Schwarzenegger Conservative - Politics | PoFo

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Traditional 'common sense' values and duty to the state.
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By now everyone knows Arnold Schwarzenegger is running for the Governorship of "Calle-fornia". Assuming current governor Grey-out Davis is removed by popular vote, Arnie's bid looks fairly strong. As might be expected Liberals are attempting to obfuscate Arnie's campaign by trying to link him in some to way his father's naziism (which occured before Arnie was born) as well as attempting to sabotoge him over a sexual encounter that happened when he was 26 years old, and previous to his marriage to Maria Schriver. I suppose they are trying to repay conservatives for their vehemet condemnations of Bill Clinton and his many sexcapades while married and in office. Nice try, but no "Cee-gar" (pun intended)

Anyway all that aside most of us have become aware that Arnie is bit of a political hybrid, seeming to stand by issues on a case by case basis and not by party lines. Such pragmatism is both rare and welcome in today's political arenas. At least it is by me. Below are some of his feelings on issues he discussed on the Sean Hannity show on August 27th. The link unfortunately doesn't show his positions in print, but does provide an audio link which is IMO- an excellent interview.

to summarize:

Abortion: Pro Choice, Anti-partial birth abortion, supports parental notification but not in cases with documented abuses.
School Vouchers: Limited support, wants to fix public schools
Gay Marriage: Against, but supports Civil Unions similar to what Canada recently passed
Specific gun control (Brady Bill, Assault weapons ban) For, also wants to close gun show loophole
Affirmitive Action:No comment, said he needs more info.
Immigration: Against illegal immigrants obtaining driver's liscenses, against services for illegals but [we have to] "find a way of including them...this is an issue with the Federal Government...the governor has no power..."
Drugs: For current drug laws, but also for medicinal Marijuana.
Wars on Terror and Iraq: Supports President Bush, has visited the troops in Kuwait and Iraq
Proposition 13: For (deals with lowering tax burden) Also against the car tax, which Bustamonte supports that would triple car taxes. Also wants to reform Worker's Compensation.

When asked by Sean Hannity to explain his close ties to Warren Buffet, a man who has claimed Bush's tax cuts amounted to Voodoo economics, after having said "The people of California are overtaxed, over regulated, and spend too much money in Sacramento..." (the state capital) Arnie replied: "The best way you can get decesions is if you get both points of views. I always have been a listen to different opinions because then I can make up my mind the best. I want to weigh the pros and cons of everything"

Arnie further agreed to a pledge, barring any state emergency, that he wouldn't raise taxes.

He finished the interview by adding that he hoped to make California more business friendly. He hinted that he would tke advantage of his world wide contacts to accomplish this but mentioned no other specifics.

So do we have new breed of conservative then? Could Arnie revoltuionize conservatism and the Republican party much as Ronald Reagan did in the 1980s? Or will he simply be a flash in pan? Another Jesse Ventura, hoplessly mired in unworkable ideaology?

I have to respect him to a degree, though it appears I have conflict with his partial stance on gun control, I don't see too many other isues as yet that I strongly disagree with him on. I guess we'll find out soon enough. By all means weigh in.
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By arcis
"Anyway all that aside most of us have become aware that Arnie is bit of a political hybrid, seeming to stand by issues on a case by case basis and not by party lines. Such pragmatism is both rare and welcome in today's political arenas."

In an interview in a german newspaper he said, his greatest advantage is, that he can use his own money to finance his election campaign. So that he can have his own agenda. He isn't conservative or liberal. He is simply independent from other peoples money.
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By Boondock Saint
I would vote for him, I hate polticians who go by party lines ... all they do is repeat the same crap over and over and accomplish nothing ...

This nation needs a revolution ...
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By The American Lion
If I was voting in California, it would be Sen. Tom McClintock. Since the Terminator is here. I know hes gona win.
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By Demosthenes
Hey, it's not a bad sig to begin with. Welcome to the forum, if you haven't been welcomed already.
By smashthestate
I would vote for Tom McClintock as well, but I know he's not going to stand a chance against Arnold.
By Buck Williams
Haha Arnold Schwarzenegger...... Well if the democrats get stuck with Springer at least the republicans get Schwarzenegger. Hopfulyl there will be no recall and no need for this crazy goobenatorial race.
By FascistDictator
I think that a Rep. Governor might be good for the Democrat state, and may change some of the policies set by Grey Davis that put California in its current economic state. I'm not saying i would vote for him, but if there isnt a better Rep. available then of course he would get my vote.

And it was also debunked.

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