The end of Laserweapons - Politics | PoFo

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By Skynet
Turkish Scientists Develop Highly Heat-Resistant Composite


Turkish scientists from Malatya İnönü University have developed a composite material with extreme resistance to heat to protect against laser weapons. The scientists, Yeliz Toptaş and Murat Toptaş have stated to İhlas News Agency that the material can resist temperatures of 2600 degrees Celsius, which is on par with ablative coatings used in re-entry vehicles that are exposed to extreme heat due to high speeds. Laser weapons’ principle of target destruction is heating a point to extreme temperatures until the target loses its operational capability.

The newly developed composite material consists of boron, nano-particles, and metal oxides to resist heat and corrosion. The material is seen to be less dense than water, which addresses one of the primary concerns for aircraft applications: weight. Another concern comes as brittleness with aircraft experiencing high G is exposed to significant stress levels.

Yeliz Toptaş addressed this by saying that the new material is less brittle than aerogel, which was shelved for its brittleness despite its high heat resistance and extremely low density. However, structural tests will have to be conducted on an airframe that has the material applied to it to observe the material’s behaviour as a coating in aircraft applications. In addition to manned and unmanned aircraft applications, the material opens new doors in other areas, such as firefighting and protection of important components in vehicles.

Even if the material might not reach the aerospace industry, the mentioned sectors have less rigorous tolerances than aircraft use. ... -composite

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