Is the Conservative Movement now low on angry white males? - Politics | PoFo

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“The demographics race we’re losing badly,” said Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (S.C.).

“We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.”

Image ... story.html

.....You fellas need to get a little angrier - the caucasion race is becoming less of a majority every day, and the only so-called political party that represents your reactionary zeal, the GOP, is already 90% white. Tick tock tick tock etc.
Assuming that this is true (it is true, but I am just trying to sound diplomatic), it's also typically ironic that the GOP is largely responsible for creating the socioeconomic environment that now is destroying their own demographic (dominance of finance capital, which leads to free movement of labour).

I can only visualise in my mind that famous scene where Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone was meeting President Ronald Reagan in California or something, and says to him on arriving, something like, "...what's going on here, where are the white people?"

And Reagan was stumped by the question, apparently.
They need to import more immigrants from places like Iraq, Afghanistan, Kurdistan, Khmer Kampuchea Krom, Laos, Cuba,etc. In short, boat people

Those mofos are more pro-americans then the native yankees because they hate the "conservatives" in their countries and the US helped their people.

The native Americans don't have the confidence to stand by their own ideals. 8)
America is the new Brazil, nothing wrong with that really, but it is not a European settled white country anymore. That is the current reality now and I see it is pretty much irreversible, unless you want to deport like almost one hundred million of people. Which I think in reality is next to impossibility now.

Frankly it does not bother me anymore, it is a colony anyways, I'm really more zealous and uncompromising toward Europe, as that is the homeland of European nationalities. And it is a pity that there is a huge mass of non-Europeans residing there now.

Rei, I like that comment the Japanese prime minister made, just awesome.
Conservatism isn't supposed to be a racial platform.

The GOP has itself to blame for encouraging rugged, not methodological, individualism. Even white males vote Democratic when they're working class because they don't like big business, and aren't convinced their own people can organize. They're called "Reagan Democrats".

A lot of it has to do with dismissing religion too. These are people who don't think much about morals, so they need someone else to think about morals for them. If someone doesn't, then they become anarchists who believe in might makes right. As the saying goes, "Conservatives do not retrieve their wounded."

Conservatism is supposed to be about due process, but instead, it's become obsessed with pragmatism which, ironically, is the foundation of progressivism, conservatism's opponent.
Daktoria wrote:Conservatism isn't supposed to be a racial platform.

The GOP has itself to blame for encouraging rugged, not methodological, individualism. Even white males vote Democratic when they're working class because they don't like big business, and aren't convinced their own people can organize. They're called "Reagan Democrats".

A lot of it has to do with dismissing religion too. These are people who don't think much about morals, so they need someone else to think about morals for them. If someone doesn't, then they become anarchists who believe in might makes right. As the saying goes, "Conservatives do not retrieve their wounded."

Conservatism is supposed to be about due process, but instead, it's become obsessed with pragmatism which, ironically, is the foundation of progressivism, conservatism's opponent.

I can't wade through all that, not sure what much of it means, though I agree with bits and pieces.

100% agreed on your first point, Conservatism isn't supposed to be a racial platform. It's clear the right wing extremists (in the form of the Tea Party this time around, JBS and others in times past) have gained complete control of the GOP, with unofficial party leaders like Rush Limbaugh and Rupert Murdoch's Roger Ailes calling the shots. But even these high level GOP'ers dare not offend the Pat Robertson Religious Right, which is what, at least a third of the party? The GOP is currently hoisting itself on its own petard, over and over, twisting in the wind - which is one of the main reasons a black Dem president is beating them in such dire economic times. Unprecedented.
Plutus Aurelius wrote:I can't wade through all that, not sure what much of it means, though I agree with bits and pieces.

100% agreed on your first point, Conservatism isn't supposed to be a racial platform. It's clear the right wing extremists (in the form of the Tea Party this time around, JBS and others in times past) have gained complete control of the GOP, with unofficial party leaders like Rush Limbaugh and Rupert Murdoch's Roger Ailes calling the shots.

Provoked by affirmative action, yes.

But even these high level GOP'ers dare not offend the Pat Robertson Religious Right, which is what, at least a third of the party? The GOP is currently hoisting itself on its own petard, over and over, twisting in the wind - which is one of the main reasons a black Dem president is beating them in such dire economic times. Unprecedented.

Can you explain how religion and race go hand in hand?

Heck, there are lots of religious minorities.
When was Lindsey O. Graham(S.C.) a conservative? He is a progressive saving humanity's theater of the mind acting as if he were an expert in rescuing a dying ideology, while instituting a new way of thinking.
Rei Murasame wrote:Assuming that this is true (it is true, but I am just trying to sound diplomatic), it's also typically ironic that the GOP is largely responsible for creating the socioeconomic environment that now is destroying their own demographic (dominance of finance capital, which leads to free movement of labour).

Very true. This is why the GOP supports cheap migrant labor and voter disfranchisement The GOP ideal, which is largely derived from the interests of the American Southern oligarchy, is to have a politically and economically weak mass of low-wage workers that they can easily dominate.

Michael Lind (who is from Texas) has written some good pieces on the dominance of Southern-style politics in the Republican Party: ... a_hostage/
Plutus Aurelius wrote:“The demographics race we’re losing badly,” said Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (S.C.).

“We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.”

Image ... story.html

.....You fellas need to get a little angrier - the caucasion race is becoming less of a majority every day, and the only so-called political party that represents your reactionary zeal, the GOP, is already 90% white. Tick tock tick tock etc.

Graham is right! look at the Demographic shifts in 2008-2012, and i expect no different in 2016, the Democrat Clinton, Sanders , maybe even Biden will thump the Repug candidate..

Only problem the Dems base dosen't give a damn about the mid-terms..
Dagoth Ur is illustrating just how regressive 'progressives' are. Apparently he wants centuries old mentalities to be re-introduced to modern society. But only for 'white people', because 'non-white people' have never done anything remotely racist, bigoted or prejudiced.
lol so you've fallen to calling liberals the "left" now? It seems race has become awful important to you lately.

The Sabbaticus wrote:Dagoth Ur is illustrating just how regressive 'progressives' are. Apparently he wants centuries old mentalities to be re-introduced to modern society. But only for 'white people', because 'non-white people' have never done anything remotely racist, bigoted or prejudiced.

lol what? I was just asking GM if that is why he is a white nationalist, for fear of minorities exacting some kind of revenge. I still don't get what your are on about Sabb.
Liberals always get to take a celebratory tone with the demographic destruction of the white population; their goal is to essentially make the white vote more and more irrelevant, especially in critical places like Florida, Ohio and Michigan. All they have to do is to continue their current immigration plans and that mixed with the mediocre birth rates of whites gets the job done progressively.

The GOP base is white males. The less there are, the more the platform has to shift; the more the platform shifts, the less it is the GOP. Yes, the GOP basically needs your prototypical white vote. So what? What's so dirty about having the white vote? Of course, it has to be characterized as the 'angry white male' vote.

The Left seems to be A-OK with hating on white males, but in the end it is a self-defeating game because when the white males become less and less relevant it doesn't necessarily bode well for anyone longterm.

Not to mention there is something terribly unfulfilling, isn't there, in gleefully dismissing someone else.
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