Stem cell technology. - Politics | PoFo

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Traditional 'common sense' values and duty to the state.
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By houndred
My Wife has Parkinsons. Thanks to Conservatives in the US and their loony tune religious views her treatment possibilities have been retarded for a decade.

Your liberty ENDS at the point where you put her life in danger.
I think that's an emotional argument. I think most decent Conservatives (in the Libertarian sense) have no qualms with Stem Cell Research. It's just that the religious fundamentalist factions within the party have generally held majority sway in the argument. Whenever religion tries to argue for or against science, it ends up a dismal failure.
Most conservatives are anything but

Most conservatives in the US are anything but what you think they are.
I have a serious problem with murdering human fetuses to use them for science.

I have no problem with people using their own stem cells for therapy, which is a very promising field at the moment with new breakthroughs every day.
SecretSquirrel wrote:I have a serious problem with murdering human fetuses to use them for science.

Since when to you have to murder a fetus to get stem cells ?

That's what I want to know. :|
By houndred
I have a serious problem with murdering human fetuses to use them for science.

Not one fetus has been 'murdered' for use in science.

Stem cell researchers want to use fetuses that WERE ALREADY DEAD.

Your right to your loony religious beleifs end where my wife's health is theratened.
Right, we're not endangering your wifes life. Reality is. To endanger her life would be to, say, put a gun to her head. Really, you don't even have an argument, you're just supposing that "were it not for X, we'd have Y!".... which is not logical.
ESC have not been proved to help someone with Parkinsons, so stop with the emotional arguments. There is no evidence ESC work so why bother wasting time on them?

Shit happens. People get sick and they die, we cannot find a cure for everyone. Its sad, but that's life.
Arkady2009 wrote:ESC have not been proved to help someone with Parkinsons, so stop with the emotional arguments. There is no evidence ESC work so why bother wasting time on them?

Shit happens. People get sick and they die, we cannot find a cure for everyone. Its sad, but that's life.

To a certain extent you are right, I won't argue with that, but you'll reckon that's a little too easy to say when it's not your life or your loved ones' that's on the line...
By Rilzik
Is stem cell research actually being prohibited in the US?

Last I heard we were using non-embryonic stem cells. Wasn't some persons vain just regrown with stem cells?

Worst case do some medical tourism to a country that does embryonic stem cell research. There is a problem with that though, as there is no cure for Parkinsons as far as I know, stem cell or not.

Sorry about your wife.
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By Phred
Rilzik wrote:Is stem cell research actually being prohibited in the US?

Nope. Not even embryonic stem cell research is prohibited in the US. It is just that federal government funding for ESC research is restricted to just over a dozen ESC "lines". Any research involving other ESC lines cannot receive federal government funding. But private industry can fund it to their hearts' content with no legal penalties.

Last I heard we were using non-embryonic stem cells. Wasn't some persons vain just regrown with stem cells?

Probably. The most ironic thing about this whole ludicrous controversy is that to date, no one has had any success coming up with a single ESC product that actually works, as opposed to ASC (adult stem cells) which have so far delivered actual working successful products. But the reasoning of the science-challenged crowd seems to run along these lines -

"Well, if we've been able to get so much out of ASC, just imagine the things we could get out of ESC, if only the feds would give us money!"

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By p0nder
Were it that ESCs were definitively more effective than ASCs, I would be more gung-ho about supporting their research. Since they really don't seem to be, however, I figure the less controversial option should be supported over the more.

houndred wrote:Not one fetus has been 'murdered' for use in science.

Stem cell researchers want to use fetuses that WERE ALREADY DEAD.

Even that being said, I can actually see why conservatives would be against embryonic stem cell research. Even though the fetuses are already dead, it can be argued that using them for research tacitly legitimates the practice of abortion.
By UK Sam15
I'm honestly glad that I'm a Conservative in the UK.
Conservatives in America sound like utter tools. In the UK, they tend not to integrate religious "morals" in their politics, and they tend to allow stem-cell research under certain guidelines without labeling it harshly.
Stem cell research is dangerous and people shouldnt be playing GOD and we should ban it because of the evil men who will use it to benefit only themselves. I dont see anything from the church that says stem cell research is GOOD! cmon people open your eyes. This is just a disaster waiting to happen
The Federal government's role in advancing the progress of science should be restricted to allowing patents on the medical treatments and discoveries. We're already helping more than we should be.
By Decky
The Federal government's role in advancing the progress of science should be restricted to allowing patents on the medical treatments and discoveries. We're already helping more than we should be.

Enjoy being overtaken by sane countries. :roll:

How short sighted would you have to be to pursue such a policy? I can see why the US will cease to be he worlds only super power within my lifetime.
By Quantum
Decky wrote:How short sighted would you have to be to pursue such a policy? I can see why the US will cease to be he worlds only super power within my lifetime.

Thank fuck for that. How can so many people believe in a self-destructive ideology? You don't see Chinese people espousing the same things and no wonder they will overtake America in the near future.
By Decky
I didn't say it was a bad thing. ;)

To quote an old sig of mine. "America, the only country to go from barbarism to decadence without civilisation in between."

Their preminence between 91-now is just a historical blip. If you have a whole continent to yourself (as you have genocided the people who were there first) of course you are going to do ok. Wars don't touch them as they are separated from the civilised world by a huge sea and they resources coming out of their ears. They have worked less to get more than any other country in history.

The balance will soon be restored don't worry. :)

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