote:Obviously many will be in prison/ pregnant before they are 16.

You and Kman might be coming into alignment on these narratives, but I don't believe those things are true. There cannot be any causal connection between having one's own house key and not going home for lunch, and prison.

If such a connection existed, half the middle class children would be in jail right now, yet that is not the case.

So if jail is happening among the working class, it has to be a product of the economic deprivation that children are suffering, and the dilapidated struggling schools in their neighbourhoods. To think otherwise would be to wander into that old centre-right misdirection:

    'Let us studiously ignore the economic situation that the community is in and the level of educational attainment in the community, and let's also ignore the fact that schools are not communicating the correct values to these children. Instead, we will yearn for a Nickelodeon TV American-style fictional family, and upon discovering that it cannot possibly exist, find a way to blame women for everything.'

You know it's a ridiculous misdirection, and I know it's a ridiculous misdirection.
SE23 wrote:Oh rubbish, men overall work longer hours in more dangerous conditions and are still expected by society, even with feminist and "women's independence" to pay for child support, even if the woman was the instigator of domestic violence in the relationship. despite women having changed, they still demand preferential treatment, which shouldn't be given to them, if they demand equality; and fail to meet the responsibilities that civilisations have expected from women since the beginning of time. Raising kid and keeping the population growing. You can't have it both ways, don't expect men to make concessions if they are not going to get anything in return. I applaud the males who reject post modern western women, i mean really the state of affairs today would be laughable if it wasn't so tragic.
These gynocentric views, that want men to be little slave drones that can be made disposable by the modern's women's whim, is tearing apart society, and no one notices, because women are still perceived as victims, a myth which is perpetuated by feminists.

Bottom line is women have to take responsibility which they don't have to do with this victim mentality. If you are having sex with a lot of different men and living a polygamous lifestyle, don't expect to find a man who is going to be responsible himself and treat you with respect.

Great post SE23
Rei Murasame wrote:JRS1, I think it's just a matter of us somehow living in different cultures despite being supposedly in the same culture. I can't answer any of those questions you've asked me, because you're asking me to explain basic things which are just normal to me.


This is some kind of very wide cultural difference. I was most surprised at your objection to children waking up at 0700. When I was young, I always woke up at or before 0700, that was just expected.

Its not a cultural issue, or a class issue as Decky sees it. Its about values.

Its down to the individual families - and if they value time with their children, and a more stable home environment more than they value money, then one of them may choose to stay at home - and they are entitled to do so.

I also maintain that people who stop at home do a fair amount of hours as a basic split shift - and can add a lot to the home and family beyond those hours. And even then, many do part time work.

I was of course referring to small children, and having them up at seven and in bed for ten. From the age of about ten onwards I was up at 5.00am delivering milk.
I don't see the problem with one parent staying at home at least while the kids are not in school (first 3-5 years of life or so).

Taking care of kids under the age of 4-5 is very hard with two working parents, especially when there's no other family in town which is the case for many parents. Rei, yes, you have evenings and weekends, but you're fucking tired as shit and don't want to do much on the evenings (and many times, the weekends) because of work. It kills the quality of time spent with kids after work.

You make this sound way easier than it really is. Taking a very young kid to daycare/early learning centers isn't as easy as just dumping them off there daily. There's a lot of pre-work that needs to get done every night, especially if mom is breastfeeding (and thus pumping breast milk). Let's not forget that aside from taking care of a kids basic needs (bath, breast milk pumping, changes, feeding, play time), you also gotta do shit like laundry nearly daily (because you have a kid that makes a mess of everything), cook, clean, workout if you're health conscious. There's a whole host of shit that needs to get done every night after work, that is draining and it will limit the amount of time you can spend with your kid. This gets worse if there are two kids to wrangle.

All that said, what you're saying is more reasonable when the kid is in school, and more independent than an infant or toddler. Basically, kids that don't need such constant attention and care.
Last edited by Rancid on 08 Jun 2013 17:03, edited 1 time in total.

Lol. Stamp your little foot too.

Kman wrote:The welfare state with its massive budgets for schooling, pensions, welfare etc..etc.. has forced women into the workforce since because of the massive tax rate it is no longer possible for one working class man to provide a comfortable life for his family, the welfare state that you love is directly preventing people like me from living like I want because you force people like me to divert resources from employing a woman at home to employing them at other places in order to earn income for survival.

No. The low wages are because capitalists want to profit.

Basic economics: if you make 50$ an hour, would you make more money if your employee charged 20$ or 30$?

If payment for the welfare state was voluntary you would be right, it is not however, payment towards the anti-family system called the welfare state is FORCED.

When you were on welfare, were you forced to pay for it?

Edit: I am just gonna spell this out in cardboard:

The welfare state functions in this way: A man like me contributes lets say 50% of his income to the state,

Lol no.

A man like me, who makes a decent chunk of change, pays about 50%. When I was working in factories and warehouses like you, the rate was much less due to my lower wage.

the state pays women and men to take over the duties that used to belong to stay at home wives, these consist mainly of handling the kids that now live in government institutions that spend my cash like kindergartens and schools. Another duty is taking care of the elderly, that is also being payed with taxes. So currently as a single man I am paying for the wages of lets say 0.25 kindergarten teacher, 0.25 teacher, 0.25 pensionist caretaker, 0.25 miscellaneous government bullshit positions like welfare worker. Totalling the costs roughly of having one employee (I know the ratios are not 100% accurate but you get the idea).

Then your issue is with taxes and not feminism.

Now I dont want to have a government employee, I would like to take these 0.25x4 and instead use it on employ 1x worker at home as a mother, now can I do that in a welfare state? Can I say "no thank you, I prefer schooling my kids at home so I dont feel like giving huge amounts of money to the local public school", NO I CANNOT, I am forced to use this welfare system and employ these people in government institutions instead of employing 1 person at home so dont give me your bullshit about "no one is forced to do anything", that just shows a complete lack of economic comprehension.

Homeschooling is perfectly legal almost everywhere. Feel free to find a woman who wants to do that.

If I got a wife that stayed at home I would be massively increasing my tax rate because of how the welfare state works, effectively forcing me to pay for the lives of 2x people instead of the normal 1, this displays MASSIVE FAVORITISM TOWARDS PEOPLE THAT DONT USE STAY AT HOME WIFES.

A wife is not something you "get" and then "use" in order to achieve some sort of economic advantage.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Basic economics: if you make 50$ an hour, would you make more money if your employee charged 20$ or 30$?

What the hell are you talking about? The employer selling something for $30?

Pants-of-dog wrote:When you were on welfare, were you forced to pay for it?

What does that have to do with what you quoted? Why dont you stick to the subject at hand instead of trying to divert attention to something completely irrelevant to this discussion (my personal life).

Pants-of-dog wrote:Lol no.

A man like me, who makes a decent chunk of change, pays about 50%. When I was working in factories and warehouses like you, the rate was much less due to my lower wage.

You are aware that I dont live in the same country as you right?

Pants-of-dog wrote:Then your issue is with taxes and not feminism.

Taxes and society is arranged the way it is in large part because of the feminist lunatics with their out of control penis envy and desire to be like men, in order for these loons to achieve this they had to force men to pay for government child programs so that tradiotional living was made extremely hard to do and 2 income households were made easier.

Pants-of-dog wrote:Homeschooling is perfectly legal almost everywhere. Feel free to find a woman who wants to do that.

Did you even read my post earlier? Do you seriously lack the ability to comprehend how much of an uphill struggle that is? I would have to find a woman that would be willing to tolerate serious poverty in order for me to live like that, if the welfare state did not exist she would not have to tolerate any poverty if me and her decided to live like this because the difference in living standard between a working class family with 1 income and a working class family with 2 incomes paying money to have their kids stored somewhere during the day would be roughly the same.
Amazes me that you cannot understand this piece of simple economic theory.

Pants-of-dog wrote:A wife is not something you "get" and then "use" in order to achieve some sort of economic advantage.

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